Xbox 360 slim - $299 -- Old Arcade $150, Elite $250 -- READ OP


shipping to retailers this week, and available to buy this week. not yet on any websites.

Hey guys, i just picked up my xbox 360 250gb S console. I have been trying it out and will give a few impressions, including how hot this thing gets. First off, the wireless adapter works great, very easy to find my network. The console itself is beautiful, loving the buttons where they are touch sensitive. I cannot hear the console when on dashboard, but i can while playing games and the disc is spinning (still not nearly as loud as old models). There is one big issue that i AM having with this however: The thing is whisper silent, but it is also Flaming Hot. Look at the picture. See the big vent on the side? That's where all the heat is at. It's not on the back like the previous console, it doesn't seem like the fan is pushing out the heat very well. This could just be me, but i had someone else touch it to verify that they indeed thought it was outrageously HOT. Let this be a warning to buyers! .. Also i do understand this may not be a problem at all. My Wii does get hot with wii connect 24 (But not as hot as the 360..). My Mac also get's rather hot (still not as hot as the 360..). I'm just throwing this out there.

Fix: Make your 360 sit horizontally. It will help the 360 ventilate better, and won't get nearly as hot!

360 Arcade will drop to $150
360 Elite will drop to $250
New 360 250GB "slim" is $300


250gb hdd, built in wireless n adapter

Built in transfer software, so if you want to upgrade, no worries!
includes wireless controller, headset, and composite cables
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[quote name='BloodGodAlucard']Okay so I'll just get a wired router then. I was looking forward to not having to run wires across my room to connect to Live anymore though. Could you recommend a good router to use? What's the basic price point for a good one that I could also use to connect my PS3 and possibly a laptop later on? With all of that is it still better to go with a wired router? Or with so many components would wireless be easier and an overall "cleaner" option. (Cleaner as in not having a million wires everywhere). :)[/QUOTE]

If you have a notebook, I would go with wireless. The freedom of wireless with a notebook is pretty compelling. Security is important, but depends on your situation. I live in a cul-de-sac with 2 acre lots. Only two neighbors can even see my network. I turn off the broadcast and lock it down by MAC. If I lived in an apartment or 10 neighbors were close enough to see me, I'd make a different choice.
Well I live in the middle of nowhere basically. I have a few miles between my neighbors house and mine. So I don't think security will be that big of a problem. Knowing this information, what do you think would be my best option?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I had DSL high speed internet. (If that makes a difference on which router I would need). I'm not sure the exact speed. It's the fastest one that Bellsouth offers.
Alright, finally some good news.

I put in an order for the new 360 at last night around 6PM, and I had my doubts that it would ship today.

Just had a chat with this nice lady at Gamestop Customer Service and she said that they had just pulled it, and were packing it now.

So, it will ship today and I'll have it tomorrow. Very nice!

Also, she was nice enough to refund the sales tax they charged on my store credit purchase, though it will be sent in the mail in the form of a gift card. Not bad at all.

I'm going to put this in the 'win' column.

Now, what do I buy first.. Mass Effect 2, or Alan Wake?
Definitely Mass Effect 2. Alan Wake was good, but after so much waiting it made it feel disappointing if you know what I mean. There was also a lot of walking through unoccuppied places more so than fighting.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Now, what do I buy first.. Mass Effect 2, or Alan Wake?[/QUOTE]
Alan Wake can be beaten in a day. It's the product of too much redesign and is not a quality release at all. Get RDR IMO.
[quote name='BloodGodAlucard']Well I live in the middle of nowhere basically. I have a few miles between my neighbors house and mine. So I don't think security will be that big of a problem. Knowing this information, what do you think would be my best option?[/QUOTE]

First off, everything Wolfpup said is true. Having said that, if you have a couple miles between you and the neighbor, go wireless. It will still have wired ports for you to use, if you need the fastest connection. A notebook PC is no good without wireless IMHO. You can go out on the porch and get on the internet, upstairs, etc. For myself, locking the network down by MAC is enough. I don't use the encryption. It's up to you on what to do, but it doesn't sound like you'll have anyone trying to spy on your network in such a rural setting. If it's me, I would get the wireless and use some simple security.
[quote name='Neorazak']Definitely Mass Effect 2. Alan Wake was good, but after so much waiting it made it feel disappointing if you know what I mean. There was also a lot of walking through unoccuppied places more so than fighting.[/QUOTE]

^^QFT. ME2 is epic. Alan Wake is a rental and I'm disappointed with it. I made $15 on the trade-in over the weekend, so I"m not THAT disappointed. :D
[quote name='BloodGodAlucard']Okay so I'll just get a wired router then. I was looking forward to not having to run wires across my room to connect to Live anymore though. Could you recommend a good router to use? What's the basic price point for a good one that I could also use to connect my PS3 and possibly a laptop later on? With all of that is it still better to go with a wired router? Or with so many components would wireless be easier and an overall "cleaner" option. (Cleaner as in not having a million wires everywhere). :)[/QUOTE]

I think in 2005 my router was like $80 maybe? A Linksys that does the job. If you think you may want WiFi most people would probably just buy one of those for probably $80-200. They should still have 4 wired ports on the back to use for devices that either need the reliability or are close.

What type of internet connection do you have? With DSL you may have to switch your modem to a pass through mode and then enter your dial-up/login info in the router (I've set that up twice now, once on AT&T, once on Verizon-the Verizon one was more annoying just because the configuration for the modem wasn't easy to figure out.)

With cable, at least the one I had you don't do the login part, but I think I had to register with the company or something, since it's picking up the new MAC address of the router...something along those lines. I don't know, I can't say the whole process is completely straight forward, but it's a good idea to be behind a router anyway, even if you only have one device hooked up to it, as it provides an extra layer of security...your computer's quite a lot safer.

[quote name='Neorazak']May not be important to most people but I'm just curious if they've finally fixed the ring of disc death when you bump the console?[/QUOTE]

Wasn't that supposedly that some pre-launch consoles didn't have some sort of part in the disc drive to prevent that? I've seen first hand an Xbox destroy discs and it wasn't jostled...but that was a pre-launch unit.

Please tell me that's not still going on :hot: Ugh, I'm repeating myself, but I keep saying the one defect that would have me dump the platform is a scratched disc. Never had that happen (in five consoles so far), but if it did, to me at that point the platform is worthless, because I have these games, but how do I know when I pull them out to play them in 5, 10, 15 years that it won't just wreck an unreplaceable game?
[quote name='Cindaddy']^^QFT. ME2 is epic. Alan Wake is a rental and I'm disappointed with it. I made $15 on the trade-in over the weekend, so I"m not THAT disappointed. :D[/QUOTE]

I don't think fighting is what the game's about. I don't know, I'm really looking forward to it and suspect it may be a keeper for me.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Alright, finally some good news.

I put in an order for the new 360 at last night around 6PM, and I had my doubts that it would ship today.

Just had a chat with this nice lady at Gamestop Customer Service and she said that they had just pulled it, and were packing it now.

So, it will ship today and I'll have it tomorrow. Very nice!

Also, she was nice enough to refund the sales tax they charged on my store credit purchase, though it will be sent in the mail in the form of a gift card. Not bad at all.

I'm going to put this in the 'win' column.

Now, what do I buy first.. Mass Effect 2, or Alan Wake?[/QUOTE]

I'd play Mass Effect 1 before Mass Effect 2 for all the story/character carryover potential.

If you're new to 360 and looking for system exclusives don't forget some of the slightly older stuff you can get cheaper like Fable 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, the Gears of War series, the Halo series, Forza 3/PGR 4, Viva Pinata 2 or some of the better XBLA titles.
[quote name='Jodou']Alan Wake can be beaten in a day. It's the product of too much redesign and is not a quality release at all. Get RDR IMO.[/QUOTE]

This is the correct answer. Even if you've already played it youOH CRAP STUPID COUGAR
[quote name='Wolfpup']I don't think fighting is what the game's about. I don't know, I'm really looking forward to it and suspect it may be a keeper for me.[/QUOTE]

No, its not at all. I didn't expect it to be. Still, it's just a modified form of combat. For me, it was too repetitive. The story was OK. It's pretty short considering the development time. It was worth the $20 I spent for sure. I wouldn't pay $60.

[quote name='BWOzar']I'd play Mass Effect 1 before Mass Effect 2 for all the story/character carryover potential.


Good point.
Thanks for the advice, everyone.

I've already played through RDR on the PS3, and Mass Effect 1 back when I used to have a 360 years ago.

Looks like I'll pick up Mass Effect 2 at K-Mart tomorrow for $20, and then start working on some older stuff after that!
[quote name='BWOzar']I'd play Mass Effect 1 before Mass Effect 2 for all the story/character carryover potential.

If you're new to 360 and looking for system exclusives don't forget some of the slightly older stuff you can get cheaper like Fable 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, the Gears of War series, the Halo series, Forza 3/PGR 4, Viva Pinata 2 or some of the better XBLA titles.[/QUOTE]

Oh geez, yeah do NOT start with Mass Effect 2 :lol:

That's like starting with The Empire Strikes Back or something. I mean you CAN, but why? (Except Mass Effect is better than A New Hope IMO, but anyway...)
[quote name='handsomepete']This is the correct answer. Even if you've already played it youOH CRAP STUPID COUGAR[/QUOTE]

Those cougars victimized me so many times, I had to watch my back and sides every time I picked a flower or skinned an animal. Really added a sense of danger and immersion, though.
[quote name='hellhunde']Those cougars victimized me so many times, I had to watch my back and sides every time I picked a flower or skinned an animal. Really added a sense of danger and immersion, though.[/QUOTE]

The thing that killed me was the way they would go after people I was with. I was riding along with someone and BAM! They were dead and a cougar was standing there. Drove me crazy.
[quote name='Rouzhokuu']Alright, finally some good news.

I put in an order for the new 360 at last night around 6PM, and I had my doubts that it would ship today.

Just had a chat with this nice lady at Gamestop Customer Service and she said that they had just pulled it, and were packing it now.

So, it will ship today and I'll have it tomorrow. Very nice!

Also, she was nice enough to refund the sales tax they charged on my store credit purchase, though it will be sent in the mail in the form of a gift card. Not bad at all.

I'm going to put this in the 'win' column.

Now, what do I buy first.. Mass Effect 2, or Alan Wake?[/QUOTE]Sweet. Thanks for that... I was starting to worry that my order wouldnt ship today either.
This is a great promo, but I am going to save myself a headache and sell my elite to a friend to what i'd have gotten for trade anyways. I ordered on Amazon + One Day, so if i get it next week i'll be happy.
quick question....does anyone know if the hard drive is removable? So if the system craps out and I need to send it in, can I remove it and send it in without loosing saves?
[quote name='jj5206']quick question....does anyone know if the hard drive is removable? So if the system craps out and I need to send it in, can I remove it and send it in without loosing saves?[/QUOTE]

It is
Just got the shipping notice as well. 11lb package, 3 day select shipping with scheduled delivery on the Monday the 21st (used the free shipping coupon)
Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? For realz? When did you order it? I even have overnight shipping and mine is still verifying. Did your guys' move from verifying to "processing" ever? Is this normal to be stuck there for like almost 24 hours? At what point do I call (again) to confirm this stuff.
I ordered mine yesterday about 6PM and it just shipped. (Gamestop)

With the free shipping, mine is expected on Friday.

Mine went from "Verifying" to "shipped"
[quote name='tipio']Whaaaaaaaaaaaa? For realz? When did you order it? I even have overnight shipping and mine is still verifying. Did your guys' move from verifying to "processing" ever? Is this normal to be stuck there for like almost 24 hours? At what point do I call (again) to confirm this stuff.[/QUOTE]

On Monday at 10:21 P.M. PST and it was stuck in "verifying" since early yesterday. Never saw a noticeable change from verifying to processing. Before it was marked as shipped it was still at the verifying stage about 30 minutes beforehand.
[Gamestop] I ordered mine last night, too, around 6 as well. Apparently they said I had some issue with the address not being identical or whatever, but I called and got that all fixed today.

Good to know it doesn't change from "verifying" to anything else before shipping.
Am I the only one confused how on a site named CHEAPassgamer, so many people are clamoring to buy something at full retail value? I'll wait until the Slim drops down in price and enjoy the new Arcade system I just bought for 150 with a $50 gift card in the meantime, after getting back 85 for trading in my 3 year old system.
I'm thinking of trading my old refurb in, can't till new promo tomorrow but I can wait I don't need it day one. With HD and extra controller I can net 155 credit if I trade in my old PSP 1001 35+25 extra towards Hardware bonus I can bump it up to $215 not bad at all I think I'm gonna do it.
[quote name='kataztrophik']Am I the only one confused how on a site named CHEAPassgamer, so many people are clamoring to buy something at full retail value? I'll wait until the Slim drops down in price and enjoy the new Arcade system I just bought for 150 with a $50 gift card in the meantime, after getting back 85 for trading in my 3 year old system.[/QUOTE]
Its a new redesigned system and the demand will be high so finding it in stock at retail price is a good deal for people who want it now since there wont be deals on it anytime soon
[quote name='JaTaN']Its a new redesigned system and the demand will be high so finding it in stock at retail price is a good deal for people who want it now since there wont be deals on it anytime soon[/QUOTE]

But there's really no reason for the demand, except people being sheep. Anyone who needed wifi would've already solved their problem. The previous bundles are much cheaper and the hardware is FINALLY proven to be reliable. Paying full price for less value because its the new thing is just silly and poor economics.
I bought it late-ish last night, around 9pm central and it never changed off of verifying until it shipped.
[quote name='kataztrophik']Am I the only one confused how on a site named CHEAPassgamer, so many people are clamoring to buy something at full retail value? I'll wait until the Slim drops down in price and enjoy the new Arcade system I just bought for 150 with a $50 gift card in the meantime, after getting back 85 for trading in my 3 year old system.[/QUOTE]

To me (and I'm sure a few others) it was more of a matter of dumping off my old, out of warranty non HDMI 20GB 360s while these things still have some value left to them. To me the HDMI port, 250GB HDD, built in Wifi, and new warranty (even if just a year) are reason enough to upgrade from the old time bomb 360's. You could wait for a discount, or bundle, or gift card offer, but how long does that normally take for something like that to show up on new hardware that's still in high demand? You can keep waiting for the next best offer but you need to bite on it eventually if you ever plan to play anything. Plus I have a stack of 25+ 360 games (as well as a Netflix subscription) that are pretty much useless with the console to play them on, and summer is the perfect time to tackle through some of them. If I want to be a cheap ass gamer there is always plenty of opportunities with the software.
[quote name='Grizzly Taint']To me (and I'm sure a few others) it was more of a matter of dumping off my old, out of warranty non HDMI 20GB 360s while these things still have some value left to them. To me the HDMI port, 250GB HDD, built in Wifi, and new warranty (even if just a year) are reason enough to upgrade from the old time bomb 360's. You could wait for a discount, or bundle, or gift card offer, but how long does that normally take for something like that to show up on new hardware that's still in high demand? You can keep waiting for the next best offer but you need to bite on it eventually if you ever plan to play anything. Plus I have a stack of 25+ 360 games (as well as a Netflix subscription) that are pretty much useless with the console to play them on, and summer is the perfect time to tackle through some of them. If I want to be a cheap ass gamer there is always plenty of opportunities with the software.[/QUOTE]

Switching out for a fresh warranty makes sense, but it would still be cheaper to get a 250gb HDD and an arcade unit, unless you really need wifi.
Just in case people are mixing up the removeable hdd feature now in the slim. you wont be able to buy lets say a 500gb hdd and pop it in, the hdd is a proprietary system.

Sorry if this was said somewhere in the last 40 pages = P
[quote name='hellhunde']Switching out for a fresh warranty makes sense, but it would still be cheaper to get a 250gb HDD and an arcade unit, unless you really need wifi.[/QUOTE]

Yeah you would be saving $20.01 before tax if you bought a Arcade + 250 GB HDD. So why not pay the extra $20.01 to get built in wifi?
[quote name='hellhunde']Switching out for a fresh warranty makes sense, but it would still be cheaper to get a 250gb HDD and an arcade unit, unless you really need wifi.[/QUOTE]

Arcade 150
Wireless N 100
250G HD 130
Headset 20

Slim $300

Unless there's a significant drop on the MSRP of the accessories the Slim's still the much better deal considering what you get in one box. The wifis not necessary but definitely a nice included bonus option (The overpriced $100 cost of the old Wifi adapter always gave me a reason to keep a wired connection). Even with Viva Pinata/Banjo Kazooie bundle and potential $50 gift card it's not worth an extra $100 if you wanted to pick up the same things separately.
[quote name='Ray5555']Yeah would be saving $20.01 before tax if you bought a Arcade + 250 GB HDD. So why not pay the extra $20.01 to get built in wifi?[/QUOTE]

I would rather save the $20. Although I'd rather get the Forza/ODST 120gb bundle for $215, which is probably what I'll end up doing.
[quote name='Grizzly Taint']Arcade 150
Wireless N 100
250G HD 130
Headset 20

Slim $300

Unless there's a significant drop on the MSRP of the accessories the Slim's still the much better deal considering what you get in one box. The wifis not necessary but definitely a nice included bonus option (The overpriced $100 cost of the old Wifi adapter always gave me a reason to keep a wired connection). Even with Viva Pinata/Banjo Kazooie bundle and potential $50 gift card it's not worth an extra $100 if you wanted to pick up the same things separately.[/QUOTE]

I forgot the arcade doesn't come with a headset, but I don't really like talking online anyways. I wouldn't pay for wifi, and I have the benefit of a 10% discount, so that helps too. :)
Idk if this has been posted in this thread earlier, but they're also planning a $200 version of this. Specs unknown though. I think im gonna wait for that.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Idk if this has been posted in this thread earlier, but they're also planning a $200 version of this. Specs unknown though. I think im gonna wait for that.[/QUOTE]

Probably just a HDD-less Arcade with Wifi.
Go to the hdd and press y to format it. That's normally how you do it, but it may have changed since NXE.

So I take it that anyone that bought it from Amazon isn't getting it until next week? If they ship tomorrow I'll get it Saturday, but otherwise next week.
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Just ordered mine earlier today. My store checked their computer and they dont even know if it is coming to them at all. I decided to overnight the damn thing. Had to call to get a refund since I was charged tax when paying with Credit. The CSR refunded me back the tax and said it should ship tomorrow and I will have it friday. That works for me since I already have the FFXIII Elite anyways.
[quote name='LakersForLife82481']Idk if this has been posted in this thread earlier, but they're also planning a $200 version of this. Specs unknown though. I think im gonna wait for that.[/QUOTE]

I think it is time that put a HDD in whateer the new Arcade is. heck, leave off the wifi and give us a HDD instead.

My original plan all along was to wait for my Xbox pro to finally die then replace it with an arcade and slap my HDD on it. That won't even be possible now when the new arcade comes out.
[quote name='lllGurulll']I think it is time that put a HDD in whateer the new Arcade is. heck, leave off the wifi and give us a HDD instead.

My original plan all along was to wait for my Xbox pro to finally die then replace it with an arcade and slap my HDD on it. That won't even be possible now when the new arcade comes out.[/QUOTE]

That was their plan all along... Mua-ha-ha-ha!;)
bread's done