Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

people do not seem to psyched about ryse. I am going to pick up that and ghosts, though, hopefully get a deal on forza.
I'm not excited for Ryse one bit, I want to see some single player gameplay. The multiplayer looks atrocious from what I've seen so far. I have Dead Rising 3 and Forza paid off at GS but I will be canceling them and going with Targets B2G1 if they include X1 games.
This weekend is when I start my preparations. I'm going to be getting ahead on some of my five classes in order to make the last bit of the semester not as difficult when it comes to finding time to game (I haven't played all week :() and also start cleaning and organizing some stuff. I want to be in the best possible position and mood when the Xbox One comes out, cause then I have less to worry about and also feel more like I "earned" it.
I'm more or less in the same boat. lol I've got six classes and I currently tutor 14 hours a week (my major is Management Information Systems) and it kills me when I can't play anything, but there's nothing like it when I can just sit down and unwind.

On topic, I have a pre-order at Amazon and one at Gamestop. Currently, I have 107 down at GS and 0 down at Amazon although I have 100 bucks in Kindle GCs. I can easily cancel my GS preorder and buy kindle gift cards I do want to get the console at midnight, but what are the chances that if I go the Amazon route, I would get the console on the 21st?

when they first showed off ryse i was hyped for it, but more and more came out about it became just a five doller rent for me.
Right, I believe it was a Kinect only game at first but then they changed it. I'm not liking what I saw gameplay wise from the multiplayer vids, the new trailer they released did look good however.
I'm more or less in the same boat. lol I've got six classes and I currently tutor 14 hours a week (my major is Management Information Systems) and it kills me when I can't play anything, but there's nothing like it when I can just sit down and unwind.

On topic, I have a pre-order at Amazon and one at Gamestop. Currently, I have 107 down at GS and 0 down at Amazon although I have 100 bucks in Kindle GCs. I can easily cancel my GS preorder and buy kindle gift cards I do want to get the console at midnight, but what are the chances that if I go the Amazon route, I would get the console on the 21st?
not good if you do over night or two day you will get it 22nd

They might have to have corporate send you a check for an amount that high...I don't remember what the limit was or is.  

My major is basically a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice at the University of Minnesota.  I didn't know what I wanted to do so I have a lot of Criminology and Sociology classes, mixed in with Journalism and of course the required foreign language (Italian for me, in my third of four semesters now).  I did my first two years at a community college and got my Associate in Arts, then did two semesters separate from that and pursued Vet Tech and then went back to the MN-based track and continued off my AA and declared my major at the UMN and started there last fall.

Halo 4 was a great motivator last fall to get ahead in classes and I wanted the Xbox One to be that this semester too, but it comes out so close to the end, plus I had to take 19 credits so it's hard to get as ahead as I did last fall, especially with the way a lot of my classes are setup this time.

There's no way Amazon will ship out the consoles so that we have them on the 21st, but that would be sweet.  I'm going to have to just go offline that night cause I don't want to hear every little impression people have just before I get mine the next afternoon.  I'm going to watch my favorite movie of the year (Oblivion) for the second time ever that night and have one last special night with the Xbox 360 before it gets dethroned as my main console after nearly exactly eight solid years.  11/19 will be our 8-year anniversary.  I can't wait for that honeymoon weekend with the Xbox One. :D

They might have to have corporate send you a check for an amount that high...I don't remember what the limit was or is.

My major is basically a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice at the University of Minnesota. I didn't know what I wanted to do so I have a lot of Criminology and Sociology classes, mixed in with Journalism and of course the required foreign language (Italian for me, in my third of four semesters now). I did my first two years at a community college and got my Associate in Arts, then did two semesters separate from that and pursued Vet Tech and then went back to the MN-based track and continued off my AA and declared my major at the UMN and started there last fall.

Halo 4 was a great motivator last fall to get ahead in classes and I wanted the Xbox One to be that this semester too, but it comes out so close to the end, plus I had to take 19 credits so it's hard to get as ahead as I did last fall, especially with the way a lot of my classes are setup this time.

There's no way Amazon will ship out the consoles so that we have them on the 21st, but that would be sweet. I'm going to have to just go offline that night cause I don't want to hear every little impression people have just before I get mine the next afternoon. I'm going to watch my favorite movie of the year (Oblivion) for the second time ever that night and have one last special night with the Xbox 360 before it gets dethroned as my main console after nearly exactly eight solid years. 11/19 will be our 8-year anniversary. I can't wait for that honeymoon weekend with the Xbox One. :D
Criminal justice always interested me. I can't decide between computer science or business (marketing or finance IDK yet). I've been in community college for 4 years, trying to decide. LOL

Criminal justice always interested me. I can't decide between computer science or business (marketing or finance IDK yet). I've been in community college for 4 years, trying to decide. LOL

Computer Science.

I was doing that when I was in school. Super easy.
So what happens if I decide to cancel my preorder at Gamestop? They should just give me my $100 in cash back, right?
Yeah.. that's why I paid for mine in cash today. I want to get mine from work (Best Buy) but I know how many extras we have.. it'll be tight. If I work that day/midnight release then I have no shot so gamestop it is. I even told the guy that I might cancel due to BB and he was cool about it. At least I'm guaranteed one somewhere now :p.

Cool thing is the GS is in the same shopping mall as BB so I can just walk over and cancel while hopping right back in line.
Yeah.. that's why I paid for mine in cash today. I want to get mine from work (Best Buy) but I know how many extras we have.. it'll be tight. If I work that day/midnight release then I have no shot so gamestop it is. I even told the guy that I might cancel due to BB and he was cool about it. At least I'm guaranteed one somewhere now :p.
Cool thing is the GS is in the same shopping mall as BB so I can just walk over and cancel while hopping right back in line.
You don't by any chance live in California do you? I had someone come and do the samething at my store that worked at bb lol.
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Neo said:
There's no way Amazon will ship out the consoles so that we have them on the 21st, but that would be sweet.
My Amazon order (placed the first day they had them in June) says
"Friday, November 22, 2013 by 8:00pm"

I don't even know what day this thing launches - I guess the 21st from your post. It is still possible Amazon will ship out earlier, but I don't really care either way. It would be nice to have it earlier in the day on Friday, but I definitely see it coming on the last UPS truck which is usually 6-7pm. The only thing that sucks about that is that it is our plan to buy Dead Rising 3 digitally since we have tons of cheap MS points (from that sale - you know the one). So we have the Day One update as well as a full game download to do. Most likely, though, that would be very hard to do the first day anyway, so maybe waiting till late Friday night would be better. I could care less - the system is really for my son. So he'll be more upset about not being able to play early on Friday (and probably not till Saturday) than I will. I'll be enjoying my PS4 while he waits for the X1 to update/download ;).
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They might have to have corporate send you a check for an amount that high...I don't remember what the limit was or is.

My major is basically a Bachelor's in Criminal Justice at the University of Minnesota. I didn't know what I wanted to do so I have a lot of Criminology and Sociology classes, mixed in with Journalism and of course the required foreign language (Italian for me, in my third of four semesters now). I did my first two years at a community college and got my Associate in Arts, then did two semesters separate from that and pursued Vet Tech and then went back to the MN-based track and continued off my AA and declared my major at the UMN and started there last fall.

Halo 4 was a great motivator last fall to get ahead in classes and I wanted the Xbox One to be that this semester too, but it comes out so close to the end, plus I had to take 19 credits so it's hard to get as ahead as I did last fall, especially with the way a lot of my classes are setup this time.

There's no way Amazon will ship out the consoles so that we have them on the 21st, but that would be sweet. I'm going to have to just go offline that night cause I don't want to hear every little impression people have just before I get mine the next afternoon. I'm going to watch my favorite movie of the year (Oblivion) for the second time ever that night and have one last special night with the Xbox 360 before it gets dethroned as my main console after nearly exactly eight solid years. 11/19 will be our 8-year anniversary. I can't wait for that honeymoon weekend with the Xbox One. :D
That's funny, my girlfriend is a vet tech.

Computer Science.

I was doing that when I was in school. Super easy.
I actually switched my major from that. The first two semesters here at Iowa State weren't too hard, but then the classes were too theory-based and it was not what I wanted to do, which is why I switched to MIS.

I was going to say something but I thought it would die down on its own. Yeah, guys, please take it to PM.

And it does appear that release date is the 22nd - so not sure why anyone would expect delivery on the 21st. According to my Amazon order, I will get it on the 22nd - yeah, not at the stroke of midnight, but the following afternoon/evening is good enough for me.
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My Amazon order (placed the first day they had them in June) says
"Friday, November 22, 2013 by 8:00pm"

I don't even know what day this thing launches - I guess the 21st from your post. It is still possible Amazon will ship out earlier, but I don't really care either way. It would be nice to have it earlier in the day on Friday, but I definitely see it coming on the last UPS truck which is usually 6-7pm. The only thing that sucks about that is that it is our plan to buy Dead Rising 3 digitally since we have tons of cheap MS points (from that sale - you know the one). So we have the Day One update as well as a full game download to do. Most likely, though, that would be very hard to do the first day anyway, so maybe waiting till late Friday night would be better. I could care less - the system is really for my son. So he'll be more upset about not being able to play early on Friday (and probably not till Saturday) than I will. I'll be enjoying my PS4 while he waits for the X1 to update/download ;).
If you sign up for a account (for free) you can tell them to hold the package at the depot and you could pick it up any time on Friday, probably starting at like 9am or something. That's what I'm going to likely do, and I'll go get it at like 1pm. My luck with UPS when it comes to the rare package that is something I am more eagerly waiting for is that it comes at like 6pm and I'm not going to go through that that day.

I don't expect the downloads to be crawling though, especially the Day One update. Microsoft has always been great about making those downloads small and painless with the console doing everything on its own. I too have a ton of points but I'm going to wait till the digital games start going on sale and rack up a bunch of them next year just before my Microsoft dollars or whatever they're called now expire.

The release date is 11/22, just like the Xbox 360. That's why I was telling that guy to not expect it on the 21st cause Amazon would get yelled at just like they did with GTA V.

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That's OK - I'm too busy dealing with kids and trying to get some work done during the day - 6 or 7pm is fine, really. The only advantage to getting it early is to get Dead Rising 3 downloaded early so it is ready to go when my son gets home. And frankly, I'm not going out of my way for him on that - I am already getting him this thing to begin with.

But without the downloads we won't have any games to play - so we have to download DR3 and/or whatever freebies and "arcade" games are available. Besides that fighting game I have no idea what other free-to-play games will be out. I am so out of the loop on these consoles even though I am buying both.

As for full games, I know about Rhyse and Forza but will wait on sub-$20 for the former and have no interest whatsoever in the latter. Also don't play CoD or Battlefield. If my son didn't want to play DR3 we'd have no reason to buy an X1 until Destiny came out. We both played Titanfall at PAX and were underwhelmed. Game looks great, but I have absolutely no interest in multiplayer-only shooters. My son does play them (and he is really excited for Destiny) but he hasn't mentioned Titanfall once since we left PAX. First game that looks interesting to me is that Project Spark thing and I'm not even entirely sure what that is ;). I'm sure he will want Assassin's Creed 4 but no way am I paying full price for an Ubisoft game.

But yeah, I hear what you are saying on waiting for digital sales to use the points. But we need to get something and I figured at least by using those cheap points I'm not really playing full price. I really, really detest paying $60 for ephemeral digital copies of games, but this is an exception (not for this particular game itself so much as just that we need a game to play). But hopefully the reviews are pretty positive for this game. If not, I'm not sure what we'll do.
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If you sign up for a account (for free) you can tell them to hold the package at the depot and you could pick it up any time on Friday, probably starting at like 9am or something. That's what I'm going to likely do, and I'll go get it at like 1pm. My luck with UPS when it comes to the rare package that is something I am more eagerly waiting for is that it comes at like 6pm and I'm not going to go through that that day.

I don't expect the downloads to be crawling though, especially the Day One update. Microsoft has always been great about making those downloads small and painless with the console doing everything on its own. I too have a ton of points but I'm going to wait till the digital games start going on sale and rack up a bunch of them next year just before my Microsoft dollars or whatever they're called now expire.

The release date is 11/22, just like the Xbox 360. That's why I was telling that guy to not expect it on the 21st cause Amazon would get yelled at just like they did with GTA V.
I remember looking at that but It seemed like it was a paid feature of a UPS program.. you can actually tell them to keep the shipment at the UPS for pickup?

Comparing midnight store openings..

I am getting my Xbox One at Gamestop, and I have BF4 preordered at Best Buy ($10 back in RZ). Do you think hitting both stores is possible? Definitely Gamestop is my first destination, so I guess it all depends on how long BB will stay open for.

I know Gamestop does the number pool so it's an organized midnight launch release, but is BB more like just stand outside in a line and wait?


Comparing midnight store openings..

I am getting my Xbox One at Gamestop, and I have BF4 preordered at Best Buy ($10 back in RZ). Do you think hitting both stores is possible? Definitely Gamestop is my first destination, so I guess it all depends on how long BB will stay open for.

I know Gamestop does the number pool so it's an organized midnight launch release, but is BB more like just stand outside in a line and wait?

From my experience Best Buy is HORRIBLE for midnight releases. Gamestop completely depends on the employees running it. For Gears 2 I was literally in my car with my game at 12:03 (at GS). I believe it was Black Ops 2 recently at Best Buy where I didn't get in my car until 1:10...

From my experience Best Buy is HORRIBLE for midnight releases. Gamestop completely depends on the employees running it. For Gears 2 I was literally in my car with my game at 12:03 (at GS). I believe it was Black Ops 2 recently at Best Buy where I didn't get in my car until 1:10...
So it might work out good then. As long as Gamestop goes smooth, I dont mind waiting longer Best Buy (I'll be content knowing I have my X1)

Wonder if they will also do the COD Ghosts next-gen upgrade as well

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From my experience Best Buy is HORRIBLE for midnight releases. Gamestop completely depends on the employees running it. For Gears 2 I was literally in my car with my game at 12:03 (at GS). I believe it was Black Ops 2 recently at Best Buy where I didn't get in my car until 1:10...

Ughh sucks to hear..i have my xbox preordered there .. i should get ready for a routy night. Ill make sure to bring some alcohol to soothe the pain

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Ughh sucks to hear..i have my xbox preordered there .. i should get ready for a routy night. Ill make sure to bring some alcohol to soothe the pain
My advice would bring a friend/significant other or something. Unless you count the alcohol as your friend that works too. All I know is that I went there alone last time and holy crap was I bored out of my mind. And then since it was CoD all I heard were all the super douchey teens and college kids being idiots.

I am getting too old for this.

My advice would bring a friend/significant other or something. Unless you count the alcohol as your friend that works too. All I know is that I went there alone last time and holy crap was I bored out of my mind. And then since it was CoD all I heard were all the super douchey teens and college kids being idiots.

I am getting too old for this.
You're too old? You are the same age as a lot of the college kids. LOL

You're too old? You are the same age as a lot of the college kids. LOL
I just have always had a drastically different mindset than the average person my age!

Either way I am getting really excited to get this. Playing BF4 it looks good, but I really just look forward to trying it on the X1.

I just have always had a drastically different mindset than the average person my age!

Either way I am getting really excited to get this. Playing BF4 it looks good, but I really just look forward to trying it on the X1.
It's kinda always been the same for me. I've never been into all the "typical teenage/college stuff," but I digress.

To keep this on topic. Has anyone seen this Assass Creed comparison between this gen and next? Link

It honestly doesn't look too much better.

Sucks to hear that BB was so bad for you!  I know that I worked all the midnight releases when I worked at BB and we would always do something to pass the time!  We would hold tournaments and stuff to win the game for free!  We would have movies going, games going, trivia contests!  We did as much as we could as we passed the time.  We did a ticketing system as well as allowed you to get everything before hand.  On one occasion we would start the transaction and then suspend, when you walked up we pulled up your order, you swiped your card, and were out.  I was always out by 1am as an employee!

It's kinda always been the same for me. I've never been into all the "typical teenage/college stuff," but I digress.

To keep this on topic. Has anyone seen this Assass Creed comparison between this gen and next? Link

It honestly doesn't look too much better.
Exactly why I am just getting that on the far superior pc : P

I am actually getting a new Asus g750 through work and paying it off over the next two years and the laptop comes with a free copy of Black Flag!

I'm not sure about the UPS feature, because I've never used it and have yet to look into it, but I was told it was free and would work.

With the Xbox One, don't the digital games allow the game to begin being played after a short time of being downloaded?  I don't know how and didn't believe it at first, but I thought I read that the game is able to be played almost right away, just like when installing from disc.

I played about 90 minutes of AC IV last night and was so underwhelmed by the graphics and physics and stuff after nothing but GTA V since mid-September.  I was thinking to myself that I doubt it looks much better on the next-gen consoles and from what you guys are saying that's right.  The water in the game is shameful.  It'll be fun but I'm not going to 100% sync in anything and am going to try and get through the story as quick as possible (although I would like to explore the "Present" world as much as you can since that part interests me the most).

From a screenshot I just saw, the Xbox One still doesn't have the notification preferences so that someone can just decide "Only messages" or "Only Achievements" or a combination of the two.  I DO NOT want to see when any of the 100 friends I have sign on (or the 1000 with the Xbox One).  I've been asking for an "Achievements only" options literally since Day One of the Xbox 360 and still nothing.  I posted about it in every single beta I was in (which was all of them besides the Kinect one) and always got a ton of positive feedback from other users about it, yet it's never been implemented.

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From a screenshot I just saw, the Xbox One still doesn't have the notification preferences so that someone can just decide "Only messages" or "Only Achievements" or a combination of the two. I DO NOT want to see when any of the 100 friends I have sign on (or the 1000 with the Xbox One). I've been asking for an "Achievements only" options literally since Day One of the Xbox 360 and still nothing. I posted about it in every single beta I was in (which was all of them besides the Kinect one) and always got a ton of positive feedback from other users about it, yet it's never been implemented.
you know if you set your online status to "busy", it does this .....right?

From my experience Best Buy is HORRIBLE for midnight releases. Gamestop completely depends on the employees running it. For Gears 2 I was literally in my car with my game at 12:03 (at GS). I believe it was Black Ops 2 recently at Best Buy where I didn't get in my car until 1:10...
yeah but im sure you will not have hundreds of people in line for the system

i still don't know where im going to get my copy of 2k14,bf4,ac4 from im holding out hope target does the same thing they are doing for ps4 b2g1 and amazon matches then it would be amazon for me with my credit.  It's possible i pick up ghost with my system at best buy if they allow the upgrade thing with just the steel book case seeing im getting prestige for 360.

btw only 3 weeks away which should go fast for me once cod is out it will come in no time. :bouncy:

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i still don't know where im going to get my copy of 2k14,bf4,ac4 from im holding out hope target does the same thing they are doing for ps4 b2g1 and amazon matches then it would be amazon for me with my credit. It's possible i pick up ghost with my system at best buy if they allow the upgrade thing with just the steel book case seeing im getting prestige for 360.

btw only 3 weeks away which should go fast for me once cod is out it will come in no time. :bouncy:
I'm getting the itch for a couple more games as well, wish target was pushing that back a week. I was thinking of 2K14, BF4, and NFS: Rivals. If I could get a B2G1 I would probably do it. I refuse to pay full price for an AC game. Plus I was listening to some podcast and they were saying the graphics are barely upgraded on PS4/X1 so that tells me I can wait even longer.

I'm getting the itch for a couple more games as well, wish target was pushing that back a week. I was thinking of 2K14, BF4, and NFS: Rivals. If I could get a B2G1 I would probably do it. I refuse to pay full price for an AC game. Plus I was listening to some podcast and they were saying the graphics are barely upgraded on PS4/X1 so that tells me I can wait even longer.
i think it's very possible we get it for x1 launch they did same thing for wii u not sure why they would not do it for x1

my guess would be 22 but will not be day one edition which for would not be big deal
Im not absolutely positive but, I asked my boss when I was working if they would be day one editions because I had a couple friends looking for them. He said they would be so I dont know if thats the case every where else though

Im not absolutely positive but, I asked my boss when I was working if they would be day one editions because I had a couple friends looking for them. He said they would be so I dont know if thats the case every where else though
I did the new preorder at Gamestop yesterday, and my receipt says Xbox One Console SD. So, standard

bread's done