Xbox One Console Thread (Console is currently in stock as of 12/3 at Amazon)

Best Buy has updated LEGO Marvel Super Heroes to have a release date of 11/22; for whatever reason it had been set as 12/10 for about the last week.

However, it doesn't seem to be one of the games eligible for the 3/$25 promotion:
There are several games that still do not have the 3/$25 promo listed however the actual promo does say all Xbox one games. The same thing happened with the PS4 games. Later in the week all launch Ps4 games did show the promo. im Guessing they will eventually update the X1 games as well.
Yeah, I'm aware that it was delayed and then un-delayed. Best Buy's product page just didn't reflect the update until today whereas Gamestop and Amazon immediately changed the release day to 11/22 when the story broke. I was hoping to get this LEGO game along with AC4 and Ryse as part of the 3/$25, but that didn't happen. I guess LEGO is going on the Christmas list!

And I just received notice that Ryse has shipped from Best Buy!

Besides the whole resolution thing (Dead Rising at an upscaled 720p..) is there any negativity surrounding the Xbox One? Prior to PS4s release there was the talk of broken consoles an buggy updates.. haven't heard the same for Xbox.

Just curious as I'll be shocked if Xbox launch is flawless..

Not a fan boy post as I'm getting the Xbox instead of a ps4 :p
Besides the whole resolution thing (Dead Rising at an upscaled 720p..) is there any negativity surrounding the Xbox One? Prior to PS4s release there was the talk of broken consoles an buggy updates.. haven't heard the same for Xbox.

Just curious as I'll be shocked if Xbox launch is flawless..

Not a fan boy post as I'm getting the Xbox instead of a ps4 :p

As of right resolution is the only thing I keep on hearing.
There are several games that still do not have the 3/$25 promo listed however the actual promo does say all Xbox one games. The same thing happened with the PS4 games. Later in the week all launch Ps4 games did show the promo. im Guessing they will eventually update the X1 games as well.
Yeah, it's very strange because as you said, when you log into MyBestBuy and look at the offer details, it definitely says "1250 Bonus Points on All Xbox One Games". The small print does say to check for the eligible titles.

But when you look at the offer page on Best Buy's main site, it says "Select Xbox One Titles...choose 3 titles from the games below".

My guess is that the promo was created when Best Buy figured LEGO had a street date beyond 11/23, which is when this promo ends.

As usual, clear as mud, Best Buy. :whee:

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As of right resolution is the only thing I keep on hearing.
The onyl thing I have heard is the resolution issue and also now reports that the Kinects Voice recognition isn't as seamless as has been made out, not a big deal you just have to repeat yourself a few times. like any voice recgnition software

Besides the whole resolution thing (Dead Rising at an upscaled 720p..) is there any negativity surrounding the Xbox One? Prior to PS4s release there was the talk of broken consoles an buggy updates.. haven't heard the same for Xbox.
Right now an issue I am iffy with is the Kinect voice feature not working great without a patch later down the line. I have heard at an MS set up for the One even in ideal condition's the MS reps had to repeat things just a bit to often. Voice command is a tough thing to get prefect, so i don't expect perfection but i expect 90%. Now with the day one update, this might be fixed but its too early to tell.

This is not a bug just an issue but i don't like is the video recording and sharing is right now locked to One users, so that you won't be able to upload videos to youtube or any other video sharing sites yet, but will most likely be available in the very near feature.

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Besides the whole resolution thing (Dead Rising at an upscaled 720p..) is there any negativity surrounding the Xbox One? Prior to PS4s release there was the talk of broken consoles an buggy updates.. haven't heard the same for Xbox.

Just curious as I'll be shocked if Xbox launch is flawless..

Not a fan boy post as I'm getting the Xbox instead of a ps4 :p
The earlier policies, the price point, some rumors of hardware issues, but I have a feeling it'll be the better bet(at least for the first year)I'm watching the Giant Bomb Killer Instinct quick look right now and I'm wanting the system badly, I hope my Walmart has some extra on 11/22, day one or vanilla.

Yea.. just talking to the average joes around here... mostly the resolution/performance and price are the negatives. 

That and I guess launching second will have them fighting an uphill fight. Hopefully releasing early in UK works out for them.

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But like someone stated, the Xbox didn't run a play before release promotion, so there aren't a lot of Xbox ones in the open for there to be any problems.  And some reviewers are still using debug models and won't get retail till maybe Wednsday?

Take this to another area then. There are some out there that are legit trying to find a pre-order and every bump ruins their hopes.

Not trying to be a douchy douche but there are proper places for that convo
People are trying to find pre-orders still? It's a little late in the game for that.

I think i am going to have:

Ghosts (Kinda stuck with this one but I wanted it anyway since I opened it to do disk comparisons lol)

NFS: Rivals (Solid reviews, not really a sim kind of racer I'd rather just be a popo and ruin some kids day)

Deadrising 3 (Its Deadrising...solid reviews and a good co op game to play with a few buddies who are also getting the console Day 1)

Ryse (I am so on the fence with this one)

My free Xbox One (from the MS promotion a while back) shipped yesterday night via Next Day Air.

Get hype, sons and daughters.
What promotion was that?

Need for Speed Rivals got pushed back to a 11/22 release on Gamefly when it was originally scheduled to ship today with NBA 2K14. This has screwed up my plans and now I might have to redo my order for either Dead Rising 3 or Rivals on Amazon now.

This is not a bug just an issue but i don't like is the video recording and sharing is right now locked to One users, so that you won't be able to upload videos to youtube or any other video sharing sites yet, but will most likely be available in the very near feature.
You can, however, upload your clips to Skydrive and then from there share them wherever you please.

I think i am going to have:

Ghosts (Kinda stuck with this one but I wanted it anyway since I opened it to do disk comparisons lol)

NFS: Rivals (Solid reviews, not really a sim kind of racer I'd rather just be a popo and ruin some kids day)

Deadrising 3 (Its Deadrising...solid reviews and a good co op game to play with a few buddies who are also getting the console Day 1)

Ryse (I am so on the fence with this one)
There's probably a reason that Ryse has it's review embargoed until the day before the XB1 is released. As much faith as I want to have in the game, it's hard to believe it's going to be any good. I'm guessing it'll average a 6/7 at best. It likely will be a game worth waiting on.

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BTW, Xbox One will have a Halo presence by the end of the year.  Halo: Spartan Assault is coming to it in December.  I bought it on day one for Windows 8 back in July I think it was, but I only ended up playing 3 or 4 levels.  It was awesome though, but it just fell through the cracks for me.  I'm really looking forward to playing it with a controller and surround sound and big TV and then going back through it on the ultrabook (probably while using my Xbox One controller most of the time).

It had a cool star ranking system that made its replay value seem fairly good.  I didn't care for the overt attempts to get me to pay more money to get a sniper rifle in missions and stuff, since the game was $7.50 to begin with, and I'm curious if the Xbox 360 and Xbox One versions will be like that or if it'll cost $10 and have the microtransactions more minimal as a result.  For a game like this that I know I'd be into, I'd rather pay more for it at first than be nickle and dime'd infinitely if I want to use everything the game has to offer over and over.

There's probably a reason that Ryse has it's review embargoed until the day before the XB1 is released. As much faith as I want to have in the game, it's hard to believe it's going to be any good. I'm guessing it'll average a 6/7 at best. It likely will be a game worth waiting on.
Forza embargo isn't up until Thursday either, so it's not like they're just waiting until the last minute for all the crappy guys or anything.

What promotion was that?

Need for Speed Rivals got pushed back to a 11/22 release on Gamefly when it was originally scheduled to ship today with NBA 2K14. This has screwed up my plans and now I might have to redo my order for either Dead Rising 3 or Rivals on Amazon now.
Yea GF screwed my plans a bit this month when it comes with release dates and such...

I'm kind of upset with them the last few days. I made a stink with them about them not letting me upgrade my account to the 4 game out membership. I find it ridiculous that they are not allowing me to upgrade since that is more money for them.

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There's probably a reason that Ryse has it's review embargoed until the day before the XB1 is released. As much faith as I want to have in the game, it's hard to believe it's going to be any good. I'm guessing it'll average a 6/7 at best. It likely will be a game worth waiting on.
Safe to say Ryse and Knack are the crappiest launch One/PS4 games?

The only realistic hope I had for the Xbox One launch and a Halo would've to have an outsourced Halo 2 remake come out, since trying to release it actually on its 10-year anniversary would have conflicted with Halo 5.  It would be huge if they included the Halo 2 campaign remake (and by remake I mean touch-up) on the Halo 5 disc though.  That would bring back a lot of people and is something they should be seriously considering doing.  Halo 2 MP wouldn't be there, but they could include a bunch of Halo 2 maps along with new Halo 5 maps and that is exactly what they need to do if they want to gain back the ground they lost over the last few years.  Halo: Anniversary was mostly done by Saber (who made TimeShift) and Certain Affinity (who made the last two Halo 2 DLC maps, some maps for Halo 3, and most of the later, great, Halo 4 DLC maps) and unless 343 Industries has them helping with Halo 5 development I would hope they have them working on a Halo 2 Anniversary.  Halo 2 has always suffered a weird graphical glitch problem on the Xbox 360 and it is the only Halo left that feels old now so I think it deserves to be beautified like the first Halo.

I believe the successor to Fire Thief has finally emerged ... this day has been long foretold by the CAG elders .. via many nights of hand motion dreams ..
Thankfully the Dead Rising 3 Day One Edition is still up for pre-order on Amazon.  It's been repurchased by me.  I need to return a recently purchased warming cat bed that I bought for $40 from Amazon anyway cause none of my three cats are using it.  Not surprising since they've never cared for cat beds, but I thought Oreo might like it cause the warming function helps with joints and stuff and it seemed like he's been cold lately and is always trying to get really close and snuggle.  So all that kinda makes DR3 cost $20 with my sick logic. :D

Game Library Alerts

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
You Purchased NBA Inside Drive 2002 ().

Picked up my copies of Battlefield 4 and Assassins Creed at gamestop. When I look at my powerup rewards account I see this......LOL

If Microsoft and Epic had only held Gears of War: Judgment for the Xbox One. While I'd figure they had no idea next generation was impending, maybe, the extra development time might have actually allowed the game to have a better online. But just the idea of having such a well known and successful franchise at the beginning of the next generation would have been such a system seller. Imagine how well it would have sold because of how well Gears of War 3 sold. Now, with Judgment being the last sold and remembered game, they may have to win back so many people with another entry...if they even do it.

I'm hopeful that Live will be smooth immediately. I didn't buy a PS4, but have played Battlefield 1943 on the PS3 the last few nights and haven't had any issues on PSN. I know it's different systems, but I was expecting problems since they share a network. I'm hopeful that if any Live issues occur on the One it will not impact the 360 players. With all of the talk of the Azure cloud setup and purchasing of server areas, I'm optomistic of it having little issue. I just feel like the Xbox Division needs as much positive press as they can receive at this moment, as it seems like every mistake they have had is promptly pounced on (though for good reason, usually).

I'm still baffled as to how they didn't work out any deal with retailers to have a similar Buy Two Get One Free promotion, like Sony had with the PS4. You entice people to buy more software (which might include games they had no intention of buying, but will gladly take for free) for a discount, which makes them happy, and you get to boast about the high sales figures of your games. Seriously, it's worth taking the initial profit hit in order to have strong statements about the success of your console. Saying we've sold more games in half a year than either competitor is much better than saying we've kept prices high and have sold a lot less!
It may just speak more to the confidence MS has with regards to the North American market. They specifically added FIFA to the UK preorders since they are behind in that market and did nothing else anywhere. Over here, they already have a strong presence in branding alone that it's debatable that they would need to offer any retailer incentives in the first place. With the PS4's launch lineup not being as strong as the XBone's, it makes more sense for a B2G1 to be promoted for the PS4 instead. Although the $100 price difference and free game is a pretty significant offering in my book that I'll give the edge to Sony at the moment. In case you didn't notice, TRU is offering a fairly competitive deal to Target's offer last week: $50 gift card with a purchase of any 3 Xbone/360 games. Not as good as a free $60 value, but comparable (cash flow considerations aside).
Complaining about me, others, and then the Xbox One. What a great post and contribution to the thread.
Uh, who are you? Ebbtide's a pretty valued member on this board. Especially in the Xbox sub-forums. He's always generous enough to play with other cags here to help get their achievements which a lot of the regs here really respect. So his posts are going to hold a little more weight than some others on here. He never went over the top. His point was pretty fair.
A bit of bad news - twitch support is being delayed to early 2014.
Where was that announced? That's a huge bummer, I was looking forward to doing a decent amount of Zoo Tycoon streaming. Guess I'll definitely have to buy that camera for the PS4 now since my mic for that one doesn't work. Bummer, really wanted to get some streaming going on the smaller Xbox One games.

There's probably a reason that Ryse has it's review embargoed until the day before the XB1 is released. As much faith as I want to have in the game, it's hard to believe it's going to be any good. I'm guessing it'll average a 6/7 at best. It likely will be a game worth waiting on.
I do not understand this logic at all.

While I agree that I am on the fence about it, I must say it still looks pretty damn amazing. Gamespot's latest gameplay showed them thoroughly enjoying it.

Either way, the embargo is still up BEFORE the Xbox One comes out. I have said this before in this thread, if it were on say, Saturday, then I would be quite worried. Reviews go up around 9am on Thursday and so everyone would be well aware of its score by the time they go to pick up their console at midnight. The embargo date has nothing to do with its likelihood of scoring high or low.

Where was that announced? That's a huge bummer, I was looking forward to doing a decent amount of Zoo Tycoon streaming. Guess I'll definitely have to buy that camera for the PS4 now since my mic for that one doesn't work. Bummer, really wanted to get some streaming going on the smaller Xbox One games.
Here is the article about it...

I'm sorry but these watching achievements are just plain dumb!!! Maybe we will see consoles fail when they are left on 24 hours during a day to watch twitch....

It also features 10 achievements for those who really love to Twitch, including one for watching 100 hours of live Twitch video, and another for tuning in to live video for at least one minute in every hour of a complete day. We'd say you'd need to be pretty dedicated to grab that second one, but surely you just need to be prepared to binge game and Snap - or leave the Xbox One on. Maybe we're missing the point here.

I do not understand this logic at all.

While I agree that I am on the fence about it, I must say it still looks pretty damn amazing. Gamespot's latest gameplay showed them thoroughly enjoying it.

Either way, the embargo is still up BEFORE the Xbox One comes out. I have said this before in this thread, if it were on say, Saturday, then I would be quite worried. Reviews go up around 9am on Thursday and so everyone would be well aware of its score by the time they go to pick up their console at midnight. The embargo date has nothing to do with its likelihood of scoring high or low.
Again, I'm hoping to see this game succeed. GameInformer played a demo and said it was "as fun as dialing phone numbers". As pretty as it may seem, the gameplay/story have me worried.

Don't mind me though, I'm just being pessimistic.

I do not understand this logic at all.

While I agree that I am on the fence about it, I must say it still looks pretty damn amazing. Gamespot's latest gameplay showed them thoroughly enjoying it.

Either way, the embargo is still up BEFORE the Xbox One comes out. I have said this before in this thread, if it were on say, Saturday, then I would be quite worried. Reviews go up around 9am on Thursday and so everyone would be well aware of its score by the time they go to pick up their console at midnight. The embargo date has nothing to do with its likelihood of scoring high or low.
Anyone who orders it online would of already had it shipped by the time reviews for this game come out. If you are confident in your game there would be no reason to have an embargo at all. If its good you want people to know its good. I am like nJoy on this one, the fact that they wait so long to let people talk about it is worrisome. With that said, Its the only game I have preordered and I am just hoping that it is fun enough to hold me over until they decide to release Peggle 2.

I do not understand this logic at all.

While I agree that I am on the fence about it, I must say it still looks pretty damn amazing. Gamespot's latest gameplay showed them thoroughly enjoying it.

Either way, the embargo is still up BEFORE the Xbox One comes out. I have said this before in this thread, if it were on say, Saturday, then I would be quite worried. Reviews go up around 9am on Thursday and so everyone would be well aware of its score by the time they go to pick up their console at midnight. The embargo date has nothing to do with its likelihood of scoring high or low.
It's not just that logic, it is the countless previews that people have put out in the last couple of weeks... The game is beautiful, but the game is short repetetive, and can get boring rather quickly...

Half the game was completed in 90 minutes...


watching the same cutscene for every kill no matter what!

Heck this guy says the game is great, but worries about it getting old quick and he posted it to XBOX

This game will be similar to what Killzone is for the PS4, a beautiful game that acts as more of a tech/visual demo for next gen, but gets old and boring quick...

I do not understand this logic at all.

While I agree that I am on the fence about it, I must say it still looks pretty damn amazing. Gamespot's latest gameplay showed them thoroughly enjoying it.

Either way, the embargo is still up BEFORE the Xbox One comes out. I have said this before in this thread, if it were on say, Saturday, then I would be quite worried. Reviews go up around 9am on Thursday and so everyone would be well aware of its score by the time they go to pick up their console at midnight. The embargo date has nothing to do with its likelihood of scoring high or low.
sites like ign & gamespot had positive previews on knack, but gave it meh reviews when it launched. ryse has mediorce scores written all over it just from a gameplay standpoint. lesson here is buy what you want and dont worry what reviews say. all the doubt surrounding ryse from gamers doesnt help either.

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Yeah, Ryse has never looked good to me. Much like Knack, it feels like a tech demo rather than a solid game.

Really looking forward to Dead Rising 3 though! It's getting about the same amount of critical praise as Dead Rising 2, which I loved. The rest of the launch titles look unimpressive (to me anyway).

bread's done