Xbox 360 $299 and $399!!!

The only stopping me is backwards compatibility, and not some BS about how only the "top selling games" will support it. I wonder what this list looks like, anyways?

Hell, if MS came out tommorrow and said "The $399 version is 100% backwards compatiable" I would drop that money at launch, no question.... that way I'd have stuff to play while waiting for drops on the $60 games.

But this sub par "emulation" can eat a dick.
[quote name='Roufuss']The only stopping me is backwards compatibility, and not some BS about how only the "top selling games" will support it. I wonder what this list looks like, anyways?

Hell, if MS came out tommorrow and said "The $399 version is 100% backwards compatiable" I would drop that money at launch, no question.... that way I'd have stuff to play while waiting for drops on the $60 games.

But this sub par "emulation" can eat a dick.[/QUOTE]

Why wouldn't you just keep playing your Xbox games and not buy the 360 at all? Then when the $60 games drop maybe the console will too.
This is by far the worst move since Sega not getting EA games on the Dreamcast & the reason i'm not gonna preorder a 360 at FYE.

It's my understanding that the following are now true but i could be wrong:

2) You have to buy a $40 memory card for the Base System.
3) Games are $60
4) Very few 3rd party accessories will be released due to there new licensing charges.
5) No Halo at launch
6) No Wi-Fi built in
7) Less downloadable content.
8) Possible Hd-Dvd upgrade in a few years
9) Possible price drop within 6 months due to Ps3 &/or Revolution launching
[quote name='Chris in Cali']7. No downloadable content of what will be known as the "Ghetto System."


Actually, that's exactly what I've been calling it all day. When I told my friends 'bout the system price, I referred to it as the ghetto system.
[quote name='Roufuss']The only stopping me is backwards compatibility, and not some BS about how only the "top selling games" will support it. I wonder what this list looks like, anyways?

Hell, if MS came out tommorrow and said "The $399 version is 100% backwards compatiable" I would drop that money at launch, no question.... that way I'd have stuff to play while waiting for drops on the $60 games.

But this sub par "emulation" can eat a dick.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly what I was thinking about the backwards compatbility. If I'm gonna dish out the 400 I'd like to at least be able to trade in/sell my Xbox and save some room. That's my favorite part about the PS2--that I don't have to have a PS1 to play the games.
Launch prices with inflation to todays prices.

Saturn launch n $513.51
NES $360.82
PSX $382.64
SNES $284.41
PS2 $336.87

SMB3 $81.20
SF2 (SNES) $97.34
Virtua Racing (Genesis) $130.69
Star Fox 64 $85.42
Twisted Metal (PSX) $63.59

With inflation we are on the same path as before.
[quote name='Zimmy']I can swallow $399 for a full blown HiDef gaming system (especially if the DVD upconverts).
My main gripe that I don't hear anyone complain about is the $60 game price point.
They tried this before and failed (Mario64 anyone?)
I'll get the Super 360 at launch but I doubt I'll buy more than one game for a long time until they get their heads on straight.
Those waiting for the PS3, there already is a rumor that Sony is watching what MS is doing and may delay for another year.[/QUOTE]

What are you talking about? Mario 64 sold millions of units in the US and Japan at full price, as did every other hit title on the N64 except for a few that had very small sizes and thus less costly carts. Tetrisphere, for example, was much smaller than the average N64 game and was released at $40 IIRC.

$60 and higher games were common throughout the 16-bit era and there were many successful titles. If you factor for inflation you'll see those game were very costly in constant dollars. (Google 'inflation calculator' for numerous sites that let you do this.) $60 in 1994 is equivalent to $76.59 in 2005 dollars.

Changing to optical discs, CD-ROM and DVD-ROM, reduced the cost of the media to a very small fraction of what it had been for mask ROM chips but the costs of making the games has gone sky high since then. A game that has ten full-time artists producing content for it instead of just two has five times the cost just for that one element. On top of that, all of those artists need places to work and equipment. While some may work out of their own homes in most case it means office spaces and utility bills to keep the lights on and the computers running.

The whole process demands more and more cash to be poured in as the games grow to make use of the more powerful hardware. Despite the growth of the industry overall the average successful game doesn't sell much better than a success from ten years ago. (Check out the Platinumcharts for all-time bestsellers at for examples.) If publishers could count on doing GTA's kind of sales numbers with regularity they could keep prices down but most hit games, even on the immense installed base of the PS2, aren't moving that many more units that hits from earlier times that had only half the budget requirements.

There are no easy answers. The publishers would love to make up the difference in volume but they have good reason to believe it cannot be done except in very rare cases like GTA. If they don't spend the money to get the most out of the new machines they'll just have a market that yawns and wonders why they should get a new console if its games down't seem to offer anything betting than before.

We would hae been facing this a decade ago if it weren't for CD-ROM. The 32-bit generation's capabilities could only be served by many times greater volumes of game data (and that is before FMV enters the picture) on mask ROM chips. Without a revolution in the game delivery format most of what we've become used to having in games would be impossibly expensive. The next step may be to eliminate producing even discs. Games that are sold online and only leased rather than owned could allow for cost reductions (no longer producing 100 retail packages to only sell 60 of them at full price) and keep prices down. That would mean every consumer would need a hard drive on their console and a fast broadband connection of the sort that is just now appearing, like Verizon's FIOS. That solution is not going to be viable in time to matter for the coming console generation.
[quote name='javeryh']Why wouldn't you just keep playing your Xbox games and not buy the 360 at all? Then when the $60 games drop maybe the console will too.[/QUOTE]

My xbox busted, and I was just going to replace it with a 360 rather than get a new Xbox. Since Xbox 360 was rumored to be 300, I figured that 150 could just go straight into that. Same thing that Shrike is doing.

Now that Xbox 360 is going to be 400, I might as well go get a cheap Xbox and just wait for a drop on 360.
[quote name='spoo']Launch prices with inflation to todays prices.

Saturn launch n $513.51
NES $360.82
PSX $382.64
SNES $284.41
PS2 $336.87

SMB3 $81.20
SF2 (SNES) $97.34
Virtua Racing (Genesis) $130.69
Star Fox 64 $85.42
Twisted Metal (PSX) $63.59

With inflation we are on the same path as before.[/QUOTE]

That is very interesting. However they keep telling me that crap about how gas was $3 in the 1980's after you adjust for inflation and it still doesn't do me a damn bit of good today when I go pay $40 for a tank of gas in a 2 door 4 cylinder car.
God this sucks balls. I was hoping to get a real Xbob 360 for $299 at lanuch not some piece of shining tard with a long string attach to it. fuck you microsoft. Lick my hairy balls! Only a complete idiot would buy the $299 model!
[quote name='Roufuss']My xbox busted, and I was just going to replace it with a 360 rather than get a new Xbox. Since Xbox 360 was rumored to be 300, I figured that 150 could just go straight into that. Same thing that Shrike is doing.

Now that Xbox 360 is going to be 400, I might as well go get a cheap Xbox and just wait for a drop on 360.[/QUOTE]

ahhh, that makes perfect sense...
Do we know how many Harddrive 360s there will be compared to non-harddrive 360s? Maybe there is harddrive support but they still want to give a few of the Cheapos a chance.
[quote name='javeryh']ahhh, that makes perfect sense...[/QUOTE]

If it wasn't for Ninja Gaiden Black, Far Cry: Instincts, and Fable: The Lost Chapters I probably wouldn't replace the xbox at all =/

Plus, I got an amazing deal on the rest of Xbox's library... so copies of Jade Empire, Conker, Mercenaries, Forza, and more are sitting there staring me in the face every day.
[quote name='Purkeynator']That is very interesting. However they keep telling me that crap about how gas was $3 in the 1980's after you adjust for inflation and it still doesn't do me a damn bit of good today when I go pay $40 for a tank of gas in a 2 door 4 cylinder car.[/QUOTE]

Jeez, how big is the tank in that thing? My Saturn SW2 can only take a little more than 11 gallons when running on fumes. I'm in LA and I've yet to go over $30 for a tank of gas. Which isn't to say it doesn't feel like a kick in the crotch every time I fill up.

Blame it on Jackie Chan. He's a big investor in one of China's fastest growing car manufacturers and appears in their marketing campaign's. At the rate China is putting new drivers on its roads there is no telling how high prices could go.
[quote name='Epic Wolf']if you do the math the $400 set isnt so bad...[/QUOTE]
no its not, but as it has been said numerous times the problem is without full fledged HD support. Developers will make games for the xbox without the HD....also the bs about not supporting High Def at this time. It is open to the future...
[quote name='BackInBlack']Do we know how many Harddrive 360s there will be compared to non-harddrive 360s? Maybe there is harddrive support but they still want to give a few of the Cheapos a chance.[/QUOTE]

I'd expect that games are at least required to support using the hard drive for memory saves. From there, depending on the game, caching would be the next big thing.

I'm most concerned about games that don't just benefit from the drive but really require it. I greatly prefer a console to a PC for gaming but there has always been that gap between what each type of platform allowed. The Xbox tried to cross that gap but early mistakes preventing it from being fully exploited except for a very small number of titles. I'd been hoping the 360 would finally close that gap.
Wow look at all the would think that we were all watching a chick flick with our women in here. These prices.....while not great and good enough for me to buy one at launch. I see all the complaints about No HD-DVD....who cares......nobody uses it now and the games wont support it so its just a luxury IMO. Microsoft knew what they were doing with XBOX 1 and they clearly owned sony in all hardware categories and online there is no comparison. A lot of people say might as well wait for PS3 and most will ccry when they are gonna have $60 dollar games as well and be priced at $500-$600 at its launch. To me the reaction is just people over-reacting to what they thought they were gonna pay. BOTTOM LINe....the 360 will be great and for $400 you get a great system so accept it.
[quote name='lowgear26']Wow look at all the would think that we were all watching a chick flick with our women in here. These prices.....while not great and good enough for me to buy one at launch. I see all the complaints about No HD-DVD....who cares......nobody uses it now and the games wont support it so its just a luxury IMO. Microsoft knew what they were doing with XBOX 1 and they clearly owned sony in all hardware categories and online there is no comparison. A lot of people say might as well wait for PS3 and most will ccry when they are gonna have $60 dollar games as well and be priced at $500-$600 at its launch. To me the reaction is just people over-reacting to what they thought they were gonna pay. BOTTOM LINe....the 360 will be great and for $400 you get a great system so accept it.[/QUOTE]

Are you Bill Gates?
[quote name='lowgear26']Wow look at all the would think that we were all watching a chick flick with our women in here. These prices.....while not great and good enough for me to buy one at launch. I see all the complaints about No HD-DVD....who cares......nobody uses it now and the games wont support it so its just a luxury IMO. Microsoft knew what they were doing with XBOX 1 and they clearly owned sony in all hardware categories and online there is no comparison. A lot of people say might as well wait for PS3 and most will ccry when they are gonna have $60 dollar games as well and be priced at $500-$600 at its launch. To me the reaction is just people over-reacting to what they thought they were gonna pay. BOTTOM LINe....the 360 will be great and for $400 you get a great system so accept it.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Purkeynator']Are you Bill Gates?[/QUOTE]

Im just stating my opinion like everyone else....the Xbox is far superior to the PS2 now and I would think that they can at least make the 360 a great machine......I wish I was bill Gates BTW
Me too, then I could afford the big boy xbox 360, an extra wireless controller or two, a memory card, a charge kit, and xbox live subscription, and a couple games.(I am being a smartass and I realize this)
[quote name='STATIC3D']Does anyone else find it interesting that if you compare the XBOX at release for $300 vs the XBOX 360 (base model) at release for $300, you are basically getting less tech (i.e. no hard drive) for the same money?[/QUOTE]

Agreed. But I don't find it interesting, I think it's kinda crappy.
pooey. Guess thats an extra $175 (my deposit money so far) to use this week. Nobody will use the hard drive now that it's not standard. VIVA LA REVOLUTION!

and the PSone!!!!
[quote name='lowgear26']Wow look at all the would think that we were all watching a chick flick with our women in here. These prices.....while not great and good enough for me to buy one at launch. I see all the complaints about No HD-DVD....who cares......nobody uses it now and the games wont support it so its just a luxury IMO. Microsoft knew what they were doing with XBOX 1 and they clearly owned sony in all hardware categories and online there is no comparison. A lot of people say might as well wait for PS3 and most will ccry when they are gonna have $60 dollar games as well and be priced at $500-$600 at its launch. To me the reaction is just people over-reacting to what they thought they were gonna pay. BOTTOM LINe....the 360 will be great and for $400 you get a great system so accept it.[/QUOTE]

That cheap ass newbie title really fits you... because you have no clue. You can hardly say that MS owned Sony when Sony's hardware sales absolutely raped the numbers that MS posted. And as far as the stuff you said in regards to the PS3 pricing, you don't know - Don't even pretend like you have any idea.
So is this confirmed by a real source, ala Microsoft themselves?

Would be funny if this got blown out of proportion and it's not even true.
[quote name='Chacrana']That cheap ass newbie title really fits you... because you have no clue. You can hardly say that MS owned Sony when Sony's hardware sales absolutely raped the numbers that MS posted. And as far as the stuff you said in regards to the PS3 pricing, you don't know - Don't even pretend like you have any idea.[/QUOTE]

Im not talking about numbers talking side by side putting the hardware to the test who is better......the Xbox is superior in this aspect and you cant deny that and as far as PS3 pricing.....with what they are offering.....Blue-Ray tops that WILL NOT BE UNDER $500......your crazy to think it will. Blue-Ray alone will cost upwards of 200 bucks minimum and with all the money invested in the Cell processor and Wi-Fi and the list goes on.....No I dont know and Yes I am guessing but its an educated guess unlike you who obviously is not educated.
[quote name='Chacrana']That cheap ass newbie title really fits you... because you have no clue. You can hardly say that MS owned Sony when Sony's hardware sales absolutely raped the numbers that MS posted. And as far as the stuff you said in regards to the PS3 pricing, you don't know - Don't even pretend like you have any idea.[/QUOTE]

I think he was talking about hardware performance/specs than hardware sales. Which XBOX did own PS2 in.

And for a fact. PS2 hasn't owned XBOX in console sales in US every month. XBOX actually beat PS2 sales one month that I know of (they made a big deal about it on the news sites and Sony's head made a comment about it). Overall sales is a different story. That's were PS2 owns XBOX on the hardware side of things.
Like others have mentioned, it seems like the industry and all the new next-gen systems are taking a step backwards without a HD built-in (i.e. standard).

The only problem with segmenting the Xbox360 userbase into "haves" and "have-nots" is that it will force developers to choose whether to support the HD or not... In their hopes to reach a wider user base, maximize revenue and not alienate any consumers, they may choose to go the non-HD route.

While I doubt the situation will be as grim as the lack of support of the HD on PS2, I can't help but think the HD on XB360 (and games in general) will never fully reach their potential.
Not to flame or anything, but did many games (besides Blinx) really utilize the HD in the Xbox for gameplay? I really don't know the answer to this. I don't have too big of a problem with the price of the 360 because I paid 300 for a PS2 at release, and there was no HDD with that (which means $30 for a memory card, they are never on sale at launch). Coming with the HD cables also is a plus for me as those are usually around $30, and I can always use another headset. I really don't see a "lack of value" in the pricing of the system. Are there some concerns about games that won't use the HDD? Yeah, but I use it for enough other things (soundtracks, etc), and not needing memory cards is a huge plus in my book. Besides as I mentioned earlier I'm not sure how much the HDD was actually utilized in the original XBox.

Right now something that might keep me from buying one is the fact that the price on the standard wired controller is listed at $40. That is rediculous.
[quote name='Chacrana']That cheap ass newbie title really fits you... because you have no clue. You can hardly say that MS owned Sony when Sony's hardware sales absolutely raped the numbers that MS posted. And as far as the stuff you said in regards to the PS3 pricing, you don't know - Don't even pretend like you have any idea.[/QUOTE]

Come on, Sony reps are telling people that they will have to save their money to buy a PS3. Do you think that it's going to launch at the SAME pricepoint that their last 2 consoles launched at. Adjust those numbers for inflation and consider the fact that even then Sony wasn't telling consumers they would have to save their money back then. I'm not an MS fanboy, but you have to look at this realistically.
[quote name='Gigamaster89']So with this, maybe a drop in the price of Xbox? And perhaps free Xbox live?[/QUOTE]

Maybe you should read up on XBox related things. A drop in the price of the XBox is highly unlikely since they're stopping production soon. XBox Live will be free on weekends when the 360 launches, or so they're saying.
[quote name='Plac1d']I won't believe 'till Allard comfirms it.[/QUOTE]


Who knew, a leak (from a grunt rep) would garner so much attention? MS will make an official statement in the coming weeks.
This is such a stupid price for what you get. They honestly don't even have a game in the making that appeals to me with the exception of Perfect Dark, and even that looks weak. Someone, please change my mind and show me a game worth getting. $299.99 would have been much more appealing for the "deluxe" package. Microsoft sucks.
[quote name='Rockman']I was hoping to get a real Xbob 360 for $299 at lanuch Only a complete idiot would buy the $299 model![/QUOTE]

That price is pretty sweet considering it comes with a bunch of accessories I was going to buy in the first place.

I'm only concerned about the lack of hard drive support. I think they've officially killed any downloadable levels and decent content now that they discovered the $20 expansion beast known as the Halo 2 Multiplayer pack.
[quote name='tayaf69']This is such a stupid price for what you get. They honestly don't even have a game in the making that appeals to me with the exception of Perfect Dark, and even that looks weak. Someone, please change my mind and show me a game worth getting. $299.99 would have been much more appealing for the "deluxe" package. Microsoft sucks.[/QUOTE]

But wouldn't 199 be even more appealing than that. Everyone wants everything to be cheaper. Do I wish the price was 299? Sure. Am I upset that the price will be 399? No, because we have been paying $299 for new consoles since 1995 when the original Playstation came out. Print out a McDonald's menu from 1995, I'm sure you'll see that most of the items on the menu were a good amount cheaper back then.
Man, I sure hope that the free Xbox 360 pyramid scheme I'm in (cheap signature plug!) will provide me with the $400 version.

Though I'd be a damn fool to think that's what I'll get. In the end, irony will take over as I spend $200-300 acquiring all the items in the "de-lux" version that I did not acquire with my "free" Xbox. :roll:
Ya I am sure you will get the ghetto version. I think enough of us have decided to call it that, it should be the official name for the "basic" version on this site.
[quote name='Purkeynator']I like that "included for a limited time only" crap on the remote. Kinda reminds me of the super valuable limited spiderman umd I got with my PSP.[/QUOTE]

It's a $30 item, to factor that into your thought of how much the bundle out of the gate is saving.

[quote name='mykevermin']Man, I sure hope that the free Xbox 360 pyramid scheme I'm in (cheap signature plug!) will provide me with the $400 version.

Though I'd be a damn fool to think that's what I'll get. In the end, irony will take over as I spend $200-300 acquiring all the items in the "de-lux" version that I did not acquire with my "free" Xbox. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Shall we take a bet to see which one you get? I'd guess it'll be the $300 one.
I'm going to wait until the PS3 gets closer to release, watch MS drop the price a few weeks before on the 360, evaulate the 360 library, and choose which system to get first from there.

One thing is for sure, 500 to get in and play a single game is painful!
The price doesn't bother me much. I traded in an old xbox and some games to put a hefty deposit on the system already. That, and Oblivion should keep me hooked for at least 6 months.
[quote name='mtxbass1']Hmm, could it be the fact that hardware prices have dropped significantly since the launch of the original Xbox? You can't tell me that computer and chip prices have not gone down tremendously from 4 years ago based on the performance these chips now put out. This is especially evident in hard drive pricing today.[/QUOTE]

You get more hard drive capacity for the money today but the cost of having a hard drive, using the least expensive commodity units, hasn't changed significantly since the Xbox launch. Hard drive's base cost has bottomed out.

Meanwhile, the chipset in the 360 is nothing to sneeze at. It will get less costly with die shrinks (which weren't available for political reasons on the first Xbox) but for now this is a serious hunk of hardware to attempt having a strong platform whose full potential will take developer's many years to fully exploit.

Other costs include having 8 times as much RAM in the 360. The price of RAM has not decreased by a factor of 8 since the original Xbox launch and thus makes for more cost over and above the previous machine. Microsoft could have gone for a smaller amount but would greatly reduce the longterm potential of the machine.

It is perhaps a mistake for consoles to push the cutting edge. When the SNES came out it didn't do anything an Amiga computer sold five years earlier couldn't duplicate. This has been the primary driver of rising costs. Having the equivalent of a high end gaming PC from early 2004 would be much less expensive, especially with the need to just have stripped down versions of existing chips rather than entirely new technology. But the public has gotten used to that cutting edge power from new consoles. Nintendo is trying to buck the trend but it remains to be seen how that will work out.
bread's done