Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

And now back to multiplats, starting to get worried, doesn't the show end in 10 mins?

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I'm not going to lie though if I didn't own an Xbox One already Master Chief Collection would be the single game that would make me instantly go out and buy one. I loveeee me some Halo.  :joystick:

Trailers that are nothing but pre rendered cutscenes are always pretty useless in telling you what the final product will be like but Scalebound has peaked my interest at least.

This couldn't have been a surprise for you? Pretty sure they announced that months ago. :)

Platinum Games exclusive IP looks good but I want gameplay not CGI.
I don't keep a close eye on games that are coming soon/the "rumor mill". I try to let E3 and other things be a nice surprise for me. It usually lessens the disappointment factor, heh.

OK with that concept trailer for Crackdown 3 I'm gonna go out there and say destructible environments powered by their cloudgine engine/servers.
I honestly wonder how many people buy an Xbox over a PS because of getting DLC first.
It's not meant to be a system seller, really... but for those people with both consoles, having that content first has it's advantages. Some people will be more likely to buy the content on Xbox One compared to waiting even longer for it on PS4, especially if one of their friends dives in first on Xbox One.

Over all I gave their show a 7.5/10. Good showing, moved from one game to the next very well. lacked any real surprises. 2015 looks good for games but no game play shown for them  yet.

They shat all over Conker fans. Only strengthened my resolve to never buy an Xbox One. fuck them. 

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Seems like something that should have been mentioned, it's driving Indie Developers away from the platform, I hope they mention it post-show.
What is it that your referring to exactly? I'm more interested in indie games as of late and to this point, PS4 has been the console to get on that front. They showed some nice indie games in their presentation so hopefully they'll fulfill that promise.
I'd give it an 8/10. From where I jumped in I saw way too much CGI, and it seems like they really pushed third-party exclusive content, over first party games and the ones they did show were 2015 and CGI.

Wonder what Sony will show tonight. Going into their conference there's like two rumored games (Project Beasts, and PSAS2), I'd have a better idea how well Microsoft did after Sony finishes their show.

8/10 great job focusing on games.  MS already revealed a lot before the show and ntkrnl spilled the rest, even Crackdown and Platinum Games exclusives.  Biggest deal to me was all that Halo content for $60.

Not a lot of mindblowing announcements but great by-the-book way of showing off your games.

What is it that your referring to exactly? I'm more interested in indie games as of late and to this point, PS4 has been the console to get on that front. They showed some nice indie games in their presentation so hopefully they'll fulfill that promise.
Some bullshit clause where it has to launch day one on xone

What is it that your referring to exactly? I'm more interested in indie games as of late and to this point, PS4 has been the console to get on that front. They showed some nice indie games in their presentation so hopefully they'll fulfill that promise.
Microsoft has an Indie Parity Clause where you need to release your game on their console first and then sign an agreement for like 90 days it'll stay exclusive. So developers just go to Sony and PC instead.

I'm glad they didn't have a paid 3rd party exclusive, good to see.
The Platinum Games game is a 3rd party exclusive, though we pretty much knew it was coming. Oh but it is being published by MS Studios maybe that's what you mean.

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I'd give it an 8/10. From where I jumped in I saw way too much CGI, and it seems like they really pushed third-party exclusive content, over first party games and the ones they did show were 2015 and CGI.

Wonder what Sony will show tonight. Going into their conference there's like two rumored games (Project Beasts, and PSAS2), I'd have a better idea how well Microsoft did after Sony finishes their show.
Im not expecting much from Sony either. I said going into this that i didnt expect much from Sony or Microsoft. 2015 will be the year we start to see some amazing games. I think Nintendo will have the strongest showing only because its going to be their 3rd year on the market.

Microsoft has an Indie Parity Clause where you need to release your game on their console first and then sign an agreement for like 90 days it'll stay exclusive. So developers just go to Sony and PC instead.
Okay, yeah I have heard of that. That is an interesting choice, since usually Xbox releases have been paired with PC releases in the past.
Keiley said it best, there were no mic drop moments, 6/10 imo, really just multiplats which will play better on the PS4.

Keiley said it best, there were no mic drop moments, 6/10 imo, really just multiplats which will play better on the PS4.
but but but what about the extra resources that kinect being optional has freed up. You are just trolling now.

You know all multiplats will be the same now because of the new free resources.


but but but what about the extra resources that kinect being optional has freed up. You are just trolling now.

You know all multiplats will be the same now because of the new free resources.

Who is even saying that? What are you doing here?

bread's done