XBL Deals: 10/7 Terraria, Zeno Clash, More 50% off (Gold) | FREE Gold Games: 10/1 Clash of Heroes, 10/16 Halo 3 | Activision Sale | RCR 33% off | MORE

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Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the USA. This includes the Deal of the Week, KINECT Central sale item(s), and any other 3rd-party sales or promotions. We have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases in the 2nd post. Most sales are for one week. Feel free to post if you see anything not listed here.

Please note:

  • You cannot currently buy anything on xbox.com using your account balance, you can only use an active credit card or Paypal. To use your balance, you must make purchases on your console.
  • All known sales and information on sales are in the OP. Major Nelson usually updates us with new sales information every other Tuesday. When offers are validated by Moderators, it will be added to the OP as time permits.
  • ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! No information within this thread can or should be construed as accurate (or still valid), therefore ...
  • Always verify Xbox Live Marketplace prices before your purchase!
  • Some sales are intended for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY, as noted within each section.
  • Spend wisely, have fun, and enjoy!
XBOX Live (Gold) Deal of the Week
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the sale price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


10/1 - 10/7 ... XBLA Games:

XBox "Games with Gold" Promotion
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the FREE price or access
to the sales. You must either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary
GOLD trial" account.

Free Games:

Sales Related to the Free Games:

Sales & Specials: Open to Everyone
NOTE ... if the start & end dates are not well-defined, ACT FAST! since these
"sales" could end anytime. However, they may also be permanent markdowns.


10/1 - 10/7 ... Activision Publisher Sale:

[*]Full Game - Vigilante 8: Arcade Full Version - $2.49 - 50% off - xbldb
[*]Full Game - The Walking Dead - Free - 100% off - xbldb
[*]Angry Birds Trilogy - $29.99 - 25% off - xbldb
[*]Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - $49.99 - 17% off - xbldb
[*]Crash Mind Over Mutant - $19.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Crash Of The Titans - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb
[*]Deadpool - $39.99 - 20% off - xbldb

[*]Family Guy: Back To The Multiverse - $29.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Gun - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]NASCAR Inside Line - $29.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*][PROTOTYPE] - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man™:Dimensions - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man™: Edge of Time - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man™: Friend or Foe - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Spider-Man 3 - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Transformers: War for Cybertron - $9.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]Transformers 2 - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]X-Men™: Destiny - $19.99 - 50% off - xbldb

[*]X-Men Origins: Wolverine - $14.99 - 50% off - xbldb

9/24 - 10/22 ... Retro City Rampage Extended Sale:

Weekly Rocksmith DLC Markdowns:

Other Unannounced Markdowns:

Monthly Marketplace Markdowns
Announced ... as confirmed on the Xbox 360's own dashboard, or corroborated from other sources (PSN, dev/pub, etc).
Unannounced ... from Xbox.com scrapes. *These may or may not be permanent, so judge accordingly.

Announced Price Drops for August:

Unannounced Price Drops for August:

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Hate your avatar and sig, love your fantastic advice. This just made my night.

Did I mention I hate your avatar? Jesus Christ that movie scared the crap out of me when I was 13, and I still can't watch it today.

Edit: Now what the hell happened to the shaq-fus?

Thx, one of my favorite movies, when i found the head spin thingy i just had to have it.

I guess it hasn't made the transition yet, but just thought I would mention that adding in the impressions section again in the third post would probably be rather helpful right now with every other person asking about the Borderlands 2 DLC and getting virtually the same response. Just a suggestion :)
Yeah, I may still do it tomorrow, but since it's Sunday I may just wait. The impressions section should be back next week though, the reason I didn't do it this week was because the sales changed so frequently I didn't feel like it was worth it.

Yeah, I may still do it tomorrow, but since it's Sunday I may just wait. The impressions section should be back next week though, the reason I didn't do it this week was because the sales changed so frequently I didn't feel like it was worth it.
no biggie, I just thought it might save everyone some time since it feels like the same questions keep getting asked. I don't want to come off as grumpy or as if I'm complaining though, as it isn't how I mean it. It's up to you of course, leaving it until next week should be fine. Hopefully I might actually own something and can give some input (can't believe I had not played anything from this sale).

no biggie, I just thought it might save everyone some time since it feels like the same questions keep getting asked. I don't want to come off as grumpy or as if I'm complaining though, as it isn't how I mean it. It's up to you of course, leaving it until next week should be fine. Hopefully I might actually own something and can give some input (can't believe I had not played anything from this sale).
No, I agree with you. I bet the "Which BL2 DLC is the best?" question has been asked at least 5 times in the last couple days.

Thanks for the input. There just seems to be such wildly varying opinions on this game that I'm not sure what to think. For example, there's your glowing review of it, and then there's this review, which explains why WWE '13 is "one of the worst games in recent memory." Seeing reviews that are such polar opposites of each other, along with many that are somewhere in between, makes me unsure of what to do.

It also doesn't help that I've never even played any of the other games from this series (the SmackDown! series), since I don't really even know exactly what to expect from the core gameplay. Technically, I did rent the original SmackDown! game for the PSone back in the day and thought that it was pretty crappy, but that can hardly be used to judge how much I would enjoy a game released twelve years and two generations later.
half of the criticism is largely from people that buy the game every year or have played most of the games in the series so these same people(myself included) can quite easily pick it apart and get annoyed at certain bugs that have gone unfixed for years now. also one should keep in mind when reading wrestling game reviews....the community is bar none of the absolute worst. a wrestling community is complete crap. it will have you craving to hang out with COD XBL players its just that bad, so youll get weird scoring criteria and moaning about who knows what. famous examples being people knocking the score down drastically because a person that premiered on TV 2 weeks before the game came out didnt make it onto the game or cry foul really loudly that john cenas shoe lace is the wrong color. and then on the other end you have some folks that criticize good things like gameplay and AI.

you also get reviewers and fans of this series that quite frankly suggest ideas that are off the walls stupid. you get fans that have no idea how a good wrestling match should happen and they often review and scream the loudest. you get fans who somehow think Corey and Bryan(the two head guys in charge of development) are magically going to do a better job working at 2k and shouldnt be fired because they deserve a chance yet ignore the amount of BS theyve done the series for the previous 8 years). you get more fans that will hate the series to death but now that ultimate warrior is confirmed for WWE 14 suddenly love the damn game. you then get fans who think the sequel is going to be radically different than the previous and cry "PLAY IT FIRST before you judge" which to translate to COD logic would be like saying play the newest COD before you judge it when we all know its the same damn game as the previous. so its really hard to take a review of any of these games by these same fans seriously. there are only a few people like me that can see this.

if you havent played this series at all before then you are far less likely to be annoyed by things in the game. these annoyances are made worse by the fact the theyve been in for years which makes them objectively technically kind of bad. but if you are new and havent seen these problems then its far less likely to annoy you. and the game can be quite fun.

its certainly the best of the 360 games(granted the competition for this title isnt really fierce). you will probably want to look up the hacks for the game that get around some of the BS.

for 15 bucks its a pretty good deal. IMO if youve yet to play a game in this series for 15 bucks this is a great deal. these games dont drop in price all that often either.

I played WWE 13 @ a friends and it is a good time with friends, or like how n8 posted with his ongoing online federation. However, if I was buying it for just single player, here is what my concern would be. Granted, I haven't watched wrestling in about 10 years, but I imagine the matches are still similar enough. What WWE 13 fails at is that it doesn't capture the feeling of a match. The announcing still feels robotic and doesn't pop with the match. The pacing in the match also doesn't compute with what I would expect. Even watching some of the match that n8 posted from his federation, you see awesome DDTs and the opponent takes it, immediately slides out of the ring, right back in and attacks the person that delivered it. I feel there should be impact from the moves that just isn't present in this game.

Again, I have only played it a handful of times and only in MP. Maybe SP is completely different. But I haven't seen anything to suggest it is. I am glad to hear though that the storylines have greatly improved. That alone could make it worth it if you are a fan. Since I don't follow the current roster, it doesn't mean much to me.

I bought WWE 13 but haven't played a match yet (trying to finish up all my PS3 games so I can trade it towards a PS4) but I have downloaded a bunch of created superhero wrestlers and what people have done is absolutely amazing.  There are spot on versions of Spider-Man and Wolverine that I can't imagine how much work people have put into this game.  There's a really good Captain America, among others...

Still trying to decide on getting Command and Conquer RA3.  I enjoyed Halo Wars but couldn't really get into the LOTR one.  For $5 I can't go wrong but I want to finish off my backlog before moving on to the next gen.

Alright well I was going to pass on wwe 13 but since we're discussing it....I bought twelve and my CAW got hammered in his first match.  You can play universe but my understanding is the random events are only triggered if you actually play or watch the matches (can't sim).  I loved PS2 Shut Your Mouth and Here comes the pain because you could just interact with this world and actually win matches. 

I hate games with high difficulty because I simply don't have the patience for them anymore.  So is WWE 13 any easier to beat up the cpu on easy with a brand new CAW?  

Can you sim your matches and get cutscenes?  I'm looking for something like SYM where you could walk around and interfere in a match here and there.  Or is all the creativity up to you to put in the storylines? 

I bought WWE 13 but haven't played a match yet (trying to finish up all my PS3 games so I can trade it towards a PS4) but I have downloaded a bunch of created superhero wrestlers and what people have done is absolutely amazing. There are spot on versions of Spider-Man and Wolverine that I can't imagine how much work people have put into this game. There's a really good Captain America, among others...

Still trying to decide on getting Command and Conquer RA3. I enjoyed Halo Wars but couldn't really get into the LOTR one. For $5 I can't go wrong but I want to finish off my backlog before moving on to the next gen.
C&C is alright. Was playing it yesterday....love the live acting though. Actually makes you want to continue the game just to see what will happen.

So I set my Xbox to download games after I shut off the console. I turn on the device this morning and there are no active downloads left.

I check "My Games" and none of the four active downloads went through as if I never even attempted to install them. Now I am downloading each game one by one.

Thanks for wasting my time, Microsoft.

opinions on Far Cry Instincts Predator?
Campaign is pretty good, but it is more like older shooters. So don't expect to get shot a few times, then hide behind a corner to magically get healed (unless you use cheats). Multiplayer is pretty much dead. You can sometimes find a few games, especially on weekends. When it was active, it was one of the best experiences I've ever had with a multiplayer game. It's not the matches that are like Deathmatch that are fun, it's the community made gametypes. So stuff like obstacle courses, racing maps, roleplay maps, zombies, etc. that made the game really fun. Out of the whole series, this map editor might be the best simply because it's so easy to use that anybody can make decent maps.

So I set my Xbox to download games after I shut off the console. I turn on the device this morning and there are no active downloads left.

I check "My Games" and none of the four active downloads went through as if I never even attempted to install them. Now I am downloading each game one by one.

Thanks for wasting my time, Microsoft.
Not sure if this is your issue, but if you previously had the disk version fully installed, the new download won't appear under my games until you delete the disk based version, choose download again, and then play now. No new files will be downloaded but it will kick the xbox into realizing you now have the games on demand version.

Man Hammerlocks gets a lot of hate! I didn't think it was bad at all. Except the color in some areas was weirdly washed out.

The main bad guy in it was funny as hell I thought. The other positive is that most of the enemies in hammerlock are brand new and not primarily reskinned bandits like most of the pirates seemed to be. I would still rank it third but I don't hate it like everyone else seems to.

Plus it also has an expoitable treasure room at the end like scarletts.

Also the creature slaughter dome is stupid, dont waste your points or time. The bandit and hyperion slaughter domes in the vanilla game are good enough.
No it doesn't. You cannot renter the treasure room once you complete Hammerlock.
How does the original Mass Effect hold up? I've played 2 and 3, but I wonder if I go back to play the first if it will feel extremely clunky? Ay opinions?
Combat is extremely clunky but the story is better than the story in 3. Original Bioware game that had the syndrome of every side quest being one of 5 different room layouts.
BL2 is pretty addicting. I'm guessing from previous posts that the Scarlet add on is the best one on sale?

Not sure if I should bite, since a GOTY is bound to come.

I have three copies of the original Mass Effect. I've played that game four times now, Mass Effect 2 once, and ME3 once. I find it to be the gem of the series. Buy it.

How does the original Mass Effect hold up? I've played 2 and 3, but I wonder if I go back to play the first if it will feel extremely clunky? Ay opinions?
It very much feels like an RPG in TPS's clothing as opposed to ME2/3 which actually are competent third-person shooters. And the inventory system is hellish to manage. But the story is top-notch and you should definitely experience the entire trilogy.

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Random question but can I get some opinions on Saints Row The Third vs. XCOM?

I played the first two SR's and they were pretty cool, but this ones seems pretty crazy and over-the-top which kind of turns me off. On the other hand, I just played the XCOM demo. It was certainly fun and I haven't played a turn-based strategy since the GBA days (Advance wars, FF Tactics). It did seem like a very slow moving, long game though which doesn't make it seem like it would be as fun on Xbox (compared to portable games that I can play almost anytime).

I know it's apples to oranges but I have been trying to make up my mind all weekend but between all the reviews and everything I keep flip-flopping.

Random question but can I get some opinions on Saints Row The Third vs. XCOM?

I played the first two SR's and they were pretty cool, but this ones seems pretty crazy and over-the-top which kind of turns me off. On the other hand, I just played the XCOM demo. It was certainly fun and I haven't played a turn-based strategy since the GBA days (Advance wars, FF Tactics). It did seem like a very slow moving, long game though which doesn't make it seem like it would be as fun on Xbox (compared to portable games that I can play almost anytime).

I know it's apples to oranges but I have been trying to make up my mind all weekend but between all the reviews and everything I keep flip-flopping.
Both are good. I'd say go with Xcom because SR3 will probably be on sale about 50 times between now and the end of the year on various platforms at retailers.

Not sure if this is your issue, but if you previously had the disk version fully installed, the new download won't appear under my games until you delete the disk based version, choose download again, and then play now. No new files will be downloaded but it will kick the xbox into realizing you now have the games on demand version.
It's weird because I had three new titles (Condemned, Walking Dead: 400 Days, and Mass Effect 1) and two disc owned titles (Max Payne 3 and WWE 13) that I never installed to the console but I have save files for. The only download that installed from the list was Walking Dead: 400 Days and that was the last game on the active downloads list.

For now, I'll download 1-2 titles at a time and play it safe.

Both are good. I'd say go with Xcom because SR3 will probably be on sale about 50 times between now and the end of the year on various platforms at retailers.
Nobody is going to put XBox copies of SR 3 on sale because the game is OoP & Deep Silver won't put another print run out fearing it will cut into Saints Row 4 sales.
I can get both games for the same cheap price right now in my country which is why I was trying to decide between the two. I know Saints Row 4 is coming out, but I wouldn't buy it until it's
I picked up Crysis, BL2 (had physical), DA:O (had physical), Rockstar Table Tennis, and The Walking Dead: 400 Days. I think Ill wait on ME3 Omega till all the DLC is on sale at once.
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Anyone else getting the 80153016 error when trying to buy Forza Horizon on the console? I know this is a 7/4 deal (totally forgot about it) but it's still showing $14.99 but cannot be purchased with either the web browser or the console.

i want to buy the Doshonored dlc, and this thread points it is at half price, but when i try to buy it, since 2 days, it is costing more. Please help, i dont know if i need to try to buy it from a specific link, any help is welcomed!

Anyone else getting the 80153016 error when trying to buy Forza Horizon on the console? I know this is a 7/4 deal (totally forgot about it) but it's still showing $14.99 but cannot be purchased with either the web browser or the console.
Someone over on GAF mentioned running into the same problem.

i want to buy the Doshonored dlc, and this thread points it is at half price, but when i try to buy it, since 2 days, it is costing more. Please help, i dont know if i need to try to buy it from a specific link, any help is welcomed!
Try waiting until the sale starts.

i want to buy the Doshonored dlc, and this thread points it is at half price, but when i try to buy it, since 2 days, it is costing more. Please help, i dont know if i need to try to buy it from a specific link, any help is welcomed!
That sale hasn't started yet. Look above the sales to see the dates.

Someone over on GAF mentioned running into the same problem.
Anyone else getting the 80153016 error when trying to buy Forza Horizon on the console? I know this is a 7/4 deal (totally forgot about it) but it's still showing $14.99 but cannot be purchased with either the web browser or the console.
The Forza deal is over as of a couple days ago.

It's still there because of something wrong with their system. They stopped letting people purchase it hence why you are getting the error code

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BL2 is pretty addicting. I'm guessing from previous posts that the Scarlet add on is the best one on sale?

Not sure if I should bite, since a GOTY is bound to come.
I'm not so sure. I could be wrong, but I wonder if the days of GOTY editions with all the DLC will be extinct now that most games are moving to a "Season Pass".

I'm not so sure. I could be wrong, but I wonder if the days of GOTY editions with all the DLC will be extinct now that most games are moving to a "Season Pass".
I certainly hope not. I'd really miss GOTY editions. If anything they act as a definitive version of a game, especially when some season passes (such as BL2's) doesn't include all the available DLC.

How's the online multiplayer community for Tomb Raider? (is it still active?). Is it worth the 1600 MSP aka $20? I noticed it is about half off on here as it still sells for $34-$40

I'm not so sure. I could be wrong, but I wonder if the days of GOTY editions with all the DLC will be extinct now that most games are moving to a "Season Pass".
There is a GOTY version already showing up when someone mined the Steam database, so there's a very good chance we'll see it at some point.

There is a GOTY version already showing up when someone mined the Steam database, so there's a very good chance we'll see it at some point.
I intend to only play it on Xbox 360 and the GOTY version will probably just include dlc which will go on sale at some point so I can wait that is fine with me. I just have 1,850 MSP with nothing else to really buy and I have played previous TR games and liked them. Just wanted to give this TR game a chance for online multiplayer and some story mode. Heard it's similar to Uncharted and I liked that.

I haven't seen anyone say anything about the Battle LA game going on sale Tuesday, so I will. It's a mediocre FPS. I got it for 400 points several sales ago. I don't regret it since I like the FPS genre. It's a very basic game. The graphics aren't great or anything. BUT the game is a hell of a lot better than the POS movie it's based on. You could do a lot worse for $5.
I just realized I have 3 punches of the 5 needed to get 1600 reward points.  I wasn't planning on picking up 2 more games but considering it's buy one get one free at this point I think I will.  Is there a chance of more games going on sale for 1600 points that aren't listed in the OP (edit: before the 15th) (I only see Dishonored and already have it) or should I just pull the trigger on 2 now?

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I just realized I have 3 punches of the 5 needed to get 1600 reward points. I wasn't planning on picking up 2 more games but considering it's buy one get one free at this point I think I will. Is there a chance of more games going on sale for 1600 points that aren't listed in the OP (edit: before the 15th) (I only see Dishonored and already have it) or should I just pull the trigger on 2 now?
I'd say there's a chance that some more official/unofficial price drops could happen for July. However, I wouldn't rely on it.

Far Cry Instincts or Brothers in Arm's HH?

I've played Far Cry on the original xbox so I know what I'm getting into there but how is HH?

is the dragon age up the utimate edition, with awakening and stuff, or just the vanilla original version? I have the disc for thte original but may get this if it has the other stuff with it

Ive actually wanted the ultimate edition for ps3 but the disc is hard to find for that. I see it used at gamestop sometimes, but i rather have new. Im not even sure if all the extras are there on a used disk

Ive actually wanted the ultimate edition for ps3 but the disc is hard to find for that. I see it used at gamestop sometimes, but i rather have new. Im not even sure if all the extras are there on a used disk
Why wouldn't they be? It's the same disc you would get if you bought it new.

Why wouldn't they be? It's the same disc you would get if you bought it new.
because its EA isn't it? They have online codes for almost all their stuff. I didn't know if it was all on disk, or requires activation or something. Just checked and the used price is also up to 25 bucks, more than the non existant new ones =P

but the main question was about this version, anyone got an answer to that? Im buying crysis right now and seeing what else i want

is the dragon age up the utimate edition, with awakening and stuff, or just the vanilla original version? I have the disc for thte original but may get this if it has the other stuff with it

Ive actually wanted the ultimate edition for ps3 but the disc is hard to find for that. I see it used at gamestop sometimes, but i rather have new. Im not even sure if all the extras are there on a used disk

No, it is just the vanilla version of the game. Ultimate editions and GOTY editions of games are not sold digitally over Xbox Live.

because its EA isn't it? They have online codes for almost all their stuff. I didn't know if it was all on disk, or requires activation or something. Just checked and the used price is also up to 25 bucks, more than the non existant new ones =P

but the main question was about this version, anyone got an answer to that? Im buying crysis right now and seeing what else i want
The online codes for EA are just to let you play online, and get like one or two bonuses, but the bonuses are only part of the pass, plus all of their passes are free to download. And actually, they wouldn't have a pass for Dragon Age Origins because the game cam rout before they started doing their online passes. And yes, all of the DLC is on the disc.
Nobody is going to put XBox copies of SR 3 on sale because the game is OoP & Deep Silver won't put another print run out fearing it will cut into Saints Row 4 sales.
I just picked up a copy from a local electronic retailer that had it on clearance for $10. You can be sure there are heaps of copies of this in warehouses still. And with SR4 coming out this will be marked down and cleared off of shelves so u should expect sales on it. But definitely the used price will come down as well. And don't count Deep Silver out in terms of printing new stock. Often sequels get picked up by people who have never played the original and then want to get into the series. Look at how many people have played ME2 and now want to go back and try the original. If there is a market Deep Silver would be smart to exploit it.
because its EA isn't it? They have online codes for almost all their stuff. I didn't know if it was all on disk, or requires activation or something. Just checked and the used price is also up to 25 bucks, more than the non existant new ones =P

but the main question was about this version, anyone got an answer to that? Im buying crysis right now and seeing what else i want
EA stopped their online pass system, and it has been applied to all previous titles. You can buy used EA games without having to worry about an online pass.
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