Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

You know you can say Xbox Off and then say yes and it will work right? Haven't had any issues myself
That's what I've been doing, but for the last couple days it no longer works. "Xbox turn off" works but it doesn't recognize when I say "YES" or even "NO".

(Update) Ended up changing my system's power mode to energy saver, then pulled the plug for a few seconds. Now it works fine again.

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Been having a recent issue... Since the last update, my system seems a lot slower. A couple minutes ago it wouldn't sign in and when I tried to turn it off, it acted like it did yet the system still ran. Five minutes later it finally cut off.

It's like a download brings the system to its knees.
Might be some issue with connectivity, mine was a bit odd with wi-fi pre-patch. I only use Ethernet though after discovering how beastily the X1 was with download speeds. First week since everyone was downloading patchs things were slow, but lately patchs are so friggin' fast it even puts 360 download speeds to shame, and those to me were the pinnacle of download speeds. I'd say X1 speeds are better then Steam.

It sounds odd, but yes, I believe there are still some hitches left over from the "always online!" state that the system was. All those 180's are probably half the reason the system has so many issues with the OS

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Just hooked mine up a few hours ago and have a quick question. Does the power brick always have the bright white light coming out of it?

Am I just missing some obvious button when checking out achievements via the notifications section to get to the overall achievements list or do I have to figure out the weird process of getting it to go back to the games list first?

[quote name="FriskyTanuki" post="11410814" timestamp="1388711340"]Am I just missing some obvious button when checking out achievements via the notifications section to get to the overall achievements list or do I have to figure out the weird process of getting it to go back to the games list first?[/quote]
As far as I know you can't get to the full list via notifications. Quickest way would probably be to say "Xbox go to achievements."
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I like the Xbox one I have no complaints. I have forza and ryse. I haven't used any of the tv features , and I've only used the ui for basic stuff. Love the kinetic voice commands. They work quite well, except when you want to show them off to a friend.

Has anyone used the Xbox one to calibrate their tv? If so how good is it? I like my tv where it is but I wonder if using the Xbox one to calibrate the tv would result in a better picture.
just seen that two people came out saying their system is leaking white liquid and it's hitting every news site. yes xbox one has white blood in it lol. Just another thing media takes over board either it's fake or those peope spilt stuff on it.

[quote name="TimboSliceGB" post="11415021" timestamp="1388805132"]just seen that two people came out saying their system is leaking white liquid and it's hitting every news site. yes xbox one has white blood in it lol. Just another thing media takes over board either it's fake or those peope spilt stuff on it.[/quote]
Maybe the news site misheard and they were talking about what happens when done with an ex's box.
just seen that two people came out saying their system is leaking white liquid and it's hitting every news site. yes xbox one has white blood in it lol. Just another thing media takes over board either it's fake or those peope spilt stuff on it.

It's possible that the heat sink could be the offending part. I thought they decided to go with some kind of liquid cooling in the Xbox One, but I could be wrong. If there were a coolant leak then seeing how it's basically touching one of the consoles giant fans the coolant would go upward and look exactly like the pictures.

Does anybody have the address for that site that Microsoft is taking console addition suggestions from? I would like to add my two cents on a few things.

Good sales numbers for sure and bodes well for the long haul. I also think they're going to be able to sustain the momentum with Titanfall and this year's line-up of games. Hopefully we'll get some updates to the UI and smooth things out in the meantime :)

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Is it just me or does the Xbox One seem to be getting more chatter than the PS4?  It seems like nobody I know is talking about the PS4 and that includes people in and not in gaming circles, like family members and what not.  I thought that bode well for the console. 

Is it just me or does the Xbox One seem to be getting more chatter than the PS4? It seems like nobody I know is talking about the PS4 and that includes people in and not in gaming circles, like family members and what not. I thought that bode well for the console.
That's my opinion on PS4, it's an upgrade to PS3, what is there to talk about until there's some great games for it?

Xbox One has a lot more features and things to talk about. I had people over on New Years Eve and people thought it was really cool, lots of conversation on it.
x1 will be all over the place next month or so with nfl playoffs and superbowl. Plus even with 3 million systems sold i can pretty much walk into any store and buy one and the other guy i will not name i no where to be found. 

That's my opinion on PS4, it's an upgrade to PS3, what is there to talk about until there's some great games for it?

Xbox One has a lot more features and things to talk about. I had people over on New Years Eve and people thought it was really cool, lots of conversation on it.
i kind of agree on this. At launch it was omg ps4 is great for gaming and who needs all those features. Now when dry spell for games is going on what do you do with ps4 after you beat all the games? for x1 it has great things now but im thikning about all the great things that will be possible on the system down the road.

I read in somewhere that you do not even need to hook up the Kinect if you do not want to. Wanted to make sure this was true as I don't want my sons weiner showing up when he plays games and it is on. 

I saw a video where the camera can pick up your junk maybe it was fake? I just don't want my son playing a game and some how it picks up his bulge

Xbox requires a mandatory and constant dong visual in order to work.  I'm not saying I agree with this policy, but I like to play games so the weiner is out all the time.  Do what you gotta do, I suppose. 


Xbox requires a mandatory and constant dong visual in order to work. I'm not saying I agree with this policy, but I like to play games so the weiner is out all the time. Do what you gotta do, I suppose.

forgetting the whole dong thing lol do I have to hook up the Kinect at all or can it just sit in the box. I read somewhere you don't have to. Just want to confirm before I buy one.

forgetting the whole dong thing lol do I have to hook up the Kinect at all or can it just sit in the box. I read somewhere you don't have to. Just want to confirm before I buy one.
you don't have to have it hooked up but plz tell me that was all a joke. But to be honest you lose alot of fuctions built into the system without kinect hooked up. like with kinect hooked upit's easy to see your party and friends with out it its a annoying couple steps to get to those. Like if your playing game and want to view party you can just say xbox party and it pops up on the right. with out kinect you have to go to home screen then click party.

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plz tell me that was all a joke

x1 will be all over the place next month or so with nfl playoffs and superbowl. Plus even with 3 million systems sold i can pretty much walk into any store and buy one and the other guy i will not name i no where to be found.
Probably because the other guy is too busy selling 4.2 million system.

Probably because the other guy is too busy selling 4.2 million system.
3 million sold.... .5 million returned... and purchased again... does that still = 3 million or an inflated 3.5 million?

Because for sure many X1 consoles have been purchased twice. As I mentioned previously a target rep told me that right before Christmas they accepted more units as returns then what they sold (could also give legs to that story regarding Wii U outselling X1). Either way if a console is sold twice does that count as one or two sales?

I hate to keep repeating myself on different websites, but I think Microsoft is doing really well (By the looks of it) given their sales.

You have to figure it's really only a 1.2 Million gap DESPITE the fact Sony is in 30+ more markets than Microsoft and the PS4 is cheaper.

Not a math major I'm guessing. It's around 27%

A much better way to look at it anyway is Microsoft has sold about 72% compared to ps4
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Not a math major I'm guessing. It's around 27%

A much better way to look at it anyway is Microsoft has sold about 72% compared to ps4
40% more and what the hell are you looking at to get 72%? Oh boy...

I am not a psychology major but I am sure this is what denial looks like.

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Okay but that is not how you do the math to compare sales.

I will just leave it at that.
I don't even care. People can have fun with their PS4's as I will with my xbox one. Microsoft could sell 1 console, to me, and I wouldn't care either way. I love it.

I honestly don't know why anyone cares about this. The console I buy sold more than yours? And Justin Beiber sold more records than my favorite band. Doesn't change he's the one who sucks.
I don't even care. People can have fun with their PS4's as I will with my xbox one. Microsoft could sell 1 console, to me, and I wouldn't care either way. I love it.

I honestly don't know why anyone cares about this. The console I buy sold more than yours? And Justin Beiber sold more records than my favorite band. Doesn't change he's the one who sucks.
that's my point is that why do we care to compare how well x1 and ps4 sell vs each other. xbox brand is going no where anytime soon like people were hoping. in the end it's all about the games which is why i got x1 at launch. In my mind x1 had better launch games that i wanted to play and for most of 2014 the games i want to play are multiplatform games. Only true people that should care about sale numbers is microsoft and sony them selfs that's it.

the way the world economy is 3 million systems sold is much better then i was expecting i will admit that. I'm proud of ms for hearing what us consumers said and changing things. Then you got people that say oh well what not to say couple years down road ms goes back to org idea for system. What's not to say sony or nintendo do same thing and have some form of drm on their system.

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I bought both and I think that anyone that is picking sides like this is a family feud are a bunch of idiots.  Grow up and stop wasting time sitting on an internet forum arguing about something that has little or no meaning to anyone except idiots like yourself.  Play the damn system you bought and enjoy it.  fuck sakes.

bread's done