Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

i will say this seems like 2015 is THE year for x1 and ps4 only titles 2014 is the year of 3rd party next gen titles. With that said im not complaining the 3rd party games look amazing.

[quote name="Spokker" post="11828266" timestamp="1402358348"]Xbox Live is nothing but a server that you log into. You can probably shut down live for every other game and still keep Halo 2 servers up. Either way, neither us know exactly what their setup is, but I doubt keeping Halo 2 matchmaking active carries with it a substantial incremental cost above keeping Live up for Xbox 360 users.

Your charity comment is completely and utterly nonsense since Xbox Live carries with it a fee. Halo 2 users would be PAYING to play.[/quote]
Yeah, that was kind of my point. They pay for it. You have a few people playing $50 a year. You think that is going to cover bandwidth? You think that is going to cover server costs? You think it would even cover server maintenance? That doesn't even factor in the cost of maintaining one game with patches and updating the server backbone to deny access to evening else if that is even feasible. Eventually the cost of all that exceeds the money coming in from your player base. Hence you think they should keep it running at a net loss for the company or be a charity and donate the service. Do you really think Microsoft would shut off a service that is profitable for them?

Edit: But maybe I should just ignore you like others have said... ;-)
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Yeah, that was kind of my point. They pay for it. You have a few people playing $50 a year. You think that is going to cover bandwidth? You think that is going to cover server costs?
If Halo 2 on Xbox Live was a deserted wasteland with no players, why are they boasting that the new Halo 2 is the exact same as the original? There is obviously a demand for it. People remained logged into their Halo 2 games for weeks in a desperate attempt to keep it going. That's the kind of demand that's there. Halo 2 wasn't going to get anymore patches so that's not an issue.

Do you really think Microsoft would shut off a service that is profitable for them?
But if it's more profitable to release the game again on a new console? It helps drive console sales and game sales when in reality many people would have been happy playing the original just like people play the original Counter-Strike on Steam. That point is also another blip in favor of PC gaming. You don't need the new Counter-Strike. Your original game continues to be supported over a decade later. They also do not pay a fee for matchmaking.

Edit: But maybe I should just ignore you like others have said... ;-)
Because you don't have an argument. Microsoft cannot seem to keep up a matchmaking service for a popular classic game, but Steam somehow can make it work.

You seem to think that it would cost all this money that Microsoft does not have to keep Halo 2 matchmaking up for Xbox 1 users. The explanation is not, "We can't." It's "We won't." It's planned to drive new console and game sales. If you take away the ability to play the game how it was originally intended to be played, then admit you are going to get sales for the new version. It's really as simple as that.

It's not so much that they did it, it's that people won't admit that's what these companies do. No backwards compatibility. Stop supporting older but obviously popular games. Release a new version. Rake in the cash. Re-releases are big business and they do it because there is a demand. Then you can't turn around and say, "Well nobody was playing so we had to shut down the servers sorry guise."
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Conference was lackluster as fuck. Ea surpassed it though in being terribad.
Agree, my grades:

MS C- No surprises, too many multiplats and CG trailers, saved by MC collection

EA D- Barely saved by Dragon Age which was already shown at MS

UBI B+ Would have been higher without the dance segment, otherwise great conference with lots of energy

Sony ?

Nintendo ?

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do people really expect x1 to be all x1 only games? yeah 360 had couple franchises but ms has never and will never be like sony/nintendo when it comes to system only games. I would grade it a solid B for press conf i really love the indie things they are doing. 

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[quote name="RiPPn" post="11828302" timestamp="1402359143"]Agree, my grades:

MS C- No surprises, too many multiplats and CG trailers, saved by MC collection
EA D- Barely saved by Dragon Age
UBI B+ Would have been higher without the dance segment, otherwise great conference with lots of energy
Sony ?
Nintendo ?[/quote]

I think some of you guys are being pretty harsh on MS. They basically showed nothing but games/trailers with very little bs. Sure there weren't any real surprises but they showed you tons of games, virtually no discussion of Kinect or TV. I'm not saying they knocked it out of the park but it was pretty solid. I hope Sony brings it but I'm not expecting much more from them.
I think some of you guys are being pretty harsh on MS. They basically showed nothing but games/trailers with very little bs. Sure there weren't any real surprises but they showed you tons of games, virtually no discussion of Kinect or TV. I'm not saying they knocked it out of the park but it was pretty solid. I hope Sony brings it but I'm not expecting much more from them.
but but they did not show 100 percent xbox one only games which is a must.

Normally I don't troll and we are 36 minutes away, but, I'll quote from GAF

"I love all the people shitting on The Master Chief Collection and then hailing The Last of Us Remastered as the second coming.
Let's see how much time Sony wastes on sales figures, media nonsense, project morpheus and other garbage that Microsoft didn't waste time on." Syed117
lol 117 ah ha!
Let's see if I eat this quote. But if all I see are the last of us remake, morpheus and the leaked dark souls/project beast I'll be mad if people really give that show a higher rating.
Normally I don't troll and we are 36 minutes away, but, I'll quote from GAF

"I love all the people shitting on The Master Chief Collection and then hailing The Last of Us Remastered as the second coming.

Let's see how much time Sony wastes on sales figures, media nonsense, project morpheus and other garbage that Microsoft didn't waste time on." Syed117

lol 117 ah ha!

Let's see if I eat this quote. But if all I see are the last of us remake, morpheus and the leaked dark souls/project beast I'll be mad if people really give that show a higher rating.
what about all those hd remake packages on ps3 of old ps3/ps2 games? i enjoyed those hd collections but don't poop on a company for doing same thing when you done it many times.

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do people really expect x1 to be all x1 only games? yeah 360 had couple franchises but ms has never and will never be like sony/nintendo when it comes to system only games. I would grade it a solid B for press conf i really love the indie things they are doing.
No. People wanted one big huge surprise exclusive announcement coming out this holiday.
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I haven't seen a single person on this forum "shit on" the MC collection so that invalidates your whole post.  For $60 or $48 with GCU you get 4 full games, 100+ maps, the Halo TV Show and entry into Halo 5 beta.  Who can shit on that value proposition?

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Are the Last of Us servers shut down for PS3 users?
you crying about a game that is 10 year old servers being shut down? many companys including EA shuts servers down. you expect xbox to keep org xbox servers up forever when they don't use same servers as 360 and now x1 stop crying.

I haven't seen a single person on this forum "shit on" the MC collection so that invalidates your whole post. For $60 or $48 with GCU you get 4 full games, 100+ maps, the Halo TV Show and entry into Halo 5 beta. Who can shit on that value proposition?
Did you not read my post in the XBox Deals thread? I completely agree with that. I am just quoting a guy on GAF on how easy it will be to spot Sony fanboys. Calm down.

It's funny how Timbo (and others) are having a change of heart on indies now that MS is embracing them. haha
WHEN DID I EVER BASH INDIES ? i have only said in past most people don't buy systems just for indies so stop putting words in my mouth. i have played indies on pc since the 90's so plz don't start garbage. i paid for tons and tons of indie games on 360 over the years and loved them.

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I think the biggest thing the conference had working against it were the leaks that came out. The tone here and in the audience would have been immensely more excited if we never knew a Halo Collection was coming or the other stuff that got out early.

in other news madden is at it's old tricks. making the def lock on cam saying "new feature" um ea that has been in madden and ncaa for years until you took it out of madden a year or so ago. Also instead of qb pass cone it's now def.  :wall:. if i did not play in madden leagues on here i would not buy this year.

I'm calm, we are just talking here. lol

I am hoping for the best for Sony. I hope they have a lot outside of the few leaks/already announced.

If anything Nintendo probably has the best surprises since nothing from them has leaked outside of Mario Maker which might be fake.

I think the biggest thing the conference had working against it were the leaks that came out. The tone here and in the audience would have been immensely more excited if we never knew a Halo Collection was coming or the other stuff that got out early.
I also think it was a mistake for MS to release all the stuff they did in May, had they waited to announce the changes to Gold, the Kinectless sku, Sunset Overdrive gameplay, Halo 5 info, etc. the conference would have left a far bigger impression on people.

Nintendo will probably have the best showing out of the three. All they really need to do for their fanbase is show off new Zelda gameplay and that gets a lot of people excited.

But they have a lot of new games coming out to show and I myself am very excited to see more Smash Bros.

Now that I've heard of it, only 30 minutes of Nintendo Direct for E3. So either lots of seperate gameplay videos or lots of announcements in a short video.

I also think it was a mistake for MS to release all the stuff they did in May, had they waited to announce the changes to Gold, the Kinectless sku, Sunset Overdrive gameplay, Halo 5 info, etc. the conference would have left a far bigger impression on people.
Yeah I know they wanted to get everything out of the way for pure gameplay's sake but I think those announcements at E3 would have given fans some excitement and really boost their tempo at E3.

So was the platinum game Scalebound the third party exclusive that everyone was talking about?

I also think it was a mistake for MS to release all the stuff they did in May, had they waited to announce the changes to Gold, the Kinectless sku, Sunset Overdrive gameplay, Halo 5 info, etc. the conference would have left a far bigger impression on people.
Yeah that was dumb on their part. Why not just wait for the show?

So was the platinum game Scalebound the third party exclusive that everyone was talking about?

Yeah that was dumb on their part. Why not just wait for the show?
Well Phil Spencer himself wanted it to be about games, games, games. Didn't want to bog down the show with GWG and other announcements. But I agree, they should have waited till E3 to show off the $399 system and probably would have helped May sales lol. I mean, everyone that read about that announcement basically killed most of their May sales. May NPD should be pretty brutal.

Now that I've heard of it, only 30 minutes of Nintendo Direct for E3. So either lots of seperate gameplay videos or lots of announcements in a short video.
That isn't correct. Twitch has their conference at 1 hour, the website that said 30 minutes is mistaken because they broke it up by accident because I believe it's 56 or 48 minutes long and the website that said 30 minutes only has time increments in 30 minutes a piece.

Are the Last of Us servers shut down for PS3 users?
No but GT5, Resistance 2 and 3 were shut down recently and they are much more recent than Halo 2 which came out nearly 10 years ago. So let's just say though both companies aren't guilty of doing the same thing.

Halo 2 is part of the Master Chief collection. You cannot power up your Xbox and play Halo 2 online. It was shut down.

So Xbox 360 owners are preparing for this in general right? I predict it will happen within the next couple of years. Once it happens, they'll say that in order to play Halo 3 and 4, you'll need the Master Chef collection.

Doesn't anyone care how anti-consumer this is?
How long should they keep up servers for online play for 7 year old games? You act like it doesn't cost them anything.
No but GT5, Resistance 2 and 3 were shut down recently and they are much more recent than Halo 2 which came out nearly 10 years ago. So let's just say though both companies aren't guilty of doing the same thing.
Don't forget Socom, and MAG, and in the case of MAG and Socom they were both multiplayer only games that were effectively killed when they shut down servers.

In other news I decided to get the Dead Rising 3 DLC since I have a lot of Xbox credit (Thanks Best Buy!). Will give some impressions as I play it tonight although I've heard it's pretty hard solo.

How long should they keep up servers for online play for 7 year old games? You act like it doesn't cost them anything.
Well It's more of a goodwill gesture. I wasn't as disappointing with the OG XBox shutdown, but the 360 shutdown will be pretty huge when it comes to DLC and patches. Not looking forward to having a corrupt HD and losing lots of DLC. Also, how would digital games work when MS flips the switch? Definitely something I'm not looking forward to, and a +1 for Steam unless they get bought out/somehow go bankrupt (doubtful).

I wanna chime in on lack of surprises.

With the leaks going on in today's age of media (twitter, cell pics, sites accidentally putting up box art early) it's almost impossible to contain for a big WOW announcement.

People even in this thread seemed happy/surprised with the Halo collection, but even IGN confirmed it was gonna be shown yesterday.

If Sony is able to pull off one then this post is pretty invalid, but things barely are able to be kept quiet in the current times we live in.
Watching Sony's E3 one thing I realized Microsoft didn't even touch down on is Free to Play games. I wonder what's happening with that because PS4 has a ton of great games like DCUO, Planetside2, and many more to play.

Watching Sony's E3 one thing I realized Microsoft didn't even touch down on is Free to Play games. I wonder what's happening with that because PS4 has a ton of great games like DCUO, Planetside2, and many more to play.
*My random thought*

They are really trying to bring back the core audience the lost to the ps4. A lot people in the gaming sub-culture don't really appreciate f2p games enough for their to be focus at E3.

Yeah for me so far Microsoft Presser > Ubisoft Presser > EA Presser.
Microsoft > Ubisoft > EA > Sony
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In other news I trade in an Xbox One controller yesterday since I had 3 and just realized I accidentally traded one of the black ones that I had my rechargeable controller pack in. -_-

So far I'd say Microsoft>Ubisoft>Sony>E3.

Great Sony conference, really uped their game with that Uncharted footage, Suda 51 Exclusive and of course a version of Dark/Demon Souls whatever it may be. Surprise Vita TV and Ratchet and Clank redeux.

This holiday Microsoft looks to have the stronger first party line up. It's basically Forza vs Drive Club, and DC didn't get any videos or details at Sony's conference which should be worrying. Then Microsoft has an edge because they have two games being Sunset Overdrive, and Halo Master Chief Collection, versus Little Big Planet 3.

Obviously there's downloadable games, and Indie games but I didn't see a lot of release dates for games of those categories for either platform.

one down side was the leaks ms had then had to announce it all. ms has major issues in company with all the leaks and sony don't have much of that. i will admit 2015 seems the year for me to buy the ps4 and 2014 looks like great fall for x1. 

bread's done