Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I'm not sure that bolting more actions onto that quick snap menu thing is a great way to handle it. I'd kind of prefer some sort of button combo like how Vita does it at the least since there isn't a dedicated button for this stuff like on PS4. It needs to be something you could activate on the fly while playing the game.

Tonight I'm streaming Fibbage on Twitch. Everyone is invited to play along - you don't need to own the game to join multiplayer games. And you can win a free copy of the game! Check out the stream story for details.

Been wondering lately.

Is it just me or do game patches take forever to download? I could download a 1GB patch and it'll easily take at least an hour, but yet when I download the newest Game of Thrones episode, it took maybe 30 minutes tops. I don't expect anything crazy fast as I'm fully aware my internet connection is less than desirable in some aspects.

It feels however that ever since I started using an external hard drive (and installing / downloading straight to it) my download speed has gotten slower. If it slows down a tad, I could understand since it's writing to a non-Microsoft drive and has to travel through the USB cable, but the speed it goes at seems ridiculous.

I finally got around to reviewing Funk of Titans:

Funk of Titans review

Please check it out. I think the game is better than other reviewers give it credit for, but a little too pricey given the genre.

Am I the only one that sometimes has to eject the disc and reinsert it to get it to read properly?
This is the exact problem that I have with the refurbished console that MS sent me after my launch console had the grinding disc issue. It continued to get worse over time, starting with just 1 disc to now where it will barely read any discs. I'd suggest you get it replaced by MS asap . Don't get stuck with a console that will not read discs like what happened to me.

This is the exact problem that I have with the refurbished console that MS sent me after my launch console had the grinding disc issue. It continued to get worse over time, starting with just 1 disc to now where it will barely read any discs. I'd suggest you get it replaced by MS asap . Don't get stuck with a console that will not read discs like what happened to me.
I have the sunset overddrive version. I have until next october to claim warranty and all my games are installed to external harddrive so i think i'll just wait it out to see if it get's worse. Games installed externally work fine on a different console right?

I have the sunset overddrive version. I have until next october to claim warranty and all my games are installed to external harddrive so i think i'll just wait it out to see if it get's worse. Games installed externally work fine on a different console right?
Yes, as long as you are in warranty you are ok, but it will eventually get worse so you will have to send it in at some point. Unfortunately the misreads were happening very infrequently on my system until the past few months, which of course was right as the warranty was expiring.

Anything installed to the external drive should work with no issue on a different console after it is setup and recognized by the system. It will take a bit of time for each game to download your saves and data when you go to play them for the first time on a different console.

Been wondering lately.

Is it just me or do game patches take forever to download? I could download a 1GB patch and it'll easily take at least an hour, but yet when I download the newest Game of Thrones episode, it took maybe 30 minutes tops. I don't expect anything crazy fast as I'm fully aware my internet connection is less than desirable in some aspects.

It feels however that ever since I started using an external hard drive (and installing / downloading straight to it) my download speed has gotten slower. If it slows down a tad, I could understand since it's writing to a non-Microsoft drive and has to travel through the USB cable, but the speed it goes at seems ridiculous.
I've noticed at times patches can take awhile. I think there are a couple things that factor into it though. If you get a game on the day it releases and are trying to get the patch, it seems like there is a better chance that you are going to be sitting there for awhile waiting. This was the case with either GTA V or COD:AW (don't remember which one, may have even been both). I think the reason behind it is that there are so many people downloading it that it is putting a strain on the host/server.

I haven't noticed any delays downloading to external, and I have put everything I have bought on the external since I bought it in mid-November.

I personally don't notice the patches since I have my system in the "Always on" mode, so rarely do I see the patches unless upon start up it is finishing the last 1% or verifying when I put the disc in.

Besides the obvious using of the "Always on" mode, one other tip I notice is that when you are playing a game for the first time (disc based) and there is a patch for it, I always opt not to download patch and wait for the game to install and then do the patch. It usually seems like this makes the patch download faster.

The good news is I can finally get into games of Halo MCC online. The bad news is the matchmaking is still ungodly broken.

Oh well, at least the campaign is still good.

To help people prepare for The Witcher 3, I'm playing The Witcher 2 every Tuesday on Twitch and writing about my playthrough. We call this series Witcher Twos-days.

Please join us tonight at 8pm Central/6pm Pacific for the stream and a chance to win The Witcher Adventure Game for Windows. Even if you missed previous episodes, the article's recap will get you caught up.

The Witcher Twos-days: Episode 3


Tried the Screamride demo.

I was excited for the game until I played the demo. Now I will be excited for the $9.99 bin.

It's not a bad game, and I had fun. I just felt the fun I got out of it was about $15 worth, not $40.

Tried the Screamride demo.

I was excited for the game until I played the demo. Now I will be excited for the $9.99 bin.

It's not a bad game, and I had fun. I just felt the fun I got out of it was about $15 worth, not $40.
Haven't tried the demo yet as I'm waiting a few days to see if Twitch will fix their app so I can stream it from the X1. That said, when I first saw the announcement for the game being $40, I thought they shot themselves in the foot right there. Barring the demo, I may have considered a day one for even $20, but no matter how good it is, no chance I buy it until it hits a 50% or better sale.

To help people prepare for The Witcher 3, I'm playing The Witcher 2 every Tuesday on Twitch and writing about my playthrough. We call this series Witcher Twos-days.

Please join us tonight at 8pm Central/6pm Pacific for the stream and a chance to win The Witcher Adventure Game for Windows. Even if you missed previous episodes, the article's recap will get you caught up.

The Witcher Twos-days: Episode 3

So that's why you didn't do a Monday stream? I can't watch this one because I don't want to spoil the game for myself, but you still have my support.
4TB Western Digital external HDD on-sale until 11:59PM PT tomorrow for $119.99 with free shipping:
Talking about harddrives I am using a docking station with a wd blue drive. Would a dual docking station like allow 2 drives to be used on the xbox one? I'm thinking I could use the old docking station for once a month imaging my pc. Also is there really no way to use the $2 credit i have on my xbox one towards a $10 purchase? Do I really have to put the entire $10 on a credit card? Not sure I could ever fill 4tb though. I think 2 would be pushing it. I never really claim my games for gold

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Talking about harddrives I am using a docking station with a wd blue drive. Would a dual docking station like allow 2 drives to be used on the xbox one? I'm thinking I could use the old docking station for once a month imaging my pc. Also is there really no way to use the $2 credit i have on my xbox one towards a $10 purchase? Do I really have to put the entire $10 on a credit card? Not sure I could ever fill 4tb though. I think 2 would be pushing it. I never really claim my games for gold
No, those types of dual hard drive docks require some support that the Xbox One likely doesn't have.

No, those types of dual hard drive docks require some support that the Xbox One likely doesn't have.
Shame. Guess if I ever need to upgrade I'll just grab a 2.5" drive. By the time that rolls around they'll be cheaper most likely. I have exactly 1000gb left on my console and am buying games on ps4 mostly because of install times so that may never happen.

[quote name="el swordo" post="12512840" timestamp="1424289596"]Talking about harddrives I am using a docking station with a wd blue drive. Would a dual docking station like allow 2 drives to be used on the xbox one? I'm thinking I could use the old docking station for once a month imaging my pc. Also is there really no way to use the $2 credit i have on my xbox one towards a $10 purchase? Do I really have to put the entire $10 on a credit card? Not sure I could ever fill 4tb though. I think 2 would be pushing it. I never really claim my games for gold[/quote]
You should be able to use the credit and then be prompted to pay for the balance. That's how it has worked for me using my rewards credits.
March Update is going live for Preview Members. The most notable feature is the inclusion of Screenshot functionality, but there's some other updated features as well.

Update Notes

Screenshots – While playing a game, you can now take screenshots on your Xbox One console by simply double-tapping the Xbox button on your controller to capture a screenshot and pressing Y to save the screenshot. If your Xbox One is equipped with a Kinect, you can also say “Xbox Take a Screenshot” to take and save a screenshot.

Upload App – The Upload app is being updated so that you can manage your screenshots in addition to your game clips. You can use a screenshot as your background, by viewing the screenshot in full-screen mode from the Upload app, then, press the Menu button and select Set as background.

Suggested friends – With the suggested friends feature, the Friends area in home and your friends list will help you find and add friends. Suggested friends will include people you might know, so you add more friends to game with, and top community broadcasters and clip creators, so you can get more great content in your activity feed.

Sharing your name – We’re rolling out two new ways to share your real name; with all of your friends or to everyone in the Xbox

Live community. You can also continue to share your real name with select friends, or with no one, if that’s what you prefer. Gamertags are still the primary method of identifying yourself on Xbox Live, but sharing your real name helps people recognize you who might not know you by your gamertag.

Tile transparency – We continue to listen to your feedback and are adding a setting to enable you to vary the level of transparency for your background images. Go to Settings -> My Xbox -> Tile transparency.

Privacy & online safety settings – We added a new setting for sharing voice search data to create an option for users to allow collection and analysis of voice data when they use Xbox – Bing to search.

Report spam – The Messages app has an added option to allow you to notify Xbox when you receive spam. You can now select a specific message, press the A button and then select Report -> Spam to report a specific message as spam.

OneGuide for Australia – Support for OneGuide will continue in preview in Australia for free-to-air TV listings.

Xbox One Digital TV Tuner in Australia – Xbox One owners in Australia with an Xbox Digital TV Tuner can now use it with the preview builds of this month’s release.

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I'm not in the preview program but got an update yesterday, don't think it was the March update, and I already had the February update. Anyone else get that?

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[quote name="KaneRobot" post="12515682" timestamp="1424367919"]I'm not in the preview program but got an update yesterday, don't think it was the March update, and I already had the February update. Anyone else get that?[/quote]
It was a stability update if I remeber right.
Does anyone have any idea when Sling TV is coming to Xbox One? I've been wanting to sign up and try it, but if I can't access it on my television through an app I want to wait before subscribing. 

[quote name="dennisb407" post="12529009" timestamp="1424820736"]
I heard the frame rate on that game is better on the One than PS4. That and the graphics are crisper.
Convenient that all but two of those X1 games can be played on other consoles but LBP3 is left off... and interesting that Halo MCC is included but TLOU is left off.

My thoughts exactly... both systems have plenty of games, posts like that one are just dumb and bring nothing to either side. I will never say either the PS4 or the Xbox one doesn't have any games.

[quote name="GBAstar" post="12533896" timestamp="1424981156"]Convenient that all but two of those X1 games can be played on other consoles but LBP3 is left off... and interesting that Halo MCC is included but TLOU is left off.

Again, this discussion has been had millions of times. They're exclusive to Microsoft. You'd list games in the exact same manner if Sony did PC games. It'd be idiotic for Microsoft not to offer these games on PC.

Just like it'd be idiotic for Sony not to take advantage of the Vita and PS TV for releases that those devices can handle.

Again, this discussion has been had millions of times. They're exclusive to Microsoft. You'd list games in the exact same manner if Sony did PC games. It'd be idiotic for Microsoft not to offer these games on PC. Just like it'd be idiotic for Sony not to take advantage of the Vita and PS TV for releases that those devices can handle. QQ.
Well it hurts your cause when you don't need an X1 to play 60% off those games. That was my point. Why would people upgrade their consoles when 60% of the "must have" titles can be played on their current console. And you didn't respond to:

So then.... why leave TLOU off the list?

So then.... why leave LBP3 off the list?

Unless the only intention was trying to make a misleading list. Then I guess it makes sense.


So then.... why leave TLOU off the list?

So then.... why leave LBP3 off the list?

Unless the only intention was trying to make a misleading list. Then I guess it makes sense.

I don't think Fearia wrote that article. I could be wrong though. It's more like you're grasping for a reason to start a console debate that nobody wants to have.

[quote name="GBAstar" post="12534046" timestamp="1424983423"]Well it hurts your cause when you don't need an X1 to play 60% off those games. That was my point. Why would people upgrade their consoles when 60% of the "must have" titles can be played on their current console. And you didn't respond to:So then.... why leave TLOU off the list?So then.... why leave LBP3 off the list?Unless the only intention was trying to make a misleading list. Then I guess it makes sense.Grasping. [/quote]Eastx said it best: I didn't make the list.

I'm a console gamer primarily. Why the fuck would I care that these games could be played on PC? And what "current console" is playing those games at that quality?

Guess what? I upgraded my PS3 to a PS4 and bought TLOU. Because that's "how it was meant to be played" by most.

Someone certainly is grasping, but you'd need to look in the mirror to see who.
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You see what you want to see. The point of the no-games-discussion is that there are plenty. Get aboard.

Just saw on that Ori and the Blind Forest is coming out March 11th! Def interested and previous previews sound like a great Metroidvania game for 2015.
bread's done