X-Men: Days of Future Past (Huge List of Confirmed Actors Returning)

Doesn't everyone know that sex is the only thing that gets you an R today? Kill hundreds, no problem. Show a boob and it's an R.

It's crazy. On Christmas Eve my wife's two nieces watched The Hunger Games on Netflix. After that I thought a Christmas movie would be cool to watch. Their Grandfather turned off Christmas Vacation because it was inappropriate.

Shows how fucked the ratings system is and what people are comfortable with.
But they tore Colossus in half, slowly might I add. That was cringe worthy for me though.
Its cause there was no blood.
Doesn't everyone know that sex is the only thing that gets you an R today? Kill hundreds, no problem. Show a boob and it's an R.

It's crazy. On Christmas Eve my wife's two nieces watched The Hunger Games on Netflix. After that I thought a Christmas movie would be cool to watch. Their Grandfather turned off Christmas Vacation because it was inappropriate.

Shows how fucked the ratings system is and what people are comfortable with.
No. Not really. The ratings board is pretty easy to understand and agree with.

Gore = R
Multiple uses of fuck = R
The word fuck can be used once as long as its not about the actual act of sex (Lets fuck) = PG-13
Blood, but not buckets = PG-13
Shit is no longer a major curse = PG-13
The sight of death with no blood like in DoFP = PG-13

The only odd things about the MPAA is their distinction and guidelines between R and NC-17. Aside from obvious sexual content, there's no real guideline to it.

Do yourself a favor and watch a film called "This Film is Not Yet Rated."
My cousin and I are fairly sure we saw an eyeball pop out when one character died. Also a decapitation. There were some violent deaths!

Really enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but was it ever explained
why Kitty suddenly has time-travel powers, or was that just a " fuck it, it's not important" deal?

Absolutely loved Quicksilver's big scene, and every use of Blink's powers.

My cousin and I are fairly sure we saw an eyeball pop out when one character died. Also a decapitation. There were some violent deaths!

Really enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but was it ever explained
why Kitty suddenly has time-travel powers, or was that just a " fuck it, it's not important" deal?

Absolutely loved Quicksilver's big scene, and every use of Blink's powers.
There was still no blood. Which is why they got away with a lot of the scenes.

Shit, you can get away with having a Teen rated game that has buckets upon buckets of blood as long as you make the blood any color other than red. Its the killing of HUMANS that has the MPAA up in arms.
My cousin and I are fairly sure we saw an eyeball pop out when one character died. Also a decapitation. There were some violent deaths!

Really enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but was it ever explained
why Kitty suddenly has time-travel powers, or was that just a " fuck it, it's not important" deal?

Absolutely loved Quicksilver's big scene, and every use of Blink's powers.
Kind of hard to bring logic on how far powers can stretch (or evolve) in a comic book world, but my guess is she just learns to shift through the fabric of time & space and maybe the Professor with his mind abilities helps her figure a way to channel it into whatever was coming out of her hands.

Reading online it looks like they may do something with young Nightcrawler (among other characters) in future movies. One thing I'd be curious about after the events of this movie:

Since Azazel is confirmed dead, that pretty much means that Wraith is going to be the father? I'd find it very interesting if they actually pull storyline from the Origins video game to make it movie canon

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My cousin and I are fairly sure we saw an eyeball pop out when one character died. Also a decapitation. There were some violent deaths!

Really enjoyed the hell out of the movie, but was it ever explained
why Kitty suddenly has time-travel powers, or was that just a " fuck it, it's not important" deal?

Absolutely loved Quicksilver's big scene, and every use of Blink's powers.

I was thinking it was just her second mutant skill like how emma gains diamond armor or how beast gains the ability to involuntarily transform into shittier looking versions of himself (yes cat beast sucked)

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Since Azazel is confirmed dead, that pretty much means that Wraith is going to be the father? I'd find it very interesting if they actually pull storyline from the Origins video game to make it movie canon
Couldn't Nightcrawler already exist somewhere though, as an infant or something?

I think it's a vague interpretation of "phase shift powers" though the real reason is because the story couldn't work in this context with Kitty and this is throwing the fans a bone.
I'm so glad the movie proved everybody wrong about Quicksilver. Also, with Apocalypse, X-Force and possibly Gambit I like the direction the X-Men franchise is going in.

Great movie. Thought it tied everything together nicely. Kitty having time travel powers was ... odd. At least throw Forge and those time travel bracelets from the 90's cartoon in there or something, shit.

I'm looking forward to Apocalypse.

A little long but very good. Not sure if it's my favorite of the franchise, but if it isn't, it's close.

Did laugh at Paquin getting third billing from the top in the end credis. Must have had a sweet deal in her contract. I counted about 5 seconds of screentime?
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A little long but very good. Not sure if it's my favorite of the franchise, but if it isn't, it's close.

Did laugh at Paquin getting third billing from the top in the end credis. Must have had a sweet deal in her contract. I counted about 5 seconds of screentime?
From what I read on rumor mill sites, pretty much all of her scenes were cut from the film. Not sure why.

Edit: Apparently she only had one scene, at the beginning (and of course the 'cameo', which made it in)

The scene she shot also included Ian McKellen's older Magneto, Sir Patrick Stewart's older Professor X and Shawn Ashmore's Iceman, and so would be firmly set in the post-Sentinel apocalyptic future. It was set to appear early on in the film, before Singer and his team realised it was "extraneous". This leaves the poor, deprived movie with only two Best Actress Oscar winners - Jennifer Lawrence and Halle Berry - but hopefully the Blu-ray release will make up for it.

“Through the editing process, the sequence became extraneous,” Singer said. “It’s a really good sequence and it will probably end up on the DVD so people can see it. But like many things in the editing process, it was an embarrassment of riches and it was just one of the things that had to go."

"Unfortunately, it was the one and only sequence Anna Paquin was in, the Rogue character was in. Even though she’s in the materials and part of the process of making the film, she won’t appear in it.”
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oh yeah rogue was in this movie she even had her powers back forgot about her maybe she can absorb ms.marvel already and end this horse shit of her walking around like a fucking casual

LOL what?

I forgot to mention a few things. I was hopeful that the voice they used for the cartoon's Sentinels in this movie but they didn't speak at all. :(

So was Raven's powers the key element in making the Sentinel's so powerful in the future? Shapeshifting I can understand to a point, but what they showed us was power absorption........LIKE ROUGE's powers! Wouldn't she be the better suited for them instead of Raven? My guess it has something to do with JL's current popularity vs Anna Paquin's. Maybe that's why she got cut from the movie as fan's would probably think "Hey shouldn't the sentinel's have Rouge's powers?"



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oh shit using logic in a comic book movie, they weren't absorbing their powers they were changing their exterior to counter whatever mutant they were facing. Apparently absorbing sunspot's fire turns sentinels into ice?

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LOL what?

I forgot to mention a few things. I was hopeful that the voice they used for the cartoon's Sentinels in this movie but they didn't speak at all. :(

So was Raven's powers the key element in making the Sentinel's so powerful in the future? Shapeshifting I can understand to a point, but what they showed us was power absorption........LIKE ROUGE's powers! Wouldn't she be the better suited for them instead of Raven? My guess it has something to do with JL's current popularity vs Anna Paquin's. Maybe that's why she got cut from the movie as fan's would probably think "Hey shouldn't the sentinel's have Rouge's powers?"


Or maybe because it's 1973 in the film and she isn't born yet?

And the original 90's cartoon does not hold up. AT ALL.

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Or maybe because it's 1973 in the film and she isn't born yet?

And the original 90's cartoon does not hold up. AT ALL.
True... But technology shouldn't have advanced that quickly as a result of her capture. They couldn't have gone from the Mark I to the Mark X (I think that's what it was called in the future) so quickly. Is there a prequel comic anywhere for this movie? From the looks of the future scenes, it looked like there was a nuclear war of sorts.

Is the episode on netflix (I know the series is) yet?

oh shit using logic in a comic book movie, they weren't absorbing their powers they were changing their exterior to counter whatever mutant they were facing. Apparently absorbing sunspot's fire turns sentinels into ice?
I think they are linked some how to the point where they can transfer/share powers. That is why Sunspot's powers were used against Iceman's. I don't like that idea... All they have to do is reach the Professor, Magneto, Blink, Wolverine, and Kitty and absorb their powers and there for become unstoppable if you think about it.

I think they are linked some how to the point where they can transfer/share powers. That is why Sunspot's powers were used against Iceman's. I don't like that idea... All they have to do is reach the Professor, Magneto, Blink, Wolverine, and Kitty and absorb their powers and there for become unstoppable if you think about it.
They're not absorbing powers so stop saying that. They're adapting to defeat the mutant they're fighting.

I like this cover of Empire magazine.


Not only 3rd billing, but magazine covers too. I'm guessing thats the suit she would've worn in her deleted scene?

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I beg to differ. That show's Rogue, Gambit, Beast, and Wolverine are still the best versions to date. Especially Gambit.
Its not that they don't hold up (they don't) its just dumb. I saw rogue get thrown into a locker a regular gym locker and she lost her shit because she scared of the dark she completely shut down and not even try to break out of the locker just started to cry and beg for help and thats when I stopped trying to re-watch it.

Also wolverine not killing anyone granted its cartoon its just dumb seeing him pull out his claws and only using them to slice the gun or slice the tank tire

So basically they are the Borg of the X-men universe?
They can only change their skin to counter what they're fighting. If they had absorbed powers they would be using magneto's powers they would be using telekensis powers they would be using blink's powers.

Its not that they don't hold up (they don't) its just dumb. I saw rogue get thrown into a locker a regular gym locker and she lost her shit because she scared of the dark she completely shut down and not even try to break out of the locker just started to cry and beg for help and thats when I stopped trying to re-watch it.

Also wolverine not killing anyone granted its cartoon its just dumb seeing him pull out his claws and only using them to slice the gun or slice the tank tire
Or occasional robot or Sentinel or whatever for Wolverine to cut. Otherwise that was when Fox was a total pussy in showing people getting punched or kicked or whatever. I Mean that Sabretooth fight scene where he "critically injured" Wolverine didn't make a lick of sense. The only time where they were able to get away with anything that surprised me was when Cyclops blasted Mr.Sinister and Sinister was melting everywhere.

Otherwise, that cartoon is no Batman: The Animated Series.

So basically they are the Borg of the X-men universe?
I Don't even know what the fuck that means. Do the Borg have powers or some shit I didn't know of? The Brood is closest if anything to Borg (despite being an Alien rip off) with assimilating organisms into one of their own species and having a single hive mind. The Sentinel's were exploiting the weaknesses of their elemental enemies and turning it against them thanks to the adaptive qualities of Mystique.

I've never seen star trek but I think he's saying if one learns the powers then they all learn but that's why I bring up why didn't they use blink's power? I mean sure  what he's saying would make sense to use rogue's power but she wasn't around then I suppose.

Yeah batman still holds up. Spider man is another show that is pretty bad I never realized how weird that show is when spidey swings it looks so weird but it still has the best song in all of the 90's cartoons.

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Yeah batman still holds up. Spider man is another show that is pretty bad I never realized how weird that show is when spidey swings it looks so weird but it still has the best song in all of the 90's cartoons.
I Don't think Spidey even punched anyone in the cartoon did he? Plus every goddamn episode had Peter saying that "Great power" quote or they went all the way and just kept showing that scene where he's fishing over a bridge with Uncle Ben and we get the whole "Great Power" speech. Also that was early days of CG where it stood out like a sore thumb and was basically just barren city landscapes with no life in them. As for best song... Eh, I think the Bots Master intro wins out for me.


I watched a lot of cartoons as kid but I've never heard of that.

Directed by Xavier PICARD. oh shit son bringing this back to xmen

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I Don't even know what the fuck that means. Do the Borg have powers or some shit I didn't know of? The Brood is closest if anything to Borg (despite being an Alien rip off) with assimilating organisms into one of their own species and having a single hive mind. The Sentinel's were exploiting the weaknesses of their elemental enemies and turning it against them thanks to the adaptive qualities of Mystique.
In star trek, if the Borg capture your ship or inject you with nanoprobes, within seconds they gain your entire knowledge and technology and adapt against your weapons. All they need is a sample of anything and bam, you are screwed.

As for Mystique... honestly I don't like the idea that she is allowed to mass shift into something smaller or bigger than herself. For example, Charle's Mother in first class to Trask in the second movie.

Spidey wasn't allowed to punch due to the censors. Remember, this was back when the most violent kids cartoon was G.I. Joe.

X-Men may not have had gore, but the voice acting and great snark more than made up for it. This show is the main reason the Gambit movie is being made. This was also the show that truly made Wolverine the breakout character he would become. It also gave more focus on Storm (who will MEET YOu AT THE MONORAIL!) than all the other X-Men animated series combined.

Actually, now that I think about it, the 90's cartoon popularized a lot of the X-Men's personalities for non comic fans. It was ham and cheese at its finest. And ham and cheese > gore anyday.
Whoa. Great movie. I was really hyped for the movie and glad it worked out really well. I was afraid with such a huge cast of returning characters that they were going to mess up along the way but everything was put together pretty well.

- Didn't like the Bishop death scene. He's supposed to be able to absorb energy blasts so I thought it would have made more sense to have him killed similarly to how Storm and Blink were impaled. I know the Sentinels had adapted to Sunfire's powers so you could argue they didn't give an energy blast but the way he exploded it made it look more like an explosion from an energy blast than melting from a fire blast. idk.

- I think Jean was just wearing red to setup her scene better. If she was wearing a plain black dress, then her cameo wouldn't have had that buildup that they were trying to achieve with Wolverine seeing her again (since he's the only that will have experienced and remembered the X3 alternate timeline). There's no way they do the Phoenix saga again anyway so her death was just retcon.

- I think they should have introduced Sunspot. I bet a lot of non comic fans that watched the previous movies assumed that was Pyro.

- What was the dad reference from Quicksilver in the elevator scene? I know Magneto is his dad. I just missed it. Quicksilver was really cool. They portrayed him so well that you could tell by the audience reaction he was well done and a movie favorite.

- The Sentinels were already shown in the Danger Room scene at the beginning of X3. They totally retcon that movie. This movie gives them the perfect out to do it though.

- Was Apocalypse ever in a humanoid like form in the comics? He looked a lot different than what I remembered. They just totally hyped the Apocalypse film now. They have to introduce Cable to the series now. Hopefully Singer will be available to do that one too.

- Bots masters theme song? lol holy shit I totally forgot about that one. Bardock FTW.
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- Was Apocalypse ever in a humanoid like form in the comics? He looked a lot different than what I remembered. They just totally hyped the Apocalypse film now. They have to introduce Cable to the series now. Hopefully Singer will be available to do that one too.
Yea, he was originally human. Well, a human mutant. X-Men Evolution based their Apocalypse design on how he looked back when he was first born and discovering his powers.

Probably a stupid question but you don't need to watch The Wolverine before this movie right? I'm assuming there is no connection at all.
The only real connection is the post credits scene in The Wolverine.

Make sure you at least watch First Class beforehand though (if you haven't). I felt they did a good job recapping for those who may have not seen any prior movies.
- What was the dad reference from Quicksilver in the elevator scene? I know Magneto is his dad. I just missed it. Quicksilver was really cool. They portrayed him so well that you could tell by the audience reaction he was well done and a movie favorite.
Someone mentioned what Magneto's mutant power was and he said something like "My mom knew a guy that could do that."

The only real connection is the post credits scene in The Wolverine.

Make sure you at least watch First Class beforehand though (if you haven't). I felt they did a good job recapping for those who may have not seen any prior movies.
I've seen everything but The Wolverine
Whoa. Great movie. I was really hyped for the movie and glad it worked out really well. I was afraid with such a huge cast of returning characters that they were going to mess up along the way but everything was put together pretty well.

- Didn't like the Bishop death scene. He's supposed to be able to absorb energy blasts so I thought it would have made more sense to have him killed similarly to how Storm and Blink were impaled. I know the Sentinels had adapted to Sunfire's powers so you could argue they didn't give an energy blast but the way he exploded it made it look more like an explosion from an energy blast than melting from a fire blast. idk.

- I think Jean was just wearing red to setup her scene better. If she was wearing a plain black dress, then her cameo wouldn't have had that buildup that they were trying to achieve with Wolverine seeing her again (since he's the only that will have experienced and remembered the X3 alternate timeline). There's no way they do the Phoenix saga again anyway so her death was just retcon.

- I think they should have introduced Sunspot. I bet a lot of non comic fans that watched the previous movies assumed that was Pyro.

- What was the dad reference from Quicksilver in the elevator scene? I know Magneto is his dad. I just missed it. Quicksilver was really cool. They portrayed him so well that you could tell by the audience reaction he was well done and a movie favorite.

- The Sentinels were already shown in the Danger Room scene at the beginning of X3. They totally retcon that movie. This movie gives them the perfect out to do it though.

- Was Apocalypse ever in a humanoid like form in the comics? He looked a lot different than what I remembered. They just totally hyped the Apocalypse film now. They have to introduce Cable to the series now. Hopefully Singer will be available to do that one too.

- Bots masters theme song? lol holy shit I totally forgot about that one. Bardock FTW.
Yes his death sucked asshole

Agreed about sunspot I don't think he talked

''My Mom knew a man who could bend metal''

This movie retconned all of X3 and good maybe we'll get a kid omega now

Yes this is his origin story whether you want to buy it or download it http://www.comicvine.com/the-rise-of-apocalypse/4050-18414/

Agreed would love to see cable

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oh shit speaking of the wolverine I forgot
he lost his admaantnmaot claws I wonder if they just gave them back so people would laugh at that boneclaw joke

bread's done