Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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[quote name='FriskyTanuki']The big difference is that if it requires a constant connection and you lose it for even a second, you get kicked out of the game and probably lose save progress. Just requiring you to reconnect within 24 hours means that you can do what you need to save and then make sure you're back online to sign back in. One way has some leniency while the other has none.

If they were to shut down, I would be surprised if they didn't have back-up plans to remove certain restrictions or remove them all completely.[/QUOTE]
"Give them an inch and they'll take a mile". Every 24 hours now, every 15 hours later?

No benefit for the consumer but a measure for Microsoft to prevent early street date release on games most likely.
[quote name='giantqtipz']
It also makes redbox unappealing..[/QUOTE]
That is the point, make rentals and used games more unappealing than buying new.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']people just don't understand the type of world we live in now. people think this is the 90's and it's required we don't lose disc products. what will people do one movies,videogames,music is all 100 percent digiatal and sharing them are no longer a option. Will everyone just stop buying all that stuff?[/QUOTE]

You don't understand shit
oh well two nights in a row of this garbage is not worth it. i guess this fall when im enjoying my ps4 and x1 you guys will be playing 3ds and last gen wii u enjoy.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']people just don't understand the type of world we live in now. people think this is the 90's and it's required we don't lose disc products. what will people do one movies,videogames,music is all 100 percent digiatal and sharing them are no longer a option. Will everyone just stop buying all that stuff?[/QUOTE]

Yep, I will do exactly that.
[quote name='tokyostomp']You don't understand shit[/QUOTE]

i understand that everything is going to digital an you cry babys will soon be out of your disc games and cry about it becasue you can't share games.
[quote name='confoosious']I know. That would just be stupid and kill used games. Why would anyone want to pay full msrp for an used game? (Well except for gamestop shoppers who are OK with needed.)[/QUOTE]

I think people are missing the point of what physical games are going to be. They are just going to be a vessel to put the data on the console with a fancy blu ray box. I bet there won't even be protection on the disc and you will be allowed to make copies. Because there is no value in the disc itself. It will all be in the 25 digit code/license.

Only real advantage I see to physical discs is retailers will still be able to have sales on them, other than that they won't even be worth keeping on a shelf for collectors.
:cold:[quote name='RedvsBlue']Yep, I will do exactly that.[/QUOTE]

:roll: ok when that happens in 2-3 years you come back here and say that you no longer buy any type of entertainment because of that.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']:cold:

:roll: ok when that happens in 2-3 years you come back here and say that you no longer buy any type of entertainment because of that.[/QUOTE]

A: 2-3 years and all physical media is eliminated? Please, get back in contact with reality.

B: I have no interest in the anti-consumer nature of digital only goods. I will "rent" digital goods but I will never move to paying full price for digital only goods. I have plenty of physical games across all generations since NES and a huge collection of blu rays and DVDs that will keep me entertained. Furthermore, subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime will satisfy my needs but I will never pay $20 to "own" a digital only movie or $60 to "own" a digital download of a game.
Annnd ignored. Try explaining some logic and it falls on deaf ears. Apparently this guy who was "offered a MS job" but turned it down is infallible. Also had his GS reset for hacking. I give up he wins.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']oh well two nights in a row of this garbage is not worth it. i guess this fall when im enjoying my ps4 and x1 you guys will be playing 3ds and last gen wii u enjoy.[/QUOTE]

o_O First off, what does the 3DS have to do with this? It's a portable, completely different market from regular consoles.

Second, isn't the WiiU technically the current gen?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']A: 2-3 years and all physical media is eliminated? Please, get back in contact with reality.

B: I have no interest in the anti-consumer nature of digital only goods. I will "rent" digital goods but I will never move to paying full price for digital only goods. I have plenty of physical games across all generations since NES and a huge collection of blu rays and DVDs that will keep me entertained. Furthermore, subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime will satisfy my needs but I will never pay $20 to "own" a digital only movie or $60 to "own" a digital download of a game.[/QUOTE]

i guess your not a pc gamer then. The thing is digital games end up being cheaper because the cost is cut without making phiscal copy of games. digital games is why i got into pc gaming and have saved me closed to 500 bucks in first 3 months having my gaming pc.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i guess your not a pc gamer then. The thing is digital games end up being cheaper because the cost is cut without making phiscal copy of games. digital games is why i got into pc gaming and have saved me closed to 500 bucks in first 3 months having my gaming pc.[/QUOTE]

I thought you had enough of this shit? I was hoping that was a promise.
[quote name='tokyostomp']Annnd ignored. Try explaining some logic and it falls on deaf ears. Apparently this guy who was "offered a MS job" but turned it down is infallible. Also had his GS reset for hacking. I give up he wins.[/QUOTE]

really dude you cry that back in 2008 when i first got a 360 i wanted to have some fun to see if that gs hack was real. But again what does gamer score mean on 360 i have friends that play lame kids games just to get 1000 gamer score lol. omg im a awful person for trying a gamerscore glitch i bet anymoney you have used glitches or hacks in a video game.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i guess your not a pc gamer then. The thing is digital games end up being cheaper because the cost is cut without making phiscal copy of games. digital games is why i got into pc gaming and have saved me closed to 500 bucks in first 3 months having my gaming pc.[/QUOTE]

My only argument to this is Microsoft has Games on Demand sitting at 20$ that can be purchased in store for > $10. And when they have a monopoly on the used games market and can somewhat control pricing at retailers, I just don't see it being like steam with all the great deals.
[quote name='confoosious']I thought you had enough of this shit? I was hoping that was a promise.[/QUOTE]

i said the same thing everytime you kiss nintendos behind when they put out a failure called wii u
[quote name='RedvsBlue']A: 2-3 years and all physical media is eliminated? Please, get back in contact with reality.

B: I have no interest in the anti-consumer nature of digital only goods. I will "rent" digital goods but I will never move to paying full price for digital only goods. I have plenty of physical games across all generations since NES and a huge collection of blu rays and DVDs that will keep me entertained. Furthermore, subscription services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime will satisfy my needs but I will never pay $20 to "own" a digital only movie or $60 to "own" a digital download of a game.[/QUOTE]

Amen pastor!!!!
[quote name='confoosious']I thought you had enough of this shit? I was hoping that was a promise.[/QUOTE]

The amount of rage he's showing as a Xbox fanboy is really getting to be amusing at this point. I'm fairly certain at this point the Xbox One could take a morning dump on his head and he'd somehow find this to be a positive feature. He just can't accept that not everyone is as blindly excited for this shitshow of an anti-consumer console as he is.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i guess your not a pc gamer then. The thing is digital games end up being cheaper because the cost is cut without making phiscal copy of games. digital games is why i got into pc gaming and have saved me closed to 500 bucks in first 3 months having my gaming pc.[/QUOTE]
Stop using PC as a comparison to consoles. The reason I am a console gamer is because I prefer physical over digital. Without that difference I would had been a PC gamer long time ago. I like the option to trade, rent, and share my games freely.

You really expect the xbox live marketplace and PS Store will offer deep discounts like steam? Steam has to compete with other digital games retailers like origin, green man gaming, amazon, and gamefly. Xbox Live MarketPlace and PS Store has no competition on their respective platforms.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i said the same thing everytime you kiss nintendos behind when they put out a failure called wii u[/QUOTE]

Be careful, your console of choice isn't even out yet and it could prove to be an even slower seller than Wii U...
So what happens if your account is hacked and you lose the account? This happened to a friend of mine and he lost ownership of all his XBLA games. But discs were not lost. It sounds like with the One you lose everything, physical disc rights too. :( You essentially do not own games anymore. You can play the games you buy as long as Microsoft lets you. In the future you will lose the right to play the games you purchased, even on disc.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i guess your not a pc gamer then. The thing is digital games end up being cheaper because the cost is cut without making phiscal copy of games. digital games is why i got into pc gaming and have saved me closed to 500 bucks in first 3 months having my gaming pc.[/QUOTE]

You do realize the cost of production for discs is extremely cheap, right? It is something like .05 per disc written on.

Anyway, the PC is its own breed of species when it comes to games and game prices. It seems like you have a whole boatload of competitor digitalPC game retailers while on consoles your really only have one option.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']The amount of rage he's showing as a Xbox fanboy is really getting to be amusing at this point. I'm fairly certain at this point the Xbox One could take a morning dump on his head and he'd somehow find this to be a positive feature. He just can't accept that not everyone is as blindly excited for this shitshow of an anti-consumer console as he is.[/QUOTE]

im not even close to xbox fanboy :facepalm: i have played my ps3 more then my xbox last couple months thanks to great free games on ps plus. the main issue i have is that peple are going crazy over stuff they read in articles. i have always been a person that never reads to much into what i read on the internet. After all the internet is internet i could write up a article and say rumors also. ps4 could be doing same thing with used games an we would never know till they say yes or no which has yet to happen. Plus this stuff has been going on the pc side for years people hate it at first but now love it. Some reason console gamers thinks it's best to have phisical disk which i disagree.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Be careful, your console of choice isn't even out yet and it could prove to be an even slower seller than Wii U...[/QUOTE]

wii u is a failer so far thanks to no 3rd party support
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']im not even close to xbox fanboy :facepalm: i have played my ps3 more then my xbox last couple months thanks to great free games on ps plus. the main issue i have is that peple are going crazy over stuff they read in articles. i have always been a person that never reads to much into what i read on the internet. After all the internet is internet i could write up a article and say rumors also. ps4 could be doing same thing with used games an we would never know till they say yes or no which has yet to happen. Plus this stuff has been going on the pc side for years people hate it at first but now love it. Some reason console gamers thinks it's best to have phisical disk which i disagree.[/QUOTE]

Not an Xbox fanboy? Please, you already told us you took a day off work just to preorder the thing. Before they said one thing about this console you already had adopted it as the best thing ever.

Also, I don't think any PC gamers are saying they "love" digital distribution, rather they tolerate it because, by and large, it results in lower prices on the PC platform, an open platform. Consoles are not an open platform though and we will certainly not be seeing Steam-type sales on console games just because they've gone full digital.

Pull your head out of your ass and realize that the only reason companies are pushing toward full digital and Xbox One type DRM is to limit consumer's options. Plain and simple, these measures are in place to ensure they can get their hands in as many consumers pockets as possible. I'm not buying into their garbage, you can if you want but when the ugly side of these policies rears its head I won't be there to say I told you so because you'll be on my ignore list.
another thing is avg gamers and people that are not hardcore gamers good chance don't even read that far into things. I asked someone at work today what he thinks about the game things and always online and he had no clue about it seeing it was never talked about in the press conf. ps4 and x1 will both sell well seeing it's the names that sell. avg gamer and mothers that buy the things for their kids don't look into all this stuff.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']wii u is a failer so far thanks to no 3rd party support[/QUOTE]

This, this quote has made this entire thread worth it. You literally couldn't have fucked up spelling "failure" any more if you had tried.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Not an Xbox fanboy? Please, you already told us you took a day off work just to preorder the thing. Before they said one thing about this console you already had adopted it as the best thing ever.

Also, I don't think any PC gamers are saying they "love" digital distribution, rather they tolerate it because, by and large, it results in lower prices on the PC platform, an open platform. Consoles are not an open platform though and we will certainly not be seeing Steam-type sales on console games just because they've gone full digital.

Pull your head out of your ass and realize that the only reason companies are pushing toward full digital and Xbox One type DRM is to limit consumer's options. Plain and simple, these measures are in place to ensure they can get their hands in as many consumers pockets as possible. I'm not buying into their garbage, you can if you want but when the ugly side of these policies rears its head I won't be there to say I told you so because you'll be on my ignore list.[/QUOTE]

i took my two weeks of vacation mid june and planned my vacation the 2nd week of vacation with my wife. so first week is when im going to e3. video games are my hobby so reason to bash me for things i do in my personal life dude. Might i add i left work early the night ps4 was announce seeing it was at like five p.m
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']i took my two weeks of vacation mid june and planned my vacation the 2nd week of vacation with my wife. so first week is when im going to e3. video games are my hobby so reason to bash me for things i do in my personal life dude. Might i add i left work early the night ps4 was announce seeing it was at like five p.m[/QUOTE]

You should look into shifting your hobby from video games to spelling and grammar. This shit is practically unreadable.
The biggest problem with the game registration and activation policy they are implementing is that the console and games become useless once Microsoft stops supporting it. No other game console has ever had such a limitation.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']red vs blue i don't mind you bash me for what i say but to bash me on my personal life is just pathetic.[/QUOTE]

Really? And how exactly do you justify calling people "cry babies" and saying they "kiss nintendos behind"?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Really? And how exactly do you justify calling people "cry babies" and saying they "kiss nintendos behind"?[/QUOTE]

people bashing me about my job and what not is more personal then that stuff.
[quote name='spatenfloot']The biggest problem with the game registration and activation policy they are implementing is that the console and games become useless once Microsoft stops supporting it. No other game console has ever had such a limitation.[/QUOTE]

seeing it's software based it would be very easy for them to take it off an heck they could do it before systems is released to public
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Be careful, your console of choice isn't even out yet and it could prove to be an even slower seller than Wii U...[/QUOTE]

Reminds me of chimpmeister trolling all the Nintendo 3ds threads and talking about how awesome the PS vita was going to be.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']people bashing me about my job and what not is more personal then that stuff.[/QUOTE]

I haven't bashed you about your job; I don't even know, or care, what your job is. The only thing even related to your personal life I've mentioned is you took the day off work to preorder a console which was to highlight that before the console was even formally announced you had decided you wanted it. That has nothing to do with your personal life and everything to do with pointing out that from the beginning you've made it clear no matter what this console is you'd be behind it, blindly supporting it no matter what it entailed.
[quote name='confoosious']Reminds me of chimpmeister trolling all the Nintendo 3ds threads and talking about how awesome the PS vita was going to be.[/QUOTE]

ps4/x1 > 10000 times then wiiu
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']ps4/x1 > 10000 times then wiiu[/QUOTE]

These are the types of posts that make you lose all credibility, not your job or personal life.
[quote name='RiPPn']How is this a good read, it's basically yesterdays reveal in a nicely typed up presentation?[/QUOTE]

Ok ok a good summary, sshessh.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I haven't bashed you about your job; I don't even know, or care, what your job is. The only thing even related to your personal life I've mentioned is you took the day off work to preorder a console which was to highlight that before the console was even formally announced you had decided you wanted it. That has nothing to do with your personal life and everything to do with pointing out that from the beginning you've made it clear no matter what this console is you'd be behind it, blindly supporting it no matter what it entailed.[/QUOTE]

im a lifelong gamer i have got every major system on launch since the early 90's. If people don't think x1 and ps4 will not sell well you are crazy. like i said before unless you are a hardcore gamer you will have no clue what was learned outside of press conf. if the prouction of ps4 and x1 are like last gen these things will be hard to find around xmas.
Timbo, I'm a very tolerant person but you have to understand that very few of us are happy with this product - while the others simply 'do not mind' some of the features. The worst part is that you are pretending something is wrong with the consumer and not the product.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']ps4/x1 > 10000 times then wiiu[/QUOTE]

If Microsoft goes through with these anti consumer plans and Sony follows suit, then you can flip the > around.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']These are the types of posts that make you lose all credibility, not your job or personal life.[/QUOTE]

how so? we know ps4 and x1 will have unlimited 3rd party support and looks like wii u will not. wii u is what wii should have been if it was not rushed out by nintendo. what games worth playing have come out on wii u since launch?
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