Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Does anyone know if the Day One slipcovers actually exist? I've looked at Amazon and Microsoft Store, neither mention anything about them, but are still offering Day One preorders. I'm starting to think that they aren't actually happening

Does anyone know if the Day One slipcovers actually exist? I've looked at Amazon and Microsoft Store, neither mention anything about them, but are still offering Day One preorders. I'm starting to think that they aren't actually happening
Sadly, I am beginning to agree with this..

My 12 year old brother wants an Xbox One for Xmas but I don't know that there will be that much for him to play. I have one coming Friday and even I don't know what I'll be playing that I can't already play on my 360. I have COD, FIFA 14 and BF4. He loves FIFA and COD but he can already play those on his 360 and I could get him a 3DS or something else instead. I wake up at 5am anyways so I guess I'll decide in the morning...

My 12 year old brother wants an Xbox One for Xmas but I don't know that there will be that much for him to play. I have one coming Friday and even I don't know what I'll be playing that I can't already play on my 360. I have COD, FIFA 14 and BF4. He loves FIFA and COD but he can already play those on his 360 and I could get him a 3DS or something else instead. I wake up at 5am anyways so I guess I'll decide in the morning...
Same dilemma here. The only game that I can not play on a console I currently own that I would be interested in is Ryse. Is it worth it? Im actually thinking of getting a Wii U instead and I hated the Wii.

Will Best Buy have extra Day One Edition of the games in store on launch day or should I just order them online to be shipped?
They might if you go in at opening. I just ordered them all online (Ryse and Forza at Best Buy and DR3 at Amazon) just to be safe.

"One of the most exciting additions to the controller is actually behind that unusually long battery life. The controller works in coordination with Kinect to monitor its use. When you put the controller down to watch a movie, it enters a low-power state. It’s a smart way of extending the utility of Kinect in a practical way."

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"One of the most exciting additions to the controller is actually behind that unusually long battery life. The controller works in coordination with Kinect to monitor its use. When you put the controller down to watch a movie, it enters a low-power state. It’s a smart way of extending the utility of Kinect in a practical way."
Oh no! It scored .5 higher than the PS4... The internet will explode!

Same dilemma here. The only game that I can not play on a console I currently own that I would be interested in is Ryse. Is it worth it? Im actually thinking of getting a Wii U instead and I hated the Wii.
I think I am going to use the hell out of the multimedia features so it'll be worth it to me even if I only play the same 3-4 games for the first 6 months to a year. Hope I am right!

I'm really hoping my Newegg order is a day one. I'm gonna try and go for the amazon pre-order at 8am and if I can get that i'll be cancelling my Newegg pre-order I've had since June.  I don't wanna risk getting a standard and being disappointed

Got the same Amazon payment verification email. 

Weird, as I just placed 2 orders on Amazon with the same card, I hope this is not Amazon "re-shuffling" orders to clear some for tomorrow's pre-sale.

BTW, Ordered back in June. Has anyone who ordered from Amazon not received the payment verification email?


Still debating between Ghosts or Ryse for my 6th game... (Getting Dead Rising and Forza on Friday).  I think I am set otherwise.  :D

I think I am going to use the hell out of the multimedia features so it'll be worth it to me even if I only play the same 3-4 games for the first 6 months to a year. Hope I am right!
I'm going to use my bone for media and exclusives and the ps4 for exclusives and multiplats. Seems like a great combo. I'll grab a Wii U when it hits $199 either by sale or price drop obviously for exclusives. Ugh, I told myself I wouldn't own all consoles this gen, but I guess maybe next gen. :joystick:

Got the same Amazon payment verification email.

Weird, as I just placed 2 orders on Amazon with the same card, I hope this is not Amazon "re-shuffling" orders to clear some for tomorrow's pre-sale.

BTW, Ordered back in June. Has anyone who ordered from Amazon not received the payment verification email?
Also ordered in June and have been using the same card associated with my order for days without any problems.

I'm assuming Amazon is just trying to prevent possible cancelations due to problems with payment. I pre-ordered a PS4 from them and didn't receive any emails before the actual shipping confirmation. My guess is that many PS4 orders were canceled, so they're trying to avoid that now with the Xbox One by informing people beforehand.

I just wish the fellow CAGs who contacted me showing interest on purchasing my Amazon pre-order would actually reply to my messages. I've been waiting for hours for someone to actually make a payment, with no luck. If I don't change my order's delivery address tonight, eventual buyers won't receive it on release day.

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Does anyone know if the Day One version of Forza will be available digitally day one?

It seems unlikely, but still they want us to go "all digital" yet screw us out of content for going digital it would seem.

Does anyone know if the Day One version of Forza will be available digitally day one?

It seems unlikely, but still they want us to go "all digital" yet screw us out of content for going digital it would seem.
Yep, you'll get the day one dlc for the three day one games as long as you buy the digital copy within 2 weeks of launch.

Yep, you'll get the day one dlc for the three day one games as long as you buy the digital copy within 2 weeks of launch.

Which three day ones? There's more than 3. (Sorry can't help but be a little cheeky about this-my brother said I should buy all three day one games and I had to correct him too.)
I'm going to use my bone for media and exclusives and the ps4 for exclusives and multiplats. Seems like a great combo. I'll grab a Wii U when it hits $199 either by sale or price drop obviously for exclusives. Ugh, I told myself I wouldn't own all consoles this gen, but I guess maybe next gen. :joystick:
I am getting a WiiU for sure once Smash Bros comes out, that's when I bought my Wii and then I'll go back and play most of the first party games available. I don't see myself getting a PS4 anytime soon though. I bought my PS3 since I got a good deal on AWD and I used the hell out of the gameshare feature here on CAG and I pretty much stopped using it when they lowered the amount of people that could share games. I download tons of PS+ games and want to play them but I just don't have time right now.

Awesome thanks.
No problem! It's nice to see them doing it like that.

Which three day ones? There's more than 3. (Sorry can't help but be a little cheeky about this-my brother said I should buy all three day one games and I had to correct him too.)
Haha, fair enough. Yeah, I know there are more then three games :p It's just since Forza, Ryse, and Dead Rising all actually say Day One right on the covers I kinda just say that they are the three day one titles, which I guess technically can be both wrong or right depending on how you look at it lol

MoCiWe wrote:
Haha, fair enough. Yeah, I know there are more then three games :p It's just since Forza, Ryse, and Dead Rising all actually say Day One right on the covers I kinda just say that they are the three day one titles, which I guess technically can be both wrong or right depending on how you look at it lol
I meant Kinect Sports Rivals Day One edition. I googled it and apparently the game has been delayed and the Day One has been canned. This is what I get for not caring at all about this game. The article below is months old! Haha


What's weird is I just looked the game up yesterday and it was still on Amazon's site:
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I meant Kinect Sports Rivals Day One edition. I googled it and apparently the game has been delayed and the Day One has been canned. This is what I get for not caring at all about this game. The article below is months old! Haha


What's weird is I just looked the game up yesterday and it was still on Amazon's site:
Ahh, yeah I actually think I saw that listing with Day One on Amazon yesterday myself even, I thought that was strange it still said that even though it was coming out next year! But it looks like it's fixed now.

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Congrats to all the CAG members getting Xbox One Day One and/or Playstation 4. This is by far the best community of gamers. Both consoles are great and hopefully the competition will lead to the consumers winning at the end with great games and content. Hope to see you all on Xbox Live and PSN.

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Ahh, yeah I actually think I saw that listing with Day One on Amazon yesterday myself even, I thought that was strange it still said that even though it was coming out next year! But it looks like it's fixed now.
As fun as that game might end up being, it saddens me that this is what Rare has been reduced too.

As fun as that game might end up being, it saddens me that this is what Rare has been reduced too.
I can certainly agree with that! I'll be trying the wake-racing demo on day one, but even if it is good, like you said I'll keep thinking that this isn't what Rare should be making haha.

Right before I went on tonight's four mile run I got the Amazon e-mail too, so at almost 11pm central.  I didn't think it was coming to me but I like that it did since I've heard nothing since September from them (not that I expected to, but it's good to have a recent confirmation that everything is still set to go).

Where are you guys seeing the 8.0 score for the hardware?

I think I have figured out what I'm going to do with my Xbox 360 BTW.  I have a lot of reorganizing to do.

Right before I went on tonight's four mile run I got the Amazon e-mail too, so at almost 11pm central. I didn't think it was coming to me but I like that it did since I've heard nothing since September from them (not that I expected to, but it's good to have a recent confirmation that everything is still set to go).

Where are you guys seeing the 8.0 score for the hardware?

I think I have figured out what I'm going to do with my Xbox 360 BTW. I have a lot of reorganizing to do.

Right before I went on tonight's four mile run I got the Amazon e-mail too, so at almost 11pm central. I didn't think it was coming to me but I like that it did since I've heard nothing since September from them (not that I expected to, but it's good to have a recent confirmation that everything is still set to go).

Where are you guys seeing the 8.0 score for the hardware?

I think I have figured out what I'm going to do with my Xbox 360 BTW. I have a lot of reorganizing to do.

Hopefully this audio issue raised in the review is fixed with the launch patch or soon thereafter:

Another significant problem: If you snap music or a TV show over your in-progress game, you can't adjust the audio on either thing. I found that snapping a TV show over my game drowned out the game audio entirely, and I had no option to mute or unmute either of the two snapped applications. Microsoft says that snap automatically adjusts the audio to make the primary app louder, and that they're looking into how to allow people to control volume on their own. As it stands, the volume thing is a dealbreaker—I'd be happy to run a basketball game in the background while I play Assassin's Creed, but only if I can mute one or the other.
I love reading negative stuff about the things I love the most (I seriously do) but that Kotaku review begins to get annoying.  It's just complaining for the sake of complaining by half-way through.  He complains about using voice controls to go to a Video app, and then says the iPhone uses voice controls too but it makes it ok because you can easily use the phone's touchscreen to do stuff too.

Guess what?  With the Xbox One you can use the Xbox One controller, a universal remote (like the Logitech Harmony) or a PC, tablet, or phone running Xbox One Smartglass, which is so much better and fully-featured than the Xbox 360 Smartglass.

Like...does this guy just want it to read his mind or something? 

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kinda expected kinect to be a little wonky, still will be my #1 system. can't wait, today will feel like an eternity. tomorrow will go by fast.

I need to decide in the next couple days if I want this.

I will say this, though. I hate Kinect, and I've hated it since its inception. I don't like anything with voice commands. Always hated them. I think it stems from years of awful 1-800 numbers and their awful voice command menus. If I get it, I may not even hook it up.

Special Best Buy Xbox One Launch Party Locations

New York City

Best Buy Theater in Times Square

Thursday, November 21

The first 1000 people in line starting at 7am to purchase an Xbox One or Xbox One game during the 8am presale will have an opportunity to enjoy an exclusive concert with Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. The first 2,000 people to purchase an Xbox One on-site get exclusive giveaways including: Powerstar Golf, LocoCycle, 6 months Xbox Live Gold membership and more. Consoles and select games will be offered for sale starting at midnight, beginning with concert attendees.

Los Angeles

Milk Studios in Hollywood

855 N Cahuenga Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90038

Thursday, November 21

The first 500 people in line starting at 9am to purchase an Xbox One or Xbox One game during the 10am presale will have an opportunity to enjoy an exclusive concert with deadmau5. The first 1,000 people to purchase an Xbox One on-site get exclusive giveaways including: Powerstar Golf, LocoCycle, 6 months Xbox Live Gold membership and more. Consoles and select games will be offered for sale starting at midnight.

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It's happening!


I just re-wired my Onkyo and reorganized a bunch of stuff over there instead of doing the homework I needed to do for the last 90 minutes. I'm so excited I finally that situation figured out. Now I have to figure out what to do about the Halo Shrine and game/movie collection organization...

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If you really want some of the Xbox One's titles, then I wouldn't cancel it. At the end of the day, every console will live and die with its library of games. You can have the coolest features, the sleekest menus, and the fastest speeds, but if you have crap games to play on it, the system won't sell.

All that stuff is important, and goes really well with great games, but without the great games, it's all for naught. So if you really are looking forward to the Xbox One exclusives, I'd still get it, despite the reviews.

Aaand my offer still stands! So, if, by miracle, you're still up and willing to secure an Xbox One in the next 30 minutes or so, PM me! :D

It'll probably end up on eBay later today. This is seriously your last chance!

Also, is that Sessler the same guy who used to be a host on G4?

Oh, how I wish I could drop $500 on a Day One Edition right now. Oh well, the wait will be worth it. I'll be getting mine for free once I get my money from the Free Xbox One conga.

Heres another review, this one done by a site that isn't to favorable to Sony:

Xbox One review: More than a game console, less than a living room revolution

As someone who was going to buy it for the bells and whistles and not for the games, this review might be the nail in the coffin.

The good

  • System is nearly silent when running.
  • Relatively energy efficient.
  • Great looking lighting effects and detailed characters.
  • Redesigned analog sticks, shoulder buttons, and d-pad are incredibly comfortable.
  • Improved rumble motor and new rumbling triggers.
  • Instant-on mode goes from power button to loaded game incredibly quickly.
  • Clean, sparse menu helps you find what you need efficiently.
  • Voice can be extremely efficient for launching games and apps and searching.
  • Snapping video is the new picture-in-picture.
  • Switching between apps is fast and snappy.
  • Upload studio is a great little clip editor.
  • TV pass-through is lag-free and easy to use.
The bad

  • Case is boxy, heavy, and about as big as the original Xbox.
  • Many launch games don't pack much of a visual punch.
  • Controller still uses AA batteries and proprietary headsets.
  • Voice commands fail a good 10 to 20 percent of the time.
  • System requires incredible precision in what voice commands it will take.
  • Voice is cumbersome and annoying in many apps.
  • Most apps are nearly useless in snap mode.
The ugly

  • Kinect auto-login works inconsistently.
  • In-game recording was largely busted on my review unit.
  • Switching from game to game can delete unsaved data without warning.
  • Kinect IR remote doesn't have a learning function for unsupported hardware.
Verdict: Buy it if there are exclusives that appeal to you, not for the bells and whistles. Otherwise, save $100 and get a PS4.
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bread's done