Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

So, I'm trying to figure out the best deal on Xbox One games at the moment and it looks like it's Best Buy with the $10 off and bonus $25 in rewards certs when you buy 3 but do they have release date shipping?  In-store pickup is not an option apparently.  Is there another deal I missed (no TRU near me)?   

Is it weird I almost just want to stay up until 6 am for the reviews?
I would but I have to take my cat to the oncologist for blood tests and physical exam as part of his chemo treatment in a few hours, and then class. Hoping for continued good results on the blood tests so that I can fully enjoy this week. I know he's dying no matter what and I've barely accepted that at all still, but to have it start to go downhill after three months of great progress would be a downer for a time I've waited so long for.

I am most excited to see Dead Rising 3's review and the hardware review, specifically Kinect 2.0's performance and if they had any issues with the hardware/firmware. If there's anything negative in those hardware reviews it's going to change the whole tone of the launch for a lot of people from excitement to paranoia.

So, I'm trying to figure out the best deal on Xbox One games at the moment and it looks like it's Best Buy with the $10 off and bonus $25 in rewards certs when you buy 3 but do they have release date shipping? In-store pickup is not an option apparently. Is there another deal I missed (no TRU near me)?
That is the best deal from what everyone has said, but you wouldn't get the games on release date.

What a valuable contribution. At least Deader only tries to put fanboys in their place (as far as I can tell) instead of expressing negativity towards the Xbone itself.
I'm not expressing negativity towards the Xbox One itself. I just wish it would come with a mount. Jeez.

That is the best deal from what everyone has said, but you wouldn't get the games on release date.

I wonder why they wouldn't allow for in-store pickup? That sucks. I'm already going to be waiting on the BF4 upgrade from Amazon. I guess I will just go digital.

What should I change my gamertag to guys... 

I am tired of the X's from years ago lol. I sort of want to use my name in the tag, but I cant decide between that or Iron Curtains (I am Russian) which is my LoL name as well as my psn name.... 

I want to change it for the Xbox one lol, new system new gamertag 

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So I placed a preorder for BF4 back in August for Xbox One and just got an email from Amazon saying my payment has been declined, which is my Visa. At first I had no idea why it would be declined as I just bought a PS4 on that card and it has no other charges on there, but I just realized that maybe it was the $3 in Amazon rewards sitting on that order and I only have about $1 in Amazon rewards on my account. Could this be why it was declined? I know it could be various reasons, but this is the only logical explanation I can think of. 

Gets me a little worried about my Day One that is supposed to arrive on Friday! Should I pay that off with gift cards, I have about a balance of $250 left on that order.

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This happened to me when the Wi U was released. I bought a Wii U at Best Buy  and a bunch of games with in- store pickup and had 2 amazon orders be denied for payment around the same time.

The purchase activity caused a Fraud warning on my Amazon Visa, I needed to call the number on the card and say all were valid purchases. Then re-apply payment on Amazon.

I would suggest you call the credit card company as soon as possible, or your Xbox One pre-order might be declined as well.

Just to be safe...

So I placed a preorder for BF4 back in August for Xbox One and just got an email from Amazon saying my payment has been declined, which is my Visa. At first I had no idea why it would be declined as I just bought a PS4 on that card and it has no other charges on there, but I just realized that maybe it was the $3 in Amazon rewards sitting on that order and I only have about $1 in Amazon rewards on my account. Could this be why it was declined? I know it could be various reasons, but this is the only logical explanation I can think of.

Gets me a little worried about my Day One that is supposed to arrive on Friday! Should I pay that off with gift cards, I have about a balance of $250 left on that order.
it may be a good idea to call your cc company and warn them of the upcoming charge too

Alright, I'm as guilty as the rest for the late night way off-topic discussion, but I think we need to cool it a bit. We're veering WAY off course now ;).
Haha, I'm getting caught up and can't believe what I'm reading. Neo I give u props for being open and putting yourself out there, thats for sure.

I believe IGN will be putting out reviews in a little over half an hour. Can't wait to see what the games are going to get.

Come on Friday, its game time!!!
My PS4 is out for delivery and reading all the issues the PS4 is having with both the hardware and software is making me look forward to the X1 and Forza 5.

Decent enough.. can't wait to play this Friday..

Dissapointing about crimson dragon though.. Just hoping DR3 scores good..
Yeah, I was planning to get Crimson Dragon, but I think I'll skip it for now. LocoCycle review was a little disappointing, too. I may still get that, though. The flaws they mention don't sound like they'd bother me as much as the negatives they listed for CD.

Kotaku review for DR3 is up -

The reviewer seems to go on about how much he loves the game, but then finds a few things to rag on. Still gave it a 'Yes' and I'd say the review was very positive overall. Pretty excited to get it on Friday

For KI - Does the game really not have any type of story mode? I can't play fighting games online to save my life, so I'll probably skip it.

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Kotaku review for DR3 is up -

The reviewer seems to go on about how much he loves the game, but then finds a few things to rag on. Still gave it a 'Yes' and I'd say the review was very positive overall. Pretty excited to get it on Friday

For KI - Does the game really not have any type of story mode? I can't play fighting games online to save my life, so I'll probably skip it.
No story mode at launch.. supposedly it will expand but I don't know if that means a story mode will come in eventually. Either way buying it at launch! !

And yea .. can't wait for DR3!!

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Destructiod gave dead rising 3 a 9/10. Review is pretty good and sound like what I expected, some annoying bits, but fun!  Killer instinct dojo mode looks perfect.  Seriously I love fighters but have always been mediocre at them, and the training modes look like it will truly assist people in learning fighters.  I hope they continue to add to the game, dlc.  

I expect loco cycle and crimson to be meh.  I am mildly interested in the power golf.  I have to pick something out for my daughter, but what?!  Nothing screams kiddie title at launch for the Xbox one. I guess lego marvel.

I am a bit nervous about the console too, but only because my ps4 is getting exchanged since it had issues out of the box.

Very pleased with the Dead Rising 3 reviews.  Seems to be averaging an 8/10.  Destructoid gave it a 9 and Game Informer gave it an 8.75  So pumped for Friday!

Also, Powerstar Golf seems to be doing well too.

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Very pleased with the Dead Rising 3 reviews. Seems to be averaging an 8/10. Destructoid gave it a 9 and Game Informer gave it an 8.75 So pumped for Friday!

Also, Powerstar Golf seems to be doing well too.
I can't wait for DR3, either. So glad to see it getting good reviews. It's the only game I pre-ordered along with my XB1, so I was going to play it either way. It looked very promising in all the previews, sounds like it's going to live up to the hype.

I'm not sure if I ever even heard of Powerstar Golf before today. I mean, I must have, but it definitely wasn't on my personal radar. Sounds and looks like fun, though. I'm thinking about getting it.

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For KI - Does the game really not have any type of story mode? I can't play fighting games online to save my life, so I'll probably skip it.
It will not have arcade/story mode at launch. Dojo mode should be able to teach you enough of the basics to make online more fun. The best way to get better at fighting games is to practice, even if that means getting your ass kicked a million times. I recommend practicing with friends.
Here's a quote from one of the writers named Dale on Destructoid on Forza 5:

"All Forza Motorsport 5 coverage is embargoed until later this week. I wish I could tell you how great it is. I wish I could tell you that it's probably my favorite next-gen launch game. Oh! Oops!"

This got me pumped!

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I was going to get it anyway but I'm glad to see DR3 getting some good press. Looks like my 3 retail games will be DR3, BF4 and Forza 5. If Ryse doesn't totally tank in the reviews I might grab that too. Also getting Killer Instinct and maybe Crimson Dragon with the MS points I have stockpiled from last Black Friday. I think I'm more excited about the One launch than the PS4. Dead Rising 3 and Killer Instinct are 2 games I have been looking forward to for a while.

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This review of DR3 didn't make it sound amazing, it sounds like an ok game...

Bugs abound in Dead Rising 3. Survivors get stuck on objects. I had multiple game crashes and even discovered a repeatable glitch on the final boss battle in Overtime mode, where skipping the pre-fight cutscene would cause both Nick and the boss to fall through the game world. I would respawn back into the battle, while the boss would disappear entirely. The only way to fix this was to reload the checkpoint and sit through the cutscene again. On top of all this, the frame rate takes a substantial hit during the more zombie-packed segments – and even during some cutscenes.

They gave it 3 and 1/2 stars... other than that, they tanked lococycle and KI got 3 stars... right now it looks like neither system has the killer game, just average.

Pretty much 7 average for DR3, Ki 6-7, Lococycle bombed, and crimson dragon bombed.  Zoo tycoon average... meh both launch lineups seem similar.  I am sure Forza will score well, and may be the best title for XBOXone, but a racing game won't sell a system.  If Ryse bombs it will be bad...

Can't wait for spring when both systems actually get some AAA games!

General reviews of DR3 seems to be its a fun game but has its issues ie bugs etc.
What doyou expect with a launch title... DR4 though will be killer... this is just the beginning for the developers. It is funny to think that NBA2k14 might be the highest standard for next gen, never thought a sports game would do that...

What doyou expect with a launch title... DR4 though will be killer... this is just the beginning for the developers. It is funny to think that NBA2k14 might be the highest standard for next gen, never thought a sports game would do that...
NBA 2K14 is amazing. That said, I would be shocked if Forza 5 is not the best launch game from either console.

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Here's a quote from one of the writers named Dale on Destructoid on Forza 5:

"All Forza Motorsport 5 coverage is embargoed until later this week. I wish I could tell you how great it is. I wish I could tell you that it's probably my favorite next-gen launch game. Oh! Oops!"

This got me pumped!

This is awesome! I can't wait to play!

Very excited after reading a couple dr3 reviews. Exactly what I was hoping for. Didn't expect it to be a beauty and I figured there would he small technical issues. Pleased with KI reviews as well. Friday is looking sweet!!!
NBA 2K14 is amazing. That said, I would be shocked if Forza 5 is not the best launch game on both consoles.
No, definitely, it has always been known for its visuals... I just don't see either selling next gen consoles. You need the main AAA titles to succeed. PS4 tried to do that with Killzone, although it is a pretty good game it is similar to DR3, average. Honestly Ryse would have been the game to tip the scales to Microsoft early, but things aren't sounding good for that.

Very excited after reading a couple dr3 reviews. Exactly what I was hoping for. Didn't expect it to be a beauty and I figured there would he small technical issues. Pleased with KI reviews as well. Friday is looking sweet!!!
I did not like the KI reviews...I didn't realize it didn't even have story mode or arcade mode. I mean it really is meant for people who are hardcore fighting fans and thats not me. I'll stick with injustice.

I am almost convinced I am going to get an Xbox One over a PS4. I really am interested in the launch titles for the One. Two days ago I was searching for a PS4 but after some research, I think I might camp out early Friday morning or Thursday night and get the One. Funny how things change.
This might be a dumb question, but is BF4 worth considering for the SP campaign only?  I haven't heard anything about how long or how good it is.  I tend to stay away from online MP shooters, due to excessive blowfulness at them on my part, but the eye candy ads have me interested in spite of myself.

I did not like the KI reviews...I didn't realize it didn't even have story mode or arcade mode. I mean it really is meant for people who are hardcore fighting fans and thats not me. I'll stick with injustice.
THe reviews I have read are positive. Is it the lack of a story mode that gives you the feeling it is not for you? In terms of accessibility it appears great with the dojo mode and as ign put it, the best training mode for fighters ever. That alone makes is great for mediocre fighting gamers, me. Plus I have fond memories of KI, but not everything is for everyone. KI won't be for everyone obviously.

THe reviews I have read are positive. Is it the lack of a story mode that gives you the feeling it is not for you? In terms of accessibility it appears great with the dojo mode and as ign put it, the best training mode for fighters ever. That alone makes is great for mediocre fighting gamers, me. Plus I have fond memories of KI, but not everything is for everyone. KI won't be for everyone obviously.
I just listed every review, they are ok... so far no game for either platform has really hit the good category. 8.5-10 are what I consider good. 6-8 are ok, and anything below is a possible skip unless I really want to try myself. Like I said there really has yet to be a single game for either console to average 8.5-10. Ki is a 7-8, it's ok, that is all I was talking about. If the developer put out a complete game at launch, ki would have killed.

No, definitely, it has always been known for its visuals... I just don't see either selling next gen consoles. You need the main AAA titles to succeed. PS4 tried to do that with Killzone, although it is a pretty good game it is similar to DR3, average. Honestly Ryse would have been the game to tip the scales to Microsoft early, but things aren't sounding good for that.
Agreed, Killzone is visually stunning but gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. So far my favorite launch game is NBA 2k14. I wish I had more time to play it.

The DR3 issues seem minor to me. How much all of the reviews rant and rave of how fun it is, they rarely say that the technical issues actually detracted from the game, but rather simply existed.

Also to note of the DR3 reviews is that they seem to focus more on the lack of visuals rather than the fact that no other game has ever had that many individual enemies on screen at once all of which are fully interactable and largely unique. That fact is what I am most looking forward to.

With all of the current reviews though I expected Crimson Dragon to do poorly due to all of the past coverage on it, plus very rarely does an on the rails shooter score that great in the first place. Lococyle definitely looks funny and I am going to wait for a sale in that to pick it up for its laughs.

Killer Instinct is scoring great as I would expect especially after playing it.

Powerstar Golf does seem pretty fun as well, though I did not catch as to whether or not it has couch co-op?

Ryse is still a mystery. I have a feeling it will do poorly but I am really rooting for it haha. If it completely flops like Knack then I will wait for a sale, though even if it seems decent enough I will scoop it up.

Finally my biggest decision will be Forza or NFS....

Hooray Xbox One! : P

Agreed, Killzone is visually stunning but gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. So far my favorite launch game is NBA 2k14. I wish I had more time to play it.
Which is honestly sad... the best launch title for both systems is a sports game that can be had on both systems..

This might be a dumb question, but is BF4 worth considering for the SP campaign only? I haven't heard anything about how long or how good it is. I tend to stay away from online MP shooters, due to excessive blowfulness at them on my part, but the eye candy ads have me interested in spite of myself.
I've heard its pretty bad.... super short as well.. That being said. i picked it up anyways because I got the 360 version super cheap from Walmart and then just paid $5 for upgrade to XB1.

I wouldn't say KI is scoring great
Depends on how you define great.. it seems to be doing just fine and it can only get better right? It admittedly is missing a few bells and whistles at launch but it sounds like any KI or fighting game fan will eat it up.

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I wouldn't say KI is scoring great
The only reason reviews are knocking it is as a whole package in terms of roster and lack of modes.

I personally never care about the other modes or even a robust roster. I usually pick three characters to use total and do nothing but play against others. All the reviews say how spot on and great the combat system is; that is all I really care about.

I wouldn't say KI is scoring great

The DR3 issues seem minor to me. How much all of the reviews rant and rave of how fun it is, they rarely say that the technical issues actually detracted from the game, but rather simply existed.

Also to note of the DR3 reviews is that they seem to focus more on the lack of visuals rather than the fact that no other game has ever had that many individual enemies on screen at once all of which are fully interactable and largely unique. That fact is what I am most looking forward to.

With all of the current reviews though I expected Crimson Dragon to do poorly due to all of the past coverage on it, plus very rarely does an on the rails shooter score that great in the first place. Lococyle definitely looks funny and I am going to wait for a sale in that to pick it up for its laughs.

Killer Instinct is scoring great as I would expect especially after playing it.

Powerstar Golf does seem pretty fun as well, though I did not catch as to whether or not it has couch co-op?

Ryse is still a mystery. I have a feeling it will do poorly but I am really rooting for it haha. If it completely flops like Knack then I will wait for a sale, though even if it seems decent enough I will scoop it up.

Finally my biggest decision will be Forza or NFS....

Hooray Xbox One! : P
Like I said the games are scoring meh... they can still be fun and score average... simply saying there is no game for either system that is a must buy. I thought maybe Forza would be but from even your comments you are considering NFS. The best games at launch are available for both systems and that is not good, I wish each system had at least one must have title that blew away expectations, but alas neither does. So both owners can play there games, enjoy them, and really neither is a winner at launch,

bread's done