Xbox 360 slim - $299 -- Old Arcade $150, Elite $250 -- READ OP


shipping to retailers this week, and available to buy this week. not yet on any websites.

Hey guys, i just picked up my xbox 360 250gb S console. I have been trying it out and will give a few impressions, including how hot this thing gets. First off, the wireless adapter works great, very easy to find my network. The console itself is beautiful, loving the buttons where they are touch sensitive. I cannot hear the console when on dashboard, but i can while playing games and the disc is spinning (still not nearly as loud as old models). There is one big issue that i AM having with this however: The thing is whisper silent, but it is also Flaming Hot. Look at the picture. See the big vent on the side? That's where all the heat is at. It's not on the back like the previous console, it doesn't seem like the fan is pushing out the heat very well. This could just be me, but i had someone else touch it to verify that they indeed thought it was outrageously HOT. Let this be a warning to buyers! .. Also i do understand this may not be a problem at all. My Wii does get hot with wii connect 24 (But not as hot as the 360..). My Mac also get's rather hot (still not as hot as the 360..). I'm just throwing this out there.

Fix: Make your 360 sit horizontally. It will help the 360 ventilate better, and won't get nearly as hot!

360 Arcade will drop to $150
360 Elite will drop to $250
New 360 250GB "slim" is $300


250gb hdd, built in wireless n adapter

Built in transfer software, so if you want to upgrade, no worries!
includes wireless controller, headset, and composite cables
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I am surprised so many people are jumping on the " Holy crap need to have this" bandwagon. I guess I just dont see the point in upgrading if you have a working system with a decent hard drive.
I am actually shocked they didn't toss a blu ray player. Way to keep with the times Microsoft!
My question is, if my 360 Elite RROD again (waiting for MS to send it back), how will I transfer my data? Is the HDD expandable like on PS3? Built in Wifi is way overdue.
[quote name='fignutz32']no blu-ray drive :([/QUOTE]

That would have been the dealmaker, at least HD DVD.

Not for some stupid format war but for game size.

It's becoming apparent that 8gigs is becoming an issue for developers.

Other then that, huge fail from Microsoft.

And what the heck was that Forza deal? Is it a new game, will I be able to update my current game?
A little vague to me.
Just a general question for the 360 owners here... why do some owners have multiple systems?

I don't have a system, so why the need for multiples? Is there something I'm missing with the 360? I'm really not trying to go into the whole hardware reliability issue, but some of you guys make it sound like you have multiple working systems... so why is that? Thanks.
[quote name='Zimmy']That would have been the dealmaker, at least HD DVD.
Not for some stupid format war but for game size.
It's becoming apparent that 8gigs is becoming an issue for developers.[/QUOTE]

So what then for all of us who keep the older system?
I'd rather they waited until the next generation before making changes like that.
[quote name='mediviper']I am surprised so many people are jumping on the " Holy crap need to have this" bandwagon. I guess I just dont see the point in upgrading if you have a working system with a decent hard drive.
I am actually shocked they didn't toss a blu ray player. Way to keep with the times Microsoft![/QUOTE]

Well alot of us have expired or expiring warranties and this is great we don'th ave to wait 2 months for the slim.

Me personally I've been waiting for a 360 design for years haha. Plus I've been needing a bigger HD as I still have a 20 giger(ahem 13.9)

Also yes I want to know if transferring a old HD to the new one will be the same or how will it work?
[quote name='Zimmy']And what the heck was that Forza deal? Is it a new game, will I be able to update my current game?
A little vague to me.[/QUOTE]

It's a Kinect-exclusive version of Forza coming out next year.
I sort of like the looks of it, it really harkens back to the OG Xbox just in terms of "feel".. which is good, I never liked the "bubble" look of the current 360. It sort of looks like a gaming PC from the side. Generally gotta say I like it a lot. but I'm pretty amazed they didn't bundle Kinect (however it's spelled) given that was the big hype.

Releasing today reminds me a lot of the surprise Saturn launch-- of course the 360 is a known platform, etc, but it's nice to see SOME surprises in an E3 presser, even if it's not quite "gamechanging".

For those who automatically assuming they're RROD-proof-- keep in mind MS has a pretty dismal track record this gen. I wouldn't assume ANYTHING about the quality, just that they're "cheaper to build" than the phats. Whether they've gotten their act together and built a 360 that won't blow up if you look at it crosseyed is anyone's guess. Jasper is tons better but keep in mind-- new form factor, new cooling setups, total unknown.
[quote name='perdition(troy']$299?

Complete fail.[/QUOTE]

I disagree. Now with a bigger HD and built in 802.11n, it's a better value (or at least as good as) than the PS3. (sans blu ray playback, but we know that is never going to happen)

They could have thrown in Kinect and these things would be flying off the shelves though.
No power brick would be huge.
As a guy who has had to send in his xbox360 twice for RROD and still worried about this last repair (freezes, doesn't necessarily shut down, gave me rings with the brick until I used another outlet while everything else runs fine on that outlet...) if I see the right price/package/trade-in probably be a done deal, like the wireless in it too.

Doubt I'll get too much for my twice repaired 20gb 'pro' w/o hdmi port tho lol ;b
Wonder if the store(s) will break down how much each version will trade-in for.
Hopefully the USB drive ability will let me take ALL my saves off the thing...

Do these new systems generally come with a HD transfer kit? Now that I think about it that'd be nice for them just to have that, but I suppose with a 16GB flash I'm already using on it, I should be even to move over original xbox DLCs.

Wonder if that's one of the reasons MS finally let us use flash drives the right way. I'd have a hard time choking down their silly memory prices and it wouldn't have been enough space, this way I might be able to avoid needing transfer cables, etc.

Anyone do a total transfer (profile, saves, DLC, etc) with a USB yet?
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[quote name='husyk']My question is, if my 360 Elite RROD again (waiting for MS to send it back), how will I transfer my data? Is the HDD expandable like on PS3? Built in Wifi is way overdue.[/QUOTE]

Aaron Greenburg demoed the system on the feed. The HDD is built in similar to the PS3 one, but it seems like it's in some kind of proprietary shell so you can't just pop in any HD like on the PS3. There are USB ports on the front (there's a slide-away door to hide them) and they added more USB ports on the back.

If you get the new system and Kinect, the Kinect camera plugs right in the back, no additional power required. If you have an old 360, Kinect needs its own power supply (included w/purchase.)

The new 360 will be sold w/Kinect this holiday (no mention on price for the bundle) or Kinect will be sold by itself. Before the press conference began, Michael Pachter said his inside sources are telling him Microsoft has not decided on the price of Kinect yet. He said there are two camps right now among the decision makers. One side says sell it at start for $150 and if it fails drop the price later. The other side says sell it at like $50 and they'll make up the money in new Live subscriptions, tv/movie downloads, etc. Currently Pachter said the $150 side was winning, but no final decision yet.
If GS had some kind of deal on this I'd be all over it. I have two 360's and I'd trade them both for a new one.
[quote name='lml417']I've never bought a console on release week. does anyone know about the handling in retail stores? is it worth to call and pre-order now or I should expect them to have plenty in stock next week?[/QUOTE]
Pre-order to be safe.
I wonder how reliable this 1st gen slim will be. I dearly hope they do have an effective solution to the heating problem within a now more confined space.

Would be interesting to see if this 1st rev slim would self combust.
[quote name='KidYungn']wonder if gamestop will be doing a "trade-up" special for this. id love to trade in my elite+arcade for this[/QUOTE]

You'd be willing to trade in 2 Xboxes for a Slim?
I like the looks. I wish it was matte. I may bite on this, although TBH Id prefer a slightly smaller HDD and the $199 price point.

Im curious what the inside looks like as well. I think Ill wait and see how the reliability shapes up before pulling the trigger.
[quote name='FadeToOne']Red Ring part 2?[/QUOTE]

Hey Look everyone a red ring joke! Now tell us the one about how airline food is bad.
[quote name='MSUHitman']

The new 360 will be sold w/Kinect this holiday (no mention on price for the bundle) or Kinect will be sold by itself. Before the press conference began, Michael Pachter said his inside sources are telling him Microsoft has not decided on the price of Kinect yet. He said there are two camps right now among the decision makers. One side says sell it at start for $150 and if it fails drop the price later. The other side says sell it at like $50 and they'll make up the money in new Live subscriptions, tv/movie downloads, etc. Currently Pachter said the $150 side was winning, but no final decision yet.[/QUOTE]

$150 will be a huge fail
[quote name='jiggyteddy']Just a general question for the 360 owners here... why do some owners have multiple systems?

I don't have a system, so why the need for multiples? Is there something I'm missing with the 360? I'm really not trying to go into the whole hardware reliability issue, but some of you guys make it sound like you have multiple working systems... so why is that? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Kids, Media Center Extenders (you can't even buy Linksys Extenders any more), they've been cheap enough at various times to justify having a spare, etc.
[quote name='jiggyteddy']Just a general question for the 360 owners here... why do some owners have multiple systems?

I don't have a system, so why the need for multiples? Is there something I'm missing with the 360? I'm really not trying to go into the whole hardware reliability issue, but some of you guys make it sound like you have multiple working systems... so why is that? Thanks.[/QUOTE]

You get a 2nd 360 as a backup for when your main system dies. :)

Seriously though, I got an extra because I go around to pawn shops a lot and sometimes they sell me broken ones for $30. Sometimes I fix them myself, sometimes I send them into M$. I put one in the living room and one in the den, they can be used to stream stuff from your computer to your TV. Sometimes my nephew comes over and no one wants to watch him play games. You can also watch DVDs and Netflix on it. There are a lot of reasons to have a 2nd system, especially if you can get one cheap.

I wonder if this one will have the 3 year warranty?
I may get a Slim eventually if my current Elite Xbox 360 has issues or as a backup but waiting to see how it handles in stress tests!!:lol:
This doesn't exactly look "slim". The PS2 -> PS2 slim well warranted the moniker of slim, but this to me looks like a shorter 360. I'm interested in the size differences only. Microsoft has really fragmented their user base with this one.
The real question is, do you think this is going to end up selling for more on eBay at first and should I buy some to hold on to and hope to sell????
I'm very curious how the data transfer will work. I think that's going to be a sore point for this new 360. Hell I can't even attach my old HDD to it.
[quote name='ZForce915']I disagree. Now with a bigger HD and built in 802.11n, it's a better value (or at least as good as) than the PS3. (sans blu ray playback, but we know that is never going to happen)

They could have thrown in Kinect and these things would be flying off the shelves though.[/QUOTE]

You will get the bundle of Kinect with the new 360 this holiday season. It's just so far off and they want to have people buy this new design at $300 before they announce that you will get the new design bundled with Kinect to save more money.
[quote name='chuckywang']You'd be willing to trade in 2 Xboxes for a Slim?[/QUOTE]

Yeah if they are as RRoD proof as they claim. Well, maybe...I know I'd trade one of them plus some money for sure :lol:

And those asking why we have multiple 360's...well, not sure about some people but in my case, I had one that I took with me when I went to a university, then one weekend I found a returned Elite model at a discount store the guy sold me for $150. It hadn't been registered, and I sent it in and got a refurb, and this was back when Elites were $400 and the 120GB HDD's were $ that's my story :)
Gotta have it.. I will find a way to buy it via trade ins.. lol im a techno geek, I had to have the new black wii and ended up selling it, but this one is a keeper along with my new 250 GB fathers day slim ps3 bundle i bought
will i still be able to plug a memory card into it? 2 of my friends and I always get together to play games. So we need to be able to plug in our two memory cards. Or will I need to pick up a flash drive specifically for my 360?
wonder what this means for the prices of current hard drives. I would love to expand my 360 fat to a 250 GB drive (from the 20gb). Anyone think the prices on those will fall or will they just sell what they have and then they'll be super hard to find / expensive?
[quote name='Dakinggamer']I may get a Slim eventually if my current Elite Xbox 360 has issues or as a backup but waiting to see how it handles in stress tests!!:lol:[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I'd rather await reliability and feedback from the field then to get one at launch. Besides I just upgraded to a 250gb hd and I prefer to be hardwired to online. Come Xmas who knows what other goodies it will come with and there will be plenty of feedback by then.
Fortunately my 4 year old Xbox just RROD'ed. Currently making due with the towel trick. Sounds like a good time to pick up a cheaper elite. Good times.
Plat PS3 = shiny
Slim PS3 = matt

Plat 360 = matt
Slim 360 = shiny

Interesting opposition.

Does it also mean that faceplates such as FFXIII, Tales, Deathsmiles would be worthless?
[quote name='eau']
Does it also mean that faceplates such as FFXIII, Tales, Deathsmiles would be worthless?[/QUOTE]
They already were.
Now I have internal conflict. More than enough credit for this, but wanted to pre-order a couple 3DS for the kids. To top it off, the Xbox has been showing signs of possible failure in the near future. Decisions...decisions. Anyone know what you need to trade in an Elite? Cables?
bread's done