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The bile on this thread is astonishing. Maybe the OP overreacted, maybe not. I don't think filing a complaint is at all over the top. But why is it that most of the people that think he overreacted feel it necessary to spew such crap on him? I mean really, the guy's been called all sorts of insults, called a racist, told he should kill himself, etc.

When did basic human decency and consideration become a weakness to be pounced on like a pack of hyenas? It's almost like you're afraid of people cleaning up Live.
this all could have been solved by the block communications function. Had he gone around this and sent you messages or pics from another account different from the first, due to the block comm function, then I could see a letter to MS being needed, as it could be harrassment. Isn't one of the ideas of assault (threats of physical violence) that the vicitm has exhausted every means of avoidance of the situation? I believe there should have been somekind of intermediate action taken by the OP prior to emailing MS. Now, had the guy stalked you on the web, kidnapped a friend or family member, and sent you a pic of them, then I could see some need for retribution. P.S., why didn't you just challenge him to another game for bragging rights?
When did basic human decency and consideration become a weakness to be pounced on like a pack of hyenas? It's almost like you're afraid of people cleaning up Live.

[quote name='NWgamer666']this all could have been solved by the block communications function. Had he gone around this and sent you messages or pics from another account different from the first, due to the block comm function, then I could see a letter to MS being needed, as it could be harrassment. Isn't one of the ideas of assault (threats of physical violence) that the vicitm has exhausted every means of avoidance of the situation? I believe there should have been somekind of intermediate action taken by the OP prior to emailing MS. Now, had the guy stalked you on the web, kidnapped a friend or family member, and sent you a pic of them, then I could see some need for retribution. P.S., why didn't you just challenge him to another game for bragging rights?[/QUOTE]

I could have blocked him but the first 3 messages happened within a span of 2-3 minutes. I still would have seen the image of him with his Stun Gun.
Hahaha, don't even worry about it. Hollow threats are what make the internet world go 'round... just look at Hal Turner.
[quote name='jollydwarf']When did basic human decency and consideration become a weakness to be pounced on like a pack of hyenas? It's almost like you're afraid of people cleaning up Live.

Why do quote people and remove their name ?
Or is that part of your schtick ?
No, I just don't like the clunkly look of the "Quote" feature, particularly when people start quoting quotes (and so on, which gives me a headache). Cut-n-pasting the pertinent text and italicizing it was the way it used to be done, for the record.

Either way, people need to stop lazily quoting an entire post when they only need a sentence or a paragraph.
Geez, was he undefeated or something? Talk about overreacting to a loss, especially when it's his fault.

"What?!? I lost?!? Where's my stun gun???!"

/turns on Live Vision camera

The trash talking text messages aren't too uncommon, but I'll admit the pics are a bit much. I probably would have laughed at it, blocked communication, then posted the pics and story on the Interweb to share the laughter. It might make him famous!
I personally do not see much difference between a text and a photo it just depends on the content. I don't believe a photo will carry anymore weight then an inappropriate and ignorant text message.

Nonetheless, If you could keep us updated on what happens that would be great. You don't have to if you don't want.
Eventually, we're going to see a lawsuit arise from harassment on Xbox Live (likely regarding racism). Some kid is going to talk a little trash, somebody is going to retaliate with a volley, and the kid's mom is going to walk in while it's going on and take the entire thing to a conservative right wing lawyer. A whole ton of shit will go down, a couple of game industry people will lose their jobs, and nobody will ever ask the question of why somebody's 10 year old son is playing GoW on Xbox Live that was a Xmas present.

Even if they ban the guy, he'll be back in less than 24 hours.
[quote name='cleaver']I reported a guy on 2K7 for saying all I do is dunk. Seriously. fucker.[/quote]

WOW!! You're really not helping the feedback system with crap like that. Why not file a report everytime you lose??
I still don't see how a THREAT was made. I agree that the guy was a dick and yes should be reported/blocked.. but that's it. He never said HE was gonna come kill you, he just said something very rude. So what if he's doin a POSE in a picture????????? He DOESN'T know where you live, he DOESN'T know what you even LOOK like---so that "threat" is completely non-existent.

I would have agreed with the OP, but he just seems like someone who sues everyone for everything (which someone said earlier in this thread)
[quote name='lilboo']I would have agreed with the OP, but he just seems like someone who sues everyone for everything (which someone said earlier in this thread)[/QUOTE]


It's isn't like he's demanding compensation from Microsoft. He just wants that guy to be taken care of.
[quote name='Sporadic']Why?

It's isn't like he's demanding compensation from Microsoft. He just wants that guy to be taken care of.[/QUOTE]

Trust me, I'm the type of person that lets things slide about 99% of the time. At first, after the first photo was sent, I just laughed and then he kept on coming at me. Like he said, I'm not asking for compensation from Microsoft, I'm just asking for them to take care of a guy that makes the Live community more negative than it should be. What if my niece and nephews were in the room while I was playing? Then what?
[quote name='Sporadic']Why?

It's isn't like he's demanding compensation from Microsoft. He just wants that guy to be taken care of.[/QUOTE]

That's fine. But again: Where's the actual threat?
[quote name='lilboo']That's fine. But again: Where's the actual threat?[/QUOTE]

Could it be the picture of the guy flicking him off while holding a stun gun?

Of course, it isn't a very credible threat but it's still uncalled for and over the line.
[quote name='Sporadic']Could it be the picture of the guy flicking him off while holding a stun gun?

Of course, it isn't a very credible threat but it's still uncalled for and over the line.[/QUOTE]

Yes the guy was uncalled for, or let's be honest: He was a prick.
But in no way is it really a threat.
[quote name='smalien1']This thread made the first page of digg![/QUOTE]
It also killed CAGs servers for a couple of hours.
LOL at some of you saying when a black person says nigga it's racist. It is like a white guy saying dude. Some people on this message board AMAZE me w/ their logic.
[quote name='anomynous']LOL at some of you saying when a black person says nigga it's racist. It is like a white guy saying dude. Some people on this message board AMAZE me w/ their logic.[/quote]

That analogy... is just... eh.
Jeah. The guy never said anything racist.

If your black you can say nigga. If your white and you say nigga/nigger thats just plain wrong.

Whats up with white boyz on Xbox Live getting mad at us for using the N-Word freely?

Of course him calling you gay was wrong but come on now, if your not a homosexual that shouldn't offend you.

And I don't see how the stun Gun is "threating your life"? Its a FREAKING STUN GUN......Now if he had a desert eagle...thats a different story.

The only thing that I think he crossed the line on was the part about how he hopes your family dies.
[quote name='trip1eX']Send me a copy of the letter you get back. I want to see...

Dear Pootie Thang,

on the MS reply. :p[/QUOTE]

we all want to it in the thread if you could please. Not pressuring don't have to if you don't want to post it.
[quote name='Diiz']You're an idiot :lol:[/QUOTE]
ok, sure. Some CAGs, including you, need to get into the modern world. Leave Suburban Town USA and get into the real world.
[quote name='anomynous']LOL at some of you saying when a black person says nigga it's racist. It is like a white guy saying dude. Some people on this message board AMAZE me w/ their logic.[/QUOTE]

"nigga" is racist when said by someone who isn't black, in my opinion. That analogy you just explained is not right. "you AMAZE me w/ your logic."

"Dude" is not racist in any way and it can be said by anyone. You don't see little kids running around hitting each other yelling, "OW, NIGGA, THAT WAS TEH HURTz!!"

"Dude" is not racist and can be said by anyone referring to anyone.
"Nigga" is racist and can't be said by everyone, unless you want to get hurt.
[quote name='Technique']"nigga" is racist when said by someone who isn't black, in my opinion. That analogy you just explained is not right. "you AMAZE me w/ your logic."

"Dude" is not racist in any way and it can be said by anyone. You don't see little kids running around hitting each other yelling, "OW, NIGGA, THAT WAS TEH HURTz!!"

"Dude" is not racist and can be said by anyone referring to anyone.
"Nigga" is racist and can't be said by everyone, unless you want to get hurt.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, "nigga" is racist regardless of who says it. Oh, and after I've been reading about this guy TNITTY or whatever his name is the more I want to support the thread starter. This TNITTY is a moron...just look at his myspace.
[quote name='steveinneed']Yeah, "nigga" is racist regardless of who says it.[/QUOTE]
NOT if a black person says it. And nigga isnt really that racist, but it w/ the er ending it is
[quote name='tholly']so what if the offender was white and the OP was black??

I don't think skin color really has any affect on the simple fact that what the offender did was wrong.....what should happen to him?...I don't know....but, you can't argue that what he did was okay.....[/QUOTE]

What if the offender was white and the OP was black? Wouldn't happen. This isn't a race issue as has been brought up, this is a culture issue. Call me racist all you want, but I'm actually a realist.
All this gangsta wannabe BS stems from a culture of fatherless black youth. These poor (and I mean that as in deserving pity and in no way reflecting upon economic status) kids grow up having to try so hard to get some attention and love that when they learn negative attention is still attention they lash out all the time. Perhaps Pootie Tang (ridiculous name by the way) "dissed" Mr. Stun Gun in some fashion? Well god forbid the OP didn't show the proper "respect" so MSG, of course he deserves some rants and threats. Why? Because that culture's first response is anger and violence, and it is not only accepted within that culture it is encouraged. If a member of that culture were to ask a simple question and try to engage the person in a calm discussion about what happened they are then a "Tom" and get ostracized by the only culture they know.

And finally, what the hell do you expect? You were playing a basketball video game online. Good god man.
The entire idea of a word being "okay" for one race to use and not okay for another race to use is racist.

When you give a group of people the "right" to do something that you don't give another group and you do so based *only* on the color of their skin, what you are doing is racist.
I think that there is something more than just wanting to clean up the XBL community at stake here.

The fact that OP took the time to

1) Start a thread here
2) Document the incident with photos, and post them in the thread
3) Suggest that someone contact Major Nelson
4) Refer to it as a "threat"

A little overzealous behavior. Like someone said, some of you need to get outside and see the darker parts of this world. I've had people say far worse things, wave knives/broken beer bottles at me etc, and I didn't do anything. You call the cops, you don't call your Congressman and post pictures and make a whole dramatic scene about it.

And all these people who are now harassing him and leaving him messages, you guys are pathetic and no better than he is.
[quote name='iliketoplay']I think that there is something more than just wanting to clean up the XBL community at stake here.

The fact that OP took the time to

1) Start a thread here
2) Document the incident with photos, and post them in the thread
3) Suggest that someone contact Major Nelson
4) Refer to it as a "threat"

A little overzealous behavior. Like someone said, some of you need to get outside and see the darker parts of this world. I've had people say far worse things, wave knives/broken beer bottles at me etc, and I didn't do anything. You call the cops, you don't call your Congressman and post pictures and make a whole dramatic scene about it.

And all these people who are now harassing him and leaving him messages, you guys are pathetic and no better than he is.[/QUOTE]

Your right...but as pathetic and no better than he is? The guy is pretty pathetic.
[quote name='UncleBob']The entire idea of a word being "okay" for one race to use and not okay for another race to use is racist.

When you give a group of people the "right" to do something that you don't give another group and you do so based *only* on the color of their skin, what you are doing is racist.[/QUOTE]


Anyone that thinks it's okay for one race to say a word yet not okay for another race to say the same word, is very much a racist. Thinking something like that is the very ipitome of racism.

Anyone who thinks like that is a waste of cellular membrane.

As long as any black person I know uses the N word, so will I, because I believe in equality.

Oh and since this thread has devolved to this discussion.... In before the lock! :)
[quote name='thrustbucket']
As long as any black person I know uses the N word, so will I, because I believe in equality.[/QUOTE]

I was with you until I read that.
[quote name='vinhjdao']I was with you until I read that.[/QUOTE]

Then let me rephrase. As long as any black person I know feels they have the right to say a word, I have just as much right. Nobody can claim they believe in equality yet say their race is allowed to say or do anything, while other races aren't.

I am not a person that drops the N word a lot, especially on live, and when people do, no matter what race they are, it makes them look like pathetic wastes of sperm.
[quote name='thrustbucket']I am not a person that drops the N word a lot[/quote]


[quote name='thrustbucket']when people do...t makes them look like pathetic wastes of sperm.[/QUOTE]
Just to let you guys know I haven't received any word back from MS yet, but once I do I might let you guys know depending on the situation. For those that are supporting me because I am trying to go against the negativity on Xbox Live, thanks a lot.
Why we even getting into the race issue?

(NOTE: to the topic started. The Stun Gun guy didn't say anything racist)

So the real problem is a bunch of dumbasses on Xbox Live.
[quote name='2pac']Why we even getting into the race issue?

(NOTE: to the topic started. The Stun Gun guy didn't say anything racist)

So the real problem is a bunch of dumbasses on Xbox Live.[/QUOTE]

Just because when people started posting comments like it being ok to say Nigga as long as you are of a particular race, it touches nerves.
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