Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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I don't expect them to last forever. My 60gb PS3 died on me but that took over 6 years, it had a good run.Nintendo systems though, those will still be working after the inevitable Zombie apocalypse. My wife has an original game boy that still works fine. I've got a SNES with a crack running through it, works great.
I had great experiences with Nintendo hardware until the Wii. My Wii's GPU and DVD drive both had to be prefaced. This generation has been really bad.
Yeah, I've had to send in 3 Wiis for repair this generation. One time I lost all my save data :(

I am on my 2nd 360 since the wireless went out on my slim within like 3 months of buying it, however MS fixed it and the refurb unit seems to be better than the brand new one.

Never broken a Wii

I broke 2 DS lite systems, one would shut off in sleep mode, one developed lines on the top screen. Hopefully I have a better track record with the 3DS. Other than these instances I have good luck with electronics except the ACER monitor I killed, I will not be buying any more Acer products.
I am on my 2nd 360 since the wireless went out on my slim within like 3 months of buying it, however MS fixed it and the refurb unit seems to be better than the brand new one.Never broken a WiiI broke 2 DS lite systems, one would shut off in sleep mode, one developed lines on the top screen. Hopefully I have a better track record with the 3DS. Other than these instances I have good luck with electronics except the ACER monitor I killed, I will not be buying any more Acer products.
My kids have broken the mic on a ds lite and a DSi.
When the 360 was first released, how long did it take for Microsoft to stop making games,accessories, etc. for the original Xbox? 

I'm wondering how long it will take with Xbox One and Xbox 360.

When the 360 was first released, how long did it take for Microsoft to stop making games,accessories, etc. for the original Xbox?

I'm wondering how long it will take with Xbox One and Xbox 360.
It really depends on how long the 360 keeps selling. MS was bleeding with the original XBox ($200+ loss still at the end?) while the 360 is profitable. I don't foresee them dropping the 360 for another 2 years at worst if current rates of sale even drop by 30%.

I'm sure 2014 will still have a lot of key games out (off hand I know multiplatform wise FFX13-3 and Dark SOuls 2 have 2014 release dates and no xbox version one yet.)

The original Xbox is a different beast. MS was still losing money when they closed up shop. Not to mention they sold a measly 20m to ps2's 100+m. They stopped support to focus on the future with the 360. Easy decision.

That won't happen as sudden this time out. It'll be more like the PS2 where support and a few games will be around for a couple years.
When the 360 was first released, how long did it take for Microsoft to stop making games,accessories, etc. for the original Xbox?

I'm wondering how long it will take with Xbox One and Xbox 360.
once 360 came out ms pretty much did not allow many companys to make games for it anymore other then sports games. looks like 3rd party support will be on 360 for at least a year after one is out seeing destiny and respawn games are not due out till 2014 and coming for 360.

Kinda scary that the thing lasting 5 years is almost a best case scenario in their eyes. So, you could be paying close to $100 a year for your controllers and whatever other peripherals you burn through. Do people really think PC gaming is that much more expensive?
Console gaming has always been cheaper up front, but in the long haul PC gaming CAN be cheaper, especially if you buy a lot of games via Steam.

The thing is, I don';t know of anyone who hasn't had ISSUES with their PS3 or XBox 360 have 5 years. The Wii is a different story for MOST people. I've had issues with my launch Wii (it was on standby WiConnect 24/7 so the graphics card over heated and I get dead pixels on the screen. But it still works!!!). Five years is honestly damn good life for a system used every day. I'll be buying the three year warranty thru MS either way, and I'm sure a second system 5 years down the road will be a lot replace. It's sad but true: If I plan on gaming hardcore I can expect to buy a system now twice In It's life time.

Kinda scary that the thing lasting 5 years is almost a best case scenario in their eyes. So, you could be paying close to $100 a year for your controllers and whatever other peripherals you burn through. Do people really think PC gaming is that much more expensive?
Console gaming has always been cheaper up front, but in the long haul PC gaming CAN be cheaper, especially if you buy a lot of games via Steam.

The thing is, I don';t know of anyone who hasn't had ISSUES with their PS3 or XBox 360 have 5 years. The Wii is a different story for MOST people. I've had issues with my launch Wii (it was on standby WiConnect 24/7 so the graphics card over heated and I get dead pixels on the screen. But it still works!!!). Five years is honestly damn good life for a system used every day. I'll be buying the three year warranty thru MS either way, and I'm sure a second system 5 years down the road will be a lot replace. It's sad but true: If I plan on gaming hardcore I can expect to buy a system now twice In It's life time.
plus with this day and age unlike years ago you really don't need to change specs on pcs that much. if you buy a gpu card now should be fine for 2-3 years

The more I read about the Xbox One, the more I laugh. Paying people to praise Microsoft on Reddit, the absolutely stupid 24-hour check requirement, treating consumers like criminals, and the list goes on. I ain't buying this shit. Microsoft can suck my proverbial dick. And this comes from someone who planned to buy an X1 simply for Call of Duty multiplayer. I already have a gaming PC. I'll buy a PS4 for Call of Duty multi.

Paying people to praise Microsoft on Reddit,
When was this? The constant cheering and clapping at the press conference was the main reason I hated it so much. I know I sound naive and childish complaining about that, but man you'd think Kim Jong Un would at least make an appearance with all the cheerleading I saw that day.

Kinda scary that the thing lasting 5 years is almost a best case scenario in their eyes. So, you could be paying close to $100 a year for your controllers and whatever other peripherals you burn through. Do people really think PC gaming is that much more expensive?
Console gaming has always been cheaper up front, but in the long haul PC gaming CAN be cheaper, especially if you buy a lot of games via Steam.

The thing is, I don';t know of anyone who hasn't had ISSUES with their PS3 or XBox 360 have 5 years. The Wii is a different story for MOST people. I've had issues with my launch Wii (it was on standby WiConnect 24/7 so the graphics card over heated and I get dead pixels on the screen. But it still works!!!). Five years is honestly damn good life for a system used every day. I'll be buying the three year warranty thru MS either way, and I'm sure a second system 5 years down the road will be a lot replace. It's sad but true: If I plan on gaming hardcore I can expect to buy a system now twice In It's life time.
Hey man, that's EXACTLY what happened to mine. A couple months ago I called Nintendo and demanded a free repair for 35 minutes until they fixed it for free. They also replaced the DVD drive. It works great now.
Paying people to praise Microsoft on Reddit,
When was this? The constant cheering and clapping at the press conference was the main reason I hated it so much. I know I sound naive and childish complaining about that, but man you'd think Kim Jong Un would at least make an appearance with all the cheerleading I saw that day.
The thing that most people don't understand is a lot of those people in that room we're the ones working on the xbox one. Those people worked years on that project. If I worked years on something and it was being announced I would be cheering too. What are those people supposed to do? Not care at all?

Since I have no idea how to quote posts on mobile anymore, the reddit thing Chase is talkin about is detailed a lil here:

Didnt read the thread, but my understanding based on several sites wa that someone posted how Microsoft paid people to go on forums and post good stuff to negate the negativity. People on Reddit then went further and started finding details of the people they suspected of doin it. Thread was removed because of it.
So when Sim City's servers went down, nobody could access the game for days.  So what happens if the console's activation servers go down?  Scheduled or maintenance, or a crash.  So if the activation servers go down, nobody can play any of their games?

I'm definitely not buying an Xbox One ever.  This is shaping up to be the worst console release in gaming history. 

Hopefully Microsoft clears up the details during E3 and it isn't as bad as it seems. I just find it very hard to believe that a company would be this restrictive when it comes to playing games and back themselves into a corner. They are one ps3 hacking type disaster from killing the xbox one if the whole game check thing is as bad as it seems

I sort of wish MS just went fully digital. At least you'd know what we get, and there wouldn't be this half-assed purgatory of physical media they're trying to set up. 

So when Sim City's servers went down, nobody could access the game for days. So what happens if the console's activation servers go down? Scheduled or maintenance, or a crash. So if the activation servers go down, nobody can play any of their games?

I'm definitely not buying an Xbox One ever. This is shaping up to be the worst console release in gaming history.
Well, what's been suggested by nearly everyone, and it makes sense, is that MS will keep the authentication server completely separate from all the XBL, Marketplace, etc. stuff, which would keep the server load very low, and make it less likely to crash. What has also been suggested (and it makes sense) is that that server will become the ultimate hacker bounty and will be a huge target from day one. It's fairly obvious that if that server ever goes down and there are 1 million+ Xbox Ones that are unplayable, Microsoft is in serious trouble. And given the aggressively anti-consumer approach they're taking, there are going to be a lot of people who would love to see that happen.

Paying people to praise Microsoft on Reddit,
When was this? The constant cheering and clapping at the press conference was the main reason I hated it so much. I know I sound naive and childish complaining about that, but man you'd think Kim Jong Un would at least make an appearance with all the cheerleading I saw that day.
That cheering and clapping wasn't from the crowd. Reporters were tweeting during the event saying it was being added in. I hated it during the event too whether it was real or not. It was annoying and stupid.

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Since I have no idea how to quote posts on mobile anymore, the reddit thing Chase is talkin about is detailed a lil here:

Didnt read the thread, but my understanding based on several sites wa that someone posted how Microsoft paid people to go on forums and post good stuff to negate the negativity. People on Reddit then went further and started finding details of the people they suspected of doin it. Thread was removed because of it.

I sort of wish MS just went fully digital. At least you'd know what we get, and there wouldn't be this half-assed purgatory of physical media they're trying to set up.
Seriously out of all things the online check in the asinine straw that breaks the camel's back and there's no reason for it except that they are afraid if they went full digital they'd end up like the PSPgo.

I sort of wish MS just went fully digital. At least you'd know what we get, and there wouldn't be this half-assed purgatory of physical media they're trying to set up.
Exactly. Most* of the complaints disappear if this was all digital. Of course, new ones would crop up (where's my discs, no competitive pricing).

*forced Kinect would still be an issue either way

The more I read about the Xbox One, the more I laugh. Paying people to praise Microsoft on Reddit, the absolutely stupid 24-hour check requirement, treating consumers like criminals, and the list goes on. I ain't buying this shit. Microsoft can suck my proverbial dick. And this comes from someone who planned to buy an X1 simply for Call of Duty multiplayer. I already have a gaming PC. I'll buy a PS4 for Call of Duty multi.
Your first mistake is still playing COD specially for multiplayer...

I feel bad for the kids that are going to get one of these for Christmas.  Can you remember yourself at 7 or 8 and you're hooking up your new game console?  You're super excited, taking everything out of the box.  Put the console down, hook it up to the tv, plug it in...put in the cartridge...turn it on....FUN. 

Now...some kid opens the box, he/she's super excited...hook everything up...turn it on....WHAT'S THIS?  You have to hook up to WiFi to use it initially?  "Mom/Dad come help me, this is not working".  Mom/Dad, "Sorry little Billie/Sally but we don't want you on the Internet with all those adults and teenagers with vulgar speech."  Oh but hey, don't worry, we'll return your Christmas gift TOMORROW and get a Nintendo Wii U.  You'll just have to #dealwithit for now since it's Christmas and no one's open.

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You guys like my gamertag :p

But seriously, I'm not buying the X1 for a few years at least and once I do I'll probably keep this GT and see what reactions I get LOL. No point in buying it anytime soon as I don't plan on having cable once I move out of my parents house. Too expensive.

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@Blaster Man. Even if they did want it for christmas,, the 360 had a habit of servers being down around that time every year, didnt it?
@Blaster Man. Even if they did want it for christmas,, the 360 had a habit of servers being down around that time every year, didnt it?
@Blaster Man. Even if they did want it for christmas,, the 360 had a habit of servers being down around that time every year, didnt it?
@Blaster Man. Even if they did want it for christmas,, the 360 had a habit of servers being down around that time every year, didnt it?@Blaster Man. Even if they did want it for christmas,, the 360 had a habit of servers being down around that time every year, didnt it?@Blaster Man. Even if they did want it for christmas,, the 360 had a habit of servers being down around that time every year, didnt it?
While I feel you didnt even read the origianl post you are replying to, I shall reply to you anyway. The 360 can be played fully offline. That's the entire point.
Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.

Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
I'm feeling the same. Unless Sony has the same/similar DRM crap. They don't require the Eye camera, and said it never had to go online though, so it should at least be better on that front. Could have some disc based DRM I guess, or let publishers user DRM if they choose etc., so time will tell.

Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
I'm feeling the same. Unless Sony has the same/similar DRM crap. They don't require the Eye camera, and said it never had to go online though, so it should at least be better on that front. Could have some disc based DRM I guess, or let publishers user DRM if they choose etc., so time will tell.
Just listening to the Microsoft press conference, they made it sound like they invented the damn television. I buy a console to play games first, media second. Like you said though, time will tell.

Almost time for E3, ladies and gents.

@Blaster Man , no, i understood your point. I was just backing it up more by saying that even if the kid did get to keep it and connect it, the xbox has a history of servers being down at the most important times (game launches and Christmas). So he would have still been left with a console he couldnt play at that moment, even if his parents allowed him to. I just didnt phrase it the best way.

EDIT: Found how to quote/edit posts.
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Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
I'm feeling the same. Unless Sony has the same/similar DRM crap. They don't require the Eye camera, and said it never had to go online though, so it should at least be better on that front. Could have some disc based DRM I guess, or let publishers user DRM if they choose etc., so time will tell.
Just listening to the Microsoft press conference, they made it sound like they invented the damn television. I buy a console to play games first, media second. Like you said though, time will tell.

Almost time for E3, ladies and gents.

The media stuff intrigued me a bit with how seamless and fast it was in the demo. But then it came out that you just plug your cable/satellite box into it, and my excitement dissapated as things would just be as slow/laggy as your cable/satellite box--and mine's pretty clunky. And then there was the stuff on GAF and other sites about how that was all faked/pre-recorded, and a live demo video showing it was laggy etc. So even that's a big pile of meh.

I watch a good bit of TV, so I could get use out of the voice commands and having one box for both gaming and tv if it didn't require a separate cable/sat box and actually worked as shown.

Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
kinect don't have to always be on it can be turn off and if your so parnoid having it on when off unhook it from xbox while it's not on

i can't wait for tommow not just for ms and sony but for 3rd party conf's im sure those questions about drm will come up what will 3rd partys say about it if anything at all seeing they are the ones that choose to be in program or not

cod's big gameplay was gameplay of you using a dog in combat WTH has cod come to when they think people care about playing with a dog. Let me guess the dog streak in mp now allows you to control the dog :facepalm: how can people still play that junk.

Batten Down the Hatches, we're in for a bumpy ass ride.

- MS's paying devs to not mention the PS4 version of games. If they don't mention exclusivity for Xbone, assume it's on PS4

- Stage 2 of DRM talk to be at Gamescom, no rental strategy (that's a lie), stage 1 was Thursday, and a clusterfuck

- Cloud processing is just for DRM. MS approached third parties, EA/Ubi really behind it, Activision not so much (and he doesn't get why)

- DRM is going to be much worse than it is now, but no one's saying how

- Mirror's Edge 2, remake Prince of Persia, Word of Tanks (exclusive) to be at MS Conference

- Paywall for XBL confirmed, even for F2P

- Dead Rising 3 to be at MS conference + one other Capcom game, both get exclusive Xbone DLC

- No online paywall for Sony

- Sony isn't talking DRM, hasn't leaked

I feel bad for the kids that are going to get one of these for Christmas. Can you remember yourself at 7 or 8 and you're hooking up your new game console? You're super excited, taking everything out of the box. Put the console down, hook it up to the tv, plug it in...put in the cartridge...turn it on....FUN.

Now...some kid opens the box, he/she's super excited...hook everything up...turn it on....WHAT'S THIS? You have to hook up to WiFi to use it initially? "Mom/Dad come help me, this is not working". Mom/Dad, "Sorry little Billie/Sally but we don't want you on the Internet with all those adults and teenagers with vulgar speech." Oh but hey, don't worry, we'll return your Christmas gift TOMORROW and get a Nintendo Wii U. You'll just have to #dealwithit for now since it's Christmas and no one's open.
Well most kids know more about tech these days than most adults but I agree with the spirit of your post.

Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
so having kinect connected to your Xbox would make you switch consoles? lol seems kind of silly. I have my kinect on always doesn't make affect me playing games. And the "clamp on used games" will be on PS4 too its not an MS thing its a developer/publisher thing. I really have not heard 1 thing that would make me think about not getting the Xbox One or even consider switching to PS4 only, the only bad thing is no backward comparability but thats same with PS4

Since I have no idea how to quote posts on mobile anymore, the reddit thing Chase is talkin about is detailed a lil here:
Didnt read the thread, but my understanding based on several sites wa that someone posted how Microsoft paid people to go on forums and post good stuff to negate the negativity. People on Reddit then went further and started finding details of the people they suspected of doin it. Thread was removed because of it.

Batten Down the Hatches, we're in for a bumpy ass ride.

- MS's paying devs to not mention the PS4 version of games. If they don't mention exclusivity for Xbone, assume it's on PS4
Haven't gotten the hang of this atrocious, new quoting function. But, that was from Reddit and a lie. Daywalker's link has the info.
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Was looking for Xbox one YouTube vids and found this. It's actually pretty funny and makes some valid points I hadn't thought of. The up/down votes for the video are pretty impressive. Seems like there's overwhelming sentiment against the One.

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Since I have no idea how to quote posts on mobile anymore, the reddit thing Chase is talkin about is detailed a lil here:
Didnt read the thread, but my understanding based on several sites wa that someone posted how Microsoft paid people to go on forums and post good stuff to negate the negativity. People on Reddit then went further and started finding details of the people they suspected of doin it. Thread was removed because of it.

Batten Down the Hatches, we're in for a bumpy ass ride.

- MS's paying devs to not mention the PS4 version of games. If they don't mention exclusivity for Xbone, assume it's on PS4
Haven't gotten the hang of this atrocious, new quoting function. But, that was from Reddit and a lie. Daywalker's link has the info.
If you read the thread, you will know that this guy is a 100% truth-teller. He is well regarded amongst that community, its' moderators included. When he says something, you know, with the utmost of certainty, that it is true.

He screwed up on the 1hr at your buddy's house thing but the rest was fairly accurate.  It's really striking looking at these videos and seeing just how many people are giving them the thumbs up vs thumbs down.

It's hard to believe that the next 48 hours may be what drives me back to PC gaming, I assume for good. I don't even like PC gaming that much (and Steam is basically what started us down the path of this "you don't actually own your games" bullshit in the first place) but it's still better than what we're facing down here.

I admire the optimism of you who apparently think Sony is going to ride in and save the day, but all they are doing is letting MS break the bad news so Sony can slip in later and say "us too" with a reduced outrage.
Since I have no idea how to quote posts on mobile anymore, the reddit thing Chase is talkin about is detailed a lil here:
Didnt read the thread, but my understanding based on several sites wa that someone posted how Microsoft paid people to go on forums and post good stuff to negate the negativity. People on Reddit then went further and started finding details of the people they suspected of doin it. Thread was removed because of it.
Batten Down the Hatches, we're in for a bumpy ass ride.
- MS's paying devs to not mention the PS4 version of games. If they don't mention exclusivity for Xbone, assume it's on PS4
Haven't gotten the hang of this atrocious, new quoting function. But, that was from Reddit and a lie. Daywalker's link has the info.
If you read the thread, you will know that this guy is a 100% truth-teller. He is well regarded amongst that community, its' moderators included. When he says something, you know, with the utmost of certainty, that it is true.
O I C. Gonna cost Reddit some points if all of that turns out true. Damn, Microsoft seems ULTRA pathetic.

........"The only red ring Playstation has is the O button." LMFAO! These people on Playstation's YouTube PS4 console teaser vid are crazy! Lmao.
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Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
so having kinect connected to your Xbox would make you switch consoles? lol seems kind of silly. I have my kinect on always doesn't make affect me playing games. And the "clamp on used games" will be on PS4 too its not an MS thing its a developer/publisher thing. I really have not heard 1 thing that would make me think about not getting the Xbox One or even consider switching to PS4 only, the only bad thing is no backward comparability but thats same with PS4
Ok dude. Cool story bro.

He screwed up on the 1hr at your buddy's house thing but the rest was fairly accurate. It's really striking looking at these videos and seeing just how many people are giving them the thumbs up vs thumbs down.
Are there any videos on Youtube in support of the Xbox One (not made by Microsoft of course)? I'm looking for a single one and can't find it.

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