Xbox One - General Discussion Thread

I hope they offer a cheaper streaming music alternative. $10 a month is super expensive. PS4 had unlimited streaming for $5 a month.
Sony's service is awful, but they are giving me $5 PSN credit for trying it for a month for free, so win. LOL. As far as $10 - I have not tried MSs service, but Sony's makes me realize that Spotify is absolutely worth $10 a month. SO much better. I'm going to cancel at the end of the month and start Spotify back up again. It's worth it.

Halo: Spartan Assault is up for Xbox One. $15 or $5 if you have the phone or tablet version. I got the phone version on sale a few weeks back for $3, so $8 oop isn't too bad. It looks like fun, nothing mind blowing, but a cheap little distraction. It's downloading now, so I'll try to post impressions tonight if I can get out of wrapping gifts tonight. ;0)
Halo: Spartan Assault is up for Xbox One. $15 or $5 if you have the phone or tablet version. I got the phone version on sale a few weeks back for $3, so $8 oop isn't too bad. It looks like fun, nothing mind blowing, but a cheap little distraction. It's downloading now, so I'll try to post impressions tonight if I can get out of wrapping gifts tonight. ;0)
As a fan of both Assault Heroes and Halo, I want this lol. Glad it's also coming to the 360.

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I got a question for you guys who picked up an xbox one. Is the kinect accurate enough to detect your voice while playing music on the xbox through speakers?  For example I'm cleaning up and say "xbox play master of puppets"  would it work?  I'm using a netbook with nexus 7 as remote but that would be pretty cool if it worked.   

Has anyone had problems playing with friends in NBA 2k14. The new party system in which the chat+game are kinda combined is pretty bad. I invite him to the game, which invites him to the party. When he joins, he joins the party, but nothing else happens. The lobby in-game is still just me, and when it does work, it just says NBA servers aren't available. The park also doesn't work for joining other people.

Damn Xbox Live is making me ridiculously mad anymore. I cannot get into a multiplayer match in either Ryse or Peggle 2. It just sits searching for a match and never finding anything. 

Showing Open Nat on the console and ports are open and still won't let me join any multiplayer games  :bomb:

@LaMichaelJames: Ps4 online sux... If you bought some 1 a ps4 for Christmas take it back

49ers player weighs in on console war lol
Anyone else get an e-mail from Amazon that said you get a $5 off code for Battlefield 4, Madden 25, FIFA 14, Need for Speed: Rivals, and NBA Live 14? Apparently, you would get it if you activated Amazon Instant Video on your Xbox One.

Anyone else get an e-mail from Amazon that said you get a $5 off code for Battlefield 4, Madden 25, FIFA 14, Need for Speed: Rivals, and NBA Live 14? Apparently, you would get it if you activated Amazon Instant Video on your Xbox One.
I got something similar but it was for the PS4 game and I got it for purchasing the PS4 from them.

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@LaMichaelJames: Ps4 online sux... If you bought some 1 a ps4 for Christmas take it back

49ers player weighs in on console war lol
That's awesome...well, kinda. Just funny that a guy who makes 6 figures and plays for an NFL Football team can still be reduced to Youtube comment-level verbage thanks to video games.

Spartan Assault crashes to the dashboard like a boss.

Took me several tries to finish just one mission. I had one crash with DR3 prior to the huge patch but none sense, only other game to crash on me was Ryse once during co-op and sometimes KI wouldn't start. This is on a whole different level because I'm getting *MULTIPLE* crashes on the first mission alone.

 I tweeted Xbox Support to get their attention and have spread the word on other boards only to find a lot of people post about it already.

Apparently the bug testing team was drunk. Avoid till it gets patched.

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I had my first "crash to dash" today while playing Ryse MP. Wasn't that big of a deal as I had just started. I think it's going quite well for me, I just came off a literal 36 hour (estimated) gaming session. I left my xbox one on for quite a long time as I have been playing and napping out from time to time for the last two days. I also own a day one console and two of my friends had bad xbox ones, one had a bad drive out of the box and another had his kinect die on him shortly after opening it.

Ryse is better than I was expecting. I know it's a pretty basic formula of Y>X>A Rinse and repeat but it's really fun. Feel like it's going to be short as hell though compared to DR3, already 40% through and I haven't even played for maybe 2 to 2 and a half hours. Graphically it looks amazing, a lot better than what I expected from it to be honest it's one of the nicest looking games I've seen and I've played Maxed out Crysis 3.

People do realize that the "crash to dashboard" is the same as 360 system freezing during gameplay right? Which I'm sure everyone had that happen a lot. The x1 just has tons more memory then 36@ which makes it not freeze. Seeing this crash to home screen is major issue on both new systems shows game makers were just lazy on launch window games .
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That's awesome...well, kinda. Just funny that a guy who makes 6 figures and plays for an NFL Football team can still be reduced to Youtube comment-level verbage thanks to video games.
Yeah his twitter account isn't exactly Shakespeare, but he is 23 and I give him a pass.
People do realize that the "crash to dashboard" is the same as 360 system freezing during gameplay right? Which I'm sure everyone had that happen a lot. The x1 just has tons more memory then 36@ which makes it not freeze. Seeing this crash to home screen is major issue on both new systems shows game makers were just lazy on launch window games .
My PS4 never crashed at the home screen while playing games or just browsing. Must just be an Xbox one UI issue.

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I'm still waiting on Project Spark to get an XBox One for myself. But I did give my brother an XBox One as a Christmas present. The look on his face when he unwrapped it was worth every cent I spent on that thing. :) The next time I visit him I'll be able to get some hands-on time with the XBox One, as well as hearing how he's been enjoying it. I felt the experience and features that the XBox One provides would be a good fit for him and his lifestyle.

Saw a 3 For 3 offer on my Dashboard. Looks like they're running a promotion from the 26th to the first. Buy 3 Qualifying Xbox One digital games and get 3 months of gold. Got a $50 card for Xmas, so might spend it early for the free online.

Anyone have recommendations? Currently looking at Killer Instinct, Powerstar Golf, and Max Magic Marker.

Yeah I look like the dummy here, I didn't see Timbo said crashing was happening on both new systems. Thought he was only comparing the 360 and Xbox One at launch.

My bad. (Egg on my face)
People do realize that the "crash to dashboard" is the same as 360 system freezing during gameplay right? Which I'm sure everyone had that happen a lot. The x1 just has tons more memory then 36@ which makes it not freeze. Seeing this crash to home screen is major issue on both new systems shows game makers were just lazy on launch window games .
Yes apparently MS has gotten really lazy with Spartan assault. Just a terrible job with Quality Assurance/Bug Testing for this to happen so often. A lot of people are having luck and a lot aren't. I'll bitch as much as I can so they get the word.

All the reviews I've seen said it was bad, but reviews said the same thing about Ryse and everyone on here seems to enjoy it
I think a major problem with Ryse was the fact that the depth of the game's combat system was lost on many reviewers. I read one review that went into greater detail about this. Apparently, simply following the colored button prompts will yield mediocre results, and ultimately boils down into a tired mess. However, using the visual cues in the character and enemy animations will allow you to determine what button to push before the colored prompts appear. Learning the details of the animations and pressing the correct button before you're prompted to makes for a smoother visual presentation, results in better finishing moves, and gives you more points for progressing in the game. While mechanically following the colored prompts can get you through the game, learning to play effectively will make for a more rewarding and visceral experience.

While many of the criticisms leveled against Ryse were justified, the combat system in the game is deeper than many of the reviewers realized. One of the biggest mistakes on the part of the developers was failing to communicate this depth effectively. Making a game's learning curve natural and organic to the experience is a challenge every developer has to tackle.

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All the reviews I've seen said it was bad, but reviews said the same thing about Ryse and everyone on here seems to enjoy it

You can't trust reviews anymore. I wish there was a demo. The video I saw from Xbox live didn't do the game justice at all. I remember seeing the trailers from E3 and was pretty excited for it.
Anyone see/hear about this buy 3, get 3 months of Live promo? I have KI and Max, but if I get one more digital title I can get the deal. Debating between Crimson Dragon and Lococycle.

Supposedly previously bought titles qualify. I need to verify.
You can't trust reviews anymore. I wish there was a demo. The video I saw from Xbox live didn't do the game justice at all. I remember seeing the trailers from E3 and was pretty excited for it.
You can always trust reviews... To be that reviewer's opinion. Since nobody else can think for you and share your preferences and tastes, you should never hold reviews to the standard that they must match your own opinions.

I like Crimson Dragon. It has room for improvement, but is still a unique and fun title. My review.

Is Crimson Dragon any good... I don't see anyone talking about it.
There's a thread here:

Chances are it's not the same game that was reviewed so watch some recent gameplay footage.

Here's a good podcast, Pointless #40, talking about the impressions of the PS4 and Xbox One with Kevin Pereira, a dude who used to work at G4 - reviewed tons of gadgets and what not - where he talks about his love for the Xbox system and his love for the PS4 controller (starts around 7:55).

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So I received Ryse as a gift and played for a bit and wow, this game really looks incredible at times. The gameplay is lacking however and it becomes repetitive fast. I'm going to try to plow through it real quick put it toward my Titanfall collectors edition funds.
Those here with Day One versions do you have any play in the power brick where the outlet cord goes? I have play in mine and I can move it slightly and it basically falls out. Doesn't have a snug fit at all.

Beat Ryse today. Was a really fun game, probably not going to trade it in because I want to go back and do the hardest difficultly at a later period. Would give it an 8 in my opinion the biggest downer is that it's too short or else it would be a 9/9.5.

Those here with Day One versions do you have any play in the power brick where the outlet cord goes? I have play in mine and I can move it slightly and it basically falls out. Doesn't have a snug fit at all.
I think mine does, but I just leave it there now and it's fine. I just thought it was like that since the X360 power brick was the same for me.

Got an Xbox One today and finally got it all set-up. I'm still getting used to the UI and figuring out all of that stuff, but there seems to be some potential for it to be cool if they do a good job of working out the kinks and rethinking some things. I believe my controller is broken, as the left stick click stopped working when I was entering some passwords for some of the video apps, so I'll have to get a spare soon and send the original in for repair/replacement.

I'm not a fan at all of the battery compartment on the controller, as I don't like that the batteries don't have any pieces of plastic in there to keep them in place.

Got an Xbox One today and finally got it all set-up. I'm still getting used to the UI and figuring out all of that stuff, but there seems to be some potential for it to be cool if they do a good job of working out the kinks and rethinking some things. I believe my controller is broken, as the left stick click stopped working when I was entering some passwords for some of the video apps, so I'll have to get a spare soon and send the original in for repair/replacement.

I'm not a fan at all of the battery compartment on the controller, as I don't like that the batteries don't have any pieces of plastic in there to keep them in place.
Yeah after the first of many patches to come I've gotten use to the UI after using the system a few hours each day. MS has already stated they are going to re-work the friends/party chat/game invite fiasco, at least that's what I would call it after spending years with the 360.

I also noticed that with the battery compartment. I'm not a big fan either, and I feel like the compartment is going to have issues in the long run.

Also, a big bummer is MS doesn't do the hold process as they do with the consoles themselves when it comes to defective controllers. Basically your going to have to pay for shipping and wait a good two weeks for them to send you a new controller. Correct me I'm wrong, but that's how I read it in the forums. Your controllers are warrantied for a year (3 if you buy the extended) but you'll always have to pay to ship them your controllers.

I took a look at the service page to see what the process entails and self-shipping is the only option, which is fine. I'm getting a $25 gift card from BB due to the recent deal they offered, so I'm going to use that to get a second controller and do the service order then so I don't have to miss out. The weird thing is that it doesn't even ask what's wrong before submitting the order, which I'm hoping means that they test it out thoroughly to find the issue since it's not an obvious thing.

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Anyone having problems with the turn off command? I'm not sure if there was a recent update or something, but over the last two days it's stopped working. "Xbox Turn Off" works but once I hit the Yes/No Commands it doesn't register either or.

Well I have BF4, DR3, Forza 5 and Peggle 2. Of all those games, Peggle has grabbed my attention much like the first one did. I actually had to force myself to stop playing it and play something else today. It is a lot of fun, albeit a bit short. Wrapping up the achievements now, 50 or so optional objectives to go.

Definitely recommend it for $12!

bread's done