Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Wahoo today's the day and oh yeah Yo Bitch lol:
Xbox One: Aaron Paul:
That was such an awkward video to watch. He wasn't even genuinely interested in Titanfall. You can totally tell. He probably won't even play it again after this "commercial." As least use someone who actually looks like he's enjoying it...

He's too busy banging his hot wife and traveling the world going to music festivals. I doubt he even plays video games.
Do you think Phil Spencer will apologize about the recent events with their policies from E3? We saw Jack Treetop apologize about the security flaw in the PSN.
Well, you're already wrong here. It's CoD: Advanced Warfare. ;)
I'll admit, I slipped up. But I'm sticking with my original intiution. It's the MODERN WARFARE COLLECTION BITCHES! BOOM! HEADSHOT!

EDIT TO ADD: I bought Moonshine. I will, in fact, slam it if my Psy prediction is correct.

. . . just saying, I will become some sort of true divine being if that prediction is right. I'll outright say that I threw it in there as an insane prediction to balance out my tentative predictions that weren't ballsy enough.

Also . . . my original prediction for this included Snoop Dogg. But then I saw he was playing in the UK . . . so yeah. Not going to happen with that part ;)

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I like that the first thing Geoff Keighley asks Phil Spencer is how much of the MS press conference will be games and how much will be about entertainment stuff, and Spencer says "90 minutes of games".  Phil Spencer is the man.  He gets it.

So on the Microsoft E3 Pre-Show Major Nelson announced a new app for achievements that you can snap while playing games. You'll get to see achievements you're close to at the top as well as live tracking of the achievenents' status! Awesome
Sunset Overdrive is looking good. I wasn't feeling it the first few trailers but the charm and humor in this trailer is getting me to like it a little bit more.

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I love all the Fable games, even 3 which most didn't, but Fable Legends looks.. not very good.  But who knows, always looking for good co-op.

Not digging this at all.  Loved the original Fable (which I played for the first time in the HD 360 edition) but Fable 2 soured me on the series.  Never got around to 3.

CoD actually looks like its origressing but one could say theyre heavily influencing the next title from Titanfall, Cry sis and Halo ODST, FORZA 5 Nurburgring ring free DLC, Forza Horizons 2, Sunset overdrive, DRAGON Age, Evolve & Fable Legends looks freakin' awesome!!!

Halo Master Chief Collection confirmed Nov!
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bread's done