Xbox 360 Preorders (Amazon/TRU, Costco, EB, GameRush, GameStop, Ritz, Sams, Walmart)

will bill my card now or when it is released if i do the pre order?

edit: never mind....i found my answer. So as to not make this post completely worthless, YAY! Thanks KCgamestererer or whoever found it.
[quote name='mietha'] but makes no mention of the media remote. This scares me a little. Since the media remote is first wave only, does this mean their's is not from the initial release. Might just be an oversight on their part, but something to think about.[/QUOTE]

Amazon gave me an estimated ship date for November 7, 2005 after I added it to may cart. Read my first post.
I pre-ordered the Premium set from Amazon as a backup. If it ends up being released on black Friday, I refuse to go to any retail establishments other than for food. I also may end up working that day (Best Buy), thankfully not in the store.
[quote name='KCgamester']Amazon gave me an estimated ship date for November 7, 2005 after I added it to may cart. Read my first post.[/QUOTE]

I did read your first post, but an estimated ship date on an item that doesn't have a release date is completely meaningless. All I do know is that the description does not list the remote. For the record, I did preorder one from there, I just hope I'm not making a mistake and they ship it in January or something. Wal-Mart's less than stellar bundle sold out in a few hours, I'm very surprised that amazon is still taking orders. I just hope if they are not going to ship mine on day 1, they will bother to tell me. The help section says they will inform you if an item becomes unavailable, but there is no mention of delays.
[quote name='LaMeRz55']Did yuo guys have to pay tax @[/QUOTE]

If it's an Amazon item, most people don't (only certain states). However, this is a Toys R Us item, so I believe everyone gets charged tax in this situation.

I remember pre-ordering a Gamecube bundle (which sold out in about 90 seconds) from Amazon -- no tax and with coupon codes that ended up enabling free shipping on the whole lot too. Aaah those were the days :)
Score, Thanks for the headsup. It may be that there not sold out becuase news broke overnight. Anyway I hope these ship out at release, if not I still have $50 down at the local Ebgames.
Ordered from Amazon with one day shipping at least this saves me from having to go to Walmart at Midnight on the release day.
Just a heads up, both systems are "currently not available" at amazon. Whether they sold out or just pulled it down (like Wal-Mart did) is unknown. But either way, you can't get it right now. Sorry to all you guys that missed out. Hopefully it will come back up.
[quote name='mietha']Just a heads up, both systems are "currently not available" at amazon. Whether they sold out or just pulled it down (like Wal-Mart did) is unknown. But either way, you can't get it right now. Sorry to all you guys that missed out. Hopefully it will come back up.[/QUOTE]Interesting...I'm sure many people jumped on this, so I wouldn't be suprised if it sold out. Glad I got my order in!
Ok, sort of off topic, but not really... Does anyone happen to know where the cheapest 720p widescreen HDTV (around 30") is? Found a couple at (a brand I'd never heard of) for $700-800. Just wondering if anyone knows of any better deals, or at least a better known brand. I want to be able to properly see my 360 without having to sell any organs. :)

[edit] NM, I think I already found my answer in another board. There's a 30" sony at amazon for $730 which looks VERY nice, if anyone else is interested.
dang that didt take long for them to pull it, glad I got my order in. Still hoping its for the first shipment.
christmas is coming up. i think people with money (or credit) to burn should buy a couple of these and bank on impulsive brats demanding sold out systems from their parents for xmas. it happens every year with those hard to find, need it now, fad items. why should this year be any different, seeing as how alot of people are getting rich (at least thinking they are rich because their houses have doubled in value) and need some way to spend their dough.
[quote name='pestario']dang that didt take long for them to pull it, glad I got my order in. Still hoping its for the first shipment.[/QUOTE]

I emailed them about that. I'll post the result when they reply.
[quote name='mietha']I emailed them about that. I'll post the result when they reply.[/QUOTE]

I would assume it is with the estimated ship date they gave, I know it means nothing as far as an official date, but the fact that it was the early date would lead me to belive it's the first shipment. Anyway I look forward to you posting the results.
[quote name='buster90']Looks like Amazon is sold out. If this is any indication of how it will sell then no preorder expect to camp out.[/QUOTE]

Still a little early for that. :) Several sites to go that I'm sure will do preorders, hopefully most without bundles. I'm just surprised they sold out of the core system that fast...
[quote name='mietha']Still a little early for that. :) Several sites to go that I'm sure will do preorders, hopefully most without bundles. I'm just surprised they sold out of the core system that fast...[/QUOTE]

Yeah the core havent moved very fast, but seeing as how it could be ordered by itself for $299 it must have been appealing to many.

But the value of the preimum is to great for me to pass up.
I really hope Amazon goes through with this. Hell, I'd wait longer for it from a place that doesn't require a bundle just out of principal. I had already planned on Wal-Mart since they atleast let me choose my games.
I pre-ordered my 360 first thing this morning, after visiting CAG. I'm not 100% sure I want it, but its nice to have that pre-order in place just in case. The games I'm most interested in are Kameo and Condemned - if they get good reviews then I'm in for the system.
[quote name='mmercer13']Wonder who will get stuck with the "core systems".[/QUOTE]

Some people actually WANT the core version. I really can't understand why, at least at this point. With no larger hard drive available, there is really no reason to buy the core, imo. Yeah, it's $100 cheaper, but you have to pay at least $40 for a crappy memory card before you can even play anything, plus the other stuff you are missing out on.
Does Walmart charge your credit card for a preorder when the item ships, or when you order it? Thanks. I was looking at Walmart since you can choose your own games, but I've checked over the list quite a few times, no Dead or Alive 4!
(I haven't been following 360 games that much, but isn't that supposed to be a launch title?)
[quote name='DeskLaser']Does Walmart charge your credit card for a preorder when the item ships, or when you order it? Thanks. I was looking at Walmart since you can choose your own games, but I've checked over the list quite a few times, no Dead or Alive 4!
(I haven't been following 360 games that much, but isn't that supposed to be a launch title?)[/QUOTE]
There are several (most likely) launch games that Wal-Mart does not have listed and a few that are almost sure not to be. They charge when they ship. One of the reasons people were ordering halo 3 while it was on the list. It's a good 6 months away at least, and less money you would need up front. BTW, I can almost guarentee DOA4 will be a launch game.
I really don't see the point in jumping on the 360 bandwagon this early, unless it's something you just have to have to give as a gift for xmas or something. I'd just wait a month or six and you'll be able to walk into any GS, EB or other game/toy store (or just fire up yer browser) and get one with no drama.

I know that I'm not terribly excited about any of the lauch titles, really... PDZ doesn't look too bad, and PGR3 is probably going to be entertaining, but that's about it. Is it me, or does it seem they're not pushing any launch titles very hard?

The one thing I'm really hoping and waiting on is Halo 3 and that's probably, what, at least a year or more away? (Can you say Special Edition Halo 3 360?) That and the new Formula 1 game that they showed at E3 because I'm a big F1 fan, but I'm still waiting to hear if we're going to get a decent force feedback steering wheel for 360; that's something that PS2 had over Xbox the previous generation.

Nah, I've decided that I'm waiting a little while on this one. Took me over a year to buy the first Xbox, I can wait a couple months or more on this one.
not me gotta have it at launch, I used to be into Video Games alot and have been out of it for a couple of years. I havent ever been this excited for a launch, and I was pretty damn excited when PS2 and Xbox came out.

Everyone has there own opinion on launch games but IMO there is some really good stuff there for almost every taste in games.
I'm worried that if I pre-order at a store, put money down, then they won't get enough in. I was at a GS on Tuesday asking, and the guy was like "yeah, we have about 150 preorders," they hadn't stopped taking them, but he specifically said he didn't think they'd get anything close to that in. WTF? If I pay to preorder it, I want it on Launch, not in Feb. Can anyone else confirm this, or is this just one store?
Honestly, even if they only get half of the "launch window" games out on day 1, it will be the best launch selection ever, IMO. The PS2 and xbox launches were pathetic, especially the PS2. The N64 launched with 3 friggin games. It is looking like there will be over a dozen day 1 games, none of which, IMO, is the typical filler crap. There are a couple of games I am VERY excited about (Quake IV, Kameo), but there are quite a few more I am eager to check out (Gun, Burnout Revenge, Condemned, etc.). This is easily the most well-rounded launch in history. Now if just [eM] was ready...
[quote name='partygirlie21']I'm worried that if I pre-order at a store, put money down, then they won't get enough in. I was at a GS on Tuesday asking, and the guy was like "yeah, we have about 150 preorders," they hadn't stopped taking them, but he specifically said he didn't think they'd get anything close to that in. WTF? If I pay to preorder it, I want it on Launch, not in Feb. Can anyone else confirm this, or is this just one store?[/QUOTE]

I'm sure quite a few stores are still taking preorders knowing damn well they won't get that many in day 1. Most of them have the decency to tell you whether they can guarentee day 1 or not though. If you missed out on amazon, I would probably wait for another online retailer to put their's up. Hopefully some others will as soon as the release date is set. I would be surprised if ANY B&M store is not already full of day 1 preorders.
yes, most B&M stores were sold out of preorders when I started checking a month ago. I did find a Ebgames that was still taking them, (It was a new strip mall location) so maybe thats why they had some slots. I was told it was first shipment, but they also still didnt have seperate SKU for core and Premium which makes me not trust them much. I'd imagine by now most B&M stores that strated taking preorders are sold out.

As posted earlier I did get in on the Amazon preorder so hopefully that goes through in the first shipment, the fact that is was pulled so fast gives me hope that is the case.
[quote name='pestario']yes, most B&M stores were sold out of preorders when I started checking a month ago. I did find a Ebgames that was still taking them, (It was a new strip mall location) so maybe thats why they had some slots. I was told it was first shipment, but they also still didnt have seperate SKU for core and Premium which makes me not trust them much. I'd imagine by now most B&M stores that strated taking preorders are sold out.

As posted earlier I did get in on the Amazon preorder so hopefully that goes through in the first shipment, the fact that is was pulled so fast gives me hope that is the case.[/QUOTE]
I emailed them about that, but the reply is unclear. I emailed them a second time, but no reply yet. Here is a copy of the first email. Read into it what you will:

"Thanks for writing to

"Xbox 360 Video Game System (Fully-Loaded)" has proven to be a very
popular item.

We have many customer orders for this item, and we will be filling
orders as quickly as we can on a first-come, first-served basis.

So, we are unable to guarantee a release-day delivery.

However, please be assured that we will ship your order as soon as
the item is released. On the date of shipment, we'll send you an e-
mail message confirming the date, contents, and method of your

Thanks for shopping at"

This really sounds like it could go either way to me...

Greetings from and

Due to a system error, we mistakenly listed the Xbox 360 Video Game
System you recently ordered as "available" on our web site.

We're sorry, but this item is not currently available. Therefore, we
have cancelled your order and your credit card has not been charged.

Again, we apologize for any disappointment this has caused.

Thank you for shopping at and


Customer Service Department
Ditto on the e-mail.

So... great... even though I jumped on this one immediately, they won't keep my order or give me "first come, first served" status anymore.

This is the last time I shop (not like I'll make a dent in their bank, but yikes this was lame).
got the same email, so it sounds like the cancled even the early orders. The Bastages.

On The bright side I called my local Ebgames and I was automatically set to the premium system and they said I'd be getting a first shipment :)
[quote name='flxuraz']Anybody else smell a bundle coming from Amazon?[/QUOTE]

They did the same thing with either the PS2 launch or the original GBA launch...they had the system by itself up for sale...cancelled the orders for that...they then put up a bundle instead.

I was going to type earlier not to get your hopes up for a single system only on Amazon/TRU and to expect a cancellation, but never got around to it. My prophecy would have came true...
bread's done