XBL DotW Sales 2013 | 1/1 EA SPORTS (Gold) | MORE! | Now-Wiki

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Anyone have an educated guess on how long it'll be before From Dust, Dust: An Elysian Tale or Worms Revolution go on sale for 33-50% off? Just curious...

Or have any of them (From Dust?) already gone on sale, and I just missed it?
[quote name='Triatacon']Anyone have an educated guess on how long it'll be before From Dust, Dust: An Elysian Tale or Worms Revolution go on sale for 33-50% off? Just curious...

Or have any of them (From Dust?) already gone on sale, and I just missed it?[/QUOTE]

Limbo was pretty much the star of Summer of Arcade the year it was released and that was 33% off by the end of the year. Dust could follow suit. You may see it on sale at some point before next summer... but that's just a guess.
[quote name='Triatacon']Anyone have an educated guess on how long it'll be before From Dust, Dust: An Elysian Tale or Worms Revolution go on sale for 33-50% off? Just curious...

Or have any of them (From Dust?) already gone on sale, and I just missed it?[/QUOTE]

Im more than sure it will be in the holiday sale. Microsoft might save it for christmas or New Year's just to make the sale even more special. Hopefully it does go on sale for half off. :D
[quote name='Triatacon']Anyone have an educated guess on how long it'll be before From Dust, Dust: An Elysian Tale or Worms Revolution go on sale for 33-50% off? Just curious...

Or have any of them (From Dust?) already gone on sale, and I just missed it?[/QUOTE]

From Dust has been 33% off twice already, but never actually hit the 50% off mark yet. It's also an excellent game.

Dust: An Elysian Tail may get a 33%-50% discount during the Holiday sales. 2 years ago all five SoA games went on sale during the holiday sales, and last year 4 of the 5 SoA games were on sale.

Worms Revolution just came out a few weeks ago, didn't it? You've probably got a while to wait on that one. But Worms games definitely do go on sale from time to time.

Also, you can use www.xbldb.com to see the sale history of any game on XBLA. It's a great site.
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For Shoot Many Robots, can you play with the d-pad and buttons? Or are you forced to use analog sticks? (I think left stick controls character movement and right stick controls aiming and shooting?)
Kinda regret getting RE4, was waiting for it for so long, that I didn't even try the demo. Just heard many great things about the game in general. Played a bit on the PC a while back and liked it but never put much time into it.

The controls feel very archaic and clunky on the X360, so sad that they couldn't spend a little time tweaking the controls to at least resemble RE5/6 :cry:
[quote name='Blade3D']If my XBL digital purchases don't transfer to the next Xbox I will switch to PC gaming only and just build a PC to hook up to my TV.[/QUOTE]

100% absolutely positively guaranteed that your Gamertag
and XBL purchases will transfer over to the NextBox720.
Although perhaps not some of the Zune movie/tv purchases due to licensing.

I have a HTPC and I still like all the consoles too.
No need to go with just one or the other.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Kinda regret getting RE4, was waiting for it for so long, that I didn't even try the demo. Just heard many great things about the game in general. Played a bit on the PC a while back and liked it but never put much time into it.

The controls feel very archaic and clunky on the X360, so sad that they couldn't spend a little time tweaking the controls to at least resemble RE5/6 :cry:[/QUOTE]

Don't hate on the game just yet, it's fantastic. Yes re-learning how to use the controls takes a bit but that game is a blast and it smokes 5&6 all day long.

I've beaten 5&6 once each and enjoyed them but I don't love them like RE4. Played/bought RE4 on now what, 4 systems already (GC, PS2, Wii and now XBLA). I'm a little biased though. :lol:
I hope the trend of GoD going on sale continues this week... i have about 2200 pts banked now and im wanting to jump on Dante's Inferno (never played it). I believe our stuff will be transferable and playable on whatever console microsoft drops next, im all for a digital collection

I have been the victim of a few break ins before... on my 2nd 360 because of it.
[quote name='gordojones88']100% absolutely positively guaranteed that your Gamertag
and XBL purchases will transfer over to the NextBox720.

I just want confirmation from Microsoft. Your guarantee doesn't necessarily mean much.
[quote name='sickman']Extremely doubtful that would happen. Online components may not function, but the games SHOULD always be there for you to play. They know people have poured shit loads of money in to their ecosystem, and they want you to stay forever. I really don't see them dropping XBLA from the next system. Maybe a rename, but unless they do something radically different for the 360, I wouldn't worry too much. As for the PS3, I imagine they are pretty much screwed, since Cell is dead(right?).[/QUOTE]
I hope you're right. I obviously believe that no company would stoop so low as to renig/revoke all purchased game licenses just because they decided one day that the old system was obsolete and didn't want to support it any more. If I didn't think that, I wouldn't buy so many digital download games on XBL or PSN. Yet, when people have these discussions about discontinuing the old system and network, I get scared.

Playing my old games is what I care about. I'd be bummed if I lost the ability to use multiplayer on XBL Gold, but most of my games have single player modes I like. What really matters to me is that in the indefinite future (even 10 years from now) I can still use any 360 console and log in using my old XBL account I purchased my 360 games, re-download them, and play them all. As nice as backward compatibility on the 720 or playing 360s and 720s on XBL Gold would be, the key to my future digital download game purchases is that I'd better not ever lose the ability to play my old digital download games as long as I keep my old consoles. If any company ever violates that rule (Microsoft or Sony in particular), my digital download days will be done forever.
[quote name='hufferstl']I just want confirmation from Microsoft. Your guarantee doesn't necessarily mean much.[/QUOTE]
Ummm, they already said it ages ago

What do you think Windows 8 and Windows phones were about?
[quote name='hufferstl']I just want confirmation from Microsoft. Your guarantee doesn't necessarily mean much.[/QUOTE]


feel better now?
[quote name='whitereflection']For Shoot Many Robots, can you play with the d-pad and buttons? Or are you forced to use analog sticks? (I think left stick controls character movement and right stick controls aiming and shooting?)[/QUOTE]

Left stick controls character movement and aiming; I don't think you use the right analog stick for anything. You can stand and place and aim in all directions by holding left trigger I believe. Right trigger shoots.... Try the demo and you'll get the hang of it. I've really enjoyed Shoot Many Robots.
[quote name='Jaysonguy']Ummm, they already said it ages ago

What do you think Windows 8 and Windows phones were about?[/QUOTE]

They said that about Xbox 1 and it's Xbox Live.

They'll have games that won't work but they'll "work on it"
Not that they didn't do a good job,they put more effort into it.
It's not like it's on Steam "as is" and they work on 1st/3rd party titles.

So far Nintendo has the best backwards compatibility program.
But XBLA titles are usually the latest version of the game and dont need title updates.
So PS3 owners will be in for some fun :/ if Sony pulls PSN support for ps3.
Since I wait on Bethesda to release GotY editions of their RPGs, I chose to pass on the Skyrim DLC at discounted price. Coupled with repeat discounts on The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile and Torchlight, which I already purchased before at the discounted prices, this past week allowed my Microsoft moon money wallet to regenerate. Which doesn't regenerate so easily either since I do not see a special offer for November yet, nor do I see the 2% back for MyAchievements pending at this time [bought a lot last month too with all the sales and reward offer, so 2% still nets me something].

For this week's sales, I still don't know what will be offered on discount through the Sales and Specials + app for this week, so there still a chance for something to get me spending. I can at least continue to maintain some funds due to purchasing the XBLA Guardian Heroes at full initial release price because I loved the game that much back in the Sega Saturn days. I will continue to recommend the game, even with my odd taste in games, especially now that it is only 400MSP to purchase this week. I've already played Guardian Heroes dozens of times then (not exaggeration), so I am really looking forward to the XBLA Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds -Cocoa's Nightmare Attack- sometime in 2013, which appears to have a similar style of play mechanics.

A couple of new XBLA titles appears on the horizon. I never spent any time with Toejam & Earl before and doesn't appear to appeal to me, so this may be the only Sega Vintage Collection XBLA title I will pass up when they go on discount. I don't know much on Karateka either aside from someone on [the earlier version of] this thread mentioning it features the same character designer as the old "Batman: The Animated Series" doing character designs for this game. At least both will be initially offered at 800MSP, instead of the trending higher 1200MSP-1600MSP for XBLA. I will need some heavy convincing in order to try these titles if and when they get a discount, I await that day to ask you guys ^^.

Also on things I don't know, I have been waiting on the XBLA edition of the board game "Zombies!!!" (that's with 3 exclamation points) for a couple years now, and I still have no idea when it would be released for XBLA (I know Windows Phone 7 release exists, don't have the device tho). All I can find recently on it was just this video: XBLA Zombies!!! If the game continues to stall much longer for release, I will be more concerned about XBLA on the next Microsoft game console (and the "game" part is even under scrutiny from me); but at this time I am a bit at ease since the original Xbox Live for the original Xbox did have some arcade games (Popcap ones like Bejeweled 2 to my recollection) which did transfer over to the newer 360 architecture. At this time it is only speculation ... but since I will likely wait out until the next system is at an acceptable price point, it wouldn't concern me too much right now with my purchases, so long as I can still play my 360 (I still enjoy older systems to this day).
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And went by XBLDB and noticed the GoD version of Akai Katana is only $15 or just 1200 points which for those who don't pay attention is available at the checkout screen of live where you will get a button prompt to press X to change payment method to points.
Aww, I bought Akai Katana Shin for much more on disc, but I am a sucker for Cave games. At 1200MSP, that's decent for a nice danmaku "bullrt hell" shooting game. I am even considering double dipping on the same console >_< (in case my disc goes bad)
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[quote name='bardockkun']And went by XBLDB and noticed the GoD version of Akai Katana is only $15 or just 1200 points which for those who don't pay attention is available at the checkout screen of live where you will get a button prompt to press X to change payment method to points.[/QUOTE]

640msp on Hungarian marketplace. I'm in. :)

Shoot Many Robots is fun for it's like 20-30mins. Extremely repetitive game - every new level looks almost exactly like previous and there is lack of enemy and boss variety. Any Metal Slug blows this out of the water.
[quote name='Sath666']640msp on Hungarian marketplace. I'm in. :)

Shoot Many Robots is fun for it's like 20-30mins. Extremely repetitive game - every new level looks almost exactly like previous and there is lack of enemy and boss variety. Any Metal Slug blows this out of the water.[/QUOTE]

the hungarian marketplace is just awesome, well for games that are not region locked anyway.

i think i bought shoot many robots last time it went on sale, and i still have not played it yet lol
[quote name='Sath666']640msp on Hungarian marketplace. I'm in. :)

Shoot Many Robots is fun for it's like 20-30mins. Extremely repetitive game - every new level looks almost exactly like previous and there is lack of enemy and boss variety. Any Metal Slug blows this out of the water.[/QUOTE]
Hm, new to the Hungarian marketplace so now I see DoDonPaichi is on there as well for a rather cheap price. Anyone have any idea if that and Akai Katana will play just fine on an American 360? Also do MS point codes from Amazon work just fine or is Bing going to be my only source?
[quote name='xbox_man']i see a lot of people like guardian heroes.
how would you describe what type of game it is?[/QUOTE]

It's a beat'em up in the same vein as Final Fight or Streets of Rage. It's a real gem and from what I've read this is a really good HD update. Try the demo if you are still unsure.
[quote name='bardockkun']Hm, new to the Hungarian marketplace so now I see DoDonPaichi is on there as well for a rather cheap price. Anyone have any idea if that and Akai Katana will play just fine on an American 360? Also do MS point codes from Amazon work just fine or is Bing going to be my only source?[/QUOTE]

You need EU (UK) points or region free promorional (Bing etc) and Hungarian gamertag. I'm not sure if these two games will work on US 360. DoDonPachi is not available on US marketplace...
I live in EU and downloaded them without problem.
[quote name='marineal']The Scratch and Match is Mass Effect 2 DLC... mehhh.[/QUOTE]

Oh, wow... actually, I was waiting for them to be discounted since well over a year ago, so I welcome their choice! :applause:
Are all ME2 DLCs discounted at 50% like they were previously?

EDIT: Saw on another board that only Genesis seems to be 50%, the other two are 25-30% off... well, better than nothing, I guess...
[quote name='xbox_man']i see a lot of people like guardian heroes.
how would you describe what type of game it is?[/QUOTE]

Check out my Guardian Heroes review if you'd like a detailed description. It is the same genre as Final Fight and Streets of Rage, but significantly different thanks to mild RPG elements and other factors.
[quote name='eastx']Check out my Guardian Heroes review if you'd like a detailed description. It is the same genre as Final Fight and Streets of Rage, but significantly different thanks to mild RPG elements and other factors.[/QUOTE]
Having the original game on the Saturn, is it worth picking up again?
[quote name='shivan128']Having the original game on the Saturn, is it worth picking up again?[/QUOTE]

For 400 Points, I definitely think so. Widescreen graphics, online multiplayer, and Achievements all make this version worth playing through several times.
[quote name='marineal']The Scratch and Match is Mass Effect 2 DLC... mehhh.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Antarael Dulacre']Chain Reaction are some of the Pinball FX2 Tables...[/QUOTE]
Yup. Looks like the ME2 stuff is Genesis and Arrival for 160 off each & Lair of the Shadow Broker is 240 msp off. Kinda lame when you figure Genesis is the 15 minute comic to determine backstory for those who are going into ME2 and never played the first game. It's never been on sale before, but still.

It looks like the Pinball tables aren't too bad. I'll get Ms. Splosion Man since it's never been on sale before and I have all the rest from previous sales. Math might be off on those last two tables since I already own em. Lemme know if wrong and I'll update so as not to confuse others

1. Pinball classic - 400 msp (50% off)
2. PFX2 Ms. Splosion Man - 120 msp (50% off)
3. PFX2 Paranormal - 400 msp (50% off)
4. PFX2 Avengers- 400 msp (50% off)
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First time I have had all of the chain reaction offers. Definitely going to pick up Guardian Heroes and possibly Joy Ride Turbo.
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[quote name='shivan128']Having the original game on the Saturn, is it worth picking up again?[/QUOTE]

I played the Saturn version to death, and I still enjoyed the XBLA ver. Didn't really get much use out of the multiplayer Vs mode though, since it's so broken.
I missed the Avengers deal a few weeks ago, but I really don't want the classic tables. I can probably wait on that and see if they ever go on sale again.

Definitely picked up Guardian Heroes though.
[quote name='Dustinator']
It looks like the Pinball tables aren't too bad. I'll get Ms. Splosion Man since it's never been on sale before and I have all the rest from previous sales. Math might be off on those last two tables since I already own em. Lemme know if wrong and I'll update so as not to confuse others

1. Pinball classic - 400 msp (50% off)
2. PFX2 Ms. Splosion Man - 120 msp (50% off)
3. PFX2 Paranormal - 400 msp (50% off)
4. PFX2 Avengers- 400 msp (50% off)[/QUOTE]

Haven't purchased from chain reaction so this is probably a stupid question. If you already have have the others, will it let you only purchase the only one you're missing. I'm asking because I think last week, Ikaruga was on sale, I had it already but if I chose to purchase it, it was charging me instead of asking me if I wanted to download it again. I didn't delete it before, I was just making sure I had it.
[quote name='Dustinator']1. Pinball classic - 400 msp (50% off)
2. PFX2 Ms. Splosion Man - 120 msp (50% off)
3. PFX2 Paranormal - 400 msp (50% off)
4. PFX2 Avengers- 400 msp (50% off)[/QUOTE]

Interesting, but what if I already own the Paranormal table (got it for free with its promotion some time ago?) Would it register as already purchased within the app, thus allowing me to buy the Avengers one at a discounted price after snagging the first two offers?

EDIT: Gideon68 beat me to that, more or less... :cool:
Have all the Pinball FX2 deals in Chain Reaction aside from the Ms. Splosion Man table, so think I'll get that. Pretty much have gotten all the tables/packs for 1/2 off.

& seeing as a bunch of tables are on sale again, might as well mention if anyone needs help for getting the avatar awards via Wizard Score, let me know & we can add each other. I'm at 320 Superscore at the moment, & that'll increase once I play the Ms. Splosion Man table. Edit: 408 after my 3rd attempt.
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Just a recommendation for Joy Ride Turbo, if you had fun with Mario Kart this game might be interesting for you the Stuntparks are a nice addition in here too and for 400 MSP you can't go wrong with this fun racer =)

Only thing that was a little turn off, when you're too fast and crashing into walls (or out of bound) the car has some weird physic movement lol and this can cost you much time every now and then
[quote name='Crono-00']
A couple of new XBLA titles appears on the horizon. I never spent any time with Toejam & Earl before and doesn't appear to appeal to me, so this may be the only Sega Vintage Collection XBLA title I will pass up when they go on discount.

The sequel Panic on Funkotron is significantly less incredible than the first, but the original TJ and Earl is one of the best co-op experiences of its time. There isn't much else like it either. Considering how you tout your "odd" taste in games so frequently you'd be doing yourself an injustice by passing on this completely, even if you must wait for a sale. Day one purchase for me! I hope it garners positive sales numbers.


[quote name='Juice el Savior']so no GoD on sale this week?

Thought for sure Halo 3 and Wars woulda been reduced[/QUOTE]

Akai Katana is a GoD title and it's on sale.
[quote name='Dustinator']
1. Pinball classic - 400 msp (50% off)
2. PFX2 Ms. Splosion Man - 120 msp (50% off)
3. PFX2 Paranormal - 400 msp (50% off)
4. PFX2 Avengers- 400 msp (50% off)[/QUOTE]

Here's a kick in the crotch to longtime Pinball FX players : If you bought the original Pinball FX, then you have all the Pinball Classic tables in your collection already -- they got ported over with HD graphics and the new leaderboards. However, they don't reflect in your purchase history as Pinball Classic table pack. So if you bought Pinball FX and still need one of the other tables on sale in the Chain Reaction, you'd first have to re-buy those same old tables again!
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