[XBLA] - Monday Night Combat - 1200 Points - Free DLC Out Now!

yeah there are a few jump spots that can glitch out, a speed run glitch ive seen, but nothing more than maybe one every 20 games or more. i am cool with monday nights and everyone gettin on... ive been moving from gunner to playing more support ... i went 24 14 and 1 yesterday and was so pissed we dropped the money ball before i could get my 25 for the tag... but a 6 person support rush at the beginning is almost a win everytime its kinda fun. assassins are becoming less and less played ive seen as more nd more are finding how to counterattack them
I have noticed I've been dying by Assassin a lot less lately. I think I've been noticing the buzzing sound they make when cloaked more.
I was playing last night and found myself getting killed by a pair of Assassins a lot. I was Assault and started using his jetpack to hover and just jumping around a lot when I was shooting grenades at robots. I don't think those Assassins killed me again that round. They'd come up behind me, but I'd suddenly see them in front of me as they ran underneath me as I'm jumping. I then quickly switch to the rifle and blast the Assassin.
[quote name='Hoffer']I was playing last night and found myself getting killed by a pair of Assassins a lot. I was Assault and started using his jetpack to hover and just jumping around a lot when I was shooting grenades at robots. I don't think those Assassins killed me again that round. They'd come up behind me, but I'd suddenly see them in front of me as they ran underneath me as I'm jumping. I then quickly switch to the rifle and blast the Assassin.

Assassins also can't grapple an Assault that's flying, same as how they can't grapple a gunner(and probably a tank?) when they're deployed. Though if I get behind a gunner that's deployed I find I can kill them anyways by shooting them in the back with the shuriken gun. It is usually fast enough to kill them before they can react and undeploy.
[quote name='WTPolaris']Assassins also can't grapple an Assault that's flying, same as how they can't grapple a gunner(and probably a tank?) when they're deployed. Though if I get behind a gunner that's deployed I find I can kill them anyways by shooting them in the back with the shuriken gun. It is usually fast enough to kill them before they can react and undeploy.[/QUOTE]

Snipers also have traps which they set around them to prevent assassins from grappling. I've caught some assassins trying to do so.
I think the one thing I dislike about this game is the overtime period. We can be dominating a team all game, destroy all their turrets and knock the money balls health down. (even the commentators state that team "hotshots/icemen" are in control) And than overtime get close and the other team buys juice and walks into our base as overtime starts and before you realize they have won. It's like the first 15 minutes don't matter. :(
An Assassin with a lot of cash is deadly during overtime. They can cloak, buy juice and dash to your moneyball like 10-15 seconds after spawning.

One thing I have noticed is far fewer games I'm in make it to overtime. The first week or so of this game, every match ended in overtime for me. I think people have gotten good enough at this game that overtime doesn't happen all that often.

Most games I'm in, you can tell who is going to win within the first 2 minutes. They might not actually win for another 10 minutes, but you can just tell they are the ones doing the wearing down.
I have a Support class question.

Is there cash incentive to keep your teammates alive? In games like BFBC2 you get points for healing, but in this game you need to heal AND get kills to gain your cash? Or am I wrong on that?
[quote name='ZForce915']I have a Support class question.

Is there cash incentive to keep your teammates alive? In games like BFBC2 you get points for healing, but in this game you need to heal AND get kills to gain your cash? Or am I wrong on that?[/QUOTE]

You get juice while over healing something. That isn't a cash incentive, but it is an incentive.

Also, you can hack other people's turrets. You then get credit for any kills that turret gets. You also get cash for kills your deployable turret gets. So, there are ways to get cash while mainly using your healing gun.
[quote name='ZForce915']I have a Support class question.

Is there cash incentive to keep your teammates alive? In games like BFBC2 you get points for healing, but in this game you need to heal AND get kills to gain your cash? Or am I wrong on that?[/QUOTE]

I think you get money, but it isn't a lot and you probably wont notice it. Abuse the shit out of your air strike, and everyone already knows the Firebase is a boss.
[quote name='life.exe']99. Level 77 is the midway point.[/QUOTE]
Oh wow. So much for getting to that before Reach comes out.
I have another question. Are you at a greater benefit to continue upgrading your skills, or is it better to just buy turrets and spawn bots and whatnot?
[quote name='matto1233']Oh wow. So much for getting to that before Reach comes out.
I have another question. Are you at a greater benefit to continue upgrading your skills, or is it better to just buy turrets and spawn bots and whatnot?[/QUOTE]
By the end of the game, you should have your skills pretty much maxed out, then you can buy turrets and spawn bots. Just keep playing and upgrading as you go along. As for the benefits, they're pretty good for all the classes, for example the Gunner instead of his regular minigun gets a dual minigun.
It probably depends on what kind of player you are. I like to push towards the enemy's moneyball. That means I usually run into the bad guys. So, I like to upgrade my skills. The 2 classes I tend to play, I don't upgrade all the skills. For the Tank, I only upgrade 2 of his skills. So, once I get the abilities to 3 that are important to me, I then start building turrets.
This game is so worth the 1200 MS points you know whats not worth 1200 MS points that stupid cerberus network DLC for Mass Effect 2.
[quote name='matto1233']Oh wow. So much for getting to that before Reach comes out.
I have another question. Are you at a greater benefit to continue upgrading your skills, or is it better to just buy turrets and spawn bots and whatnot?[/QUOTE]

Depends on the class really. The Gunner only has 2 good abilities, his Slam and Passive (Dual Mini-Guns). The Y and B abilities are never used for him, so once you upgrade those first two abilities just start upgrading turrets with the extra cash.
Played the demo yesterday and the game is awesome.
can't wait to get this game

My fav class is the assault
I love the slam and the bombs
Two game play issues I noticed that are changing.

Reduced the amount of increased damage the Moneyball takes in Overtime, thus reducing the effectiveness of “Juice rushing”. Makes me happy. Getting tired of dominating a team only to have them buy juice and kills powerball in OT.

Not as good
Fixed Assassins being able to cloak during a grapple.
If you are doing a grapple in a base it helps to re-cloak to prevent turrets from killing you before you finish the grapple animation.

Glad to see they are supporting the game and even more DLC for FREE !!! yeah
[quote name='kklems']Not as good
Fixed Assassins being able to cloak during a grapple.
If you are doing a grapple in a base it helps to re-cloak to prevent turrets from killing you before you finish the grapple animation.


I think that is the point. You need to weigh your options. You can one hit kill someone in their base, but you're going to die doing it. I think this is a good fix, but then I don't play Assassin. :)
[quote name='Hoffer']I think that is the point. You need to weigh your options. You can one hit kill someone in their base, but you're going to die doing it. I think this is a good fix, but then I don't play Assassin. :)[/QUOTE]

It also applies to support turrets as well though. A support class can put a turret anywhere on the board and you won't be able to kill the support guy before the turret kills you.
Sorry if this has already been answered but has this patch/the free dlc come out yet? I only bought the game 2 days ago :p
[quote name='PhantomBlob']Sorry if this has already been answered but has this patch/the free dlc come out yet? I only bought the game 2 days ago :p[/QUOTE]

I'm still finding it hard to believe just how much of a diamond in the rough this game is from so many different angles. The price and control scheme turned me off at first but after playing the demo I just couldn't get it off my mind and took the plunge. Glad I did because nearly every game is a guaranteed blast. Charge/Grapple spamming idiots still irk me from time to time but since this is one of the few games I can actually snipe in my K/D is currently gorgeous.

I still need the last two Blitz achievements (Playoff & Scatter) so if anyone needs an extra get at me.
I haven't played this game in over a week. Between Dead Rising: Case Zero and the Crackdown 2 DLC, I just haven't gotten back to it. I've thought about it a few times, but ended up putting back in Crackdown.

It's great to see this game in the top 20. I feel it hasn't received the press it should considering how good it is. Nice to see that people are playing it. I just wish it was higher than position 20. The game might not be in the list next week.
I will have to say this, after leveling to 56 or so the Sniper in this game is hands down without a doubt the most overpowered sniper in the history of gaming.

From the Traps, Grapple and hell even the level design makes that class noobiest noob that never noobed a noobing hole.
What class should I use to get an easy Triple Kill achievement? I mainly play Support so I'm not that familiar with all the other stuff. Closest I got was a double with the air drop. Its my last cheese to get 200/200.
You can go on a pretty heavy spree as a Tank in the right circumstances, Courageous. Throw on Armor as a Gold sponsor and just have at 'em.

Been playing this game heavily since release day, although all online play has been at buds' houses since I'm still getting internet installed over here. Have no interest in Blitz mode, which falls under my weird continuing disinterest with Horde-mode type games.

Crossfire, though...love me some Crossfire. I seem to do pretty damn well as a Sniper and Support. Trying to get used to Demoman currently to expand my horizons.
I boosted for the Triple Kill achievement within the first couple days the game was out. I was too impatient. :)

I'm up around $600,000 in Crossfire these days. I can gaurantee that I've got a Triple Kill in that time. Get yourself juiced in the enemy base and go to town on the bad guys.
Support + Gold RoF Sponsorship + Heal/Hurt Gun + Solo Blitz = Free money.

It's bad enough you can easily rake in over $500 from Bulleye appearances alone.

So glad they are going to address this in the first patch for Cross. Now I understand why I'm losing 1v1 against these clowns. It's nearly impossible for you to die while inflicting an immense amount of damage at the same time.
[quote name='Ink.So.Well.']Support + Gold RoF Sponsorship + Heal/Hurt Gun + Solo Blitz = Free money.
Currently Rate of Fire endorsement does not affect the Heal/Hurt gun. Though when the update hits it will, its listed among the changes.
Although I like this game....it has to be one of the worst balanced games in history. The problem seems to be that the game devolve into TDMs far too often can clearly the game is not set up to be a TDM. The money ball seems to be a very distant thought to 90% of the community.

There are so many instant kill things that the game comes off very cheap along with the lack of Bots that are worth a damn. There is no point in escorting bots that can be blown up within 2 seconds and dont provide any viable tactic on the way there.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Although I like this game....it has to be one of the worst balanced games in history. The problem seems to be that the game devolve into TDMs far too often can clearly the game is not set up to be a TDM. The money ball seems to be a very distant thought to 90% of the community.

There are so many instant kill things that the game comes off very cheap along with the lack of Bots that are worth a damn. There is no point in escorting bots that can be blown up within 2 seconds and dont provide any viable tactic on the way there.[/QUOTE]
IMO this game is well balanced until the dreaded overtime hits, then its like a mad scramble to juice up and hit the money ball. A team may be winning all game and then loose in overtime, just because the other team hit the juice first and tore up the money ball.
[quote name='Soodmeg']Although I like this game....it has to be one of the worst balanced games in history. The problem seems to be that the game devolve into TDMs far too often can clearly the game is not set up to be a TDM. The money ball seems to be a very distant thought to 90% of the community.

There are so many instant kill things that the game comes off very cheap along with the lack of Bots that are worth a damn. There is no point in escorting bots that can be blown up within 2 seconds and dont provide any viable tactic on the way there.[/QUOTE]

The update will change quite a bit, from what I understand. Only bots can take down money ball shields. That means you NEED to escort them if you want to win.

I agree there are a lot of people that just want to kill and not win. Sometimes I get into that too. It all depends on why you are playing the game. If you just want TDM, you likely won't win. If you want to win, you must go after the moneyball.

BTW - After putting in a few hours of Halo: Reach, I'm already missing MNC.
[quote name='thrustbucket']The update will change quite a bit, from what I understand. Only bots can take down money ball shields. That means you NEED to escort them if you want to win.

I agree there are a lot of people that just want to kill and not win. Sometimes I get into that too. It all depends on why you are playing the game. If you just want TDM, you likely won't win. If you want to win, you must go after the moneyball.

BTW - After putting in a few hours of Halo: Reach, I'm already missing MNC.[/QUOTE]

I downloaded MNC the day Halo came out; I had more fun in about 15 minutes of MNC Blitz than I had in 45 minutes playing the Reach campaign. Weird.
I played MNC all day today instead of Halo: Reach, man I can't believe how much fun one XBLA title can be. I'm at about the half way mark which is level 50, but is it ever addicting. Also something which I like a lot is that every match can be different, depending entirely on which class you choose. This was well worth the 1200 ms points.

I hope they bring out the patch + first free dlc soon, cause that might bring more people into the game.
It was mentioned earlier in the thread, but halfway exp wise in this game is actually level 77, not 50 thanks to the giant curve.

Starting to see there's a lot of 90+ people in the games I play though which makes me think the game will have a good amount of staying power, which is great.
[quote name='ZForce915']Any tips for the last single player blitz cheevo? I can't get past 6 rounds of that madness.[/QUOTE]

Step 1: Play as Tank.

Step 2: Press Left Trigger.

Step 3: Repeat step 2.

The Scramble took me a few tries and I ended up beating it as a gunner with a 2nd player with me playing the support. They didn't spend time following me around healing though so I think it was more that we made sure to build and upgrade turrets as often as possible, I found that helped a lot. I would definitely take a class that can clear the ground quick(tank death blossoms and gunner slam) because the amount of gremlins can drive you nuts.
I love Scramble runs because only three types of enemies show up (Bouncers, Buzzards, Gremlins) so with the right turret placement you can bang it out fast by yourself. All you really need is a bunch of upgraded Lazer Blazers, three fully upgraded Shaved Ice Turrets and maybe an Annihilator activation or two to complete it. You can circle strafe both Bouncers and Cloakers when they spawn racking up a ton of cash in the process while LBs deal everything else including Buzzard rounds. SITs help slow everything down and make cloakers visible way before they get anywhere near you.

If your placement is spot on and you aren't interrupted by terrible teammates who don't listen/invest in terrible turrets (Rocket & Longshot), camp above the arena like bitches so bots destroy all of your shit, or hoard their money for no reason you'll definitely clear it.
Huh, that's strange. After 4-5 attempts at Scramble with a support I finally beat it today. Didn't really do much different other than the placement of the Ice and Lazer turrets.
I really dislike half the people playing this game. They need to balance teams. And those that say K/D don't matter need to get their brains checked. If you keep dying, you give more money and momentum to the other team. Dumbasses.
bread's done