Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

Velocity 2X is coming to Xbox One this summer via Sierra. It's a fantastic melding of 2D shooter and shmup that was on my Top 10 for 2014.

Sierra™ today announced that it is teaming up with FuturLab to bring the independent developer’s critically acclaimed arcade shooter – Velocity® 2X – to Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC.

Built around fast action and tight controls, Velocity 2X combines a top-down vertical shooter with a side-scrolling platformer, delivering the best of both worlds in the balance. Whether flying in her Quarp Jet or sprinting on foot, ace pilot Lt. Kai Tana can teledash through danger at the speed of light, crushing alien invaders and rescuing innocent survivors with incredible power.

Exclusive to the Xbox One and PC editions of Velocity 2X are special daily challenge stages, making the game’s deep leaderboard system even more compelling for competitive speedrunners. These versions also include all the bonus stages from the Critical Urgency and Dual Core DLC packs fromVelocity 2X’s original PlayStation® releases. The full game features over 50 stages of twitch-trigger adventure, including engaging puzzle levels, dynamic boss battles and energetic audio-visual design.

Velocity 2X will dash onto Xbox One via the Xbox Games Store and Windows PC in summer 2015. For more information until then, please and follow along at .

Ok silly question but I've always had Live so never ran into this - ah for 7 years too. I let my Xbox Live run out, as I logically couldn't play online games out in the middle of nowhere (caps kind of prevent that regular occurrence). If I were to pick up a code for Xbox Live Gold, would I be allowed in on the Gold discounts and GwG instantly or have to wait like a month/certain amount of days for it to kick in? I'm planning on visiting family Sunday and to download patches/games in the queue with a 4TB external hard drive that I'll pick up tomorrow at work @BB.
[quote name="Spybreak9" post="12537472" timestamp="1425091491"]Ok silly question but I've always had Live so never ran into this - ah for 7 years too. I let my Xbox Live run out, as I logically couldn't play online games out in the middle of nowhere (caps kind of prevent that regular occurrence). If I were to pick up a code for Xbox Live Gold, would I be allowed in on the Gold discounts and GwG instantly or have to wait like a month/certain amount of days for it to kick in? I'm planning on visiting family Sunday and to download patches/games in the queue with a 4TB external hard drive that I'll pick up tomorrow at work @BB.[/quote]
Should work instantly. I've never heard anything different.
now that we have a screenshot feature, I can take pics during forza gameplay without going into photomode.


I remember on the 360 I lost my original gameetag. My Live ran out and the credit card was one that I lost, so I deactivated it. When Live tried to auto renew it locked me out of my account, and I couldn't use a code or prepaid card to resub. Was pissed had all of those years in and over 30K gamerscore. Ended up making a new account which I've now have had for 7 years now. I refuse to use a CC for Live now, even if that issue is fixed.
Anyone with an xbox one notice significant slowdown on their internet when the xbox one is downloading something?  My internet felt slow and sure enough said 2mbps when I pay for 6.  Turns out something was downloading on my xbox.   Now I know it's not the greatest internet in the world but, this is kinda inexcuasable to me. Oh and talking about forza is that islnad dlc worth it? Looks freaking great.  

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More GwG coming to Xbox.
“Since the program’s launch at E3 2013, you’ve collectively downloaded over 100,000,000 Games with Gold games! It’s definitely clear to us that Xbox Live Gold members love to game, and Games with Gold fuels that passion,” explained Microsoft in a statement. “To commemorate this huge milestone, Xbox is giving you more of what you love, with twice the free Games in April.”
Sweet, picked up the external, grabbed Live from the Microsoft Store and yeah after about like 30 minutes or so I was able to grab the GwG (big Worms fan) and got Black Flag Xbox One ed for half off (why am I doing this I have it for 360/ oh god such a back log lol).  fuck  :rofl:

Sweet, picked up the external, grabbed Live from the Microsoft Store and yeah after about like 30 minutes or so I was able to grab the GwG (big Worms fan) and got Black Flag Xbox One ed for half off (why am I doing this I have it for 360/ oh god such a back log lol). fuck :rofl:
People were selling the Black Flag codes for $8-$10 in the trading forum.
Yeah Assassin's Creed: Black Flag came out and then everyone enjoyed how un-Assassin's Creed it was, if that makes any sense, so Ubisoft had a poll asking people if they'd be interested in just a Pirates game/series. (I wouldn't be surprised to see one soon. )

Downloading that game took so long to download that I had to leave the system as it seems I'll have to pick it up tomorrow after work. Pulled down system update, Limbo, Costume Quest 2, Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, Worms, IDARB, Peggle 2 update, Trials Fusion DLC, and Rayman Legends though.

Got to play with connecting the Dish box, at my cousin's place, so that was cool to see how the one guide worked. I showed them smartglass with my Samsung Galaxy S4. I don't have my system hooked up to any cable/sat provider but def see the incentive there. The snap feature is also quite nice when watching live TV too.

Man #IDARB was alot of fun to play and everyone loved the retro style.
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I wouldn't mind a franchise based on pirates.

Just leave that shit out of Assassin's Creed.

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Question for those of you more familiar with XBL then me.

I have an AC bundle that I'm trying to get rid of. I don't import games but my understanding is that game discs are region free this generation, correct? There is a university student nearby that wants to buy the console but when not here for school he lives in South America and games on a latin american Gold account. He will be able to play U.S. physical game discs on the console but but wouldn't be able to redeem either of the AC game vouchers unless he had a U.S. XBL account, correct? Meaning that if he chooses to use his current gamertag and XBL subscription on the console then the vouchers would be worthless?

A lot of news out of the GDC session with Phil Spencer. I'll highlight it below.

-DX12 Adds a 20% GPU boost according to Phil Spencer.

-Cross-Platform gaming from Xbox to PC from a variety of games (#IDARB was shown onstage).

-Cross-Buy Support. Buy a game once and play it across multiple platforms (Windows 10 and Xbox). A lot of Indie games were shown to include Cross-Buy like #IDARB, Pinball FX2 and Shovel Knight.

-One Unified Store across all of Windows. Developers will submit their games and apps to one store that will span all of Windows including Xbox.

-Implementing Cross-Play is very easy. It only took one day for Yacht Club to port Shovel Knight to the Xbox One and implement Cross-Play.

-Phil Spencer teased that "most" first party games will be available on both platforms (Windows and Xbox).

-Wireless Xbox One adapter is coming to PC later this year.

-ID@Xbox Is now helping developers for Windows 10 including Windows Phone.

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A lot of news out of the GDC session with Phil Spencer. I'll highlight it below.

-DX12 Adds a 20% GPU boost according to Phil Spencer.

-Cross-Platform gaming from Xbox to PC from a variety of games (#IDARB was shown onstage).

-Cross-Buy Support. Buy a game once and play it across multiple platforms (Windows 10 and Xbox). A lot of Indie games were shown to include Cross-Buy like #IDARB, Pinball FX2 and Shovel Knight.

-One Unified Store across all of Windows. Developers will submit their games and apps to one store that will span all of Windows including Xbox.

-Implementing Cross-Play is very easy. It only took one day for Yacht Club to port Shovel Knight to the Xbox One and implement Cross-Play.

-Phil Spencer teased that "most" first party games will be available on both platforms (Windows and Xbox).

-Wireless Xbox One adapter is coming to PC later this year.

-ID@Xbox Is now helping developers for Windows 10 including Windows Phone.
Also Shovel Knight for XBone will feature Battletoads! This alone is reason enough for me to purchase the game for a second time on my XBone. Really hope we get a new Battletoads game announced at E3.

A lot of news out of the GDC session with Phil Spencer. I'll highlight it below.

-DX12 Adds a 20% GPU boost according to Phil Spencer.

-Cross-Platform gaming from Xbox to PC from a variety of games (#IDARB was shown onstage).

-Cross-Buy Support. Buy a game once and play it across multiple platforms (Windows 10 and Xbox). A lot of Indie games were shown to include Cross-Buy like #IDARB, Pinball FX2 and Shovel Knight.

-One Unified Store across all of Windows. Developers will submit their games and apps to one store that will span all of Windows including Xbox.

-Implementing Cross-Play is very easy. It only took one day for Yacht Club to port Shovel Knight to the Xbox One and implement Cross-Play.

-Phil Spencer teased that "most" first party games will be available on both platforms (Windows and Xbox).

-Wireless Xbox One adapter is coming to PC later this year.

-ID@Xbox Is now helping developers for Windows 10 including Windows Phone.
Great news!

It's confusing because according to what Phil Spencer said they've see a 20% boost in performance from the same hardware using DX12 however their Press Release only highlights that performance increase in PC gaming.
Yeah sorry, it seems there is some confusion atm and people are hoping to get a more clear answer on it. Seems its referring to PC but it may or may not apply to Xbox One.

They're working on it, but it's not 100% confirmed at the moment:

We are currently working super hard with our hardware partner and co-publisher, Mad Catz, to make something happen in regards to legacy hardware compatibility. We’ll have more to say later in the year. Hardware compatibility is a really complicated thing, and there is a software component to it as well, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible!

TLDR: we’re working on it but don’t have anything to officially announce at this time. We know it’s very important to a lot of players.

Gigantic coming to Xbox One in 2015.
Gigantic - Alpha Gameplay PAX Prime 2014:

Hmmmm, I'm thinking a lot of Guild Wars 2 influence here. It looks promising.
Has anyone ran into a problem since the last update came out signing in from standby? I'm in the preview program and since the last update I can turn on my xbox from standby and sign in, only for it to sit there "loading" after a min or so it goes on to my home screen but nothing works. I have to turn off the xbox completely and sign in again before it works.
Hello all! New to XBOX One and have a question about checking achievements through the notifications area. Any time I go to notifications and click "Show Details" on an achievement, the achievement app automatically snaps and the last app or game I used launches. Is this normal? I'd prefer that the achievement app just opens by itself instead of in conjunction with a game, or netflix, or skype, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks all!
bread's done