XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='locolukah']So, anyone try Double Dragon Neon? Its so...odd, that I actually kinda liked it.

If it ever hits 400 points I may pick it up.[/QUOTE]

I am really satisfied with my purchase. I just spent the last week binging on the coop with a friend and I eagerly look forward to completing this game solo on the hardest difficulty; Neon captures the essence of Double Dragon even if it comes up short in some other areas.

I like the humor and the whole 80s cartoon presentation, but would prefer a more grounded and gritty approach in any future games. I love the stylized look, the retro soundtrack, and the accessible but not simplistic combat mechanics - it all feels like classic Double Dragon to me. The weapons are better than ever and play an integral role, but reducing the grappling system to an automatic throw is a definite bummer.

In many ways this is the Double Dragon I have been waiting for for years: The return of Billy and Jimmy in a fun, challenging beat 'em up which pays homage to the decade that started it all.

Now I wonder if that Double Dragon 2: Wanderer of the Dragon will be any good, it seems to have just disappeared after Neon was announced.
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']It's been a long time since I've had a complete 180 on a game, but man, Double Dragon Neon is awesome. It really does get better everytime you play it, especially with another human in co-op. I really hope it get a sequel and they fix it's flaws though.

Yep, the game shines in co-op. Don't get all of the hate and rather disappointing reviews around.

Also i really enjoyed another new brawler - KungFu Strike. It's funny how most of the reviewers complain about the punishing difficulty (some of them didn't even know you can do mega-powerful counter attacks, when the enemies are in aggro form - this is a must if you go for S ranks). Are they never played some old games?

Anyway. Got my 20 S ranks - 400/400G. Really rewarding game and satisfying completion.
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Is gaining extra lives in DD Neon tough? Can you use the old trick from old school DD where you'd pick 2 Player B and beat up on your brother and steal his lives? :p
I love how Jem has taken over the thread. :D

Back on track though... has anyone played Realms of Ancient Wars yet? I started the game the other night and then had someone drop in for a co-op game. It seems that everything earned by my partner is gone. The game restarts them at the same level as me but took away any items, weapons, money, and how the points were used. So basically the person playing has to start over each time they want to play. All they get it a health and mana potion.

I'm not too happy about this and he really isn't.
So, anyone try Double Dragon Neon? Its so...odd, that I actually kinda liked it.

If it ever hits 400 points I may pick it up.

As a beat-em-up enthusiast, I did not enjoy the slow, stiff gameplay at all. Couple that with no online play, and like you, I am waiting until it hits 400 points.
[quote name='Daemonocracy']Now I wonder if that Double Dragon 2: Wanderer of the Dragon will be any good, it seems to have just disappeared after Neon was announced.[/QUOTE]

When last I checked, the devs were having trouble getting it to pass certification. But there is a possibility it's been cancelled. I'm investigating, but the language barrier is tough.

[quote name='Sath666']Also i really enjoyed another new brawler - KungFu Strike. It's funny how most of the reviewers complain about the punishing difficulty (some of them didn't even know you can do mega-powerful counter attacks, when the enemies are in aggro form - this is a must if you go for S ranks). Are they never played some old games?[/QUOTE]

Kung Fu Strike's difficulty just isn't balanced at all. I pointed out some of the flaws in my review, like how either player dying in co-op ends the game. But even single player, it was just work instead of fun for me. The bombs! The bosses! Oh god. And I'm a huge fan of beat-em-ups, as you may have noticed. But it's good that you were able to enjoy and fully complete it. :cool:
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[quote name='Sath666']Yep, the game shines in co-op. Don't get all of the hate and rather disappointing reviews around.

Also i really enjoyed another new brawler - KungFu Strike. It's funny how most of the reviewers complain about the punishing difficulty (some of them didn't even know you can do mega-powerful counter attacks, when the enemies are in aggro form - this is a must if you go for S ranks). Are they never played some old games?

Anyway. Got my 20 S ranks - 400/400G. Really rewarding game and satisfying completion.

Holy mackerel! 20 S Ranks. How in blazes did you do that? I could scarcely handle the game as it was! Tell me your secrets.

I had to drop it to Easy at the twin swords boss which was utterly ridiculous. I loved the game though.
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[quote name='eastx']
Kung Fu Strike's difficulty just isn't balanced at all. I pointed out some of the flaws in my review, like how either player dying in co-op ends the game. But even single player, it was just work instead of fun for me. The bombs! The bosses! Oh god. And I'm a huge fan of beat-em-ups, as you may have noticed. But it's good that you were able to enjoy and fully complete it. :cool:[/QUOTE]

I agree with what you say in your post. I'm always up for a challenging games, probably that's why i liked Kung Fu Strike.
Most of the new games are really easy and often i end up bored after few hours.

@RollingSkull - Hey man, i was exactly the same on my first playthrough. Luckily you can get Health, Chi and Army (gives you opportunity to summon Ally in beginning of each stage, lvl2 max their health) upgrades, which helps a lot. The rest is learning the enemies - when they glow red, always do counter attack with chi move. This saves a lot of time, which is the most important requirement for S rank.

The thing i didn't liked - all of the better stuff is expensive and farming money takes forever. For example - level 4 Chi cost 50k, same goes to 4th health upgrade. You get around 350-450 for beating a stage.Even though i had 90% of the upgrades and moves, later stages were still really tough.

btw The item drop rate is really high on hard difficulty.
Are there any CAGs that have tried out R.A.W. yet? I'm a sucker for isometric RPGs and it caught me by surprise in the marketplace today. I'll try the demo out later. There are very few mixed reviews for it this far. More Torchlight :) or Daggerdale :( ?
[quote name='gubmccargen']Are there any CAGs that have tried out R.A.W. yet? I'm a sucker for isometric RPGs and it caught me by surprise in the marketplace today. I'll try the demo out later. There are very few mixed reviews for it this far. More Torchlight :) or Daggerdale :( ?[/QUOTE]

The reviews that I saw weren't very glowing. Perhaps I'll consider it if it goes on sale, but it doesn't sound at all like its worth a full-price purchase.
[quote name='eastx']When last I checked, the devs were having trouble getting it to pass certification. But there is a possibility it's been cancelled. I'm investigating, but the language barrier is tough.


Still listed on their official site, but things haven't been updated in a while. I figured they just delayed it since Neon was coming out, but it may have been cancelled. I'd have to learn Korean to investigate further, so I'll leave that up to you, keep me posted. :D

I look forward to a beat 'em up renaissance similar to what we've seen with shoot 'em ups on XBLA.

And count me in as a CAG who is highly interested in Realms of Ancient War; I've had my eye on this one for a while, but early reviews aren't too comforting (I'll have to check out the demo for myself). Someone wrote here that their partner couldn't keep all of their loot when they played and that would definitely be a problem.
[quote name='gubmccargen']Are there any CAGs that have tried out R.A.W. yet? I'm a sucker for isometric RPGs and it caught me by surprise in the marketplace today. I'll try the demo out later. There are very few mixed reviews for it this far. More Torchlight :) or Daggerdale :( ?[/QUOTE]

I have. I'm pretty close to the end of the game. I like the game overall but there are some pretty big flaws in it. If you're playing with a friend they lose all their gear, items, money, etc. when you stop playing and pick it up again later.

Camera is fixed and you can easily get lost in the environments. I lost track of myself at a couple points as giant trees and overgrown hills blocked my view as I was overwhelmed by enemies. Also the enemies are crazy. They come at you in droves. You can easily die this way. I died once being attacked by spiders. Using health was a little slow and I just died. When you die you are taken back to a checkpoint but you must have soul gems to be revived or else the games ends. The only way you don't need them is if you're playing with a friend and they can stay alive for 5 seconds after you die. Although, who wants to play with you if they can't keep their gear and stats?

There's a ton more I could add. I should have a review up sometime next week. If there's anything specific, feel free to ask. I'll try and answer your questions.
Am I the only one who thinks the new Fire Pro is decent? Mechanics are generally Fire Pro of old and I like all the avatar customization. And it's only $10. I guess without the "real" wrestlers it loses something but I think it's fine just not outstanding.
Awesome, Rally, thanks for the thoughts. Yes, please post up the full review when you get it done. That's really frustrating how they handled checkpoints and co-op but, as I said, I'm a sucker for these so I will probably pick it up to tide me over to the (hopefully) inevitable Torchlight 2 XBLA release.

No map or camera adjustments? That's just stupid.
[quote name='gubmccargen']Awesome, Rally, thanks for the thoughts. Yes, please post up the full review when you get it done. That's really frustrating how they handled checkpoints and co-op but, as I said, I'm a sucker for these so I will probably pick it up to tide me over to the (hopefully) inevitable Torchlight 2 XBLA release.

No map or camera adjustments? That's just stupid.[/QUOTE]

I will add that even with these flaws, my husband really did want to play the game again with me. What we did was right before we ended for the night was have him give me all his gear so we'd be set for next time we play.
[quote name='Felder71']Am I the only one who thinks the new Fire Pro is decent? Mechanics are generally Fire Pro of old and I like all the avatar customization. And it's only $10. I guess without the "real" wrestlers it loses something but I think it's fine just not outstanding.[/QUOTE]

i dont like fire pro games so my hate is not that.

but the controls suck, the mechanics are iffy and mostly terrible, the moves look horrible, and the game just plays like complete crap

it is not a wrestling game in anyway at all.

then in a true insult the game already has 400 points worth of DLC....the game should be 80 points and the DLC should be free. it is that damn bad. thank goodness i only tried the demo
Man, I have had more than 100 pts pending in my rewards account for over 30 days now :/ i would love to pick up Double Dragon Neon, but I only have 600 pts.

Maybe the Scratch and Play App will bring something 1200 down to 600 that would be worth it... off the top of my head I cant even name one though.

I just cant bite on Marvel vs Capcom Origins this week at 1200 either. The online community for those games die so quickly in my opinion.
Capcom's fighters have healthy communities for at least a few months, even old stuff like Street Fighter II Hyper Fighter have people still playing.

[quote name='billydeewilliams']level 2 song on double dragon neon is my jam lol :)[/QUOTE]

.....couldn't be any clearer, upon my magic mirror I can see.....your true nature calling me!
[quote name='kayne2000']
then in a true insult the game already has 400 points worth of DLC[/QUOTE]

I would be pissed if it were any other game. In this case I am looking at it as some kind of inside-joke that none of us understands. How can it be anything else?
I know this is sort of late, but after playing through the first 60 levels of Rocket Riot, I can say I'm glad it only cost me 200 points, lol. It's extremely repetitive and gets really frustrating. I was yelling at my TV earlier because this game pisses me off, haha. Not a huge fan of the controls either. I guess it can be sort of fun in short bursts, but... meh, not for me.

On the other hand, I'm glad NiGHTS is coming to XBLA soon, since I was one of the very few who enjoyed the Wii sequel. :p Never played the original though.
[quote name='PrarieD0G']
On the other hand, I'm glad NiGHTS is coming to XBLA soon, since I was one of the very few who enjoyed the Wii sequel. :p Never played the original though.[/QUOTE]

Hopefully the port is good. Apparently high percentage of people have problems with Jet Set Radio HD (stuttering and sound skipping). :(
I think I'm going to pass on Fable Heroes; it's just not that fun. The combat seems numb, and the camera bothers me sometimes. I was going to play it with my kids, but they're not really liking it either, and we have enough other games to enjoy together that are sitting in my backlog.

I did enjoy the demos for Double Dragon Neon and Kung Fu Strike though. I'll pick those up on a sale.
[quote name='Sath666']Hopefully the port is good. Apparently high percentage of people have problems with Jet Set Radio HD (stuttering and sound skipping). :([/QUOTE]
i have done everything there is to do in JSRHD sans find 3 or 4 graffiti icons, and the only notable things that happened in those many many hours were the game freezing on me once, and an invisible barrier popping up in bentam randomly once that i couldn't skate past.

can't wait for nights. would buy sonic 2 instantly if they added online but they won't, so i'm a little on the fence about that one just knowing it'll be on sale in like 3 months guranteed. BUT, i do want sega to keep just rereleasing these classic games rather than work on new stuff that sucks (outside of renegade ops i can't think of anything good they've had their name on lately that's original, but i am always down for more ports of my favorite games of old) so i'll probably buy it anyway. all 3 are perfect games to have on the HD for short sessions

i tried playing jet set radio future today. big mistake. no camera on the right stick = that game is vice city'd (VC was a top 5 game of all time when san andreas came out but playing san andreas just made going back to VC's controls a terrible chore). it's amazing how much a little thing can flip a game upside down, i beat those 2 games without a camera stick before but after beating JSRHD, ugh! it's rough!

still waiting for them to patch double dragon NEO. Love the series, but me moneys must send the message that lack of online play in 2012 when it's the system's biggest gimmick is unacceptable
Just saw the news about The Walking Dead, I expected it but it's really good to hear that I can just scoop these up on a disc (though you wonder why they wouldn't make each episode 200G so it's a 1000G disc release), just in time for the holidays this year. I kinda wish the disc was at least the price of all games separately (would prefer it be $20 like the PSN season pass), but I'm sure it'll drop in time.

So I picked up Dragon's Lair, Puzzle Arcade and All Zombies Must Die (I'm a real sucker for $5 games) and must say that so far I'm content with my purchases, $5 really is the sweet spot for these games, especially Dragon's Lair (which comes with avatar awards and gamerpics!). I wish I had also had enough for Lara Croft, but I have a feeling that a price drop for it (and a sale @ 400 MSP) isn't TOO far off at this point.

I may even be happier with these than my $5 spent on Sonic 4 Episode 1, which I've been playing recently. Holy shit does it feel clunky. I love the Homing Attack addition but the lack of spin dash (inexcusable imo) and the sudden drops in momentum are frustrating as hell. Hoping that playing as Super Sonic feels smoother. Everything else about the game is fine, though the graphics are throwing me off some and the Homing mechanic could have been refined. How does Episode 2/Episode Metal compare to this? Gonna also venture a guess that we're probably never getting an Episode 3 this generation.

Anyways, excited for the Marvel week ahead of me (ABSOLUTELY cannot wait 'till Wednesday, which I ironically have off from work/school because of Yom Kippur) but the CAG in me is telling me to wait 'till October 1st before I pick up the Costume Pack, Captain America table and Fable Heroes (because of the new Rewards promo), but I think I'm still gonna bite on MvC: Origins day one just because. But I'll be steamed if next month just happens to be the month they reward 1200 MSP arcade game purchases...

Anyone else curious about this FF XIII-2 sale? I guess they couldn't just call it an FF sale because XIII-2 is the only one with DLC...

Edit: Also, it seems the reason for the dirt-cheap Season Pass for SR3 is because, surprise surprise, there's a GotY Edition on its way in November! (It'll include every single piece of DLC for the game ever, which is a megafuckton (30+ DLCs))
[quote name='Strider Turbulence']I just want them to announce a date for episodes 4 & 5.

I love what Tell Tale has done with these games but the waiting sucks.[/QUOTE]

THat's why the release date is good news. Clearly the 5th episode will be out before the disc is in stores. I would guess late October and late November for eps 4 and 5.

I haven't minded the waits that much, its actually helped each epsidoe feel like much more of an event to me.
Nice to see Saint's Row: The Third getting a GOTY edition. I've held out this long. Might as well hold out a little while longer and get that when it drops. Also, I'm just finishing up SR2 for the first time...
Edit: Also, it seems the reason for the dirt-cheap Season Pass for SR3 is because, surprise surprise, there's a GotY Edition on its way in November! (It'll include every single piece of DLC for the game ever, which is a megafuckton (30+ DLCs))

Im sorry if this has been answered somewhere else but is the SR3 Season Pass on sale now or did it already happen?
[quote name='MetalMegaGio']Im sorry if this has been answered somewhere else but is the SR3 Season Pass on sale now or did it already happen?[/QUOTE]

Already happened, will probably happen again though.

I bought Gangstas in Space and Trouble with Clones when they went on sale for half price, they were ok but I don't think I'd get the season pass.
Looking for a voice on the rock band DLC sale. Presuming it ends tomorrow, I'm trying to cut my current list of $50 down closer to the $20-$30 range.

Two bands on the chopping block? Queen and Judas Priest. Love their music, but seeing how some of the songs are in packs and considering their name value, I'm thinking that we may one day see these on sale again?

Potential buy list (already cut from 70 to 50)

3 Doors Down - kryptonite
alice cooper - under my wheels
alice cooper - poison
alice cooper - billion dollar babies
alien ant farm - smooth criminal
anthrax - indians
billy idol - rebel yell
billy idol - mony mony
black sabbath - war pigs
black tide - warriors of time
blondie - call me
Dio - stand up and shout
dio - holy diver
disturbed - the game
disturbed - meaning of life
disturbed stupify
Gorillaz - feel good inc
harvey danger - cream and bastards rise
journey - don't stop believin
judas priest - hellion / electric eye
judas priest - screaming for vegeance
judas priest - breaking the law
lady gaga - bad romance
lynyrd skynyrd - simple man
lynyrd skynyrd - gimme three steps
ministry jesus built my hotrod
motley crue - kickstart my heart
pat benatar - heartbreaker
queen - another one bites the dust
queen - crazy little thing called love
queen - fat bottomed girls
queen - tie your mother down
queen - killer queen
queen - one vision
r.e.m. - losing my religion
ramones - rock n' roll high school
reo speedwagon - ridin the storm out
reo speedwagon - roll with the changes
rise against - savior
rob zombie - dragula
rush - yyz
serj tankian - empty walls
social distortion - ring of fire
social distortion - story of my life
testament - electric crown
testament - more than meets the eye
the knack - my sharona
the offspring - all i want
the offspring - self esteem
the who - baba o riely
the who - who are you
[quote name='JStryke']Looking for a voice on the rock band DLC sale. Presuming it ends tomorrow, I'm trying to cut my current list of $50 down closer to the $20-$30 range.

Two bands on the chopping block? Queen and Judas Priest. Love their music, but seeing how some of the songs are in packs and considering their name value, I'm thinking that we may one day see these on sale again?

Potential buy list (already cut from 70 to 50)

3 Doors Down - kryptonite
alice cooper - under my wheels
alice cooper - poison
alice cooper - billion dollar babies
alien ant farm - smooth criminal
anthrax - indians
billy idol - rebel yell
billy idol - mony mony
black sabbath - war pigs
black tide - warriors of time
blondie - call me
Dio - stand up and shout
dio - holy diver
disturbed - the game
disturbed - meaning of life
disturbed stupify
Gorillaz - feel good inc
harvey danger - cream and bastards rise
journey - don't stop believin
judas priest - hellion / electric eye
judas priest - screaming for vegeance
judas priest - breaking the law
lady gaga - bad romance
lynyrd skynyrd - simple man
lynyrd skynyrd - gimme three steps
ministry jesus built my hotrod
motley crue - kickstart my heart
pat benatar - heartbreaker
queen - another one bites the dust
queen - crazy little thing called love
queen - fat bottomed girls
queen - tie your mother down
queen - killer queen
queen - one vision
r.e.m. - losing my religion
ramones - rock n' roll high school
reo speedwagon - ridin the storm out
reo speedwagon - roll with the changes
rise against - savior
rob zombie - dragula
rush - yyz
serj tankian - empty walls
social distortion - ring of fire
social distortion - story of my life
testament - electric crown
testament - more than meets the eye
the knack - my sharona
the offspring - all i want
the offspring - self esteem
the who - baba o riely
the who - who are you
In the end it'll come down to preference no matter what, so don't know how much my opinion matters in all this. Queen, just remember if you play keys or enjoy harmonies that there IS an updated pack with the same songs and with them being a high profile band there's a better chance of that going on sale in terms of RB3 artist more then any other.

Plus don't know your personal music preferences or difficulty you play on, but Gaga's Bad Romance is so boring. Unless you're singer you will be bored at how spread out the beats are and throws no surprises. Kinda feel the same about Dragula as well and in reality if you have one Ramones song in Rock Band, then you have them all because they all play the same.

I'm debating on typing more, but it'll probably just come out as overall music taste conflicting.
[quote name='bardockkun']In the end it'll come down to preference no matter what, so don't know how much my opinion matters in all this. Queen, just remember if you play keys or enjoy harmonies that there IS an updated pack with the same songs and with them being a high profile band there's a better chance of that going on sale in terms of RB3 artist more then any other.

Plus don't know your personal music preferences or difficulty you play on, but Gaga's Bad Romance is so boring. Unless you're singer you will be bored at how spread out the beats are and throws no surprises. Kinda feel the same about Dragula as well and in reality if you have one Ramones song in Rock Band, then you have them all because they all play the same.

I'm debating on typing more, but it'll probably just come out as overall music taste conflicting.[/QUOTE]

Great response. Like Bardockkun said, it's gonna come down to your personal preference in music. There's obviously a ton of songs on that list that I'd say cut, and I can't even believe your debating between Queen and Judas Priest, as one of them is the obvious answer for me. But there's no point in really sharing that, because it will be, like Bardockkin said, just our music tastes conflicting.
[quote name='tylerh1701']I can't even believe your debating between Queen and Judas Priest, as one of them is the obvious answer[/QUOTE]
Agree with my selective editing of Tyler's post. Get the three Judas Priest songs.
Yea not feeling Fable Heroes much, it's kind of a watered down Castle Crashers, very very watered down. Graphics are cartoony, soundtrack is bad, levels are repetetive - especially the boses, and the leveling up is atrocious. It also adds nothing to the Fable story, and if you haven't played any Fable games I would suggest buying Fable 2 or 3 for just about the same price. It does however give avatar awards and maybe some gamer pics and I am a sucker for half off games.
[quote name='Matty SoooRAD']Yea not feeling Fable Heroes much, it's kind of a watered down Castle Crashers, very very watered down. Graphics are cartoony, soundtrack is bad, levels are repetetive - especially the boses, and the leveling up is atrocious. It also adds nothing to the Fable story, and if you haven't played any Fable games I would suggest buying Fable 2 or 3 for just about the same price. It does however give avatar awards and maybe some gamer pics and I am a sucker for half off games.[/QUOTE]

Wait, where can you get Fable 2 or 3 for $5? Where is this magical place? : o But I totally agree with you otherwise based on the demo, but it's still only $5 and it's nice to have if I ever decide to pick up Journey (and a Kinect). I've spent more on worse (namely twice this price on Fable: Pub Games, ughhhhh, the only reason that was worth it was because of the glitch in one of the game modes that pretty much drowned you in gold for Fable 2).

Also realizing part of the reason I'm hating on Sonic 4 Ep 1 so much is because I played Generations first, and that really fucking spoiled me.

I've been holding out for a SR3 GotY re-release (considering the other two each got a re-release even though neither comes with their DLC..), and I'm glad to hear my waiting paid off like with RDR. Figured THQ was too much in the red to afford not milking the shit out of SR3 after all these sales on its DLC.

Still wondering about October's Reward Promo and how Sonic 4 Episode 2/Episode Metal compare to Episode 1. Anyone? (I'm hoping Ep 2 is better since it was released AFTER Generations).

Edit: I suppose the vanilla for Fable II would be around that price. And yeah, I picked Fable III up @ around $10, but the $5 difference is still hugeeeeeee.
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Fable II has been ~$5 at numerous places for the past couple of years and while I don't recall Fable III being that low, it has been around $8-$12 many times before.
[quote name='simmias']Agree with my selective editing of Tyler's post. Get the three Judas Priest songs.[/QUOTE]

Bismillah, NO!!

Seriously, I love me some Judas Priest but no contest against some epic Queen stuff. Get both is really the correct answer.
I bought the SR3 season pass last week. I actually don't care that they're coming out with a complete edition since I got the season pass pretty cheap and now that the new one is out, the base game is going to come down fast.

I've been thinking about Fable Heroes but I haven't tried the demo yet and I just can't seem to convince myself. It's only $5 but I just doubt I'll ever get around to playing it.

Speaking of the backlog I've got, I'm going to play through everything before I get the next gen consoles. That's probably at least a year, maybe more since I haven't gotten Skyrim or some of last year's games yet (including SR3 even though I bought the season pass!). That suits me just fine since by the time I buy the next gen consoles, they'll have price dropped, have some holiday game pack-ins and there will be launch games that are cheap.
[quote name='Blaster man']I bought the SR3 season pass last week. I actually don't care that they're coming out with a complete edition since I got the season pass pretty cheap and now that the new one is out, the base game is going to come down fast.

I've been thinking about Fable Heroes but I haven't tried the demo yet and I just can't seem to convince myself. It's only $5 but I just doubt I'll ever get around to playing it.

Speaking of the backlog I've got, I'm going to play through everything before I get the next gen consoles. That's probably at least a year, maybe more since I haven't gotten Skyrim or some of last year's games yet (including SR3 even though I bought the season pass!). That suits me just fine since by the time I buy the next gen consoles, they'll have price dropped, have some holiday game pack-ins and there will be launch games that are cheap.[/QUOTE]

That's not a bad idea. I probably won't bite on the new Xbox immediately, so this may be a good catch-up period. Try the demo, but if you're not sold based on the opinions in this thread, it's no big deal.

The thing with SR3's Season Pass was the first time the individual DLC was on sale, I already blew my points for the week on something more important and I was still on the fence about it anyways. But when the Season Pass went on sale at such a low price and I missed it, I was kicking myself even though I don't own the base game. But I'm happy to see it probably works out better for me this way, as I might have been tempted to buy some of the stupider DLCs for regular price (as they're not on sale). Remember, the Season Pass doesn't include that much... just the 3 main add-ons, and the Unlockable Pack.
[quote name='Blaster man']BobbyTastic, what's the next month's XBL reward you were talking about above? Are you sure fable heroes will still be $5 then?[/QUOTE]

It will overlap for a day and a half or so. Monday is the 1st so the new rewards will start then.

Edit: Fable Heros is on sale until 10/15 so you'll be good in getting those October rewards.
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