XBLA - Castlevania: Harmony of Despair

Saw some Alucard noob get the Valmanway last night. I was jealous.

Still leveling Johnathon. Missing the Kunai and Shuriken. Any idea where to get them quickly?
My Jonathan does a STUPID amount of damage but he has to use berserker mail. He does like 140+ per whip against dracula and the ball does over 100+ damage per hit (usually hits twice) on both draculas forms. I was able to take out Dracula with a soma and alucard before he was able to get any spells off in second or third form... in hard mode.

So much for Jonathan being the worst character in the game. However, he did take about 14+ hours in survival mode just boosting him.

He's a fucking beast. I'm just trying to get Simon's plate so I can lay off him for a bit - not sure if It's worth it though.

Setup goes like this

Zerk Mail
Simon's Bandana
Assassin's Cape (for even more damage, this can be switched around though)
Winged Boots (Simon's Sandals offer a bit more protection, but I prefer to move real fast to evade hits and such, with zerk mail u can die in two hits easily to some enemies)
2x Megilord (or however It's spelled) rings
Maxed Sub weapons (I use the Cross, Shiruken down spam, Wrecking Ball, and occasionally the Bible in some areas)
You can boost him up a lot, but IMO he's still pretty much the worst. The only one you could possibly consider inferior is Shanoa, and that's debatable. Plus think of all the grinding you had to do in order to make him competitive with everyone else. I wish they'd made leveling him up easier - reducing the MP cost of most of the subweapons would have been a good idea.
To each his own. I just get tired of seeing the entire team comprised of Soma and Alucards, I usually get the WTF a Jonathan? comment but since I'm hosting I can't get the boot. They become very chatty when they see my Jonathan's damage, but can became very annoyed if I get hit a lot (2 hits = Death in Zerk mail) so I have to pretty much be perfect in chapter 6 and only get hit by once by Dracula... but once you play it over and over it becomes a lot easier to do.

Yeah it was a grind, and I'm sure it will be the same with Julius. I plan on maxing Julius once he's available as DLC.
Monsta, is your Jonathan maxed out? I'd like to see that since no one uses him online. I just stared using him and only does 60 - 70 points of damage.

And I agree with you. The game is repetitive as is and having a run littered with Alucards and Somas doing the same attacks using the same weapons gets old fast. This DLC couldn't come out faster.
I've really been enjoying this game. Had some helpful players farming with me for a laser type weapon you get by beating the boss on level 4 hard (forget the name of the weapon). Unfortunately, it never dropped.

I'm also playing it single player. Stinks your chances of getting good loot aren't as good in single player. Any tips for playing alone? Should I keep playing normal until I can get through all the levels myself, and then go on to hard? Or just give up on single player altogether, if I want to get the really good weapons/armor/etc?
I haven't seen any indication that drops are worse in single-player than in multiplayer. The only things increasing your chances in multiplayer would be the possibility of beating the level faster with an overpowered team and a greater chance of not getting hit during the boss fights.
[quote name='Rodimus']Got the Valmanway last night on level 6 run. All the guys went crazy.[/QUOTE]

Congrats. Now you just need another to mash both buttons for even more damage.

Still waiting on word of DLC...


Looks like It's supposed to be out "within the next month" and he mentions Julius, Maria and Stage 7 as a bundle/pack. So I'm guessing 400-600pts (if its more then I might actually not get it)

Also mentions multiple stages, so there will probably be 2-3 more DLC as well.
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[quote name='Rodimus']They need to drop like 3 or 4 levels in one DLC.

BTW I noticed I got the Valmanway on my 69th Dracula kill. hmmmmmm[/QUOTE]

Congrats! I am at 340 Dracula kills and still none but I have 4 pairs of winged boots, 5 dracula's tunics, 3 impervious mails, 3 claimh solais, and 20+ dracula souls. I am convinced it will NEVER EVER drop for me. So I will continue rocking my Nebula whip and RPG...
Damn... I got 143 Dracula Kills and no Valmanway, and I've been maining Alucard the last 70+ runs because he is a bit easier to get it then with Soma.

I've already put in a sick amount of hours into this game so In reality I'll probably buy the DLC regardless of price.
[quote name='eastx']I think they are waiting a bit too long on the DLC. The more people grind the old content, the more likely they are to move on to other games. Hopefully it drops soon.

Updated the FAQ at GameFAQs recently:


Hmm... you think? Last night when I looked for games in the US it use to be 15+ rooms easily, now It's down to 5-8 after 8pm eastern, and in the insane hours I was only room up around 2am eastern, before even then there were more rooms. It's just as bad on weekends, luckily (or bad depending on the viewpoint probably bad in Konami's) is all the players are on chapter 6 hard so I don't have to worry about re-hosting over and over.

Nice FAQ btw.
Yoko also confirmed as DLC and lol@ valmanway users. I bet you guys walk around hitting X rapidly not even hitting anything showing it off as if you guys are cool.
I really hope these DLC levels are taking into account that nearly everybody has the best weapons and super high levels, or else this DLC is going to be a joke.

And yea, they are taking far too long getting them out.
I hadn't even touched Soma but last night I used him for the first time and murdered him out with all the best stuff. Do souls typically drop like crazy or did I just get lucky.

BTW this DLC is taking forever. I'm sick of Level 6 runs.
[quote name='animalspinners']I really hope these DLC levels are taking into account that nearly everybody has the best weapons and super high levels, or else this DLC is going to be a joke.

And yea, they are taking far too long getting them out.[/QUOTE]

I agree with everything that your post said.
Thanks for posting that!

Yes, if only they'd stick to those dates... If that was accurate (for the US), all 3 things would be available tomorrow.

Yoko before Maria? I guess it makes sense to release Maria alongside Richter...
Yeah, the only thing I'm worried about is 200 points times 6 characters is already another $15 plus whatever they decide to charge for stages. I think there's 3 stages confirmed at least.
I'm actually quite happy with the 200 pts each. That gives me the *option* to select only one or two characters to download. I just hope the stage is cheap to but I doubt It's less then $5.
I hit 8th on the leaderboards tonight, for the week anyways, with a no damage run on 4 hard with Shanoa. It was 38th overall, but 2 hours later had already dropped to 9th place. If it is still in the top ten, check out the replay. 79,456. It was quite the achievement for me, although it pales in comparison to most of the "jewel mail" (total crap...) runs, but it is still pretty neat.
Yeah the cheaters really piss me off. I was top 100 for awhile in Chapter 6 Hard till cheating became rampant. It's a shame because theres a lot of talented players out there that will never be noticed.

Oh yeah, 240+ Dracula Kills later and no Valman. I'm aiming for Zew's record.

Knowing my luck it will be a rare chest drop in the DLC.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Yeah the cheaters really piss me off. I was top 100 for awhile in Chapter 6 Hard till cheating became rampant. It's a shame because theres a lot of talented players out there that will never be noticed.

Oh yeah, 240+ Dracula Kills later and no Valman. I'm aiming for Zew's record.

Knowing my luck it will be a rare chest drop in the DLC.[/QUOTE]

What's Zews record? Last I checked I was at 350+ without one. Granted it has been a couple weeks since I played last. Only missing it and two other major rares (Chaos Ring, Simon's Plate; don't play much as Jonathan).
Yeah, pretty lame. They could've at least given us an new character with it.

*sigh* But I downloaded it anyways, I'm such a whore. So far it's underwhelming. The boss is a bit more challenging compared to others. The stage however is a cake walk. Got 1 item unique to the level so far, it's a hat which boosts luck, not bad. Only two new enemies: mummies (which drop nothing) and the boss. The boss does a charm attack quite a bit so if you haven't gotten that acheivment it can be done fairly easy here. I'll play more later tonight and see what else there is to this level.
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Anyone that would be willing to go through this on hard that I could add to a friends list? For some reason whenever I try to start a game on Hard Mode it takes forever.
They really should have patched this to fix glitches, balance, and improve the online system. 400 points for one map is crazy. They really should have done someline like Trials HD big pack, charge 560 points and have the 3 maps and 3 characters.

I read that all people in the game need to have the map or you can't even select it. So trying to even play the map with 6 players will probably be a mess.
I agree, I definitely have been looking forward to this DLC more than most games. I have put so many hours into this game it is crazy, but I am not that crazy as to spend $5 on one stinking level, its BS that they would charge that much.
Well, even though it is kind of a rip off, I have to say I'm enjoying this level more than the others. If anyone wants to play chapter 7, or any part of the game, feel free to add me.
[quote name='BrolyB593']I agree, I definitely have been looking forward to this DLC more than most games. I have put so many hours into this game it is crazy, but I am not that crazy as to spend $5 on one stinking level, its BS that they would charge that much.[/QUOTE]

See above quote for my thoughts.
Ashate on Hard is a pain in the butt. Damn she's got high DEF. Anyways I beat her so what do I get for my efforts, some Platinum Boot, fuck it all.
Weaknesses are blunt weapons, stone, and holy. Use fist or holy weapons with Alucard/Soma, Lapiste with Shanoa, and Piercing Beam/Nova Skeleton/Nitesco or Energy Flow/Witch. Also saw a guy using the new Mummy soul for Soma, doing some good damage on Astarte.

Trick is to have a Skull/Astral Charlotte outside the room standing on the switch so people can leave and be healed by her.

Also, I watched #1 the leaderboard replay, which basically involved a Soma using Yorick and dropkicking directly overhead the boss. Damage was super high, though there are tons of hacked save users and he/she could be one.
Had a couple good runs with Kreutz and his gang, sorry my connection went crazy due to a storm.

Disappointed in the drops, didn't get anything worthwhile. Ashante's a bitch to kill, but Soma's Yorick & Charlotte's Energy Flow are good sources of damage. Alucard sucks in this fight.
Yea - the connection problems you were having were a good excuse for me to go to bed though. I had a test today in one of my grad classess...

Anyways, I think this boss is easy for Char. or Shanoa. Her three attack patterns are predictable and avoidable, and Lapiste or Energy flow is all you need. Sure, the pink phallic beam can help, but it is not necessary. When I finally had the courage/confidence to use berserker mail, my maxed Shanoa with beef curry was doing over 150 per hit.

When a male character is let into the room, however, it becomes much more difficult. The chaos of multiple characters/attacks makes it more difficult to see this boss' smaller frame and to account for her attacks, and her charm is so difficult to avoid unless you are Soma(medusa head above), Alucard (mist), or Char. (heal invulnerability - very hard to time right though).

Finally, Yorrick skulls do a ton of damage to her, on the order of 130 from the guy I was playing with last night. But the attack speed is so slow on it, and the dangers of having a male character in the room meant he contributed less than the risks he caused. Of course, that is only my opion.

We did see a bedalere... or however it is spelled... drop last night. Looks like it is Alucard only. Otherwise all the drops were recycled from Dracula. We saw a couple pairs of Winged Boots, but otherwise mostly junk.

For Char. players, Delta spark doesn't appear to be too difficult to learn. The green triangles she shoots diagonally are what you need to absorb. Unfortunately, absorbing delta spark does not improve Char.'s overall spell casting or melee ability.

$5 does seem a bit steep for this one measely level, but consider how many hours you're going to play the level and you will get your money's worth. The DLC is definietely bittersweet.
There's a promo during the month of October. Spend 2400 points on XBLA games or DLC and get 800 points free. That might lessen the pain a little bit.
Anyone still play this? I haven't been on in a week and even then I only played one match and quit. It was fun while it lasted but unless I'm blown away with some new DLC I'm done with it.
I've been playing it because my friends have. We are both pretty much waiting on the DLC characters. Only reason they keep playing is because they don't have winged boots or the Valmanway, otherwise the game has been ruined by lack of maps (despite the one being released for it) and modders who made high leaderboard ranks unattainable.
I do not like Asharte, the boss of Stage 7. Her charm ability is so lame.

And yes, Konami really needs to stop sitting on the rest of the DLC.
Music pack released. I guess you can use the music to play in the background of whatever stage you want.
Pulling a Namco now are we?
bread's done