XBL DotW Sales 2012 |- CLOSED

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[quote name='ooga']I'll disagree with your disagreement, Sonic Adventure was great for its time. Except the Big the Cat levels ofcourse.[/QUOTE]

Nothing wrong with that statement lol, I DID like the first game too, despite the game was "bad" compared to sonic adventure 2 =P but that doesn't make it a bad game in general. As I said I enjoyed the first game as well xp

confused now? ^^"

...Dreamcast was so good back then...just sold my console finally but I miss shenmue and skies of arcadia =( yet I'm glad some of the old titles get a revive on the xbox!
[quote name='Blaster man']Anyone know if Faery legends of Avalon is any good?[/QUOTE]

I liked it. It's a fairly standard (old school) turn-based RPG. Nice setting, and the level-up skill/customization was pretty cool. No way to "respec" though. You get a good selection of characters, but the whole plot isn't complete, since it was meant to be an episodic game. Not worth 1200msp, but I enjoyed it for 600. And if achievements are your thing, it's not a very lengthy or hard 200.
[quote name='kayne2000']gotta disagree with VC5 showdown there is entirely too much DLC to make that worthwhile if my math is right there is about 10,000 points in DLC for this game[/QUOTE]

Your math is wrong. There are two packs that each cost 1200 points (2400 points total) that contain the entirety of the DLC, making the other packs meaningless. And it's cosmetic, not like cut characters or anything.

the songs are terrible more specifically the knuckles rap songs
[quote name='wEEman33']And all of the DLC is superficial costumes so none of it matters.

The core game is all you need. At $7 it's a steal. Easily the best 3D fighter on the system.[/QUOTE]

some people like messing with character customization in a fighting game a shocking concept i know and its still the fact that the disc version of virtua 5 has the option yet to get it i need to shell out of a ton of money on this game basically they are like sure we will offer this for whats the nonsale price? 1200 points? but if you want extra costumes and character customizing you need to fork over another 4000 points!!! its misleading and shady.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Your math is missing logic, as spending 10,000 points on VF5S DLC means you somehow bought all of the individual costume packs along with the bundles so that you'd end up buying everything twice. I'd guess that most rational people would first look at what's offered before deciding what to buy.[/QUOTE]

well i didnt look at the details just added it up.
Well my Gold account expired yesterday so I guess that makes the decisions about getting Gold exclusive deals easy.
Until an outstanding renewal deal appears on my dash that is. Your move Micro$oft...:nottalking:
[quote name='kayne2000']some people like messing with character customization in a fighting game a shocking concept i know and its still the fact that the disc version of virtua 5 has the option yet to get it i need to shell out of a ton of money on this game basically they are like sure we will offer this for whats the nonsale price? 1200 points? but if you want extra costumes and character customizing you need to fork over another 4000 points!!! its misleading and shady.

well i didnt look at the details just added it up.[/QUOTE]
Then you might want to refrain from making suggestions for games you don't know enough about. Your math is bad if you're adding 1200 (costume bundle 1), 1200 (costume bundle 2), and 600 for the game (or even 1200 without the sale) to get over 4000 points. If you want everything, the bundles are the best options, and if you only care about one or two characters, then the individual packs are the best options. If you think it's too expensive, don't buy it and wait for a sale eventually. Nobody with an ounce of common sense would spend nearly as much as you're suggesting, so I don't see what's shady about it.
[quote name='kayne2000']some people like messing with character customization in a fighting game a shocking concept i know and its still the fact that the disc version of virtua 5 has the option yet to get it i need to shell out of a ton of money on this game basically they are like sure we will offer this for whats the nonsale price? 1200 points? but if you want extra costumes and character customizing you need to fork over another 4000 points!!! its misleading and shady.

We had this discussion a few pages back, and the general consensus is that optional cosmetic DLC doesn't hurt the game. VF5 Final Showdown could easily have been sold for $60 (and it would've done pretty well in Japan), but instead SEGA made it a cheap downloadable game with the costumes sold separately. If you want to mess with the costumes so much, buy the game and some costumes. Your choosing not to buy it proves that you don't want to even play the game, let alone customize your characters.
In my opinion this is how DLC should be handled. Have the core game be cheaper, have packs of DLC for those that want everything, and individual DLC for those that want one or a little. I think more companies should take SEGA's lead on this. Personally, I never really customize my characters in a fighter, so for me now to pay for all the cosmetic extras that would be in a retail release, it's great to buy a deeply discounted copy and if I want to get those extras later U can.
[quote name='Blaster man']Anyone know if Faery legends of Avalon is any good?[/QUOTE]

After playing through the demo 2 separate times, I still can't spend 600 on it. I may bite if it ever ends up on the 200-400msp range.

[quote name='Althax']Looking ahead to tuesday, what toy soldiers and cold war dlcs are worth purchasing? I dont have enough points for them all and I still need to buy the original toy soldier.[/QUOTE]

They're all fairly similar, in the they include 3 missions and a couple extra negligible goodies. Of the 3 I've played, I'd rank them:

Kaiser Battle
Evil Empire

I'm definitely buying Invasion on Tuesday.
I have all Virtua Fighter 5 FS, Street Fighter 3, and Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.

While I do enjoy playing SF3 online, FS is the best value by far of all 3. It's a modern day full RETAIL LEVEL game while the rest are what you expect from smaller digital games. SF3 you have to pay for extra COLORS!@#! At least the DLC in FS are clothing accessories and other customization. It really sucks to be a Capcom fan :(

I hope other modern day unreleased games follow Sega's path with FS. A cheap digital download that has the core game with optional nongame DLC for hardcore fans.
[quote name='eastx']We had this discussion a few pages back, and the general consensus is that optional cosmetic DLC doesn't hurt the game. VF5 Final Showdown could easily have been sold for $60 (and it would've done pretty well in Japan), but instead SEGA made it a cheap downloadable game with the costumes sold separately. If you want to mess with the costumes so much, buy the game and some costumes. Your choosing not to buy it proves that you don't want to even play the game, let alone customize your characters.[/QUOTE]

im not saying its a bad game its probably fun enough. but using this logic i dont really see how those costumes value at so much more than the actual game is(even when its not one sale)....also i really dont use Japan as a benchmark for what sells in other countries in this case lets say America because quite frankly Japan sells alot of games that stand 0 chance in America most famously being their obsession with dating sims and well xbox doesnt sell over there but in america it does pretty damn good.

you are right the DLC doesnt directly hurt the game but if one has VF5 the disc copy and it had customizing one tends to hope features stay in the next version....also if this was a Disc game it could be 10 dollars by now.....though i am curios why this never came out as a disc game??

my choosing not to buy it is i dont want to like it then want to customize characters and have to drop a few thousand points if i want the full experience or just pick and choose individually....though the backlog could be a factor too its one of these two reasons lol

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Then you might want to refrain from making suggestions for games you don't know enough about. Your math is bad if you're adding 1200 (costume bundle 1), 1200 (costume bundle 2), and 600 for the game (or even 1200 without the sale) to get over 4000 points. If you want everything, the bundles are the best options, and if you only care about one or two characters, then the individual packs are the best options. If you think it's too expensive, don't buy it and wait for a sale eventually. Nobody with an ounce of common sense would spend nearly as much as you're suggesting, so I don't see what's shady about it.[/QUOTE]

theres more than two 1200 point pack bundles as i recall....its sort of the fact there is that much DLC that is somewhat annoying i dont mind DLC and i dont hate it but it can sometimes in cases like this get absurd
[quote name='locolukah']Walking Dead ep. 4 is out on Wednesday!![/QUOTE]

everyone rejoice the best game ever is releasing another part hell yeah:D:whee::bow:\\:D/
[quote name='killer9']everyone rejoice the best game ever is releasing another part hell yeah:D:whee::bow:\\:D/[/QUOTE]

He didn't say Hell Yeah, he said Walking Dead.

hardy har har :p
[quote name='bardockkun']After watching Indie Game The Movie on Netflix I kinda want a sale on Super Meat Boy now.[/QUOTE]

although your controller is praying for the complete opposite. i've never played a game that made me so fucking mad before. towards the middle of the game the difficulty becomes ridiculous.
[quote name='Dthib87']although your controller is praying for the complete opposite[/QUOTE]
I've got 7, not counting arcade sticks or fight pads. I Got enough to sacrifice to the gaming Gods.
[quote name='bardockkun']After watching Indie Game The Movie on Netflix I kinda want a sale on Super Meat Boy now.[/QUOTE]

well worth full price IMHO. One of the absolute top XBLA games period.
[quote name='bardockkun']After watching Indie Game The Movie on Netflix I kinda want a sale on Super Meat Boy now.[/QUOTE]

Shoulda early adopted, was totally worth it.
[quote name='ooga']Releasing Sonic the fighters has to be some kind of joke. Maybe a lost bet?[/QUOTE]
Why a joke? It's actually a pretty fun fighter, albeit perhaps made slightly simpler. And talk about a kick ass soundtrack.
I Can only hope Fighters Megamix, Last Bronx, and Fighting Vipers 2 are eventually coming as well. We might as well relive all the little known gems that Saturn and Dreamcast had. Though Sonic the Fighters...all I remember was playing it at the arcade and spamming the same attack and getting ridiculously far before my parents told me I had to go. That and all the characters looked like men in Sonic character suits.

[quote name='CAiNiACprime']Shoulda early adopted, was totally worth it.[/QUOTE]
Then again no matter when I adopt I'm sure I'd still be cursing at the constant deaths no matter what. So I don't think I missed a giant meaty movement for not getting it at launch.
Another fine week of deals and a new set of deals to replace them soon. Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown and Dungeon Fighter Live were offered for the first time on discount, but unfortunately I decided to purchase the former on release (to support) while the latter while a regret purchase did allow me to gain 2 XBLA titles I did want through PlayXBLA. Transformers: War for Cybertron was too good a price for me to pass up even though I would have preferred to get a physical copy, but at this time the prices for a physical copy were much greater than the 800MSP for a digital one, besides it would go nice with the DLC that I had already bought from a previous sale.

I don't always purchase XBLA titles on release at full price, but when I do, they tend to be titles I really want at the initial price offer. I loved NiGHTS: Into Dreams on the Sega Saturn, and by pure nostalgia factor, I chose to purchase it last Friday despite being less awesome than the original release. Fortunately for me, only 2 more titles I know of remain on upcoming XBLA release am I willing to spend 800MSP for: Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R and Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds, and then I can go back to my CAG ways.

I am disappointed Deathsmiles 2X does not qualify for this month's Xbox Live Rewards offer. I'm still searching for for a combination of game marketplace items that I want which add up to 2000MSP, with a low likelihood of getting any discounts, and are also horror-themed. According to the [thread=8374566]Xbox Rewards Thread[/thread] OP, the Call of Duty: World at War nor Call of Duty: Black Ops DLC, which were on sale this past week, also unfortunately does not qualify for the October reward offer.

[quote name='Strider Turbulence']The Japanese never really cared for Alpha 2. The story I heard a long time ago is that someone won an Alpha 2 tournament and basically said something to effect of 'this game sucks'. In response, Capcom released Gold (or rather Zero2 Alpha).

Most US players didn't care for the balance changes either. I personally don't care, I'll play either version if it hits XBLA.[/QUOTE]

I have explored the game for a few years, and enjoy both. Personally I prefer the original base game Alpha 2 (Zero 2) over Alpha 2 Gold (Zero 2 Alpha) because the balance I feel got ruined in the later release. I can go by the characters one by one and the changes for the worse for most, but basically the subsequent release feels like 2 of the top 4 got stronger, everyone else got weaker. Granted I may have a skewed view since my primary choice character, which wasn't that powerful to begin with gained lots of new deficiencies, but I do tend to favor mid-level characters and play a large portion of the roster at a fairly decent level, and this is just my personal judgement. Anyway, since I do love the game more than its sequel, I wouldn't mind seeing either ever hit XBLA, heck I could even put up with the sequel too because it is a decent game as well, but my point was still that sometimes the most recent edition of a fighting game may not always be the better edition.

[quote name='Dthib87']although your controller is praying for the complete opposite. i've never played a game that made me so fucking mad before. towards the middle of the game the difficulty becomes ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

I actually found Super Meat Boy a cakewalk by comparison to my recent experiences with Spelunky. I will describe Spelunky as "so difficult, it makes depression flare up." I have come to two conclusions about my play with the game. 1.) No human could be as unlucky as I playing Spelunky, it is impossible. Thinking like Samuel L. Jackson in "Unbreakable," I am at this far end of the spectrum there must be someone that exists in this world who is at the other end. This other person must be so lucky at the game it has caused a huge negative luck effect on me. That person probably gets jetpacks, shotguns, compasses, etc. for free all the time and got all the achievements so fast that he/she already put the game away being done and thinking no more of the game, not realizing how much it makes me suffer. That person, is my arch-nemesis, and I hate you, whoever you are. 2.) This game is made by some unholy collaboration between the two devs and some cruel, evil deity who gives me a taste of happiness, just enough to crush and destroy that feeling, so that I will KNOW that hapiness was never meant for me with the game. That being said, I still enjoy these challenging platformers ^^.

[quote name='bardockkun']I Can only hope Fighters Megamix, Last Bronx, and Fighting Vipers 2 are eventually coming as well. We might as well relive all the little known gems that Saturn and Dreamcast had.[/QUOTE]

This! I really enjoyed Fighters MEGAMiX and Last Bronx in their days. I've only played the first but have not played Fighting Vipers 2, so I will take your word for its quality.

Starting tomorrow, the Toy Soldiers games and DLC will get a discount which could interest me. If not for the one mission on the original base game of Toy Soldiers which I am stuck at, I may have to make a personal judgement call to not purchase any of the DLC nor sequel, despite Tylerh's recommendations. [I am stuck in the mission where you have to use only airplane and no towers to complete it.] Since most the Double Fine games I wanted including their respective DLC had been on sale prior, the only items I could hope for on sale are Xbox Originals Psychonauts and Brütal Legend DLC (I do not have a Kinect to desire the Double Fine games which require the peripheral).

As for new releases of Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise, Worms Revolution, and Friday's Pool Nation, I've not heard/read enough to build enough hype for me to buy on release, but I will probably inquire about them once they get a discount. However, it will be nice to for me to finally get an opportunity enjoy what the beta dashboard users have been enjoying for a while now in Happy Wars this Friday. I think I read that the game will be in a free-to-play pricing model, and it has been a while since the last free games, Doritos Crash Course and Harm's Way were offered. [I think I saw somewhere that Crash Course 2 is on its way, and if true I hope it is free as well.]
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Wouldn't mind trying out Fighting Vipers. Still perplexed by Sonic The Fighters. It was neat being on Sonic Gems Collection as sort of a "lost" game since it wasn't ported before, but it's such a mediocre fighting game compared to others. Maybe the three games will be another of those Vintage Collections, since it's 3 games & they're all Saturn/Sega Model 2 fighters.

Also hoping for Fighters Megamix gets ported someday. I want to play the fighting game that allows me to use the Hornet car from Daytona USA:

lmao, i love spelunky. dying on spelunky was frustrating but it wasnt like SMB in the way of me spending 45 minutes dying every 15seconds on the same exact spot. I just couldnt handle that shit.

in other news... dear god just reduce meet the robinsons its gone up and down from 30 to 20 over and over and over again for 2 months it seems
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Looks like we have a few more fighters coming courtesy of Sega. [/QUOTE]

Awesome news. I've always wanted to play Sonic the Fighters. Too bad it's not Sonic Arcade, as that game (which was 3-player co-op) was never released on any home system, ever.

Fighting Vipers is great, and hopefully it paves the way for Fighting Vipers 2 and Fighters Megamix. FV will probably be either the arcade or PS2 version, both of which are prettier than the Saturn one, so that's cool too.

[quote name='Crono-00']
Starting tomorrow, the Toy Soldiers games and DLC will get a discount which could interest me. If not for the one mission on the original base game of Toy Soldiers which I am stuck at, I may have to make a personal judgement call to not purchase any of the DLC nor sequel, despite Tylerh's recommendations. [I am stuck in the mission where you have to use only airplane and no towers to complete it.]

As for new releases of Naughty Bear: Panic in Paradise, Worms Revolution, and Friday's Pool Nation, I've not heard/read enough to build enough hype for me to buy on release, but I will probably inquire about them once they get a discount. [/QUOTE]

Dude, Toy Soldiers is not that hard. Look up a guide or a YouTube video... Also, Cold War can be made easier with delightful local co-op.

I've got Worm Revolution and it's great if you like the Worms series. New 3D engine with the original 2D gameplay, but now the stages and some weapons have physics which makes the game a bit more interesting. 1200 is a lot so I understand waiting, but I doubt many Worms fans would feel ripped off at full price.
Won Toy Soldiers:Cold War from Playxbla recently so I'll be happy to pick up the dlc for it tomorrow...

..and the original game.....and the dlc for that....and everything in the double fine sale I don't have. :D
I've already played through and beaten Costume Quest on PSN, but I'll probably pick that and the DLC up if it goes on sale tomorrow. Love that game and it really puts me in the Halloween mood.
[quote name='bardockkun']
Then again no matter when I adopt I'm sure I'd still be cursing at the constant deaths no matter what. So I don't think I missed a giant meaty movement for not getting it at launch.[/QUOTE]

My reasoning wasn't about being a part of some larger and meatier movement. The game launched at 800 and went to 1200 about a week later.
[quote name='cthomer5000']well worth full price IMHO. One of the absolute top XBLA games period.[/QUOTE]

Oh ya. One of my top 5 XBLA games as well.
[quote name='Tsel']I've already played through and beaten Costume Quest on PSN, but I'll probably pick that and the DLC up if it goes on sale tomorrow. Love that game and it really puts me in the Halloween mood.[/QUOTE]

where did you see that costume quest was going on sale?

havent played that since my old gamertag got banned :(
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']My reasoning wasn't about being a part of some larger and meatier movement. The game launched at 800 and went to 1200 about a week later.[/QUOTE]
Lies! I Know this is all part of the meat Illuminati that controls all the tendons of deliciousness! Jesse Ventura warned me of your kind!

Also 600 or less is my going rate for games on XBLA in anycase.
[quote name='billydeewilliams']where did you see that costume quest was going on sale?

havent played that since my old gamertag got banned :([/QUOTE]

Double Fine sale starts tomorrow.

I, too, will re-buy Costume Quest, but only if it's 400 or less. Partially for the avatar awards.
Iron Brigade
Costume Quest
Double Fine Happy Action Theater
Brutal Legend

+most those games' DLC probably, the XBLA ones anyway.
Costume Quest has avatar awards? Oh man, now I'm definitely sold on double dipping. I'm with you though Tyler, 400 or bust. I never played the DLC either so it'd be cool to go through that.
[quote name='billydeewilliams']yes i hope its 400. is there a site where they list games that give avatar awards?[/QUOTE]


That one's not bad.

[quote name='Tsel']Costume Quest has avatar awards? Oh man, now I'm definitely sold on double dipping. I'm with you though Tyler, 400 or bust. I never played the DLC either so it'd be cool to go through that.[/QUOTE]

The DLC is not bad, but it's definitely more of the exact same. I bought it at full price on PSN after I beat the main game (which I got on sale half price, so I figured I could pay full price for the DLC). It's perfectly competent, but like I said, more of the same.
I had forgotten about the Double Fine sale, now I'm excited!

I was going probably going to bite on Cold War tomorrow, but now I may pass dependent upon what DF has to offer me. I got the original Toy Soldiers for free but it just wasn't exactly my cup of tea.
[quote name='Crono-00']
I don't always purchase XBLA titles on release at full price, but when I do, they tend to be titles I really want at the initial price offer.[/QUOTE]

I will forever hear Crono's posts read in the voice of the most interesting man in the world from this point forward. :lol:
Randy Pitchford ‏@DuvalMagic
So - here's the surprise, Mechromancer for Borderlands 2 is ready about a week earlier than I promised. Oct 9, all platforms. Woo!
[quote name='tylerh1701']http://avatarawards.ninjasfate.com/

That one's not bad.

The DLC is not bad, but it's definitely more of the exact same. I bought it at full price on PSN after I beat the main game (which I got on sale half price, so I figured I could pay full price for the DLC). It's perfectly competent, but like I said, more of the same.[/QUOTE]

true its more of the same but costume quest was so good that I didn't care
[quote name='tylerh1701'][quote name='billydeewilliams']yes i hope its 400. is there a site where they list games that give avatar awards?[/QUOTE]
http://avatarawards.ninjasfate.com/ ... That one's not bad.[/QUOTE]
Getting an Adobe Reader v9 exploit sent from the page...

... so be sure your AV/malware protection is up-to-date (& monitoring your TEMP directory) before you go there. :whistle2:(
[quote name='cthomer5000'][quote name='bardockkun']After watching Indie Game The Movie on Netflix I kinda want a sale on Super Meat Boy now.[/QUOTE]
well worth full price IMHO. One of the absolute top XBLA games period.[/QUOTE]
And buying SMB on 360 will also raise up the Xbox:Steam ratio, so that more developers will still give consoles a chance, even though MS doesn't make it easy on them with:
  • 30% cut in gross sale cost
  • Lack of control in promotional or free pricing
  • Lack of control on release-date
  • Game selection by big-wigs that don't necessarily understand "gaming"
  • Long, unyielding, and yet grossly-incompetent certification testing
... with the latter due to using large testing firms, hiring brute-force "game-testers" at barely above minimum wage, and yet the firms can demand a huge paycheck for their outsourcing services.

I know I'm really "selling" Xbox Live Arcade with those statements, and yet it's still the most user-friendly & broadest-audience option if you want the maximize the chances of people playing your game. Just one of those facts of life, I'm afraid.
[quote name='Dthib87']lmao, i love spelunky. dying on spelunky was frustrating but it wasnt like SMB in the way of me spending 45 minutes dying every 15seconds on the same exact spot. I just couldnt handle that shit.

Spelunky is still my favourite XBLA game for this year. Beating Hell was so rewarding - not that these last levels were too hard, but accomplishing this after soo many requirements before feels really good. Shame most of the gamers are put off by the difficulty. :/
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