[quote name='Yanksfan']If you enjoy Episode 1, then I would think it is a slam dunk to pick up the remaining episodes at such a great price.
Good call on BL2 DLC. It probably will be on sale again in the next year or so, but unless you don't plan on going through all of vanilla BL2 by then, better to get it now.[/QUOTE]
to be honest, I'm not loving it. But I do like the different dialogue/decisions (reminds me of Mass Effect, KOTOR, etc) and the whole game for 800 MSP after discounts is pretty tempting. I could get that much value out of it.
As for BL2, its actually 600 MSP a pop for me on the 3 DLCs since I got Torgue free, but I think it just means BL2 will jump to the front of my backlog. Considering I got in on the Target BF deal and also got 3200 points from Microsoft thanks to them messing up some BF orders, I think I can live with the 1800 MSP for the season pass and having immediate access to the DLC out now and when its released.