Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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[quote name='tokyostomp']It's a bad way to run a company and MS should clean house and get rid of them. If they did this and had employees they could rely on to keep with the company script, I can guarantee that the bad press would be no where as bad as it is now.

It still is not an excuse. At the end of the day they are responsible for it.

the company went down hill fast once gates left. the day Steve Ballmer was announced new leader of microsoft me an guys at work just did facepalms no joke lol. Yes gates loved entertainment but when it came down to it he started xbox to be a true gaming system. i don't know if you ever notice but 360 really did not start to get pushed as a entertainment hub till gates walked away from the company. same thing happend with apple once jobs passed away.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']the company went down hill fast once gates left. the day Steve Ballmer was announced new leader of microsoft me an guys at work just did facepalms no joke lol. Yes gates loved entertainment but when it came down to it he started xbox to be a true gaming system. i don't know if you ever notice but 360 really did not start to get pushed as a entertainment hub till gates walked away from the company. same thing happend with apple once jobs passed away.[/QUOTE]
And the fact J Allard left. The xbox division is run by suits right now, Peter Moore and J Allard always wanted the xbox to focus on games.
[quote name='tokyostomp']Microsoft rumors tend to have more of a percentage of them being true based on interviews with Microsoft employees. Maybe someone said something that they shouldn't have, let the cat out the bag.

Sony rumors are more based on speculations than anything else. They have not stated anything, so there is no reliable information to base it on.

It's not to say that Sony doesn't have a similar game plan. But they have not commented on it, then took it back, clarified it, and then said wait for full facts.

The way Microsoft is going about it seems very shady to me.

The best analogy I can think of right now is poker. You know someone who lies and bluffs if you watch them enough (MS). You can't tell if they are lying or telling the truth.
It is harder to read a player who is for the most part kept a straight-faced and refused to reveal their cards(Sony).[/QUOTE]

Sony has stated some things, but they were very carefully worded. PS4 being able to play used games and not always being connected online being two prime examples, both of which Xbox One shares. However, the difference is that Microsoft has laid out their plan and (IMO fakely) backtracked on the details and Sony hasn't. The assumption going around everywhere is that Sony will not follow down this path, but considering there has not been ONE negative rumor about PS4 besides no BC, I'm extremely skeptical of PS4 being this paradise of gaming with no strings attached.
[quote name='KingBroly']Sony has stated some things, but they were very carefully worded. PS4 being able to play used games and not always being connected online being two prime examples, both of which Xbox One shares. However, the difference is that Microsoft has laid out their plan and (IMO fakely) backtracked on the details and Sony hasn't. The assumption going around everywhere is that Sony will not follow down this path, but considering there has not been ONE negative rumor about PS4 besides no BC, I'm extremely skeptical of PS4 being this paradise of gaming with no strings attached.[/QUOTE]

EA cutting onliine passes just puts up a red flag for me when it comes to ps4. people say oh well EA has a deal with micrsoft so thats why. Why would EA cut ties with online pass and loss all the money from ps4 sales EA is not that dumb deal with ms or not. Plus might i add the not so support EA has now showed to nintendo. I'm sure EA went to nintendo and asked if wii u could do something with used games an nintendo said NO so ea got pissy with them after they said they were on board with the wii u just at e3 last year.
I might be coming off as a little bias in the below statements but...

  • The PS Vita looks fine and Sony didn't do anything weird to it like charge for used games.
  • Sony still allows us to gameshare on 2 devices.
  • They didn't took away the free online play.
  • Offered a more valuable alternative to XBL Gold with PS+.
  • No advertisements on XMB.
  • You don't need a subscription(XBL Gold) to access your subscription(netflix, hulu, etc.).
  • The exclusives Sony usually gets are Free DLC packaged with the game. Microsoft exclusive DLC are usually just early buying opportunities(Cod, skyrim, etc).
I just feel like Microsoft will try to make a buck off their customers every chance they get, more so than Sony. But when it comes down to it I will support the company that gives me the most value for my money.

[quote name='KingBroly']The assumption going around everywhere is that Sony will not follow down this path, but considering there has not been ONE negative rumor about PS4 besides no BC, I'm extremely skeptical of PS4 being this paradise of gaming with no strings attached.[/QUOTE]
My source didn't know what Sony was up to but doubts the PlayStation maker will do the same thing, not because it's angelic but because it lacks the kind of pricey infrastructure something like this requires.
Or Sony just doesn't have money to set-up all these activation servers. :lol:
sony needs to get better servers before they think about doing activation servers. i never get great connection to their servers a demo that takes me 10 mins to download on 360 takes 30-40 on ps3. i will say that ps plus is way better value then xbox live. only reason i pay for live is most of my gaming friends have 360 an almost everyone having mics helps on games like bf3.
I'm just concerned over the fact that MS wants this to take over your living room, but what about people like myself who don't game in the living room? All my gaming is done in my bedroom, sitting about three feet from the tv. How an I supposed to benefit from the required kinect? Will it work with a person sitting that close, in a small cluttered room? Do I even want a camera in my bedroom that's on all the time? Not everyone has a big open living room to game and make wild sweeping hand gestures in. And not every family is centered on a tv in the one room. We don't even have a tv in our living room, haven't for about 10 years. I've got a tv in my bedroom, my mom has one in hers, and there's one in our kitchen that hasn't been used since cable went all digital.

I watched the reveal video and honestly they can keep everything they've added in for tv, movies, facebook, recording gameplay, etc, and just give me a simple gaming machine. When I want to watch netflix I use my PS3, the app is just better on it. I don't use the xbox for anything other than gaming. I don't download music on it, I don't buy videos on it, I don't use it for facebook, and I don't use Bing. I have a cable box that I pay rent on, what happens to that box? I don't need an entertainment machine, I need a gaming machine.
im sure you can still use your controller for dashboard and even just voice controls. they never said you can't turn kinect off just that it has to be connected to your system. for me i have always hated the ps3 netflix app i love using kinect on the 360 app . if i use streaming apps i just use the ones on my smart led tv so my game systems are not always running.

I have a cable box that I pay rent on, what happens to that box?

you hook box into your x1 and another hdmi cable from your x1 to your tv
I find the xbox app for netflix to be just pure terrible, episodes start up before you can pick which one you actually want. I got rid of that app when they ruined it by redesigning it.

As far as the kinect, I don't even want voice controls, it's beyond silly to be sitting alone in a room talking to your xbox. It should be 100% optional like the kinect is now. I don't own a kinect because I have no use for it, nor room for it, nor anywhere else to move my cable box to put it on top of the tv, but now they're telling me I must have one or else? It's ridiculous.
[quote name='praxus07']I find the xbox app for netflix to be just pure terrible, episodes start up before you can pick which one you actually want. I got rid of that app when they ruined it by redesigning it.

As far as the kinect, I don't even want voice controls, it's beyond silly to be sitting alone in a room talking to your xbox. It should be 100% optional like the kinect is now. I don't own a kinect because I have no use for it, nor room for it, nor anywhere to put it, but now they're telling me I must have one or else? It's ridiculous.[/QUOTE]

they are not making you use kinect it just has to be hooked up.
i just like the fact when im watching any kind of streaming on 360 instead of finding my controller and turning it on after it turned off to just say pause,play,fast forward and other things is pretty cool and nice addition.
The fact that is HAS to be hooked up is forcing you to use it. Unless there's an option to turn it off completely, in that it pulls absolutely no power from the xbox or any other power source, means it's in use, wether I wave at it or talk to it or not. If it's not in use why would it need to be connected to the xbox?
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']in the end all i really care about is that it's a win for us gamers let ms and sony fight their battles and hope it's good for us.[/QUOTE]

It's actually Mutually Assured Destruction, which isn't good for gamers. With no used games, or severe restrictions on used games, how "possession" of games are defined will weaken the industry, meaning less diversity, less quality, less innovation and less competition. I think Microsoft's crossed a line here, and if Sony does the same, we see a worldwide market crash.

I mean, sure, Nintendo might be there, but considered how much games journalists don't give a shit about them, you probably wouldn't even know they were here anymore.
[quote name='praxus07']The fact that is HAS to be hooked up is forcing you to use it. Unless there's an option to turn it off completely, in that it pulls absolutely no power from the xbox or any other power source, means it's in use, wether I wave at it or talk to it or not. If it's not in use why would it need to be connected to the xbox?[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Microsoft wants to know exactly what you're doing at all times when you're in front of their box. No thanks. Just because you're not waving your hand at it or speaking to it doesn't mean it's not being used.
[quote name='praxus07']The fact that is HAS to be hooked up is forcing you to use it. Unless there's an option to turn it off completely, in that it pulls absolutely no power from the xbox or any other power source, means it's in use, wether I wave at it or talk to it or not. If it's not in use why would it need to be connected to the xbox?[/QUOTE]

looks like ps4 ps eye will have to be used all the time also seeing controller has the ps move light on it
[quote name='KingBroly']It's actually Mutually Assured Destruction, which isn't good for gamers. With no used games, or severe restrictions on used games, how "possession" of games are defined will weaken the industry, meaning less diversity, less quality, less innovation and less competition. I think Microsoft's crossed a line here, and if Sony does the same, we see a worldwide market crash.

I mean, sure, Nintendo might be there, but considered how much games journalists don't give a shit about them, you probably wouldn't even know they were here anymore.[/QUOTE]

nintendo has their own problems also. i know alot of people are are fed up with nintendo and their gimmicks on home systems. just seems like the home gaming systems world is falling apart in front of our own eyes.
[quote name='keithp']Exactly. Microsoft wants to know exactly what you're doing at all times when you're in front of their box. No thanks. Just because you're not waving your hand at it or speaking to it doesn't mean it's not being used.[/QUOTE]

well u.s government already watches what ever you do on internet and phone calls and you still use the intenret and phones. people that make this statement are just parnode people.
I think the thinking of the idiots who came up with the whole taking over the living room campaign are using that to make you feel more at ease about having what's essentially a fancy webcam on you at all times. If they said instead "Hey, we want to be in your bedroom, but, you have to have this fancy camera on at all times, ok?" People would say hell No.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']well u.s government already watches what ever you do on internet and phone calls and you still use the intenret and phones. people that make this statement are just parnode people.[/QUOTE]

The government doesn't stick a video camera that's on all the time in my bedroom, so don't even try to say it's the same thing. Call me paranoid if you want, but when cellphones first came out the govt couldn't access them, but now they can listen in on you whenever they want. How long do you think it will be before they do the same thing with a video camera in your home? Forget the legalities or probable cause. It will happen, and to say otherwise is just being naive.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']looks like ps4 ps eye will have to be used all the time also seeing controller has the ps move light on it[/QUOTE]

I was pretty sure I read the PS4 Eye didn't even need to be plugged in if you don't want to use it. Though I've not read/seen much about the PS4 yet, been concentrating on the One since that's what my friend will most likely buy. I know one person in RL who games, and he's an xbox fan.
[quote name='keithp']The government doesn't stick a video camera that's on all the time in my bedroom, so don't even try to say it's the same thing.[/QUOTE]

how you know its on ALL the time lol you do know if microsoft made the cam to stay on 24/7 they could get into legal trouble.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']yes but that don't mean the camera will not always need to be connected. light bar is the new version of six axel controls[/QUOTE]
The PS4 eye is a separate accessory you have to buy, it doesn't come with the console.

[quote name='TimboSliceGB']how you know its on ALL the time lol you do know if microsoft made the cam to stay on 24/7 they could get into legal trouble.[/QUOTE]

It is always on.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']The amount of deflecting from one certain mental midget in this thread is astounding.[/QUOTE]

now your calling me a fucking mental midget grow the fuck up you fucking prick

im sick and tired of being bashed left and right on this board just because i on't fucking bash microsoft left an freaking right. when i go say something bad on sony and nintendo boards i get bashed also.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']now your calling me a fucking mental midget grow the fuck up you fucking prick

im sick and tired of being bashed left and right on this board just because i on't fucking bash microsoft left an freaking right. when i go say something bad on sony and nintendo boards i get bashed also.[/QUOTE]

Who said I was referring to you? Talk about being "parnode".
[quote name='htz']The Xbox One's Kinect microphone is always listening and waiting for specific commands, Microsoft's hardware program manager John Link told Polygon today.


my ipod dock is voice activated and always turns the thing on when i say play music. that don't mean cam is on
During the reveal didn't the guy say something along the lines of it's going to learn about you the owner through everything you do? Like talking in front of it, and general console use. What if MS, and knowing how they love to advertise they probably will, use the camera to "recognize" items you use to force advertising to you? Drinking a Pepsi in front of it and on screen pops a forced advert for Pepsi. Not likely but it could
people have webcams hooked to their computer 24/7 and what not to say government don't hack those webcams and watch you 24/7. see i can say dumb stuff also.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']people have webcams hooked to their computer 24/7 and what not to say government don't hack those webcams and watch you 24/7. see i can say dumb stuff also.[/QUOTE]

There was something like this recently, where a guy was trolling background websites and found a "closed" webcam feed that was supposed to be used to monitor an old lady's caregiver, only he caught her daughter smacking her around. He reported it, authorities got into the feed, arrested the woman.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']my ipod dock is voice activated and always turns the thing on when i say play music. that don't mean cam is on[/QUOTE]
I was responding to your statement that the kinect was not on 24/7 when it really is. I never said the cam is on.

I'm more worried about malware slipping into Microsoft's 300,000 servers which each Kinect is phoning home to instead of Microsoft spying on me to tell you the truth. The next xbox is running windows and we already know how secure Windows is, couple with the fact this newer Kinect has the ability to see in the dark. Might sound extremely paranoid but why is this stuff necessary for a gaming console...
that's just the thing that puzzles me people will find something to bash ms over but act like sony and nintendo does nothing bad. when sony was hacked i had my credit card taken and over 5000 charges put on it and for weeks they never told us about credit card numbers being taken. their servers are still garbage and never will put my personal info on them again don't even do it on xbox. nintendo = gimmick after gimmick when all we want is great 3rd party support and they can't even do that right. let's face it game companys are only in this for money an more money don't don't care about us so lets not act like sony and nintendo cares about us.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']that's just the thing that puzzles me people will find something to bash ms over but act like sony and nintendo does nothing bad. when sony was hacked i had my credit card taken and over 5000 charges put on it and for weeks they never told us about credit card numbers being taken. their servers are still garbage and never will put my personal info on them again don't even do it on xbox. nintendo = gimmick after gimmick when all we want is great 3rd party support and they can't even do that right. let's face it game companys are only in this for money an more money don't don't care about us so lets not act like sony and nintendo cares about us.[/QUOTE]
Nobody is bashing Microsoft, we are just having a discussion about the Kinect...
[quote name='htz']I was responding to your statement that the kinect was not on 24/7 when it really is. I never said the cam is on.

I'm more worried about malware slipping into Microsoft's 300,000 servers which each Kinect is phoning home to instead of Microsoft spying on me to tell you the truth. The next xbox is running windows and we already know how secure Windows is, couple with the fact this newer Kinect has the ability to see in the dark. Might sound extremely paranoid but why is this stuff necessary for a gaming console...[/QUOTE]

could not the same thing be done with 1st kinect? we never heard anything like that going on and i have mine connected all the time. Plus if xbox is off and not connected to internet seeing most people use wireless how will it connect to their servers?

to be honest i trust live servers security over sonys servers security. ms has been in computer security for year and years. sony don't even run their own servers they have other companys run their servers.
[quote name='htz']Nobody is bashing Microsoft, we are just having a discussion about the Kinect...[/QUOTE]

im not talking about you guys just the other people that bash me
to be honest i trust live servers security over sonys servers security. ms has been in computer security for year and years. sony don't even run their own servers they have other companys run their servers.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']could not the same thing be done with 1st kinect? we never heard anything like that going on and i have mine connected all the time. Plus if xbox is off and not connected to internet seeing most people use wireless how will it connect to their servers?

to be honest i trust live servers security over sonys servers security. ms has been in computer security for year and years. sony don't even run their own servers they have other companys run their servers.
The old kinect gave people a choice to buy it or not. With the xbox one it is required that it be connected all the time, comes with the system. The new kinect is essential to the xbox one, just like the Wii U tablet for the Wii U.
Honestly if it was just one of these big issues I'd probably be fine with dealing with it. If it was just mandatory installs to a 500 gb proprietary hard drive fine(and the OS will probably take up a significant chunk of that). If it was just no more used games (or whatever half-assed "solution" they've come up with) fine. If it was just Kinect being shoved down my throat fine, etc. But combine all this and other issues (like even though they are getting in bed with the dinosaur that is cable/satellite TV, it's not compatible with DVRs) and it's just a freaking train wreck.
Haven't decided which I'm getting but I sold my Xbox yesterday. Decided to do it now instead of waiting for the prices to come down. I hardly played it lately anyway...

I had the LE CODMW3 console. Swapped that with my brother's white 4GB console and kept the Hard drive.
Gave most my games to my nieces. Traded in like 4-5 games (GRAW2, Lego Indiana Jones, Dark Souls, Blue Dragon, and InJustice.)

Ended up getting $257 for it since I put some of the store credit on GTAV got me an extra 30% on top of the other deals going on.

Which in the end is more then I paid for the console since I got it off Cowboom for $180.

All that long winded stuff just to say if you are planning on getting one of the new consoles might be a good time to look at getting rid of your current stuff.
I probably would've dumped my 360 awhile ago if the wife han't insisted we keep it for a few of her favorite titles (namely Fable II, that was like her gateway game). I think the last game I actually bought for it and spent some serious time was Amalur. I think the last exclusive title was Fable III, which I barely played.
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