XBL Deals|7/4 Only- Witcher2, OrangeBox, More | 7/5 Only-Hitman:Absolution $10, More | ME3: Omega | BL2 DLC (Gold) | FREE Defense Grid (Gold) | MORE

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190 (100%)
Here is a list of all the current and upcoming Xbox Live Marketplace Sales for the USA. This includes the Deal of the Week, KINECT Central sale item(s), and any other 3rd-party sales or promotions. We have also included the upcoming Xbox Live Arcade releases in the 2nd post. Most sales are for one week. Feel free to post if you see anything not listed here.

Please note:

  • All known sales and information on sales are in the OP. Major Nelson usually updates us with new sales information every other Tuesday. When offers are validated by Moderators, it will be added to the OP as time permits.
  • ALL OFFERS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE! No information within this thread can or should be construed as accurate (or still valid), therefore ...
  • Always verify Xbox Live Marketplace prices before your purchase!
  • Some sales are intended for GOLD MEMBERS ONLY, as noted within each section.
  • Spend wisely, have fun, and enjoy!
XBOX Live (Gold) Deal of the Week
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the sale price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


7/2 - 7/8 ... Borderlands DLC

7/9 - 7/15 ... Dishonored and Metal Gear Rising DLC and More

  • Dishonored Games on Demand - Price Unknown
    DLC - The Knife of Dunwall - 400 MSP (50% off)
  • DLC - Dunwall City Trials - 200 MSP (50% off)
  • DLC - Void Walkers Arsenal - 160 MSP (50% off)

[*]Metal Gear Rising Revengeance DLC
  • Jetstream - 400 MSP (50% off)
  • Raiden Custom Body - 80 MSP (50% off)
  • Bladewolf  - 320 MSP (43% off)

[*]XBLA - Battle: Los Angeles - 400 MSP (50% off)
XBox "Games with Gold" Promotion 
GOLD MEMBERS ONLY ... neither a 48hr GOLD trial nor free GOLD weekends will give you the FREE price. You must
either be a paying Individual/Family subscriber or within a console-activated "1 month complimentary GOLD trial" account.


  • Confirmed as future free games: Halo 3


Sales & Specials: Open to Everyone!
NOTE ... if the start & end dates are not well-defined, ACT FAST! since these
"sales" could end anytime. However, they may also be permanent markdowns.


Ultimate Game One Day Sales:

7/2 ... Day One:

7/3 ... Day Two:

7/4 ... Day Three:

7/5 ... Day Four: (will last through 7/7)

7/2 - 7/8 ... Ultimate Games Persistent Sales:

* =  Want to Buy Games On Demand Using Microsoft Points? [customspoiler="GonD with MSP"]
Often overlooked, GoD are by default displayed in dollars both on Xbox.com as well as on the console, but on the very-first confirmation screen of the download process is the option to use Microsoft Points in place of real-world currency.

Through the console, after first selecting to download a GoD you are greeted by a familiar gray confirmation screen that pops up displaying the size of the download as well as confirming the price. At the bottom of this gray pop-up is the instruction to press the "X button" in order to change the payment type to MSP. Pictured below with an arrow:

On Xbox.com they've made it much more obvious, the confirmation "extra step" pop-up after clicking the download link displays a link that simply says "Use Microsoft Points" directly under the price in dollars at the top of the page.

The more you know....[/customspoiler]

Kinect Central sales

7/2 - ??? ... Unannounced Rocksmith DLC Markdowns

7/2 - ??? ... Other Unannounced Markdowns

7/2 - 7/8 ... Robocop and Fast and Furious Avatar Sale

  • Please check the avatar store on your Xbox 360 for more information

7/9 - 7/15 ... Just Dance 4

  • Price and content unknown

Monthly Marketplace Markdowns
Announced ... as confirmed on the Xbox 360's own dashboard, or corroborated from other sources (PSN, dev/pub, etc).

Unannounced ... from Xbox.com scrapes. *These may or may not be permanent, so judge accordingly.


Unannounced Price Drops for July:

* =  Want to Buy Games On Demand Using Microsoft Points? [customspoiler="GonD with MSP"]
Often overlooked, GoD are by default displayed in dollars both on Xbox.com as well as on the console, but on the very-first confirmation screen of the download process is the option to use Microsoft Points in place of real-world currency.

Through the console, after first selecting to download a GoD you are greeted by a familiar gray confirmation screen that pops up displaying the size of the download as well as confirming the price. At the bottom of this gray pop-up is the instruction to press the "X button" in order to change the payment type to MSP. Pictured below with an arrow:

On Xbox.com they've made it much more obvious, the confirmation "extra step" pop-up after clicking the download link displays a link that simply says "Use Microsoft Points" directly under the price in dollars at the top of the page.

The more you know....[/customspoiler]

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does Virtua Fighter 5 still have an online community worth noting? i plan on picking up skyrim with my bing rewards points but i can put it off for some virtua fighter if people are still playing

OP is pretty much completely up to date. XBLDB still hasn't picked up a few of the popcap games sales, even though xbox.com shows that they've dropped in price. If XBLDB doesn't get them soon, I'll go ahead and manually add them.

The Kinect Central deal this week is supposed to be Sonic Free Riders, but there is a random Kinect Sports Season 2 DLC on sale instead. Even though Sonic would sync up nicely with the rest of this week's sales, I think Major Nelson probably made a typo and we'll see Sonic Free Riders as next week's Kinect Central sales.

Oh, there's also supposedly a Adventure Time and MegaMan Avatar sale going on that I don't know anything about. XBLDB hasn't mentioned anything, but I'm not sure if it tracks Avatar items that aren't directly related to games...
It's up on the 360 marketplace I think since it's being advertised as things being half off, but I don't know what the hell the original price is for them originally.

Yeah I regret sonic adventure and the DLC that i will never get to since the main game bores me to tears.  Am considering generations however even though I NEVER play sonic games anymore.  Sigh....cheap nostalgic driven purchases...

does Virtua Fighter 5 still have an online community worth noting? i plan on picking up skyrim with my bing rewards points but i can put it off for some virtua fighter if people are still playing
Not really, you'll run into some of the same people and wont really find matches during the odd hours. It does get a small boost in people going online every time there's a sale though but that's obviously short term

Ugh, another Pop Cap sale? Who still needs to buy these games? It doesn't even include PvZ.

Anyway, I was thinking today that it's about time for The Cave to go on sale. So I'll be getting that. I also may as well grab the only Sonic XBLA game I'm missing (Sonic 4 Ep. 2). The rest is crap, but it's cheap crap. I really don't want to pick up Space Channel 5 Part 2, but it's cheap. DAMIT!!!

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Based on the good things I'm hearing about Sonic Generations, I think I'm going to pick it up, along with Sonic 2 & Sonic & Knuckles. Are Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 worth getting if you still have both for Dreamcast that work fine?
Not unless you love both games that much that you're willing to play them all over again.
Oh okay, wasn't sure if anything had changed between the Dreamcast and XBLA versions.
They didn't even make it widescreen, so it's a pure nostalgia offering for those that still have fond memories of the game.

Speaking of nostalgia, Jet Set Radio hasn't aged well at all. Now I loved that game as a kid and think it has the better level design over Jet Set Radio Future (even with the goddamn stupid random exit level paths), but playing it again and I can say without a doubt the controls are pretty bad merely because alot of times it'll just feel super sluggish. Same with the camera and other small annoyances that pop up here and there.

Also how in the hell is Space Channel 5 Part 2 over 1.5GB in size?

The one thing that's really slowing down my purchases (now that I finally have a ton of points to spend) is Harddrive space.  I want renegade ops....enjoyed the demo...2GIGS!!!!  Sonic...the kids would love it!  7.5 GIGS!!!!  Sonic CD...350MB!!!!  Sonic and Knuckles 32mb....hmmm...I can do that... :booty:

Guess I shit the bed on Catherine, it won't go through on the 360, and it shows $40 at checkout on the website. No big deal. Picked up Sonic Adventure 2, Virtua Fighter, and Space Channel 5. Will pick up the VF5 customization if I think I'll play it for a little while, see how it compares to Soul Calibur V's Create A Soul, or TTT2 is probably a better comparison.

Ok, so maybe this is a little OT, but I'm hoping someone can help me out: I really didn't like Sonic Colors, but the demo for generations was a lot of fun. I just don't know if I will wind up getting a few stages in and start having colors flashbacks. Google is no help, as 90% of sonic fans are delusional, so if anyone here has played both could you give me your two cents? Is Sonic Generations a big step up from Colors, or is it more of the same just in HD?
The Colors abilities only show up in the one Colors stage, Planet Wisp. I thought it was pretty solid on the 3D stuff. The speed boost button, bumper lane switching for forward segments, grinding rail swapping, and ability to drift all mesh pretty well with only a few minor frustrations for me.

Plus, half the game is 2D, set up with just your basic Spindash. I really enjoyed it, and I'm still working on the million challenge stages, some of which have gimmicks and the like. $10-20 is a good price if you like Sanic.
It wasn't the colors abilities that I disliked, just the overall repetition and lousy level design. To be honest the only sonic games I really like are the older ones, and I wouldn't call myself a big fan. So basically, how is the level design in Generations? In colors it felt like many of the levels were cut and paste together like some weird littlebigplanet fan level, and the voice acting was annoying to no end. A
The only level I really disliked overall was the shitfest from Sonic 06 that somehow made it in. The 2D levels are pretty good for the most part, and some of the challenges (plus abilities you can unlock through them) add even more stuff from the classic games, like the Sonic 3 Bubble Shield. I thought they did a pretty good job with the 3D design too. Camera doesn't wonk out much if ever, platforming doesn't get borked because of it, and combination of Homing Attack/Speed Boost/Ground Pound make it so you've always got a pretty good level of control over yourself and anti-death options.

I don't particularly like modern Sonic myself, but this game felt like a love letter to any and all Sonic fans from any generation, they knew people who only liked the 2D stuff would want to play it and it shows. You can even not do most of the 3D stuff if you really dislike it, though most of the boss/rival fights are 3D, and you have to complete all ten base levels as both Sonics.

Ok, so I missed the Genesis/Sonic era of gaming (we had a SNES) - if I was interested in the Sonic games, would it just be better to get the Sonic Genesis Collection - which would get me 1-3 & Knuckles (as well as a bunch of other classics)?  If nostalgia isn't a factor would they still be worth playing or should I skip to the updated Sonic 4 Eps I & II?

Also, are Ep I & II and Sonic CD available on disc or only as arcade titles?  I've heard great things about Sonic CD over the years and always wanted to try it - 160 pts seems like a steal if I can't get it on disc...

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Speaking of nostalgia, Jet Set Radio hasn't aged well at all. Now I loved that game as a kid and think it has the better level design over Jet Set Radio Future (even with the goddamn stupid random exit level paths), but playing it again and I can say without a doubt the controls are pretty bad merely because alot of times it'll just feel super sluggish. Same with the camera and other small annoyances that pop up here and there.

Also how in the hell is Space Channel 5 Part 2 over 1.5GB in size?
Uncompressed music maybe? And it basically has different animation for every song.

I'm just disappointed it has those retarded 5 hour/10 hour avatar awards. I might actually wear one of them if they're decent, though I hope we don't get Space Micheal as a replacement for Ulala.

Ok, so I missed the Genesis/Sonic era of gaming (we had a SNES) - if I was interested in the Sonic games, would it just be better to get the Sonic Genesis Collection - which would get me 1-3 & Knuckles (as well as a bunch of other classics)?

Also, are Sonic 4 Ep 1 & 2 or Sonic CD released on disc anywhere? Any thoughts on those? I've always heard amazing things about Sonic CD over the years...
Go with the SGC. It's by the same studio that did the XBLA versions.

AFAIK Sonic 4 hasn't had a retail version.

If you want a physical copy of Sonic CD you'll either have to go with the Genesis version or get the Sonic Gems Collection on the Gamecube.

Also how in the hell is Space Channel 5 Part 2 over 1.5GB in size?
Seriously? Maybe I won't pick it up after all.
It's actually 1.7 GB in size now that I checked.

Speaking of nostalgia, Jet Set Radio hasn't aged well at all. Now I loved that game as a kid and think it has the better level design over Jet Set Radio Future (even with the goddamn stupid random exit level paths), but playing it again and I can say without a doubt the controls are pretty bad merely because alot of times it'll just feel super sluggish. Same with the camera and other small annoyances that pop up here and there.

Also how in the hell is Space Channel 5 Part 2 over 1.5GB in size?
Uncompressed music maybe? And it basically has different animation for every song.

I'm just disappointed it has those retarded 5 hour/10 hour avatar awards. I might actually wear one of them if they're decent, though I hope we don't get Space Micheal as a replacement for Ulala.
I Have no idea, but even then majority of Dreamcast games I thought can be burnt onto a CD and the game doesn't look any better from what I've last seen it. And the male costume you get for playing 10 hours Morolian's outfit.

So I'm interested in buying Trials: Evolution cause I tried the trial and had quite a bit of fun, I'm wondering if it'll go on sale soon tho. It came out last year afterall and I'd hate to spend the entire 1200 points on it only for it to go on sale.

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Ok, so I missed the Genesis/Sonic era of gaming (we had a SNES) - if I was interested in the Sonic games, would it just be better to get the Sonic Genesis Collection - which would get me 1-3 & Knuckles (as well as a bunch of other classics)? If nostalgia isn't a factor would they still be worth playing or should I skip to the updated Sonic 4 Eps I & II?

Also, are Ep I & II and Sonic CD available on disc or only as arcade titles? I've heard great things about Sonic CD over the years and always wanted to try it - 160 pts seems like a steal if I can't get it on disc...
If you ONLY care about the Sonic games, I think it'd be cheaper to buy them through XBLA. The bonus being they all have separate achievements there if you care, though Sonic 2 has some virtually impossible ones since no one plays the online racing. UGC is the better deal if you want more Genesis stuff, and they have bonus stuff like developer interviews and I think some concept art in that version.

S&K XBLA still has the "lock-on technology" as long as you own S2 or S3. Having S1 gives you the sphere mini-game too.

Neither 4 Ep 1 and 2, nor Sonic CD, are on disc, so they're the only way to go. I haven't heard much good on Sonic 4, and really didn't like the physics in the demo, but check them out and decide for yourself.

Sonic CD is good, and got a few bonuses for the HD port, which was done being done by a fan that was then hired by Sega because it was so well done. You can do the classic Sonic 2 spindash (tap tap tap) instead of the "hold button for speed" CD had instead (toggle-able), and you can choose between the US and EU/JP soundtracks. It's probably the hardest classic Sonic to get the good ending, since you have to do a lot of time-travel and hunting for roboticizers. Definitely pick it up.

OP is pretty much completely up to date. XBLDB still hasn't picked up a few of the popcap games sales, even though xbox.com shows that they've dropped in price. If XBLDB doesn't get them soon, I'll go ahead and manually add them.

The Kinect Central deal this week is supposed to be Sonic Free Riders, but there is a random Kinect Sports Season 2 DLC on sale instead. Even though Sonic would sync up nicely with the rest of this week's sales, I think Major Nelson probably made a typo and we'll see Sonic Free Riders as next week's Kinect Central sales.

Oh, there's also supposedly a Adventure Time and MegaMan Avatar sale going on that I don't know anything about. XBLDB hasn't mentioned anything, but I'm not sure if it tracks Avatar items that aren't directly related to games...
the adventure time avatar stuff are at 50%, that's why i don't like the xbldb page, there's always inconsistencies, like the VF avatar on discount this week, it shows as expired!!, LOL, i haven't check the megaman's.

So, I' e been seeing so many people not wanting to get a game because of hard drive space. Just purchase it on xbox.com so it'll be linked to your account, and then when you turn your Xbox 360, just cancel the download. Now you own it and can download it in the future when you are able to clear some hard drive space
So, I' e been seeing so many people not wanting to get a game because of hard drive space. Just purchase it on xbox.com so it'll be linked to your account, and then when you turn your Xbox 360, just cancel the download. Now you own it and can download it in the future when you are able to clear some hard drive space
cheap USB sticks are an option as well, 16GBs work and you can backup your game for d-day when xbox servers go away

Sonic Generations for 800 points is a steal, best Sonic game ever. Sega finally got the 3D right and the 2D is the best it's ever been.
400msp for anyone who has HU account (the game is Region Free). I bought it, can't say no at this price. :)
Sath you the man. Never change your avatar. Whenever I see John Marston speak I know international deals are a coming.

Also finally getting Space Channel 5 since I dislike the other 3 games on the weak Dreamcast Collection disc, seriously Bass Fishing. Why couldn't they have Skies of Arcadia or Shenmue. :bomb:

Is there anyway to have people's "member since" dates show up? I liked knowing the length of time people have been on the site.

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If you ONLY care about the Sonic games, I think it'd be cheaper to buy them through XBLA. The bonus being they all have separate achievements there if you care, though Sonic 2 has some virtually impossible ones since no one plays the online racing. UGC is the better deal if you want more Genesis stuff, and they have bonus stuff like developer interviews and I think some concept art in that version.

S&K XBLA still has the "lock-on technology" as long as you own S2 or S3. Having S1 gives you the sphere mini-game too.

Neither 4 Ep 1 and 2, nor Sonic CD, are on disc, so they're the only way to go. I haven't heard much good on Sonic 4, and really didn't like the physics in the demo, but check them out and decide for yourself.

Sonic CD is good, and got a few bonuses for the HD port, which was done being done by a fan that was then hired by Sega because it was so well done. You can do the classic Sonic 2 spindash (tap tap tap) instead of the "hold button for speed" CD had instead (toggle-able), and you can choose between the US and EU/JP soundtracks. It's probably the hardest classic Sonic to get the good ending, since you have to do a lot of time-travel and hunting for roboticizers. Definitely pick it up.

Go with the SGC. It's by the same studio that did the XBLA versions.
AFAIK Sonic 4 hasn't had a retail version.

If you want a physical copy of Sonic CD you'll either have to go with the Genesis version or get the Sonic Gems Collection on the Gamecube.
Thanks! I really appreciate the feedback. I decided I'd rather just get the Sonic games (vs. everything in the Genesis Collection) - so I got Sonic CD, Sonic 1-3, S&K, and Sonic Generations for 1600 pts. Not too shabby (considering the 1200 MSP for $5 deal)...hopefully, I still like Sonic after all that ;)

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Which of the Sonic games would be the best to pick up?

I'll be picking up Sonic the Hedgehog 2 no matter what just for nostalgia. I think I remember not being too impressed with S&K but it's been so long. 

Can anyone recommend or not recommend Daytona USA? I kept replaying the trial earlier, so I might just pull the trigger, but I'm hesitant as it looks like it only has 3 tracks?

I'm pretty certain I'm going to grab Renegade Ops. I played the trial before and really enjoyed it, and I doubt it will get much lower than this..

Which of the Sonic games would be the best to pick up?

I'll be picking up Sonic the Hedgehog 2 no matter what just for nostalgia. I think I remember not being too impressed with S&K but it's been so long.
2 & CD for sure. I'd recommend giving the S&K trial a spin before you make your choice one way or the other.

Which of the Sonic games would be the best to pick up?

I'll be picking up Sonic the Hedgehog 2 no matter what just for nostalgia. I think I remember not being too impressed with S&K but it's been so long.
As someone mentioned above Sonic CD is one of the better ones and looks great with the XBLA port. Skip both Sonic Adventure games, they haven't aged well and the camera is horrendous. If you want a current-gen Sonic game that isn't racer as the cart games are rather good, Sonic Generations is the best of the non-cart-racer games of this generation and does a good job of combining 3D and 2D gameplay bits. You can also skip or grab Sonic 4 parts 1 & 2. They're sort of meh in my opinion. I think they get ragged on a bit more than what they deserve, though the original price point was probably half the reason as these should never have been priced at 1200msp (800msp should have been the starting point). As for the Genesis ports. They're all fine and decent. The S&K has the lock-on function with the other games which might be nifty for a big fan of Sonic. At $2 it's hard to pass these up. But there is the Ultimate Collection which I know I grabbed on disc for $10 at some point so be aware of that.

Which of the Sonic games would be the best to pick up?

I'll be picking up Sonic the Hedgehog 2 no matter what just for nostalgia. I think I remember not being too impressed with S&K but it's been so long.
As someone mentioned above Sonic CD is one of the better ones and looks great with the XBLA port. Skip both Sonic Adventure games, they haven't aged well and the camera is horrendous. If you want a current-gen Sonic game that isn't racer as the cart games are rather good, Sonic Generations is the best of the non-cart-racer games of this generation and does a good job of combining 3D and 2D gameplay bits. You can also skip or grab Sonic 4 parts 1 & 2. They're sort of meh in my opinion. I think they get ragged on a bit more than what they deserve, though the original price point was probably half the reason as these should never have been priced at 1200msp (800msp should have been the starting point). As for the Genesis ports. They're all fine and decent. The S&K has the lock-on function with the other games which might be nifty for a big fan of Sonic. At $2 it's hard to pass these up. But there is the Ultimate Collection which I know I grabbed on disc for $10 at some point so be aware of that.
Thanks, that helped a lot.

I'll skip the Adventure ones and Sonic 4 and probably grab the rest.

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Sonic Adventure games have not aged well, but Sonic Adventure, in particular, has aged really poorly. Sonic Adventure 2 is at least is still a okay game, in comparison.

But really, I would say just skip both, and just buy Sonic Generations, if you want a 3D Sonic game.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 if you want 2D.

I would say demo Sonic CD before you decide to buy it. Not everyone's cup of tea.

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I always liked S&K best surprisingly. I don't know, maybe I'm just partial to the character, but I always remember playing it a lot more than any of the other games on the PS2 sonic collection. I really hope SUGC does on sale cheap, as it is hard to pull the trigger on these standalone genesis games knowing there is so much more on the disc.

And thanks for the feedback on Generations, I'm gonna pick that one up. Now to decide if I want to cash in some bing points and buy it on the hungarian market, or save them for amazon GCs :whistle2:k

picked up Guardian Heroes for 160 points, cant beat that. Spartacus Legends, that f2p brawler is comin next week, looks interesting. Why is Painkiller H&D getting a full retail release now? -_-

picked up Guardian Heroes for 160 points, cant beat that. Spartacus Legends, that f2p brawler is comin next week, looks interesting. Why is Painkiller H&D getting a full retail release now? -_-
Guardian Heroes is 160 MSP? This must have been a super recent drop. Looks like XBLDB just caught it. That's probably the best deal from this whole sale.

I just got State of Decay from Prima to write about it and I am just looking for some good pointers to get started on the game tomorrow. I played the demo and it was fun, but it seems there is a lot of stuff to manage all at once, so I am looking for some minor tips.


Love this game can't stop playing it.

-make outposts as much as you can, n s e and west of your home.
-use cars to take out hordes and clear an area if needed-honk for attention then splat.
-always bring 2 melee weapons and some stamina booster with you.
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Already got VF5:FS when it was on sale for $5 before, but dangit...I had just gotten the DLC full price with the points from the $15 for $5 promo.

Guardian Heroes for 160MSP is an amazing deal, more so when you consider I still cant find a decently priced retail copy to play on my Saturn.

well ... looks like im gonna skip VF5... honestly i have been severely disappointed with fighters for a long time now. Crapcom burned my ass over the whole MvC3>UMvC3 thing and those extra characters already on disc but needing a dlc purchase on SFxT made me want to puke. I love having friends over and playing Garou Mark of the Wolves and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and i can occasionally fine games in both of them online too. 

I guess the golden age of fighters is truly passed, hot damn i miss my dreamcast right about now. Sorry, but 20 bucks is way too much for JoJo. The new MK game was great and I absolutely loved the Injustice Demo (currently hunting down a copy of Red Son Edition) figures they were both made by Netherrealm. I even liked MKvDC:U alot. Soul Calibur keeps getting worse and worse, im so happy i didnt reserve V like i did all the others. Not having but one story path and no endings for anyone in arcade is a travesty. Im hoping someone wows me. Does anyone know if Tekken Tag 2 has individual endings for everyone? That was the whole point of playing arcade in those games, to see what kind of crazy shaq fu Marshall Law and Panda were up to with their winnings from the King of the Iron Fist Tournament.

I just... man i really hate new games it seems. Is this a sign of getting older? Im 26 now... 10 years ago i would have cried to get my hands on any of these titles...

On a side note, for anyone that is interested (HEY CRONO... IM TALKING TO YOU) The Skulls of the Shogun demo is fun as hell and anyone that enjoys SRPGs (ala Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, Shining Force, Vandal Hearts [not the crappy XBLA VH mind you] etc etc) like myself should mos def give this one a try. The comedy is spot on, the story is worth getting into, and the customization seems to be just enough to wet your fancy. The game is fun to boot. Not too hard, but not too easy either. I plan on purchasing it after i spend these points on skyrim... my room mate (a new gamer) is foaming out the mouth to create his idea of character in it. The only thing im mildly interested in this week now is Crazy Taxi... but honestly, i have bought that game on like 3 different platforms now. I think ill pass and just find my dreamcast one day.

Awesome Publisher sale though if i do say so myself... thanks SEGA

well ... looks like im gonna skip VF5... honestly i have been severely disappointed with fighters for a long time now. Crapcom burned my ass over the whole MvC3>UMvC3 thing and those extra characters already on disc but needing a dlc purchase on SFxT made me want to puke. I love having friends over and playing Garou Mark of the Wolves and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and i can occasionally fine games in both of them online too.
What exactly is it about Virtua Fighter 5 that you're objecting to? If it's the presence of DLC, said DLC is purely cosmetic so skipping it certainly won't affect the quality of gameplay you'd get from Final Showdown. Also, the DLC is on sale for the first time ever, so for $15 you can get the whole shebang - basically the content you'd get from a full retail title. There are far more nefarious DLC situations to complain about than this one.

well ... looks like im gonna skip VF5... honestly i have been severely disappointed with fighters for a long time now. Crapcom burned my ass over the whole MvC3>UMvC3 thing and those extra characters already on disc but needing a dlc purchase on SFxT made me want to puke. I love having friends over and playing Garou Mark of the Wolves and Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and i can occasionally fine games in both of them online too.

I guess the golden age of fighters is truly passed, hot damn i miss my dreamcast right about now. Sorry, but 20 bucks is way too much for JoJo. The new MK game was great and I absolutely loved the Injustice Demo (currently hunting down a copy of Red Son Edition) figures they were both made by Netherrealm. I even liked MKvDC:U alot. Soul Calibur keeps getting worse and worse, im so happy i didnt reserve V like i did all the others. Not having but one story path and no endings for anyone in arcade is a travesty. Im hoping someone wows me. Does anyone know if Tekken Tag 2 has individual endings for everyone? That was the whole point of playing arcade in those games, to see what kind of crazy shaq fu Marshall Law and Panda were up to with their winnings from the King of the Iron Fist Tournament.

I just... man i really hate new games it seems. Is this a sign of getting older? Im 26 now... 10 years ago i would have cried to get my hands on any of these titles...

On a side note, for anyone that is interested (HEY CRONO... IM TALKING TO YOU) The Skulls of the Shogun demo is fun as hell and anyone that enjoys SRPGs (ala Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, Shining Force, Vandal Hearts [not the crappy XBLA VH mind you] etc etc) like myself should mos def give this one a try. The comedy is spot on, the story is worth getting into, and the customization seems to be just enough to wet your fancy. The game is fun to boot. Not too hard, but not too easy either. I plan on purchasing it after i spend these points on skyrim... my room mate (a new gamer) is foaming out the mouth to create his idea of character in it. The only thing im mildly interested in this week now is Crazy Taxi... but honestly, i have bought that game on like 3 different platforms now. I think ill pass and just find my dreamcast one day.

Awesome Publisher sale though if i do say so myself... thanks SEGA
For Injustice, all of the pre-order packs are releasing on the marketplace now! So if you were able to just get your hands on a cheap copy of the base game you could get those to go with it. They're also releasing a second Red Son pack with Batman, Green Lantern and Deathstroke skins.
I also picked up Sonic Generations and am loving it, I just have to learn to space out during the cutscenes because they are horrible. Besides that it's really fun. I absolutely love the 2D levels and being one f the few people that actually liked the 3D Sonic games, they did a good job of picking the best parts from those to put in here.
Red Son pack 2 is out already. Games have been lacking creativity for a while now except for games like Bioshock, Tomb Raider, Last of Us, etc. but even Bioshock was mildly disappointing.  

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