Xbox Banning Discussion

Here's personally what I would do and I might end up doing anyway. If you're not tag banned, but console banned, buy used, either don't sell or at least alert to the fact the console is banned if you're selling that console. Anyway, buy a used one, redownload your content, never buy a new game, always go used. I'd say screw supporting M$ until the PS4 comes out.

Well mines not banned (haven't had a 360 since 2011), but going to be buying a used one soon.
Be careful so many are trading in and selling banned consoles without saying it is banned. My gamestop just tests off and on if it boots and loads a game. I bet other stores do not test if banned also.

Be careful so many are trading in and selling banned consoles without saying it is banned. My gamestop just tests off and on if it boots and loads a game. I bet other stores do not test if banned also.
It's not stores I worry about so much as if I have to buy it online. You can atleast exchange at stores.

Be careful so many are trading in and selling banned consoles without saying it is banned. My gamestop just tests off and on if it boots and loads a game. I bet other stores do not test if banned also.
I wouldn't even do that. If you trade it in or sell like that your just screwing over one of your fellow gamers. If you can sell it informing the purchaser it's been ban fine. Or maybe you can sell it to someone for parts.

^ I would feel bad for buying new and supporting M$ at this moment. I'll just go used, find one not console banned, get my stuff, buy used disc games, ride it out until PS4.

Just got the typical AUTOMATED email response to my letter to MS. Now onstead of reading it, they said "The ACCOUNT has been banned" for all the same reasons. Yet. My account isn't banned on So they're continually ignoring us. Start posting on their forums this letter. Make sure they know they fucked up.
While I appauld & appreicate your efforts, I really do. It's not going to do anything. Unless this whole speel is picked up my one of the big gaming news sites in defense of the users, then catches on to the others, creates a big enough out cry, MS won't even consider back tracking. They are the text book definition of the horses ass that refuses to budge even for it's own good.

I wouldn't even do that. If you trade it in or sell like that your just screwing over one of your fellow gamers. If you can sell it informing the purchaser it's been ban fine. Or maybe you can sell it to someone for parts.
I'm not just warning cause others are. I got over 7k digital on mine no way i will be selling mine.

^ This. That is exactly what I said earlier, and seen a few posters go "I'll just take mine to gamestop LOL!"
It wouldn't surprise me if, in light of this whole fiasco, Gamestop started checking for banned consoles and either rejecting or charging a refurb fee on them.

[quote name="Sporkis" post="11103890" timestamp="1380665460"]
While I appauld & appreicate your efforts, I really do. It's not going to do anything. Unless this whole speel is picked up my one of the big gaming news sites in defense of the users, then catches on to the others, creates a big enough out cry, MS won't even consider back tracking. They are the text book definition of the horses ass that refuses to budge even for it's own good.[/quote]Then maybe you should join in and repost it to a major gaming site as well.
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While I appauld & appreicate your efforts, I really do. It's not going to do anything. Unless this whole speel is picked up my one of the big gaming news sites in defense of the users, then catches on to the others, creates a big enough out cry, MS won't even consider back tracking. They are the text book definition of the horses ass that refuses to budge even for it's own good.
But if people keep doing stuff the word will spread and be picked up by bigger places. You also got to understand ign and places like that are bullied or clueless and post lies to make the user in the wrong ms says jump most will. I hope non gaming news sites do it.

The users got the halo 4 dlc turned around this is 10x worse. Sure ms spun it saying they did a trial after admitting it was a error and banned people if i remember correct.

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doesn't matter if I buy another 360. I bought one 3 months ago and did a license transfer. if I buy another I still have to wait 3 more months to do another license transfer. wtf. its like my gamertag got a 3 month ban

Also my account isn't banned. The dipshit who auto messaged me the email put account instead of putting console. THAT'S how lazy they are.
Ok I have to blow off a little steam. They banned my console and my account. For the record it happened last friday, I've been trying all this time to get it resolve so I could at least get my account back. I could understand banning the console, not saying I would like it, but I could understand. But the account makes no sense. To get any of the questions out of the way. None of the games that were in question were ever even downloaded, no region transfers made, their were no transfers of any account to someone else. And there was nothing connecting anything to my regular account at all, except the fact it was logged in when the console was banned.

The forums which you are directed towards to "Help resolve the matter" are a joke, whats even the point of them?. They been changing most of the posts over to private conversations instead of posting them in the forum, I guess because they would have utterly flooded the forums by now and all they do is give you a carbon copy statement every time. Why even have them then. I've been given eleven different reasons in total now why the account could have been banned non of which occurred. I can't get a straight answer, because none exsists. I guess thats the ugly truth of all of this, that they don't need a reason. You click on something that they list as free, but then they change their minds that it isn't, you can be banned. You get put into a lobby by match making with someone who's modding, you can be banned. Someone other than you touches your Xbox, you can be banned. You have a PS3 sitting to close to an a Xbox, you can be banned. Kinect spys on you and sees you uses throw pillows on your bed for sleeping on instead of putting them away like your suppost to!!!...., you can be banned.

To top things off my brother got a notice in his email that his account was also banned and here's the funny thing. He's not a online player, he's only purchase one thing off of live ever and that was years ago, and the last time he even connected to Live was last October to download patch for Skyrim. The only connection is he uses the same IP as I do, but apparently that makes him guilty. It doesn't really matter to him since like I said the only thing he ever connected for was patches.

I've been trying all this time just to get my account back and was prepared to eat the cost of a new console, but the hell with this. Without my account their's no point. Even if I wanted to start over from scratch I still can't get everything back since I had a bunch of stuff thats been delisted. Also I love the fact that people who actually have had their console modfied to pirate games, cheat online, ect, only get a slap on the wrists compared to this.

To hell with them, you didn't just loose one loyal customer with this MS, you lost five. Mine, my brother, my two nieces, and a friend have all canceled our Xbox One pre-orders now. Goodbye and good riddance MS.
Just to comment on the dual console ban, from what I have gathered from the ban stories, the moment you log into your foreign account to get free games, the IP is tagged, the associated MAC is also tagged. So I presume any other MAC that would go through the IP would be guilty by association.

I'm not an expert on networking, not my research field, but I believe some CAGs do know more. Bottom line is...get off the grid?

I'm not just warning cause others are. I got over 7k digital on mine no way i will be selling mine.
And some of us are gaming collectors, who just horde everything. I'm the gaming developer's wet dream. Someone who buys 99.9% his stuff new, hardly ever trades anything in, and buys a shit ton. Hell I've been playing my Sega CD since al this went down. :lol:

And some of us are gaming collectors, who just horde everything. I'm the gaming developer's wet dream. Someone who buys 99.9% his stuff new, hardly ever trades anything in, and buys a shit ton. Hell I've been playing my Sega CD since al this went down. :lol:
I got over 400 retail disc games 20% from preordering, 10% ce/le editions. I bought 40-45% used. I spent over 7k in 4 years on digital. They are dumb and i am a 360 hoarder well i was...

And some of us are gaming collectors, who just horde everything. I'm the gaming developer's wet dream. Someone who buys 99.9% his stuff new, hardly ever trades anything in, and buys a shit ton. Hell I've been playing my Sega CD since al this went down. :lol:
:lol: I had the first Sega CD when they came out (the bottom mount version) and that thing died quicker than any 360 I've ever owned. Just over 90 days (just out of warranty) and it stopped working. I was not happy and neither was my dad, who shelled out a good bit for it for my Christmas present.

For those who did get banned did you also happen to Download Rayman Legends & The Code Veronica free loop holes?

Then maybe you should join in and repost it to a major gaming site as well.
Sure, why not. What do I have to lose now.

But if people keep doing stuff the word will spread and be picked up by bigger places. You also got to understand ign and places like that are bullied or clueless and post lies to make the user in the wrong ms says jump most will. I hope non gaming news sites do it.

The users got the halo 4 dlc turned around this is 10x worse. Sure ms spun it saying they did a trial after admitting it was a error and banned people if i remember correct.
Point taken.

Just to comment on the dual console ban, from what I have gathered from the ban stories, the moment you log into your foreign account to get free games, the IP is tagged, the associated MAC is also tagged. So I presume any other MAC that would go through the IP would be guilty by association.

I'm not an expert on networking, not my research field, but I believe some CAGs do know more. Bottom line is...get off the grid?
If I do can I change my name to Jesse Venture and wear a feather boa? :lol:

:lol: I had the first Sega CD when they came out (the bottom mount version) and that thing died quicker than any 360 I've ever owned. Just over 90 days (just out of warranty) and it stopped working. I was not happy and neither was my dad, who shelled out a good bit for it for my Christmas present.
wow sorry i sill got mine from back then. Batman returns driving ruled. Willy beamish!

I got over 400 retail disc games 20% from preordering, 10% ce/le editions. I bought 40-45% used. I spent over 7k in 4 years on digital. They are dumb and i am a 360 hoarder well i was...
Well....brightside maybe we'll be on one of those hoarder shows one day. :)

:lol: I had the first Sega CD when they came out (the bottom mount version) and that thing died quicker than any 360 I've ever owned. Just over 90 days (just out of warranty) and it stopped working. I was not happy and neither was my dad, who shelled out a good bit for it for my Christmas present.
I still have that one, it's seen better days but still work. Also have the redesign one and what was the combo one called a CDX, to boot. Ironically the only console I've ever had died on me and that needed to be replace has been a 360.

Touching on the rampant paranoia (though justified) I would like to point out that on the Console Suspensions page they do say:

If I have a banned console, can I still access my achievements and content?

If your account has not been banned, you are still able to recover your account on an unmodified console.  This includes accessing your purchased content and your profile, with achievements, as it existed prior to the console ban. 

Can I move my hard drive to an unmodified console?

Yes, to an unmodified console.

Not that I actually trust what MS has to say, but it might allay a bit of fear.

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people should get this out on every website so it could pick up steam just how Xbox One did so Microsoft would do a 180

Touching on the rampant paranoia (though justified) I would like to point out that on the Console Suspensions page they do say:

If I have a banned console, can I still access my achievements and content?

If your account has not been banned, you are still able to recover your account on an unmodified console. This includes accessing your purchased content and your profile, with achievements, as it existed prior to the console ban.

Can I move my hard drive to an unmodified console?

Yes, to an unmodified console.

Not that I actually trust what MS has to say, but it might allay a bit of fear.
IF that's true I won't fear so much but I'd rather not have it console banned when I buy it.

The real ban wave is end of oct to mid nov each year i believe. There is nothing you can do so just do not buy more content until after nov. They can ban anyone for any reason at any time. You are mostly likely in a queue but us fighting it will give you a better chance and others alike.

They never get everyone but i bet the tag is scared but might be lucky no bans.
I kinda doubt they'll still be banning people for this when that time comes... A bunch of people have already been banned, doesn't make much sense that MS would wait til then to ban more people for the same thing.

Touching on the rampant paranoia (though justified) I would like to point out that on the Console Suspensions page they do say:

If I have a banned console, can I still access my achievements and content?

If your account has not been banned, you are still able to recover your account on an unmodified console. This includes accessing your purchased content and your profile, with achievements, as it existed prior to the console ban.

Can I move my hard drive to an unmodified console?

Yes, to an unmodified console.

Not that I actually trust what MS has to say, but it might allay a bit of fear.
True but they are burning the old book of doing things and making a new one.

Well Im on ps3 playing twisted metal and uncharted. Anyone wants my gamertag pm me. As for the 360 its dead to me. I had 137 digital games on it  and 47 thousand cheevos. time for some more trophies!!!!

Just wanted to tell Drkite sorry about the bad analogy earlier.
It is ok i know from the later posts you did not mean it that way and i agree i should of not bought another 360 lol.

btw this twitter stuff is slowly getting out there good work.

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I'll about guarantee M$ was too lazy to go through content lists and revoke licenses, I'm guessing it was "Eh, too much work to revoke licenses, lets just ban the gt/consoles." then their manager was probably like "Brilliant! Do it."

I have asked the xbox forum questions and they haven't answered any.  So I think now I'll just mess with them. I'm going to ask them how to file a missing avatar report.

bread's done