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Still on the fence with TWD. Episode 1 is fun so far but I dont know how much I'd play through 2-5. For free, sure! For 800 points.... I dunno. are the rest of them the same point and click atmosphere of episode 1?

I am however going to abandon my previous opinion on the BL2 DLC and pick up the season pass. 550 MSP a pop for the other 3 DLC (I got Torgue for free) is pretty decent and i dont have to deal with waiting for a sale to come around...
[quote name='GamerDude316']Still on the fence with TWD. Episode 1 is fun so far but I dont know how much I'd play through 2-5. For free, sure! For 800 points.... I dunno. are the rest of them the same point and click atmosphere of episode 1?

I am however going to abandon my previous opinion on the BL2 DLC and pick up the season pass. 550 MSP a pop for the other 3 DLC (I got Torgue for free) is pretty decent and i dont have to deal with waiting for a sale to come around...[/QUOTE]

If you enjoy Episode 1, then I would think it is a slam dunk to pick up the remaining episodes at such a great price.

Good call on BL2 DLC. It probably will be on sale again in the next year or so, but unless you don't plan on going through all of vanilla BL2 by then, better to get it now.
Taking into account the free ep. 1 it's a 60% discount on the series. That's a great sale but it's not like _plenty_ of good games haven't been 50-75% off lately.

I swear people lose all perspective when it comes to TWD. First the game gets completely overrated in GOTY polling, then the sale is somehow the most earth-shattering thing to ever hit the Xbox.

The real headline is that a fine point and click got the pretty much standard holiday discount alongside a bunch of other good games.
[quote name='Yanksfan']If you enjoy Episode 1, then I would think it is a slam dunk to pick up the remaining episodes at such a great price.

Good call on BL2 DLC. It probably will be on sale again in the next year or so, but unless you don't plan on going through all of vanilla BL2 by then, better to get it now.[/QUOTE]

to be honest, I'm not loving it. But I do like the different dialogue/decisions (reminds me of Mass Effect, KOTOR, etc) and the whole game for 800 MSP after discounts is pretty tempting. I could get that much value out of it.

As for BL2, its actually 600 MSP a pop for me on the 3 DLCs since I got Torgue free, but I think it just means BL2 will jump to the front of my backlog. Considering I got in on the Target BF deal and also got 3200 points from Microsoft thanks to them messing up some BF orders, I think I can live with the 1800 MSP for the season pass and having immediate access to the DLC out now and when its released.
[quote name='Calinks']Where does Xbox live advertise some of these damn sales, do you just have to go to the game to find them?[/QUOTE]
There's a GIANT ad that says COUNTDOWN 2013.

can't miss it. :lol:
[quote name='Calinks']Where does Xbox live advertise some of these damn sales, do you just have to go to the game to find them?[/QUOTE]

There is a tile for this sale all over the dash, but really it's best to track them here since there still is not a comprehensive sales hub, plus you need plan out your points spending.

The dashboard really does need a much better sales section, and (don't shoot me) a hub that mirrors all of the current ads for your region. When there are decent offers through ads it can be a real pain drilling through levels of the dash to find the one you need, if it is even up.
I bit on TWD. 800 MSP for the whole season....just cant pass that up. Finally spending some MS Points! (this and the BL2 season pass are the first things I've gotten this sale)
As Australia does not have The Walking Dead available would we get a substitute deal?
Also before anyone asks, i know I can get it on an American account (which I am).
[quote name='xbox_man']As Australia does not have The Walking Dead available would we get a substitute deal?
Also before anyone asks, i know I can get it on an American account (which I am).[/QUOTE]

You mean it's not cheaper in Hungary this time? ;)
[quote name='Kolgar']Same boat here. I've had good luck with a Lexar Jumpdrive Firefly 16GB and a couple of PNY drives, but the 32GB Transcend I just got loses all data every time you reboot the console.

I'd love to know of a good 32GB stick; I'd buy two right away![/QUOTE]

I picked up two 32GB SanDisk Cruzer USBs from Newegg on Black Friday for $13.99 + Free Shipping, to use as backups for my 360. I've had no issues with whatsoever, and I highly recommend it. Newegg has it now priced for $23.99 w/ Free Shipping :


Amazon appears to be the cheapest though amongst all the other "big box retailers" : $18.99 (and if you are a "Prime member" or have a "Prime trial" you can get free 2 day shipping.)


Hope this helps you, and anyone else looking for a USB to help with the storage space on your console like I was. :)
[quote name='Blade']You mean it's not cheaper in Hungary this time? ;)[/QUOTE]

Ok first of all, you can only get with msp so it is same everywhere.
Second, Australia does not have it available on the Australia marketplace (can't remember the reason why). I was just wondering if the Australian marketplace gets a replacement deal as it does not have The Walking Dead as a sale.
[quote name='SlimJim0725']Quick question, does anyone know what time the deal today expires? Got a friend interested in getting it, but they will not be home until late.[/QUOTE]

The daily deals seem to be ending around noon-1pm Eastern the following afternoon, while the new sales go live in the evening. I tried to do a last minute buy of Hydro Thunder Hurricane yesterday around noon, and while the sale price was still up on the web site, it wouldn't go through with the transaction. Shortly after that the regular price was displayed. The Trials games the day before and Counter-Strike earlier today also expired around the same time.
[quote name='Calinks']I had gotten the first two episodes free on PS3 and was actually looking forward to buying the rest as an excuse to keep playing my Ps3 and get trophies. Now though, I don't think I can pass up on this. Plus I got points left over from the three point cards I bought with that Target BF deal. Man, I wish I had gotten 6-8 cards now lol.[/QUOTE]

I was in the same boat. but couldnt pass this up especially with the Target deal on points.
[quote name='GamerDude316']Still on the fence with TWD. Episode 1 is fun so far but I dont know how much I'd play through 2-5. For free, sure! For 800 points.... I dunno. are the rest of them the same point and click atmosphere of episode 1?

I am however going to abandon my previous opinion on the BL2 DLC and pick up the season pass. 550 MSP a pop for the other 3 DLC (I got Torgue for free) is pretty decent and i dont have to deal with waiting for a sale to come around...[/QUOTE]

I'm on episode 2 now. It's the same game mechanics, but the story starts getting pretty interesting.
[quote name='ERROR SUCCESS']Taking into account the free ep. 1 it's a 60% discount on the series. That's a great sale but it's not like _plenty_ of good games haven't been 50-75% off lately.

I swear people lose all perspective when it comes to TWD. First the game gets completely overrated in GOTY polling, then the sale is somehow the most earth-shattering thing to ever hit the Xbox.

The real headline is that a fine point and click got the pretty much standard holiday discount alongside a bunch of other good games.[/QUOTE]

Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter. :)
[quote name='Javery']So how long is TWD on sale for?[/QUOTE]

Expect the sale price for episodes 2-5 to last until around noon Eastern on Saturday. Episode 1 is supposed to be free until 12/31.
I Still find it more strange if anything that in 2012 a simple point and click adventure game on consoles and PC is one of the biggest games of year.
[quote name='bardockkun']I Still find it more strange if anything that in 2012 a simple point and click adventure game on consoles and PC is one of the biggest games of year.[/QUOTE]

I'm a little surprised by it too but it's a game that anyone (of age) can enjoy and it has a pretty good story which is still severely lacking in games. I'm sure the fact that it's called The Walking Dead and has zombies doesn't hurt either. Oh yeah and the fact that it cost less than half of what a retail game normally goes for.
[quote name='ShockandAww']I'm a little surprised by it too but it's a game that anyone (of age) can enjoy and it has a pretty good story which is still severely lacking in games. I'm sure the fact that it's called The Walking Dead and has zombies doesn't hurt either. Oh yeah and the fact that it cost less than half of what a retail game normally goes for.[/QUOTE]
Even take away the sale, I'm just still weirded out that a genre defined dead by many for over a decade is still one that's getting game of the year awards and one that people are talking about. Just a bit baffled when you stop and look, or at least for me I guess.

Besides that though I am enjoying the game.
Gotta say I'm really grooving on Dust. Thought that 1,000 point combo achievement would have been hard but I just managed to get nearly 16k. Certainly makes my night feel a little better.
[quote name='bardockkun']Even take away the sale, I'm just still weirded out that a genre defined dead by many for over a decade is still one that's getting game of the year awards and one that people are talking about. Just a bit baffled when you stop and look, or at least for me I guess.

Besides that though I am enjoying the game.[/QUOTE]

I know what you mean, it is pretty odd. Odd in a very good way though imo. If you had told me this would be one of the biggest/best games of the year back in 2011 I would have thought you were nuts. No way would what is basically a point and click adventure see this kind of success in this day and age. I've always loved games like this though and I hope more are made because of it's success.
[quote name='bardockkun']Even take away the sale, I'm just still weirded out that a genre defined dead by many for over a decade is still one that's getting game of the year awards and one that people are talking about. Just a bit baffled when you stop and look, or at least for me I guess.

Besides that though I am enjoying the game.[/QUOTE]

Really it doesn't play much like ye olde adventure games, what puzzles there are, are simple and kind of annoying (ep. 1 motel lot, for example). It's more about the (good) story and occasional QTE's.

I think most of the appeal comes from the fact that people just don't read much anymore. The fact that the television show is just not any good probably helps as well.

If I hadn't just finished this and this maybe I'd be more inclined to dance on the hype train like a Bollywood hero.
[quote name='ShockandAww']I know what you mean, it is pretty odd. Odd in a very good way though imo. If you had told me this would be one of the biggest/best games of the year back in 2011 I would have thought you were nuts. No way would what is basically a point and click adventure see this kind of success in this day and age. I've always loved games like this though and I hope more are made because of it's success.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. The game reminds me of the "choose your own adventure" books that I grew up with, (yeah, showing my age a little there). I like how the choices you make actually stick with you, and influence the story.
[quote name='preston181']Exactly. The game reminds me of the "choose your own adventure" books that I grew up with, (yeah, showing my age a little there). I like how the choices you make actually stick with you, and influence the story.[/QUOTE]

Play 999 and Virtues Last Reward if you can and haven't. They've both got pretty amazing stories and are also like a choose your own adventure book with multiple paths and endings.
[quote name='iRandom']Anyone getting this error message whilst trying to queue up Ep 3 and 4?[/QUOTE]

Yep, came to the thread to see if it was just me. I bought all 4 eps, it added 1, 2 and 5 to my queue but several times in a row told me it couldn't add 3 or 4. Will try again in the morning.
[quote name='hufferstl']I'm very confused. The Walking dead - Full Game is showing up in my purchase history on 12/25, but is not listed under my https://commerce.microsoft.com/PaymentHub/ history. I might have downloaded ep. 1 on 12/25, but not the full game. I would have noticed the points being missing.

Anyone have any idea what I'm missing here?[/QUOTE]

12/25 is when episode one (listed as "full game") went on sale for free. you wouldn't see any points missing b/c it didn't cost any.
Question for anyone in regards to The Walking Dead. I'm gonna buy all 4 add-ons but I'm gonna play them episodically, probably a few weeks between episodes as I've been told by mates who played them all at once off the disc that that wasn't the way to go. Anyways I'm stuck with a full harddrive and full 32GB sticks at the moment (I've got a 60GB HD). Does anyone know if I could delete episode 2 and still play episode 3. I figure episode 1 is totally undeletable but I'd love to be able to delete each previous episode starting from 2 onward prior to downloading the next one as I could use the space. Anyone have any experience with trying that and know if it's possible or not? I'm hoping that the save game doesn't need to access the previous episodes DLC but I guess I'll just buy another USB stick if need be.
Cliffy - thanks for the info. Very strange that they list ep 1 as "full game".
+1 Cliffy!

edit - Bought the remaining 4 episodes. I can't wait to play this game.
More then half way into Walking Dead episode 1 and I got to say the Achievement pop ups are pretty damn distracting. As in they should've done it in the loading screen if anything, but I think some of the desired effect of some scenes is lost when a witty pun filled pop up comes up. Still enjoying it, but this will be the first game I turn the notification off on.
[quote name='hufferstl']Cliffy - thanks for the info. Very strange that they list ep 1 as "full game".
+1 Cliffy![/QUOTE]

They have to list it as "full game" in order to have a marketplace entry. The only other way would be to have a free zero-episode "full game" hub like game room and such. It's just the way they are set up.

The thing that really annoys me are the typo monkeys that set the game titles on the marketplace, using whatever capitalization and abbreviation suits their fancy at the time. Now I scroll through my games on the dashboard and I have gems like "AC Brotherhood" "[PROTOTYPE]™" "GTA IV" "Geometry Wars Evolved²" etc etc

Crap like sequels not lining up, the completely useless and inconsistent trade marks... really the whole marketplace looks like an mp3 collection from the kazaa era.
I picked up episodes 2-5, although 3 & 4 don't want to go on my queue on the xbox site. I got 3 & 4 to work by re-downloading them on my 360.
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[quote name='ethan1013']I picked up episodes 2-5, although 3 & 4 don't want to go on my queue on the xbox site.[/QUOTE]
I had to go into the game to dl ep 3 and 4
[quote name='ERROR SUCCESS']There is a tile for this sale all over the dash, but really it's best to track them here since there still is not a comprehensive sales hub, plus you need plan out your points spending.

The dashboard really does need a much better sales section, and (don't shoot me) a hub that mirrors all of the current ads for your region. When there are decent offers through ads it can be a real pain drilling through levels of the dash to find the one you need, if it is even up.[/QUOTE]
Yea I see that ad and I see some sales but I didnt see mention of Walking Dead and I see a lot of sales here that I don't see on the dash. It's like they cover 65 percent of what's going on. Of course I could have just missed the ads for TWD but I definitely did not see them.
[quote name='mcdaking84']For anyone thinking of buying Bully don't. Bought it and said could not download. MS had no idea what to do and just refunded me[/QUOTE]

Really? That's weird, I bought it a while ago (before this sale) but never downloaded it. Maybe I should try to download it and see what happens.

EDIT: I was able to get Bully to start downloading through my purchase history on xbox.com. However, when I went to the actual game page on my Xbox and Xbox.com, it would not let me just download it from there, it wanted me to re-buy it for $9.99. I guess that means that whatever "Bully" file I bought in September is not the same one that is currently on the Xbox marketplace.

Weird. Anyway, if I get it to install all the way, I'll be leaving it on my hard drive just in case.
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[quote name='ethan1013']I picked up episodes 2-5, although 3 & 4 don't want to go on my queue on the xbox site. I got 3 & 4 to work by re-downloading them on my 360.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='cancerman1120']Well I see it did not take long after the sale went live for people to start bashing the game. Internet you are so dam predictable.[/QUOTE]

Maybe, when the backlash dies down, we can all settle in to a more reasonable consensus for the title than "Game of the Year." Frankly it was long overdue for some perspective.
I want to get The Walking Dead episodes, but I'm a little nervous about this "save bug" that I've seen in the PC versions (I noticed an article about the retail version having problems). As far as the XBLA version, I'm guessing/hoping that's been well fixed? I'd find it pretty discouraging and frustrating if I got far into the episodes and my save would go corrupt :(
[quote name='bardockkun']More then half way into Walking Dead episode 1 and I got to say the Achievement pop ups are pretty damn distracting. As in they should've done it in the loading screen if anything, but I think some of the desired effect of some scenes is lost when a witty pun filled pop up comes up. Still enjoying it, but this will be the first game I turn the notification off on.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the tip. Ill turn em off before playing.
[quote name='iRandom']Anyone getting this error message whilst trying to queue up Ep 3 and 4?[/QUOTE]

same thing with me. I downloaded episode 2 and 5 but not 3 and 4...
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