XBLA - Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix - 1200pts

[quote name='darthbudge']Is this game worth it if I am gonna be getting SFIV sometime next week?

I mean, which would be easier for a not so good SF player to learn on?[/QUOTE]

If you're playing online, get SF4. There's a much deeper pool of newbie players and it's less punishing because you'll get a lot of non-expert players.

SSF2THDR is one of those games that people were playing for years as competition because quite simply, it was the tournament game for a lot of Evo tourney's back in the day.

There are even forums dedicated to people that played it religiously and a lot of those players are on XBL as we speak, tearing people apart. And I'm not talking about the occasional Akuma player either. I'm talking about people who charge-buffer > number punch > headbutt > throw with Balrog. Or people who use classic Sagat. Or people who use MK Ransetsu > MK Ransetsu > Jab Shoryuken with Ryu.

If you don't know how much you'll like a fighting game and you just want to see how you like them, get HDR because it's only 15 bucks. But trust me, playing it online, unless you get mediocre, you'll get punished... A lot.

Oh and to the guy having trouble with Honda's and Sagat's, if you're pretty good at learning characters, learn Balrog(Boxer) for Sagat and use Ryu for Honda. For Ryu, MK Ransetsu > Jab DP is a good set up to get range, try to get medium range. For Balrog > Sagat, start with Fierce low charge -> Buffer headbutt -> # punch. Buffer before the round starts though. If you let Sagat get range, you're gonna have to be a really good player with Balrog to close the gap. Getting CLOSE to Sagat is what counts as Balrog. Give him range and you lost the fight. Getting to about 3-4 feet, using a charge -> # punch -> charge -> headbutt combo is good because you keep him blocking and if he throws an occasional tiger shot, you can come through with the headbutt and be close enough to hit him.

Never use Ken or Ryu for Sagat. Ken only has DP for tiger shots and his ransetsu doesn't knock down. Ryu isn't fast enough and he'll lose a fireball fight with Sagat, easily.
So are stat resets a regular occurrence? Went back to HD Remix to see that my ranked wins, as well as the wins of people on my friends list, got reset back to zero.
[quote name='mike.m']I had one of those. It stopped working within a couple months. Never really dealt with them again.[/quote]

I bought mine in 2000 or so I believe and it still works like a champ.

The nice part about the MAS is that it used arcade parts, so it can be repaired/swapped with any arcade parts you order online. I'm totally incompetent with electronics, but fortunately I know some people that could repair it if it broke.

The MAS has a warranty on it I believe too. Then again this was 9 years ago. Still it's the most arcade-perfect solution you can get.
I'm not sure I want to get my ass handed to me in this game online, but $10 sounds like it's too good to pass up. Any CAGs still play this?
[quote name='KrayzieKMF']lol i can't beat akuma on easy in arcade mode[/QUOTE]

Well that about sums up why I'm not buying this game. Good to know.
[quote name='RudyPants']Well that about sums up why I'm not buying this game. Good to know.[/QUOTE]

well from what I read, fighting Akuma at the end instead of M Bison is caused by beating everyone without using a continue. My reward was getting my ass kicked by akuma for 90 mins... I finally gave up.
[quote name='RudyPants']Well that about sums up why I'm not buying this game. Good to know.[/QUOTE]

This is a 2-player game. :\
I considered buying this but since I was never good at it, I think I'll just save my money for Marvel vs. Capcom.
[quote name='Cameron4All']Why in the SAM HILL BLUE BLAZES is this only a 2 player demo?[/QUOTE]

That annoys me too. I'll buy MvC2 regardless of it's demo though.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']I bought mine in 2000 or so I believe and it still works like a champ.

The nice part about the MAS is that it used arcade parts, so it can be repaired/swapped with any arcade parts you order online. I'm totally incompetent with electronics, but fortunately I know some people that could repair it if it broke.

The MAS has a warranty on it I believe too. Then again this was 9 years ago. Still it's the most arcade-perfect solution you can get.[/QUOTE]

I'll swear by the SF4 TE stick. Its the most perfect stick I've ever used.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']
The MAS has a warranty on it I believe too. Then again this was 9 years ago. Still it's the most arcade-perfect solution you can get.[/QUOTE]

That was true many years ago, but not these days. Hori's Real Arcade Pro sticks and the Madcatz Tournament Edition stick are both better. So are most custom sticks, to be honest. Plus MAS has terrible customer service (though the owner is a nice guy).
Even then, I think there's a few places like Arcade in a Box that have surpassed them too. Their website is currently down though.
[quote name='eastx']Even then, I think there's a few places like Arcade in a Box that have surpassed them too. Their website is currently down though.[/QUOTE]oh good point... I had a chance to play on a couple of AIAB jobs a while ago, and everything felt spot-on!
Well just to clarify by arcade-perfect I guess I meant the thing feels EXACTLY like the arcade sticks at the arcade where I learned to play. Same cabinet materials, same surfaces, same everything.
[quote name='Kuroi Kaze']Well just to clarify by arcade-perfect I guess I meant the thing feels EXACTLY like the arcade sticks at the arcade where I learned to play. Same cabinet materials, same surfaces, same everything.[/QUOTE]That's what matters most IMO!
It uses real arcade parts, Kuroi, so I'm not knocking its performance. There are just sticks with better housing, art, PCBs, etc. available these days is all.
Yeah, that's been happening quit alot lately. It sucks but what can you do? I really wish you could boot players from the lobby who at least have a bad ping. There are several Honda player sfrom the UK who quit whenever I beat them (which is often). It's just annoying to even play against them.
how do you avoid the quitters? set them to not preferred? I wish it would show you their names in the lobby so i would know if I was wasting my time.
Yeah, look at your recent players list and choose "Avoid this player" instead of "Prefer this player" and make the reason be "Quit Early."
[quote name='eastx']Yeah, look at your recent players list and choose "Avoid this player" instead of "Prefer this player" and make the reason be "Quit Early."[/QUOTE]

I did that once when I played someone in UFC and they quit on me right after I tapped them out. Then I went to matchmaking and got paired up with him again.

Anyone have tips on beating Akuma in arcade mode? I tried for a while earlier and had a hell of a time trying to beat him.
It sometimes can't be helped because that dude might be the only other player available. But the other benefit is that if someone does it enough, it detracts from his stars and you can tell that he's a habitual quitter or whatever.
bread's done