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[quote name='gkrykewy']Ummm...[/QUOTE]

I don't really get your attempt at trying to point out hipocrisy.

I was talking about people that drop the N world on Live all the time. Which I never do. If that was hard to understand, I hope that clears it up.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I don't really get your attempt at trying to point out hipocrisy.

I was talking about people that drop the N world on Live all the time. Which I never do. If that was hard to understand, I hope that clears it up.[/QUOTE]

i drop the N word all the damn time who else besides the niggers would be reason for my online dying?
[quote name='steveinneed']I assure you the FBI won't give him the time of day.[/QUOTE]

Hello, do you live in post 9/11 America?

[quote name='SpecTrE3353']Did you ever notice that a huge majority of the people who play Uno are totally not the type of people you would imagine would play it? I constantly run into extremely thuggish people who rap into their mics, talk about "getting my Uno on, dawg", and get up from their controller every 5 seconds to give a pound to their homey or deal drugs at the door. It is fucking bizarre.[/QUOTE]

Wow thanks for your racism.

[quote name='anomynous']The thread starter might be racist..........[/QUOTE]
]I don't recall anything racist being said [/U]but I do think this has to do with race whether or not the thread starter is racist I can not say.

what? could you please tell us what he said that was so racist?
I think that makes you two racist for thinking it has to do with race. Because the "black" guy is being reported for threats.

[quote name='Damian']The bile on this thread is astonishing. Maybe the OP overreacted, maybe not. I don't think filing a complaint is at all over the top. But why is it that most of the people that think he overreacted feel it necessary to spew such crap on him? I mean really, the guy's been called all sorts of insults, called a racist, told he should kill himself, etc.

When did basic human decency and consideration become a weakness to be pounced on like a pack of hyenas? It's almost like you're afraid of people cleaning up Live.[/QUOTE]

The people spewing hate for OP. Are more then likely the people who do this type of stuff. The type of people who play on live, and constantly cuss, and talk shit about your mom.

I applauded OP for what he did. Live is a community, and as a person of that community its up to us to make it a better place. People like that guy have to much free time, and they need to be dealt with. If people do whatever they want, and never get punished then they step up to bigger crimes. Thats a proven fact.

[quote name='jollydwarf']When did basic human decency and consideration become a weakness to be pounced on like a pack of hyenas? It's almost like you're afraid of people cleaning up Live.

Some people use the internet to be what they aren't in real life. They go to their job everyday. Can't get along with coworkers. Go to their shitty home, or apartment. Eat a sandwich, then get on the net. They can be what ever they want to be on the internet.

[quote name='Technique'][/QUOTE]

:rofl: He used his Ohio Drivers license for that pic. Thats what that watermark on his pic is. I'm not surprised that this guy is from Ohio.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Just because when people started posting comments like it being ok to say Nigga as long as you are of a particular race, it touches nerves.[/quote]

If you want you should start a topic about the N-Word.

And I'll spit game on how black people are given the right to use it and whites are not.

But this isn't the topic to do it in.
This kind of behavior isn't tolerated on Xbox Live, and the issue will be looked at closely.

.. and yes some Xbox employees do troll this forum. :)
[quote name='CitizenB']Hello, do you live in post 9/11 America?

That's exactly the reason why the FBI won't. They have more important things to worry about like protecting us from terrorism. They aren't going to look into some wannabe thug saying dumb things over xbox live. God, your a dumbass. Go ahead and think the FBI actually gives a shit, your a fool for thinking so.
[quote name='Zoglog']you're sure taking this seriously... the block communications option is there for a reason along with report a user.........

Didn't need the extravagant e-mail -_-...........[/quote]

Are you serious? I would be pissed if that happened to me and I paid money to play their online. Besides they don't give a shit about the reports unless a ton of people report you so that is basically useless unless he does that in every game
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Are you serious? I would be pissed if that happened to me and I paid money to play their online. Besides they don't give a shit about the reports unless a ton of people report you so that is basically useless unless he does that in every game[/QUOTE]

We would all be pissed off. That's not the issue.

Also, whoever said that the people spewing hate towards the OP are the people that cuss on xbox live and act like a fool and say stuff about someones mother is wrong.

I can atleast speak for myself. I never trash talk or insult people on xbox live.

I support an appropriate action being taken against TNITTY's xbox live account but to get the police involved or the FBI (yeah right) is a rediculous notion.
[quote name='2pac']
And I'll spit game on how black people are given the right to use it and whites are not.

Racism at it's finest!

Really, who "gave" black people this right? Isn't the word derived as a very negative word and stereotype by white rich land owning men back in the day?

Why any self respecting black person would want to call themselves that, I have no idea.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Are you serious? I would be pissed if that happened to me and I paid money to play their online. Besides they don't give a shit about the reports unless a ton of people report you so that is basically useless unless he does that in every game[/QUOTE]

big deal, that's why there's a block communications button. People take online shit way too seriously -_-.........
it's a game, get over it. OP is making too much a deal out of it.

[quote name='Zoglog']big deal, that's why there's a block communications button. People take online shit way too seriously -_-.........
it's a game, get over it. OP is making too much a deal out of it.


Haha, you're right. Whenever I play online games I'm the douchebag that trash talks nonstop (Especially in Halo2) I'm terrible at it because I rarely play and I still trashtalk and say every insulting thing that comes to mind just to piss people off. I love it when they freak out and get pissed and want to 1v1 me then I go and kill myself the whole time saying they're terrible and can't touch me.
[quote name='2pac']If you want you should start a topic about the N-Word.

And I'll spit game on how black people are given the right to use it and whites are not.

But this isn't the topic to do it in.[/quote]

You're dumb.
[quote name='DeathDealer']a black dude saying nigga is about the same as a white guy saying dude. Its quite a stretch to consider that racist coming from a black guy. Theres a difference between nigger and nigga.[/quote]

Glad to know then that I can walk into a group of black people and call them "nigga" and get the same response as a black guy walking into a group of white people calling them "dude". When I get shot stun gunned, I am gonna sue you.

Also, what is this three minute pause thing on NBA Live 07? I don't have XBL.
I agree with the OP. I mean, some trash talk is acceptable and all but there IS a line that many people cross and I feel that something should be done to ban players like this. The whole thing about "don't take it seriously b/c its online" kinda gets me because if this same sort of behavior was done in a public place or even over the phone it would be considered entirely unacceptable. Like the majority of the world though, people just don't have respect for others and even less respect when other people aren't physically in front of them(being online). For those of us that have our head on straight enough to understand and respect some code of morality, it's just our job to stand up for and abide by it and not to stoop to their levels.
[quote name='JOELPATRICK']I agree with the OP. I mean, some trash talk is acceptable and all but there IS a line that many people cross and I feel that something should be done to ban players like this. The whole thing about "don't take it seriously b/c its online" kinda gets me because if this same sort of behavior was done in a public place or even over the phone it would be considered entirely unacceptable. Like the majority of the world though, people just don't have respect for others and even less respect when other people aren't physically in front of them(being online). For those of us that have our head on straight enough to understand and respect some code of morality, it's just our job to stand up for and abide by it and not to stoop to their levels.[/QUOTE]

Thats fine, but Why bother wasting energy getting all winded up over this shit? Just (Leave feedback, click avoid player and put them on your Ignore list) You can rid them of your gaming experience pretty much for good in 10 seconds or you can waste your life being mad for more then what it's worth. You can't change the world, but you change who you play with.
[quote name='JOELPATRICK']I agree with the OP. I mean, some trash talk is acceptable and all but there IS a line that many people cross and I feel that something should be done to ban players like this. The whole thing about "don't take it seriously b/c its online" kinda gets me because if this same sort of behavior was done in a public place or even over the phone it would be considered entirely unacceptable. Like the majority of the world though, people just don't have respect for others and even less respect when other people aren't physically in front of them(being online). For those of us that have our head on straight enough to understand and respect some code of morality, it's just our job to stand up for and abide by it and not to stoop to their levels.[/QUOTE]

This is just one instance of "bad" behavior. All I see is inconsistencies. The thread starter even said it himself that he usually lets 99.9% of incidents slide. As do most of us. Are you and every other self-righteous person ready to stand up and devote 100% of your life standing up to unacceptable behavior?

Like DeathDealer said " now its a crusade to clean up XBL"
There's alot of crazy people out there. In this day and age you should take all threat seriously. Yes its a threat, if it isn't why the hell would he show off his taser? What point was he trying to make? Yeah he just got a really cool new taser thats he just dying to show off to someone.
[quote name='blueweltall']There's alot of crazy people out there. In this day and age you should take all threat seriously. Yes its a threat, if it isn't, why the hell would he show off his taser? What point was he trying to make? Yeah he just got a really cool new taser thats he just dying to show off to someone.[/QUOTE]

Then why aren't all "threat makers" in prison?

My point is that its not up to us to decide what is and what is not a threat.

Especially in this situation.
[quote name='steveinneed']Then why aren't all "threat makers" in prison?[/QUOTE]

Man... you're obsessed with this topic aren't you? You've got at least 30 + replies in this thread alone after not posting for almost a year.
[quote name='Roufuss']Man... you're obsessed with this topic aren't you? You've got at least 30 + replies in this thread alone after not posting for almost a year.[/QUOTE]

What's your point? Its not like I have over 15,000 posts and average 11 per day.
[quote name='steveinneed']What's your point? Its not like I have over 15,000 posts and average 11 per day.[/QUOTE]

Oh no you didn't ( in a Rosie Perez voice) :)
[quote name='steveinneed']This is just one instance of "bad" behavior. All I see is inconsistencies. The thread starter even said it himself that he usually lets 99.9% of incidents slide. As do most of us. Are you and every other self-righteous person ready to stand up and devote 100% of your life standing up to unacceptable behavior?

Like DeathDealer said " now its a crusade to clean up XBL"[/quote]

I'm not going to get into a thread war but I really don't see why it would concern you if I DID want to devote 100% of my life standing up for unacceptable behavior. Of course, I don't just go around trying to be a hall monitor, but I was just saying that I DO believe their are lines that people cross and I will stand up for self if threatened-whether it be physically or verbally. But it's not like I'm going out of my way to police the world. I'm pefectly used to people being assholes online, but there are lines and I'm sorry that you can't grasp this very basic concept. On top of this, it seems that you took my post personally to heart as if I was speaking against you. You and the other people who don't understand the OP probably feel threatened because of your normal code of ethics are throwed off. I'm sorry that you probably won't agree with this either, but hey, how many arguments have you been in where the other guy ends up agreeing with you?? It's all b/c we have our own opinions and I guess we have both expressed ours so I guess that's that.
[quote name='steveinneed']What's your point? Its not like I have over 15,000 posts and average 11 per day.[/QUOTE]


That's really the best you can come up with?

Still though, I'm just curious why you have such a vested interest in this topic to spark 30 + replies after a year... do you even own a 360? You just seem to want to debate every single person in this thread about every point they make, and to be honest, you do a shitty job at it.

But I guess this is what middle school kids do on their Christmas break.
[quote name='JOELPATRICK']I'm not going to get into a thread war but I really don't see why it would concern you if I DID want to devote 100% of my life standing up for unacceptable behavior. Of course, I don't just go around trying to be a hall monitor, but I was just saying that I DO believe their are lines that people cross. I'm pefectly used to people being assholes online, but there are lines and I'm sorry that you can't grasp this very basic concept. On top of this, it seems that you took my post personally to heart as if I was speaking against you. You and the other people who don't understand the OP probably feel threatened because of your normal code of ethics are throwed off. I'm sorry that you probably won't agree with this either, but hey, how many arguments have you been in where the other guy ends up agreeing with you?? It's all b/c we have our own opinions and I guess we have both expressed ours so I guess that's that.[/QUOTE]

you may be right. I have my own biases and I did take your post personally. I was upset when you seemed to say that I don't have morals, specifically the same morals you have.
[quote name='Roufuss']:rofl:

That's really the best you can come up with?

Still though, I'm just curious why you have such a vested interest in this topic to spark 30 + replies after a year... do you even own a 360? You just seem to want to debate every single person in this thread about every point they make, and to be honest, you do a shitty job at it.

But I guess this is what middle school kids do on their Christmas break.[/QUOTE]

Then why didn't you just come out and say that instead of beating around the bush? Because I care about this topic and have things to say whether you like it or not.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']so how did microsoft respond? dont feel like reading through all the pages.[/QUOTE]

They haven't yet.
[quote name='2pac']Why you hating?

Do you dislike black people?[/QUOTE]

I don't want to put words in Grave's mouth, but from the sound of his post it sounds like he just dislikes you:

[quote name='Grave_Addiction']You're dumb.[/QUOTE]

See, it's directed just to you, not any race or ethnic group.

And based on some of your past posts in this thread, I have to say he's right.
[quote name='Chris Dillon']lol whats going on in this thread, is all the bitching worth going back to read.[/QUOTE]

It's kinda worth while, if only to discover more people to add to your ignore list.
Ten pages and running of fundamental misunderstandings, flawed logic, and people demonstrating once again how IF race can be brought into the discussion, it WILL be. Good grief.
I'm not touching this clusterfuck. I really have no idea why this flamewar hasn't been closed.

OP IMO did what was best, people like this continue to get worse at time goes by. especially if they're never punished for their actions.
Well while this train is well off it's rails, anyone want to pipe up about how if they are Christian they have a right to bash other Christians?

Or maybe Raiders fans have a right to use slurs against NBA fans?

Maybe Jews have earned the right to curse Germans as long as it's in Hebrew?

I just want someone, like maybe 2pac, to help me make a list of each demographic group that's allowed to have double standards.
[quote name='JimmieMac']I too have a copy of Scene It, it's a fun party game.[/quote]

Indeed, though the questions sometimes repeat, which sucks.
[quote name='Plinko']QFT--damn straight. I'm so sick of people just going, "Oh man quit whining you pussy, just let people walk all over you." Makes me believe that anyone who defends this kind of action is a perpetrator of this action themselves.

NOBODY has the right to do that to anyone. Free speech comes with responsibility, and if you use it to make threats you deserve every consequence you get. I hope Microsoft bans this douchebag.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you on that. Everyone I've ever met that goes "stop being such a pussy about it" is someone that does that exact thing themselves. It's a personality trait where people act exactly as they like and expect everyone else to agree or at least let them get away with it in life. The fact that "this happens every day" is only due to the people that do this are allowed to get away with it so they create more jaded people through being douches. You never see these people actually do anything other than threaten seeing as though they are afraid of any retaliation themselves as you are the bad guy. If you don't your either a wuss or an asshole for contradicting them. Either way, people like this guy and all those that have told you to "get over it" are people that do the same shit on the other end of the connection when they lose. No responsiblity taken at all as you are the reason they did it and you deserved to have it done for whatever warped reason they can formulate. They just don't go to the extreme this guy has.
[quote name='anomynous']NOT if a black person says it. And nigga isnt really that racist, but it w/ the er ending it is[/QUOTE]

How is the N word racist if it ends with 'er', not if it ends with 'a'? 'Nigga' is just a bastardization of the original word, much like 'dunno' or 'kinda'. It still has a negative meaning.

The N word is racist regardless of who says it. Blacks not excluded. Back in the 1930s, most women thought that they were not equal to men and should not be given the right. Because they're women, does that mean they aren't sexist? No! It's called self-hating.
[quote name='Scorch']Indeed, though the questions sometimes repeat, which sucks.[/QUOTE]

If only they released it on the XBLA.

Imagine being able to download a new question pack every month!
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