Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

[quote name="RiPPn" post="11821474" timestamp="1402129700"]Anyone can make software for Windows and Microsoft doesn't have to know about it and they receive no royalties for it as it's an open platform. That's why with windows 8 they are pushing the new closed side of Windows, the Apps and App store because they get a cut of all software sold through it. Also I think the point Deader was trying to make is the more games on Windows the less reason for people to buy an Xbox One, which is the entire point of an exclusive, to get you to buy the platform the software is exclusive too.

Their sudden push for PC gaming is actually weird as it would appear they gain almost nothing financially from it as they get no royalties and they can't push Xbox Live service on it either and it takes sales away from a product that offers them these financial benefits. I almost think this sudden surge is to prevent people from thinking about Steam Machines and moving to Linux as their operating system especially if they use their PC primarily for gaming.[/quote]
Monitization doesn't just come from receiving a portion of those sales, though I agree their windows marketplace is an attempt to receive a portion of that. They also want to create value in Windows. That comes from adding everything including productivity apps, such as Office, to encouraging game development on their platform. This increases Windows sales. More PCs come bundled with it because that is what is in demand for numerous reasons. Since this is what people are used to at home it also increases the desire to use the same OS at work. Which in turn creates more sales for Microsoft software. Then if you are in the workplace you have the opportunity to sell server software.
Xbox One controller works great on Windows 8. I was playing Halo 2 multiplayer, damn that brings back so many great times. If this anniversary edition is true, it better have a MP system that is vey similar to Halo 2.

The Halo Collection, rumored right around the same time they had judging panels for E3, it's a very strong possibility. They also said last E3 that the Journey starts this year, so that, and then up to Halo 5: Guardians for 2015.
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Hard to believe E3 is so close I can't wait to see everything that gets announced from both parties. Seems like things have been very quiet on both fronts while third party publishers have been announcing (And delaying) a ton of games. I'm interested to see what Sony and Microsoft have lined up exclusive wise.

As far as I know Sony has Drive Club, and Microsoft has Sunset Overdrive and Forza.

I don't own a PS4 but Project Beasts would be a big system seller if it drops this year.

What have you been smoking, lol there was a deluge of news that came out last week and this week. Friend said well I guess we get racing simulators this year, Drive Club for PS4 and Forza Horizons 2 for Xbox One. There's a lot more than that, many Battlef'nfront! Yeah def excited.
Hard to believe E3 is so close I can't wait to see everything that gets announced from both parties. Seems like things have been very quiet on both fronts while third party publishers have been announcing (And delaying) a ton of games. I'm interested to see what Sony and Microsoft have lined up exclusive wise.

As far as I know Sony has Drive Club, and Microsoft has Sunset Overdrive and Forza.

I don't own a PS4 but Project Beasts would be a big system seller if it drops this year.
I feel like MS will have the better showing, they have all the momentum going in and phil spencer has really had a positive impact. As for Sony, I expect a lot of third party games to be shown at their show but if project beast is an exclusive and releases this year I will be in for that day one. I had no plans on buying a ps4 until much later but Im a huge fan of the souls series.

What have you been smoking, lol there was a deluge of news that came out last week and this week. Friend said well I guess we get racing simulators this year, Drive Club for PS4 and Forza Horizons 2 for Xbox One. There's a lot more than that, many Battlef'nfront! Yeah def excited.
When I said "Real quiet on both fronts" I meant Microsoft and Sony. They haven't really talked about what games we can expect this year aside from Forza being recently announced. It seems like they must have a lot up their sleeves to be showing.

I feel like MS will have the better showing, they have all the momentum going in and phil spencer has really had a positive impact. As for Sony, I expect a lot of third party games to be shown at their show but if project beast is an exclusive and releases this year I will be in for that day one. I had no plans on buying a ps4 until much later but Im a huge fan of the souls series.
Yeah I may have a biased opinion but I expect Microsoft to do better, they're going to have a ton of momentum coming into E3 and a lot to prove and that combination should give great results. I also think Microsoft has a ton of IP's we haven't seen that could be announced, and they may continue their trait of getting some timed third-party exclusives.

Sony wise I can't think of what games they're going to be launching since Media Molecure is going to E3, Uncharted 4 won't drop until next year, and The Order won't drop until next year. My guess is they'll show a lot of Third-Party games, Indie Games, Drive Club, and their "Big" announcements will be Project Beasts and The Last Guardian. They may also show a new God of War.

I love multiplayer co-op especially if it a different campaign than the single player much like how Far Cry 3 did it, so I welcome that in Sunset Overdrive.  Can't wait for Monday, less than 36 hours away!

Not at all. I only got to play H2 online on the 360 for like 20 matches and on the PC when the community was still decent. Did play a massive amount of system link with my friends and those were the best times. Just give me the H2 maps with some of Halo 1, 3 and 4's maps sprinkled in and I would be set till Halo 5.

Is it bad that I'd jump in and buy an XB1 because of this?
It's funny. I'm a Xbox diehard at this point and hate Halo. Probably just cause I'm not any good and even though I owned Halo 2,3,4 and Reach I never played one minute of campaign. I just can't get into it.
That's funny, Vega, because I'm the opposite. I'm a pretty big Halo fan an the only time I've played the MP is in the Reach beta. I'll buy any halo rerelease they put out.
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Not at all. I only got to play H2 online on the 360 for like 20 matches and on the PC when the community was still decent. Did play a massive amount of system link with my friends and those were the best times. Just give me the H2 maps with some of Halo 1, 3 and 4's maps sprinkled in and I would be set till Halo 5.
System link, those were the days. Oh man LAN parties and soda hahaha.
System link, those were the days. Oh man LAN parties and soda hahaha.
That was first period of my Sophomore year of highschool. My friends and I all got in to a cakewalk of a programming class that year. Programming assignments were easy as hell, but we were given all period (~50 minutes) to get it done and it usually took about 5-10 minutes to complete. The rest of the time was spent playing Doom 2 and Descent over the network (This was 1995, so the options were limited - Don't judge! :lol:)

The only multiplayer I've played in Halo was the co-op campaign.  I hate PvP in shooters it is just so tedious and boring to me.  With that said, I've never really thought the story in Halo was as robust and rich as people seem to make it out to be.  Maybe I missed a book or tv series, but the story in the games seems pretty thin imo.  Hell the only reason I even played Halo 4 was to get the achievements for the American Express deal.. that was such an incredible deal and really made achievements worth something.  $25 free for completing the game and $50 off $100 at best buy for getting another and I did it all with a rent 1 night get 1 night free redbox rental.  Incredible deal.

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Not at all. I only got to play H2 online on the 360 for like 20 matches and on the PC when the community was still decent. Did play a massive amount of system link with my friends and those were the best times. Just give me the H2 maps with some of Halo 1, 3 and 4's maps sprinkled in and I would be set till Halo 5.
Similar situation here, I bought H2 on the PC just to play online again after they shut down the original XBL servers. Is it possible for a game dev to somehow lace an electronic piece of material with crack? I'm seemingly convinced that it's possible.
went to trade some stuff into gamestop today. The manager im good friends with was there and we talked and he said he was shocked how many pre orders they had for the 399.99 system and they expect decent non pre orders to sell after ms press conf tommow.

if only ms went with the 399.99/499.99 from the start at least it's a option now.

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It's odd that a $399 system that offers less is getting demand, meanwhile the same system with kinect, 2 games and a year of live for the same price with one of those games hyped beyond anything we've ever seen generated very little interest.  Seems one of 2 things, GameStop is exaggerating the interest levels in hope to create hype and sales or not enough people were aware of the sales in March.  I think the latter is less likely since if anyone had even the slightest interest in the Xbox One they new about the sales in March.  Who knows I guess NPD for June will tell the true story.

It's odd that a $399 system that offers less is getting demand, meanwhile the same system with kinect, 2 games and a year of live for the same price with one of those games hyped beyond anything we've ever seen generated very little interest. Seems one of 2 things, GameStop is exaggerating the interest levels in hope to create hype and sales or not enough people were aware of the sales in March. I think the latter is less likely since if anyone had even the slightest interest in the Xbox One they new about the sales in March. Who knows I guess NPD for June will tell the true story.
you know tommow ms will say something big about price drop. Strange reason ms systems that are announced at e3 have done pretty good with early sales which was the case with 360 slim.

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I think the general population is just dumb honestly. $399 registers and $499 with all the other stuff doesn't seem like as good a deal.
Ehh I'd say that's about normal consumer behavior around E3 and all.
I think the Halo games have exceptional storylines, it's like the LotR, they had to make up a fictional world, language and hieroical structure for an alien race and it's quite impressive to come up with that from a blank slate followed by enjoyable gameplay to mesh into that PB&J sandwich. I've played campaign co-op with my roommates on Legendary with the Halo games, many fond memories there. Halo is what made Xbox, I belive Phil Spencer knows this so I'm gonna guess we'll have a surplus of Halo at this year's E3.
I think the general population is just dumb honestly. $399 registers and $499 with all the other stuff doesn't seem like as good a deal.
that is very true. At this point those are the people that still not buying next gen systems. Plus if you don't like games like titanfall and forza it's not that great of deal. Don't forget xbox now no longer has paywall for apps which was not the case in march.

Removing apps from behind the paywall is nice and will be a plus to some people.  But the free games actually got me to subscribe to gold again, for the last several years I have been finding the $1 for a month and 2$ for 2 month deals but then letting it lapse, but now that games with gold is like ps+ I broke down and actually used a 12 month gold card I had lying around that I got for $30 some time ago.  Really enjoying Max, what a neat platformer, Spartan Assault on the other hand is pretty meh and has microtransactions.. Microsoft really went all in on microtransactions in games on the Xbox One didn't they?

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You don't have to use them at all in Spartan Assault. They are there to make things easier or you can grind for XP and use that XP to purchase weapons or armor upgrades.

[quote name="RiPPn" post="11824684" timestamp="1402266445"]It's odd that a $399 system that offers less is getting demand, meanwhile the same system with kinect, 2 games and a year of live for the same price with one of those games hyped beyond anything we've ever seen generated very little interest. Seems one of 2 things, GameStop is exaggerating the interest levels in hope to create hype and sales or not enough people were aware of the sales in March. I think the latter is less likely since if anyone had even the slightest interest in the Xbox One they new about the sales in March. Who knows I guess NPD for June will tell the true story.[/quote] A sale at Target doesn't get the same headlines as a new $400 SKU. My cousin had an interest in an Xbox One and had no idea about the Titanfall bundle sale until I told him.
I think the general population is just dumb honestly. $399 registers and $499 with all the other stuff doesn't seem like as good a deal.
This is very true, I wouldn't be shocked if some casuals think that the X1 still cant play used games SMH

It's odd that a $399 system that offers less is getting demand, meanwhile the same system with kinect, 2 games and a year of live for the same price with one of those games hyped beyond anything we've ever seen generated very little interest. Seems one of 2 things, GameStop is exaggerating the interest levels in hope to create hype and sales or not enough people were aware of the sales in March. I think the latter is less likely since if anyone had even the slightest interest in the Xbox One they new about the sales in March. Who knows I guess NPD for June will tell the true story.
I thought the Titanfall bundle would sell like hot cakes, I was shocked when I saw they came in second that month. Hopefully the new SKU sells well.

Removing apps from behind the paywall is nice and will be a plus to some people. But the free games actually got me to subscribe to gold again, for the last several years I have been finding the $1 for a month and 2$ for 2 month deals but then letting it lapse, but now that games with gold is like ps+ I broke down and actually used a 12 month gold card I had lying around that I got for $30 some time ago. Really enjoying Max, what a neat platformer, Spartan Assault on the other hand is pretty meh and has microtransactions.. Microsoft really went all in on microtransactions in games on the Xbox One didn't they?
You know you're talking about a once was mobile game right. I don't know why you wouldn't have Xbox Live to be host, it's the best part for any Xbox.
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Lol you gotta love the guy dressed in cowboy attire, damn right Red Dead Redemption. One of my all time favorites and I don't even like Westerns.

Major Nelson asked people what their favorite game was over on Google+ and there I said Dune II.
Yeah the fact that $400 would be selling well seems odd to me. Just on value alone if they price Kinect anything over $100 (Which they likely will) then it seems like a better deal getting the $500 system instead, especially since a lot of people seem to just be joining the Kinect hate train without even trying it and they likely won't get the chance with the $400 bundle.

Additionally Walmart has the Forza 5 Bundle with an additional game for $500 so figure $60 MSRP on them both and you already save more with that since people will more than likely be buying some games with their system.

In my area, the gamestops here told me there hasnt been a huge interest. Theres some, but nothing huge for the $399 sku.

Games will move more units. If this Halo 2/Master Chief Collection turns out to be real, that alone will give them a huge spike.

The PC version of Kinect is priced at $200 as announced here, so I'm guessing the stand alone Xbox One version is going to be somewhere close to that, if I had to guess probably $150.

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In my area, the gamestops here told me there hasnt been a huge interest. Theres some, but nothing huge for the $399 sku.

Games will move more units. If this Halo 2/Master Chief Collection turns out to be real, that alone will give them a huge spike.
so you called every gamestop and ask how well xbox one was doing with pre orders?

Going to miss Jack but I'm excited to see what Phil has for us tomorrow.
Jack is going to be there, should be fun seeing him speak from a neutral position even though he will likely still be biased. Going to be a fun day tomorrow no doubt!

Edit: Weird your link was just a blank box until I quoted you, anyway I don't know what to think about this pic of Jack and Phil.


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Here's my predictions for . . . you know, 8 hours or so from now.  For the Microsoft showing . . .:

-Halo Collection is true.  Release date will be announced.

-Sunset Overdrive - Yeah, we know it's there.  They want to show it off more.

-Titanfall - Oh snap, everyone forgot what this is!  Guess what?  Titanfall 2 is in the works, or an addon of a *real* campaign mode that tells pre-quel story?

-GTA 5 - It's coming . . . this holdiay season on next gen.

-Price drop?  Nope.  I am outright saying NO PRICEDROP (unless it's for 360).  That's what I call a negative prediction.  I also predict that we WON'T see an announcement of Team ICO releasing a game on Xbox One.  Because negative predictions are fun and easy! ;)

-The Walking Dead - It's already been confirmed to be coming to next gen consoles . . . but I'm expecting to hear more on that.  Save game transfers to next gen?  Let's do this!

-New Dance Central.  Because they still want people to use Kinect.  NOW DANCE SUCKA! DANCE SUCKA!

-More commitment showings from EA.  There's going to be something "special" with Xbox One and the new showings . . . 

-Some Evolve love.  Because it's sexy.  Let's put that Lissie - Mother song on the big screen!

-Games with Gold - Expect to hear what's coming soon!  Bringing back Summer of Arcade on Xbox One?

-Battlefield trailer for Hardline.  Because that hasn't been shown enough with leaks.  And COD: Modern Warfare.  Because COD.

-Red Dead Redemption 2?  I'm doubting it'll make a showing at Xbox's showing . . . but it might.  Either way, *somewhere* during E3 they're going to mention it.

-Crackdown - It's coming.  We all know it.  Hardly a prediction, because it was already shown on the console as a tile previously.  But it's worth mentioning.

-PSY will make an appearance.  Because why the fuck not?  I've got to throw some crazy predictions out there.  Seriously, if I get this one right . . . well, I'm opening up a psychic shop.  And someone here owes me a drink.

-Live demos featured from the show - available at home for on Xbox One to play immediately!

-Just remembered:  SUDA 51.  Yeah, something's coming . . .

I feel like I'm missing some things that I've thought to myself . . . but hey, I've got 8 hours to predict!  BOOM!

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Here's my predictions for . . . you know, 8 hours or so from now. For the Microsoft showing . . .:

I feel like I'm missing some things that I've thought to myself . . . but hey, I've got 8 hours to predict! BOOM!
Not enough Collections. It seems like most games aren't coming out until 2015, and if those were all shown last year, I would expect new releases to be late 2015-2016. The way to pad those out (and the same way Sony would IMO) would be with bringing games from last gen or so ala TLOU Remastered or Halo Collection.

Would at least expect collections from:

Gears of War



Excited for the press conference. Getting a X1 later this year so it will nice to see some exclusives.

Hoping Sunset Overdrive is as awesome as it looks.

-Price drop? Nope. I am outright saying NO PRICEDROP (unless it's for 360). That's what I call a negative prediction. I also predict that we WON'T see an announcement of Team ICO releasing a game on Xbox One. Because negative predictions are fun and easy! ;)
There's no point in announcing a price drop. Especially with the newest kinect-less console being sold starting today. BUT I do predict we'll see good Black Friday sales.

-New Dance Central. Because they still want people to use Kinect. NOW DANCE SUCKA! DANCE SUCKA!
Never understood why they didn't continue with this series...and just left the market open to Just Dance. I hate Just Dance. Can never tell what those 2 dimensional silhouettes are trying to tell me to do.

-Battlefield trailer for Hardline. Because that hasn't been shown enough with leaks. And COD: Modern Warfare. Because COD.
Well, you're already wrong here. It's CoD: Advanced Warfare. ;)

bread's done