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I got Metro 2033 when it was on sale a couple weeks ago. I just finished it up and holy shit that game is awesome. I'm glad they're making a sequel to it. I used an online guide to get enough morality points so I could see the good and bad endings. Highly recommend that one and anyone that got it should push it to the top of the backlog. I'm not the best gamer in the world and I thought it was fairly difficult on easy.

edit: I should mention, another reason to play it soon is because it's fairly short so you can burn through it, fully enjoy it, then move on. I went ahead and deleted it from my HDD. I doubt I'll play through it again. There's one add-on for what's essentially super hard mode. Considering I thought easy was pretty difficult I wasn't about to buy that.
I have a crystal ball question for everyone. I'm wondering what will happen with GOD Xbox 360 games when the new Xbox comes out probably next year. Do you think the pricing on most games will go down to 800-1200 points once the new system arrives? I was a late adopter of the 360 so I don't know what happened with the pricing of Xbox Originals when they were offered on the 360. But considering how integrated everything is now I keep thinking that GOD will likely be offered first day on the new Xbox. Which makes me wonder if I should hold back on buying games for a little while as my backlog is ridiculous as is and with a new system imminent even disc based games should be very cheap in the near future.

While we're on that subject does anyone think that Xbox 360 XBLA games will be discounted on the new system or if they'll just carry over with the same pricing scale? My thoughts is that they'll just carry over as XBLA can be marketed as it's own unique SKU that isn't tied to a console, but the GOD will be like the Xbox Originals in terms of being offered at a lower price.

But I'd basically love to hear what people think about this as it's been on my mind lately.
[quote name='skonson']I have a crystal ball question for everyone. I'm wondering what will happen with GOD Xbox 360 games when the new Xbox comes out probably next year. Do you think the pricing on most games will go down to 800-1200 points once the new system arrives? I was a late adopter of the 360 so I don't know what happened with the pricing of Xbox Originals when they were offered on the 360. But considering how integrated everything is now I keep thinking that GOD will likely be offered first day on the new Xbox. Which makes me wonder if I should hold back on buying games for a little while as my backlog is ridiculous as is and with a new system imminent even disc based games should be very cheap in the near future.

While we're on that subject does anyone think that Xbox 360 XBLA games will be discounted on the new system or if they'll just carry over with the same pricing scale? My thoughts is that they'll just carry over as XBLA can be marketed as it's own unique SKU that isn't tied to a console, but the GOD will be like the Xbox Originals in terms of being offered at a lower price.

But I'd basically love to hear what people think about this as it's been on my mind lately.[/QUOTE]
It'll be up to the publishers like it currently is handled.
Just letting everyone know Guardian Heroes is a great game loved it on the Sega Saturn and day 1 purchased on XBLA. According to OP it goes on sale next week for 400 m$ ($5) which is a great deal. Just getting the hype going for next week.
I know I'm just repeating info from the indie thread but Wizorb is now 80MSP.

...and that game is awesome - everyone here should check it out ^_^
[quote name='tribalnoise']thanks blaster. i got it during the sale, too.[/QUOTE]

No problem. It took a little while to fully understand everything. It's got some bugs and can be confusing. That's what you get with these games developed by Eastern European studios though. The graphics are not the best (by a long shot) but I was utterly amazed when I saw how short the credits were.
[quote name='Blaster man']No problem. It took a little while to fully understand everything. It's got some bugs and can be confusing. That's what you get with these games developed by Eastern European studios though. The graphics are not the best (by a long shot) but I was utterly amazed when I saw how short the credits were.[/QUOTE]

What's ironic is that Metro 2033 is used as a benchmark on PCs nowadays. It's a very taxing game.
[quote name='Bosamba']What's ironic is that Metro 2033 is used as a benchmark on PCs nowadays. It's a very taxing game.[/QUOTE]

Well, maybe it's my 32" TV then or maybe it's because it's the 360 version. I just didn't think it looked exactly fantastic graphically. The game itself I enjoyed quite a bit. I love the stupid bullet economy.
[quote name='skonson']I have a crystal ball question for everyone. I'm wondering what will happen with GOD Xbox 360 games when the new Xbox comes out probably next year. Do you think the pricing on most games will go down to 800-1200 points once the new system arrives? I was a late adopter of the 360 so I don't know what happened with the pricing of Xbox Originals when they were offered on the 360. But considering how integrated everything is now I keep thinking that GOD will likely be offered first day on the new Xbox. Which makes me wonder if I should hold back on buying games for a little while as my backlog is ridiculous as is and with a new system imminent even disc based games should be very cheap in the near future.

While we're on that subject does anyone think that Xbox 360 XBLA games will be discounted on the new system or if they'll just carry over with the same pricing scale? My thoughts is that they'll just carry over as XBLA can be marketed as it's own unique SKU that isn't tied to a console, but the GOD will be like the Xbox Originals in terms of being offered at a lower price.

But I'd basically love to hear what people think about this as it's been on my mind lately.[/QUOTE]

You should not purchase any games for the xbox 360 with expectations that they will work on the next gen console. Microsoft needed the originals in order to help propel the 360 and get an early lead on the PS3. Sony decided in mid stream to drop support for PS2 games on the PS3. I think the PS3 has still done fairly well without backwards compatibility so Microsoft could very well follow suit and not have any backwards compatibility and require all publishers to "port" games they want on the new platform...

I also suspect current XBLA games will not be available on the next gen console. I think there was an interview with one of the heads of the xbox division where he stated something along those lines. I could see them rebranding XBLA into something different as it has grown way beyond "Arcade" games. There was a lot of new IP's released on XBLA this year.
[quote name='Gabrius']I know I'm just repeating info from the indie thread but Wizorb is now 80MSP.

...and that game is awesome - everyone here should check it out ^_^[/QUOTE]

It's a good game but having to play 12 levels at a time is a bit annoying. That said its well worth a shot at 80 points.
The uproar they will hear from people if we can't play our xbla games on the new system will be very loud. I can see disc based backward compatibility going away, but it will be hard for them to push online purchases if they don't show goodwill by showing that these purchases aren't good when the new machine comes out.
[quote name='hufferstl']The uproar they will hear from people if we can't play our xbla games on the new system will be very loud. I can see disc based backward compatibility going away, but it will be hard for them to push online purchases if they don't show goodwill by showing that these purchases aren't good when the new machine comes out.[/QUOTE]

They made a rather limp-wristed attempt at offering backwards compatibility with original Xbox games. Between a price hike for Live, killing the original Live for Xbox to increase the friends limit (an increase that never happened), and an increasingly cluttered dashboard, Microsoft has done little to show that they're interested in goodwill. Unless the next Xbox has another Power PC CPU then there's little hope that they're going to invest many resources in allowing you to play your old games. There's far more money to be made in selling you new games (or ported versions of old games).

I certainly hope that you're right, but I can't help but feel that the 720, and certainly the PS4, won't be compatible with the current generation of games. Fortunately we'll still have our 360s and PS3s to play our older games on.
[quote name='Thrinn']They made a rather limp-wristed attempt at offering backwards compatibility with original Xbox games. Between a price hike for Live, killing the original Live for Xbox to increase the friends limit (an increase that never happened), and an increasingly cluttered dashboard, Microsoft has done little to show that they're interested in goodwill. Unless the next Xbox has another Power PC CPU then there's little hope that they're going to invest many resources in allowing you to play your old games. There's far more money to be made in selling you new games (or ported versions of old games).

I certainly hope that you're right, but I can't help but feel that the 720, and certainly the PS4, won't be compatible with the current generation of games. Fortunately we'll still have our 360s and PS3s to play our older games on.[/QUOTE]

Don't get me wrong, I'm not an expert by any means (never did Assembler programming professionally and I only took one course on it years ago) BUT isn't the 360 based on the Windows kernel and I would assume that the 720 would as well right? I don't think that the Windows kernel can run on architecture that is not x86 right? I mean wouldn't that require different types of registry's and commands (such as MOV) in the underlying assembler code? There's a reason that it's easy to port from 360 to PC...so presumably these things should be easily ported to the 720.
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[quote name='sickman']Wow, dropping XBLA would be a really dumb move.[/QUOTE]

Agree 100%, if I could not at least port my arcade games over I would not have any reason not to switch to the next Playstation, so I think they would want to include it just to have a reason to keep buying xbox products.
[quote name='Blaster man']Don't get me wrong, I'm not an expert (never did Assembler programming professionally and I only took one course on it years ago) by any means BUT isn't the 360 based on the Windows kernel and I would assume that the 720 would as well right? I don't think that the Windows kernel can run on architecture that is not x86 right? I mean wouldn't that require different types of registry's and commands (such as MOV) in the underlying assembler code? There's a reason that it's easy to port from 360 to PC...so presumably these things should be easily ported to the 720.[/QUOTE]

The 360 system software is based on the Windows kernel, it just needed to be compiled for PowerPC. It had been done before, NT 4 was available on PowerPC, as well as other architectures. If the 360 and Windows kernels kept the same API calls and game code just uses those to interact with the hardware, then porting between PC and 360 should be relatively easy. If the game itself is using assembly to interact directly with the hardware (which would improve performance), that part would need to be rewritten or emulated to port it.
[quote name='Blaster man']Don't get me wrong, I'm not an expert by any means (never did Assembler programming professionally and I only took one course on it years ago) BUT isn't the 360 based on the Windows kernel and I would assume that the 720 would as well right? I don't think that the Windows kernel can run on architecture that is not x86 right? I mean wouldn't that require different types of registry's and commands (such as MOV) in the underlying assembler code? There's a reason that it's easy to port from 360 to PC...so presumably these things should be easily ported to the 720.[/QUOTE]

This all depends on what direction they decide to take the so-called 720's hardware in. IIRC, full backwards compatibility with original Xbox games was near impossible primarily because of a switch from a nVidia GPU in the Xbox to an ATI GPU in the 360. But don't quote me on that. Don't even quote this post! I'll wag my finger at you.

For what my opinion's worth, I'll definitely be heated if I can't transfer my XBLA catalog to the next system. I could never say never to a console, but I'll gladly say sayonara for a while if they take a big steaming dump on my loyalty.
if my GOD, XBLA and DLC doesn't carry over, I'll have no reason to get the 720, I have several hundred hours of entertainment on there that I haven't gotten around to yet. It'd be a lost sale from me on their part if I can't carry it all over.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']if my GOD, XBLA and DLC doesn't carry over, I'll have no reason to get the 720, I have several hundred hours of entertainment on there that I haven't gotten around to yet. It'd be a lost sale from me on their part if I can't carry it all over.[/QUOTE]

Same here - I have over 400 digital games on my 360... Microsoft better do something for customers like me or risk losing some really good business.
[quote name='iNFiNiTE HORiZON']if my GOD, XBLA and DLC doesn't carry over, I'll have no reason to get the 720, I have several hundred hours of entertainment on there that I haven't gotten around to yet. It'd be a lost sale from me on their part if I can't carry it all over.[/QUOTE]

When the original Xbox was phased out, thanks to this wonderful site I had about 15 XBox games in the backlog. I was so caught up with the new games that hit with the 360 and PS3 launches that I never found the time to get back to most of those old PS2 & Xbox games. Those Xbox games are still sealed and packed away in the basement.

I figure I've got about a year until the PS4 & 720 are released. Time to get cracking on that backlog before then. Now if you'll excuse me I'm headed back to playing Far Cry 2, a game I bought almost four years ago and never really played until now. ;)
[quote name='sickman']Wow, dropping XBLA would be a really dumb move.[/QUOTE]

If they did that I would just go PS4 like everyone else. Hell, maybe quit console gaming and just go Steam.
[quote name='sickman']Wow, dropping XBLA would be a really dumb move.[/QUOTE]
For those of us who plan to keep our Xbox 360 console because we bought a lot of games on XBLA and want to keep playing them, will those games still work on the 360 when the 720 is released? Or will Microsoft really shut down XBLA to try to force everyone to buy a 720 so that Xbox 360 owners will no longer be able to log into our XBLA accounts, download games we bought, or even play them?

If they shut down my ability to play my purchased games on any Xbox 360 while logged into my account, I vowed I will never buy another piece of digital download software as long as I live for any computer or system. When I pay money to buy games, I expect to be able to use them as long as I have the system... not when some company arbitrarily decides to take away what I thought were lifetime licenses. I've spent over a thousand dollars on XBLA and I haven't played half of my games yet. I bought them not expecting to have a time limit on playing them.
Extremely doubtful that would happen. Online components may not function, but the games SHOULD always be there for you to play. They know people have poured shit loads of money in to their ecosystem, and they want you to stay forever. I really don't see them dropping XBLA from the next system. Maybe a rename, but unless they do something radically different for the 360, I wouldn't worry too much. As for the PS3, I imagine they are pretty much screwed, since Cell is dead(right?).

[quote name='Ubichu']For those of us who plan to keep our Xbox 360 console because we bought a lot of games on XBLA and want to keep playing them, will those games still work on the 360 when the 720 is released? Or will Microsoft really shut down XBLA to try to force everyone to buy a 720 so that Xbox 360 owners will no longer be able to log into our XBLA accounts, download games we bought, or even play them?

If they shut down my ability to play my purchased games on any Xbox 360 while logged into my account, I vowed I will never buy another piece of digital download software as long as I live for any computer or system. When I pay money to buy games, I expect to be able to use them as long as I have the system... not when some company arbitrarily decides to take away what I thought were lifetime licenses. I've spent over a thousand dollars on XBLA and I haven't played half of my games yet. I bought them not expecting to have a time limit on playing them.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='Thrinn']They made a rather limp-wristed attempt at offering backwards compatibility with original Xbox games. Between a price hike for Live, killing the original Live for Xbox to increase the friends limit (an increase that never happened), and an increasingly cluttered dashboard, Microsoft has done little to show that they're interested in goodwill. Unless the next Xbox has another Power PC CPU then there's little hope that they're going to invest many resources in allowing you to play your old games. There's far more money to be made in selling you new games (or ported versions of old games).

I certainly hope that you're right, but I can't help but feel that the 720, and certainly the PS4, won't be compatible with the current generation of games. Fortunately we'll still have our 360s and PS3s to play our older games on.[/QUOTE]
Why do you say that? They have ps1 games on there, there is no reason they will abandon these.

The way I see it is it will just be new hardware with everything transferrable. Console gaming has completely change over the last 6/7 years and to piss off people who have poured shitloads of money into the 360/ps3 would be stupid. All it would achieve is less early adopters.

Personally, I would buy them all day 1 anyway, but some people don't have the means to do that and with current backlogs, would not be inclined to do so.
[quote name='Thrinn']When the original Xbox was phased out, thanks to this wonderful site I had about 15 XBox games in the backlog. I was so caught up with the new games that hit with the 360 and PS3 launches that I never found the time to get back to most of those old PS2 & Xbox games. Those Xbox games are still sealed and packed away in the basement.[/QUOTE]

I held onto my XBox games that I hadn't beaten yet in hopes that they'd eventually become backwards compatible. Sadly, not all of them did. Chessmaster, which is an awesome game if you like chess and want to improve, is one of them. I only learned recently that there was an XBLA version that got delisted last December.

Advent Rising was another game that got passed over in the compatibility updates. I always intended to play it, but then my original Xbox died and I wasn't willing to pay the $150 Microsoft wanted to fix it. I recently added Rogue Trooper and Star Wars: Republic Commando to my Original Xbox collection since they're MIA on Xbox Live.
With digital games, I feel like things are going to be different. Libraries of games are easily built up and can't be sold. Telling the most hardcore of people they have to leave them on the 360 is going to be a detriment.

Here's my thoughts -

If there's an Xbox 720 next year with at least 1 compelling title and a Blu-Ray drive AND I can take all my XBLA with me, I'll buy it on the first day. If I can't bring XBLA with me, it may be years before I move over and pretty darn likely I'd reassess getting a PS4, especially if they are backwards compatible with PS3, which I never owned.

I understand that it may be more expensive and harder for MS to get backwards compatibility in there, but I feel confident it would be worth their money to keep the customers they've earned. I've bought nearly 120 XBLA games (not to mention 80 or so disc games). If they want another 120 games purchased, they need make things fully compatible.
The 360 and next Xbox will coexist on the same network.

This isn't the same situation with the original Xbox and the 360. Xbox Live was very nascent back then where they weren't even sure what features they wanted to implement. Plus, they were working from behind, trying to catch up to the PS2 which had a head start.

The network is very modular now and they can add features without having to rebuild the network. They're still working to feverishly add apps and more companies to support Xbox Live so they're not going to open a new Xbox Live and shut down the current Xbox Live.

While the 360 and the next Xbox will coexist on the same network and maybe even bring in the idea of crossplatform gaming, I doubt that they put backwards compatibility into the next Xbox. They would rather you have both your 360 on the network and buy a new Xbox.

Any thoughts of backward compatibility for the PS3 is silly. If the PS4 is a completely different architecture, it'll be impossible. You will not be having a PS3 on a chip available for the PS4. And if rumors that the next Xbox has a similar architecture to the current one are true, that leads to the possibility of backward compatibility but as a business model, it's better to have 2 systems for 2 different tiers. Leave the 360 for the people on a budget. Get the next Xbox out there for the hardcore and the early adopters. It's about building an ecosystem. This is how Apple works. This is how Google works. This is how Microsoft works.
Has anyone gotten their 300 points back for the Shocktober promotion? (Spend 2000 points on horror themed stuff)

I bought Resident Evil 4 (800), Alan Wake's American Nightmare (600), and The Dishwasher: Vampire Smiles (400) and it still hasn't shown up for me yet.
[quote name='Kromis']Has anyone gotten their 300 points back for the Shocktober promotion? (Spend 2000 points on horror themed stuff)

I bought Resident Evil 4 (800), Alan Wake's American Nightmare (600), and The Dishwasher: Vampire Smiles (400) and it still hasn't shown up for me yet.[/QUOTE]

Is that all you spent? It looks like you only spent 1800 points if what you said is correct on spending 2000.
[quote name='Kromis']Has anyone gotten their 300 points back for the Shocktober promotion? (Spend 2000 points on horror themed stuff)

I bought Resident Evil 4 (800), Alan Wake's American Nightmare (600), and The Dishwasher: Vampire Smiles (400) and it still hasn't shown up for me yet.[/QUOTE]

Mine have shown as pending in my account, and I qualified for the promotion on October 30th.
[quote name='lupe guillotine']Is that all you spent? It looks like you only spent 1800 points if what you said is correct on spending 2000.[/QUOTE]

Oh whoops I'm a retard! False alarm :dunce:
[quote name='dirtyvu']The 360 and next Xbox will coexist on the same network.

This isn't the same situation with the original Xbox and the 360. ...

The network is very modular now and they can add features without having to rebuild the network. They're still working to feverishly add apps and more companies to support Xbox Live so they're not going to open a new Xbox Live and shut down the current Xbox Live.[/QUOTE]

When MS introduced the Metro interface, they didn't bother to integrate that into their Games for Windows Live software, despite how modular their network is. Rather that service now seems to be on life support. When Vista launched MS said that XP simply was not capable of running Direct X 10, despite a hacker eventually proving that to be untrue. Internet Explorer 9 wasn't released for Windows XP. Internet Explorer 10 wasn't released for Vista and its launch has been delayed for Windows 7. Yet new versions of Chrome and Firefox continue to run on XP without much issue. The few users of Windows Phone 7 probably aren't too happy now that Windows Phone 8 is out.

The reason I bring this up is because Microsoft has a habit of losing interest in supporting their previous platforms. I'm sure that initially the 360 and 720 will both be able to communicate over Live, but their interaction may be limited to just chat, accessing multimedia content, and achievements being carried over. Eventually it won't make much business sense to MS to continue supporting Live for the 360, and that time may still be years down the road, but it'll follow the same fate as Live for the original Xbox.
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It won't follow the same fate as the original Xbox. They are counting on 360 systems being the base device. The 360 is the system that they are pushing for all the developers, from The Wall Street Journal to NBA Game Time to ESPN to Sony to Vudu to develop apps for. The 360 is the device that will try to counter Apple TV. Google TV. (which is why the idea of a stripped down 360 to go along with the next Xbox makes sense in terms of tiers for the market). The first rule is the product has to be cheap. The second rule is it has to be good.

You can't push high priced, high end products for mass market appeal. Products with high profit margins target people who spend a lot of money. People who can afford to spend on a high-end product. People who buy a $500 iPad as an accessory to a laptop/desktop. But if pressed for money, they'll take a laptop because at the end of the day, you need to spend on the must-haves before you spend on the goodies.

Microsoft abandons platforms that have little expand-ability and growth potential. Same for any other company (remember Apple's Ping?). Windows 8 has no effect on your Windows 7's experience. Your gamertag score for your Games for Windows is not lost because of Windows 8. People will slowly migrate to Windows 8 because of the additional features and performance. But Microsoft already said that Windows 7 will get support until 2020. Heck, people are still using Windows XP. Why would they integrate the Windows 8 interface into GFW besides giving it a cometic makeover? So your Games for Windows analogy is flawed. No doubt that at some point, most people will have migrated toward the newer gen of hardware and left the 360 in the dust. No platform gets supported indefinitely so to expect that is silly.

But the 360 is not going to stop immediately like it did for the original Xbox. They had to abandon the original Xbox even though sales were good. Because they didn't own the tech (they basically bought parts from Intel, Nvidia who had no incentive to reduce cost) and couldn't save costs outside of the tech they did own like the video encoder. But every single sale of the Xbox1 meant more money lost. So if Xbox1 sales go up, you lose more money. No business can survive on that model. That's not the case with the 360 where money is now made not only on the software but also on the hardware.

Not saying that it was right or wrong. If I bought an Xbox1, just before the 360 came out, I figured I'd be pissed at being abandoned. But that's the fact of a technological life. I'm sure there are people with the first iPhones that are disappointed that they aren't allowed to run some of the latest software (at least give the option to run it, even if it performs poorly). Or people with Android 1.6 that can't do what Android 4.0 does.
Quick question. If I have rewards in my "points pending," does that mean I've earned them? Because the Shocktober offer is showing up in that list for me, and I'm pretty sure I didn't buy enough to qualify for it.
[quote name='Jackie Chandler']Quick question. If I have rewards in my "points pending," does that mean I've earned them? Because the Shocktober offer is showing up in that list for me, and I'm pretty sure I didn't buy enough to qualify for it.[/QUOTE]

If it's showing as pending it means you've earned it.
If my XBL digital purchases don't transfer to the next Xbox I will switch to PC gaming only and just build a PC to hook up to my TV.
[quote name='angelfly']If it's showing as pending it means you've earned it.[/QUOTE]

That must mean that Guilty Gear qualified for it. It's the only thing I bought on the 24th, which is the same day Xbox Rewards says I earned it.
[quote name='Jackie Chandler']That must mean that Guilty Gear qualified for it. It's the only thing I bought on the 24th, which is the same day Xbox Rewards says I earned it.[/QUOTE]

The day it tallied your qualification isn't necessarily the day you actually qualified. Generally it takes several days at the least after reaching the goal for the system to notice.

Guilty Gear would not have qualified.
[quote name='CAiNiACprime']The day it tallied your qualification isn't necessarily the day you actually qualified. Generally it takes several days at the least after reaching the goal for the system to notice.

Guilty Gear would not have qualified.[/QUOTE]

After looking up the list of eligible downloads, I figured it out. It was the Artorias of the Abyss DLC that put me up to the 2000 MSP spent. It must have been added some time after its release though, because I remember checking specifically to see if it would count earlier, and it wasn't on the list.
[quote name='cancerman1120']$20 for another Skyrim DLC...not liking that trend. Was Dawnguard even worth $20?[/QUOTE]

Mostly I heard "No". Personally I will wait for the GOTY edition. I finished Skyrim early on and know when that complete edition comes it will be right around the time I will be ready to see everything again.
[quote name='cancerman1120']$20 for another Skyrim DLC...not liking that trend. Was Dawnguard even worth $20?[/QUOTE]

not really. I only played through the vamp side of it, but was kinda disappointed when i hit the end. AND you dont get to use crossbows if you are a vamp.
Just bit on Dawnguard, I think I'm ready for another playthrough of Skyrim soon and dont really see it dropping in price (or at least below 1200 MSP) in the next few months.
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