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[quote name='defiance_17']I can only imagine what this guy is like on a headset.... There's a reason the only game I play on Live is Uno, and even then it's with the sound off. :lol:[/quote]

Did you ever notice that a huge majority of the people who play Uno are totally not the type of people you would imagine would play it? I constantly run into extremely thuggish people who rap into their mics, talk about "getting my Uno on, dawg", and get up from their controller every 5 seconds to give a pound to their homey or deal drugs at the door. It is fucking bizarre.
[quote name='Sporadic']Why should he have to ignore it?

This isn't some free service, there are steps in place to get rid of douchbags like this. Why shouldn't he use them?[/QUOTE]

The question is if what he did is even bannable. Which to me it doesn't but its not up to me its up to Microsoft. But the notion of calling the police or even the FBI is pushing it.

What you saw may upset you but to feel threatened is just rediclous. Did you actually think he could cause you bodily harm.
What messages did you send that guy in response to his sent messages? I know he could get banned, but make sure you didn't curse him out via voice/text messages before you really open up a can of worms.

I'm sure if you tell the right people that something will happen, but it's not like this will be earth shattering. The more attention this guy gets, the more assholes out there will try to copy him. I've had Xbox Live since day one and I've run into plenty of confrontations like these. I've had a guy pull out a gun on the Vision cam simply because I laughed at the dumb shit he was saying. As soon as he started sending me harassing messages I just used the "Block Communications" option, filed complaints/gave bad feedback, and notified Microsoft personally. Also, I know that Trakan, JimmieMac, zewone, and myself could sit here all day and complain and send feedback to this one asshole who cussed and threatened us for a good 30 minutes one night on Gears, but it doesn't really mean much. I say send your complaint to Major Nelson (at the least he can direct you to the right people) and get on the phone with Microsoft. No need to send this to every Xbox site out there. On a side note, what bothers me the most is that he put himself in the "Pro" gamerzone and did all this shit, that definitely qualifies as "Underground" activity to me. :lol:

After you're done with all that realize that there are about 100,000 other people like him/worse than him out there and that reporting each one (at least to this degree) will become very tiresome. Hell, if you just look at my track record with Live you could say that I'm worse (banned twice, warned, and had to change my gamertag - all for pretty much bullshit reasoning, but it does show that Microsoft takes even the fake complaints seriously). Point is, he doesn't know where you are from, he doesn't know your address, he doesn't know your name, he doesn't know one thing about you besides your gamertag - what's he going to do? Don't go off the deep end because of a threat to your mom or because the big bully has a stun gun, just block his ass out of your life and it's over and enjoy your win.

So, pretty much, go through with your plan since it's obviously the first time you've encountered a Grade A asshole, but after that it use the block feature and/or toughen up to the Xbox Live crowd.
[quote name='6669']This is why I'm not into online gaming, because of other people over the interwebz.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, me too (plus most online game types like death matches just hold no interest for me).

Keep us posted OP! Hopefully this jerk will be banned.

To anyone who claims it's okay-this behavior isn't. I don't care if it happens a lot or whatever, anyone acting like that needs to be booted.

I'd bet Microsoft is leery to do that to anyone just because they don't want to lose customers-but on the other hand people like that could LOSE them multiple customers who never complain to them but just quit using Live.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Yeah, me too (plus most online game types like death matches just hold no interest for me).

Keep us posted OP! Hopefully this jerk will be banned.

To anyone who claims it's okay-this behavior isn't. I don't care if it happens a lot or whatever, anyone acting like that needs to be booted.

I'd bet Microsoft is leery to do that to anyone just because they don't want to lose customers-but on the other hand people like that could LOSE them multiple customers who never complain to them but just quit using Live.[/QUOTE]

Just because it happens alot doesn't mean its okay. No one ever claimed it was okay for that reason. But it does happen alot and i'm sure because of that reason most of them are just empty threats. Look at the thread title "Xbox Live THREATS". Yeah, you may not like what you saw but to call it a threat...look up the definition of a threat that is punishable as a crime.

I think alot of you forgot the whole point of this thread.

A good 35-40% of xbox live would be gone right now if people could be banned for trash talking or inappropriate behavior.
I would've just ignored him, but after he added that he "worked for Microsoft", I would've turned him in the same way just to see if he actually did and if so, what would happen.

And he was a dumbass for putting his face in the picture. Oh well, makes him an easier target for MS or local authorities.
[quote name='steveinneed']The question is if what he did is even bannable. [/QUOTE]

Yes, it broke the TOS multiple times. You can't threaten people and you can't impersonate a Microsoft employee.

[quote name='steveinneed']But the notion of calling the police or even the FBI is pushing it. [/QUOTE]

The OP didn't post any of that crap.

[quote name='steveinneed']What you saw may upset you but to feel threatened is just rediclous. Did you actually think he could cause you bodily harm.[/QUOTE]

Well, there's that one guy who tracked down a guy who he was arguing with over a messageboard and smashed his head in with a hammer. So anything is possible.

But that's not the point, the guy went above and beyond your normal XBL asswipe and deserve to get his service pulled.
[quote name='Sporadic']:roll:

You're a fucking idiot.

There is a difference between somebody saying in a shooter that they are going to shoot you in the face and some guy harassing you multiple times (with pictures) after you quit a game of basketball.[/quote]

This is amusing to me. First I will give you props on your contribution to this thread. Second someone saying that in a shooter is way more of a threat than I hope you family dies in a car crash.
Im not saying what he did was ok or anything like that, but I definitely think the op is trying a little too hard. just block him, give a neg player review and move on.
Judging from your post though, I would think you and mr stun gun would get along, you seem to be on the same level when it comes to intelligence and maturity.
[quote name='Sporadic']Yes, it broke the TOS multiple times. You can't threaten people and you can't impersonate a Microsoft employee.

The OP didn't post any of that crap.

Well, there's that one guy who tracked down a guy who he was arguing with over a messageboard and smashed his head in with a hammer. So anything is possible.

But that's not the point, the guy went above and beyond your normal XBL asswipe and deserve to get his service pulled.[/QUOTE]

I never said the OP said he was going to call the police (other people said that)...but he was looking for more options then I believe he had. Anything is possible but did he say he was going to hunt him down and do that? I don't think flicking someone off and taking out a taser is considered a threat over the web...Microsoft might. Police probably don't.

I do think he will get banned for impersonating a Microsoft employee though.
[quote name='anomynous']The thread starter might be racist..........[/QUOTE]

I hate to bring race into this but I agree somewhat.
[quote name='DeathDealer']IThis thread just pisses me off in so many ways. Sure they guy is immature for doing it, but I also think its immature to go run and tell when you can be an adult and ignore him. Dont assume everyone operates on this super respectful tier you would like. seriously man, maybe you should get a ds or something, they have taken measures to assure that this type of thing doesnt happen.[/QUOTE]

I can't believe what I'm reading. Pootie did the right thing. That's why we have things like feedback and a Code of Conduct for the service. You should read it. Specifically, this guy violated the following:

- Don't use Xbox Live or to do anything illegal. Microsoft is not responsible for anything you say on the service/website or for anything that happens because of what you say; you alone are responsible.

- Don't harass, abuse, or spam other players.

- Don't impersonate or harass Microsoft employees, moderators, or staff members.

And the repercussions?

If you violate the Code of Conduct or the Terms of Use that you agreed to, action may be taken against your account. Some offenses warrant an immediate account cancellation, including but not limited to hacking, modding, severe racial remarks, continued creation of profane gamertags, and posting viruses or URLs to viruses.

Having Pootie "run and tell" is all within his rights as a paying XBL subscriber:

What you can do:

- Send negative feedback or file complaints on problem players. Select them from the player list and choose the Feedback or File a Complaint option.

MS can't be everywhere; that's why there are things like the feedback and complaint systems, so the community can help police it. That's also why we have laws in society, I'd be interested in knowing how you feel about those too...

[quote name='steveinneed']Your all acting like you "got made fun of at school" and your on your last nerve. If you can't take threats or whatever then you need to get off xbox live or kill yourself in real life or grow some balls and handle it yourself. I just don't see how you can feel threatened, maybe hurt (bcuz you seem like a pussy). But who's problem is that, stop whining and get over it. Shit like this happens everyday and everywhere.[/QUOTE]

I think we just found TYNITTY 757 lurking the forums...
[quote name='steveinneed']I hate to bring race into this but I agree somewhat.[/quote]

What? Just because the threat came from a black person?
[quote name='jrutz']I can't believe what I'm reading. Pootie did the right thing. That's why we have things like feedback and a Code of Conduct for the service. You should read it. Specifically, this guy violated the following:

And the repercussions?

Having Pootie "run and tell" is all within his rights as a paying XBL subscriber:

MS can't be everywhere; that's why there are things like the feedback and complaint systems, so the community can help police it. That's also why we have laws in society, I'd be interested in knowing how you feel about those too...

I think we just found TYNITTY 757 lurking the forums...[/QUOTE]

you know what how dare you compare me to that guy...your an asshole

I'm not sure if you trying to be funny or what but its not funny.

I would never ever act like that on xbox live or threaten someone or their family over a game.
[quote name='steveinneed']I hate to bring race into this but I agree somewhat.[/QUOTE]

Please, that's bullshit. It's not like Pootie said all those racist things, it was the other way around. He's just doing what we all would like done, help enforce the XBL Code of Conduct and make it a place where we can all enjoy a great gaming experience.

I agree the original message never contained a stated threat, but the stun gun might be as bad as taking a picture of someone pointing a gun at you. That can be considered a threatening picture and could be offensible under law.
lol.. this is a great thread.. keep it coming!

in all seriousness though.. just block the guy and give him a negative feedback and email MS about him threatening you. You can probably get him banned. There is a difference between smack talk and threatening ppl.. and its up to the poster to decide to escalate the issue and for MS to investigate the issue.

its ok OP..everything will be ok.. =)
[quote name='jrutz']Please, that's bullshit. It's not like Pootie said all those racist things, it was the other way around. He's just doing what we all would like done, help enforce the XBL Code of Conduct and make it a place where we can all enjoy a great gaming experience.

I agree the original message never contained a stated threat, but the stun gun might be as bad as taking a picture of someone pointing a gun at you. That can be considered a threatening picture and could be offensible under law.[/QUOTE]
How was "Mr.Stun Gun" racist?
[quote name='jrutz']Please, that's bullshit. It's not like Pootie said all those racist things, it was the other way around. He's just doing what we all would like done, help enforce the XBL Code of Conduct and make it a place where we can all enjoy a great gaming experience.

I agree the original message never contained a stated threat, but the stun gun might be as bad as taking a picture of someone pointing a gun at you. That can be considered a threatening picture and could be offensible under law.[/QUOTE]

I don't recall anything racist being said but I do think this has to do with race whether or not the thread starter is racist I can not say.
[quote name='steveinneed']you know what how dare you compare me to that guy...your an asshole

I'm not sure if you trying to be funny or what but its not funny.

I would never ever act like that on xbox live or threaten someone or their family over a game.[/QUOTE]

No offense steve, just trying to be funny.
[quote name='anomynous']How was "Mr.Stun Gun" racist?[/QUOTE]

Read for yourself...


Last time I checked I think that kind of language fell under both racist and sexist (?).
I want to make sure everyone knows im not defending this guys actions, just saying that there are ways for the op to deal with this himself. We can police our own community in this type of situation. Judging from his 5 star rating though, im guessing the op must have done some provoking.
Edit: Are you guys accusing a black man of being racist for calling someone nigga? Thats a little odd.
[quote name='jrutz']Read for yourself...


Last time I checked I think that kind of language fell under both racist and sexist (?).[/QUOTE]
How the fuck is it sexist? And a black person using the "n word" is NOT racist
[quote name='steveinneed']I would never ever act like that on xbox live or threaten someone or their family over a game.[/QUOTE]
So is it only on messageboards do you call people pussies and tell them they should kill themselves?
[quote name='anomynous']How the fuck is it sexist? And a black person using the "n word" is NOT racist[/QUOTE]

yeah it is racist even if a black person using the "N" word, lol
[quote name='Damian']So is it only on messageboards do you call people pussies and tell them they should kill themselves?[/QUOTE]

Like I said I would never threaten someone or their family over a game. If you consider that a threat then maybe you should do the same thing.
a black dude saying nigga is about the same as a white guy saying dude. Its quite a stretch to consider that racist coming from a black guy. Theres a difference between nigger and nigga.
[quote name='Damian']So is it only on messageboards do you call people pussies and tell them they should kill themselves?[/QUOTE]

Like I said I would never threaten someone or their family over a game. If you consider that a threat then maybe you should do the same thing. I may trash talk or get angry though. I said that he should kill himself only because throughout life people are assholes and if you can't take it...then maybe you should leave the planet.
[quote name='nasum']Imagine that, the offender is black...[/QUOTE]

so what if the offender was white and the OP was black??

I don't think skin color really has any affect on the simple fact that what the offender did was wrong.....what should happen to him?...I don't know....but, you can't argue that what he did was okay.....
[quote name='nasum']Imagine that, the offender is black...[/QUOTE]

The guy is black and whether you like it or not race plays a part in every day life. Sarcastic comments like that are not needed.
[quote name='tholly']so what if the offender was white and the OP was black??

I don't think skin color really has any affect on the simple fact that what the offender did was wrong.....what should happen to him?...I don't know....but, you can't argue that what he did was okay.....[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

Age makes a difference, so does sex, and does race and appearance.

I don't care what anyone says.
It really isn't a big deal, and no--doing the "Stun gun" motion isn't a threat. He is just an asshole and you're just being a pussy. No offense.

This shit happens, so what? You ignore the person, put him on block and that's that. Have you exchanged names, address', supplied him with your daily schedule of where you are, and given him the schedule of your family? No? Then you don't need to feel threatened.

I'm gay, so am I supposed to jump all over this and be like oMGZZZZZZ HE SAID FAG11!1! ::CALLS UP FBI:: ?? Nah. Just relax and get over it.

No, no, and no. People that do this sort of thing need to suffer the consequences whether the user feels threatened or doubles over in laughter at their threats and verbal/pictorial assaults. It is the topic poster's responsibility to the greater Live 'community' (is there a less appropriate word, folks?) to take action here.

I really doubt Microsoft does much about these people though (provided that they clearly aren't child predators or caught exposing themselves on the camera), as revenue is revenue. That's the really depressing part.
[quote name='mykevermin']I don't think you needed to explain the messages, as they were pretty self explanatory. I probably wouldn't have known what the stun gun was because of the darkness of your picture (I'd be thinking "he wants to assault you with a DVD remote!?!").

Of course, there are ways of ignoring users and avoiding them, but I think this case warrants a special kind of attention from MS, and commend you on contacting them. I hope MS takes the appropriate action.[/quote]

Agreed, while most offensive users can and should be ignored, this guy is over the line and needs to be dealt with. I can only imagine what kind of nut he is in a LAN party.
[quote name='jollydwarf']It really isn't a big deal, and no--doing the "Stun gun" motion isn't a threat. He is just an asshole and you're just being a pussy. No offense.

This shit happens, so what? You ignore the person, put him on block and that's that. Have you exchanged names, address', supplied him with your daily schedule of where you are, and given him the schedule of your family? No? Then you don't need to feel threatened.

I'm gay, so am I supposed to jump all over this and be like oMGZZZZZZ HE SAID FAG11!1! ::CALLS UP FBI:: ?? Nah. Just relax and get over it.

No, no, and no. People that do this sort of thing need to suffer the consequences whether the user feels threatened or doubles over in laughter at their threats and verbal/pictorial assaults. It is the topic poster's responsibility to the greater Live 'community' (is there a less appropriate word, folks?) to take action here.

I really doubt Microsoft does much about these people though (provided that they clearly aren't child predators or caught exposing themselves on the camera), as revenue is revenue. That's the really depressing part.[/QUOTE]

What do you suggest the consequences be? I think he will probably be banned for impersonating a microsoft employee.
Well when your paying for a service you expect a some sort of quality. I have no problem if the op files a complaint, especially when somebody is that annoying to send pics and stupid messages.

Personally I'd probably just ignore all that crap and just keep playing, but some people care more, and if somebody is being an ass like that they deserve to be fined/punished.
What do you suggest the consequences be?

A ban of some lengthy duration, whatever Microsoft has deemed fit for these sorts of offenses. If that's a permanent account ban, so be it. People like this either knew what they were doing, or are inept liabilities that need to be eliminated from Live sooner than later, so as to minimize the negative experiences people have (which in turn could motivate them to not renew their subscriptions).

To those of you preaching the "toughen up" rhetoric, that's more an indication of how calloused you've become, how distressingly desensitized you are to sheer animosity for the sake of sheer animosity. Maybe you only know the 'hard knocks' life, but not everyone wants to be dragged down into that warg pit.
[quote name='rajchakrabarti']Well when your paying for a service you expect a some sort of quality. I have no problem if the op files a complaint, especially when somebody is that annoying to send pics and stupid messages.

Personally I'd probably just ignore all that crap and just keep playing, but some people care more, and if somebody is being an ass like that they deserve to be fined/punished.[/QUOTE]

That's just it...he was being an asshole...any you also said annoying. A good enough reason to ban someone? I don't think so. Microsoft might. Its not up to any of us. People may be offended or upset. But does that matter? No. Its Microsofts problem now.
[quote name='jollydwarf']What do you suggest the consequences be?

A ban of some lengthy duration, whatever Microsoft has deemed fit for these sorts of offenses. If that's a permanent account ban, so be it. People like this either knew what they were doing, or are inept liabilities that need to be eliminated from Live sooner than later, so as to minimize the negative experiences people have (which in turn could motivate them to not renew their subscriptions).

To those of you preaching the "toughen up" rhetoric, that's more an indication of how calloused you've become, how distressingly desensitized you are to sheer animosity for the sake of sheer animosity. Maybe you only know the 'hard knocks' life, but not everyone wants to be dragged down into that warg pit.[/QUOTE]

I just found it amazing that this was the OP's first bad experience on live. Or atleast it seemed that way.
I just found it amazing that this was the OP's first bad experience on live. Or atleast it seemed that way.

I don't know, but perhaps this jackass took it to a whole new level.

Personally, I'm just waiting for someone to recklessly tip their hand as to where they live in a heated Live game, and have the other party, who may or may not live in proximity to them, hunt them down and really 'break the fourth wall', amongst other things. As implausible as that may sound to some, for me, it's only a matter of time.
[quote name='jollydwarf']I just found it amazing that this was the OP's first bad experience on live. Or atleast it seemed that way.

I don't know, but perhaps this jackass took it to a whole new level.

Personally, I'm just waiting for someone to recklessly tip their hand as to where they live in a heated Live game, and have the other party, who may or may not live in proximity to them, hunt them down and really 'break the fourth wall', amongst other things. As implausible as that may sound to some, for me, it's only a matter of time.[/QUOTE]

Well, If that was the case then I would be worried.
I think you could be banned (or some other action) for giving out your own personal information because its a violation of TOS.

"Don't give out information that personally identifies you (such as your real name, address, phone number, credit card number, etc.) while you're playing. This includes voice chat and the names you create for your gamertag or mottos. This information could be used by other players for illegal or harmful purposes. Also, don't give out the personal information of other players."

They just don't want to be liable and can you blame them?
You might be banned for that, you might not, but that's just Microsoft legally covering their collective ass. But this sort of thing would be revealed by someone either incredibly stupid or stoned (or both), in the heat of the moment. While I doubt that someone in Compton would go pop a cap in someone's ass in Brooklyn, if they live close to each other, I could see one taunting the other with his location.

"Yeah, that's right, yo! I live at 420 Hard Knocks Lane*..."

"Where you'd say??"

"Foouuurrr twen'y, Harrrrrd Knnnnocksss Laaannnne..."

"Oh, it's on, now!"

"Yeah, bring it, motherfucker!! Bitch!!"

*--This is not meant to imply that the person would give an obviously bogus address in this instance, but instead color in what kind of person would be revealing such information.
[quote name='Tha Xecutioner']What messages did you send that guy in response to his sent messages? I know he could get banned, but make sure you didn't curse him out via voice/text messages before you really open up a can of worms.

I'm sure if you tell the right people that something will happen, but it's not like this will be earth shattering. The more attention this guy gets, the more assholes out there will try to copy him. I've had Xbox Live since day one and I've run into plenty of confrontations like these. I've had a guy pull out a gun on the Vision cam simply because I laughed at the dumb shit he was saying. As soon as he started sending me harassing messages I just used the "Block Communications" option, filed complaints/gave bad feedback, and notified Microsoft personally. Also, I know that Trakan, JimmieMac, zewone, and myself could sit here all day and complain and send feedback to this one asshole who cussed and threatened us for a good 30 minutes one night on Gears, but it doesn't really mean much. I say send your complaint to Major Nelson (at the least he can direct you to the right people) and get on the phone with Microsoft. No need to send this to every Xbox site out there. On a side note, what bothers me the most is that he put himself in the "Pro" gamerzone and did all this shit, that definitely qualifies as "Underground" activity to me. :lol:

After you're done with all that realize that there are about 100,000 other people like him/worse than him out there and that reporting each one (at least to this degree) will become very tiresome. Hell, if you just look at my track record with Live you could say that I'm worse (banned twice, warned, and had to change my gamertag - all for pretty much bullshit reasoning, but it does show that Microsoft takes even the fake complaints seriously). Point is, he doesn't know where you are from, he doesn't know your address, he doesn't know your name, he doesn't know one thing about you besides your gamertag - what's he going to do? Don't go off the deep end because of a threat to your mom or because the big bully has a stun gun, just block his ass out of your life and it's over and enjoy your win.

So, pretty much, go through with your plan since it's obviously the first time you've encountered a Grade A asshole, but after that it use the block feature and/or toughen up to the Xbox Live crowd.[/QUOTE]

I sent 3 messages back to him. The first message after the first photo I said "Wow, go show that to your mom, I'd bet she'd like that". The first text massages after the first photo, I said "Thanks you racist". After the second photo, I said nothing. And after he claimed to have worked for Microsoft, I responded by saying, "Thanks for the photographic evidence".

That's all that I responded to him with.

[quote name='steveinneed']I hate to bring race into this but I agree somewhat.[/QUOTE]

As for me being racist, I can't say that I am. My family is so diverse we have like every race in my family.

And someone said that I probabaly never got something like this before on Xbox Live. I've gotten little things like the racist names and comments, and even shit talking about my family. But never a photograph of some guy trying to go out of his way to get himself banned. Microsoft allows for me to take advantage of thier services, so I will.
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