Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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Batten Down the Hatches, we're in for a bumpy ass ride.

- Mirror's Edge 2, remake Prince of Persia, Word of Tanks (exclusive) to be at MS Conference
Seriously. who the hell cares about the 40th reboot of Prince of Persia at this point? I would put really good odds down on ME2 being a Kinect title...
ME2 isn't exclusive though.
Won't stop MS from claiming it is, all the while actually meaning it simply has exclusive kinnect features.

There's no confirmation it isn't. Mirror's Edge didn't sell. EA would probably need good financial incentive to make a sequel. MS paying a load of cash for exclusive sequel would be plenty of incentive.

There's no confirmation it isn't. Mirror's Edge didn't sell. EA would probably need good financial incentive to make a sequel. MS paying a load of cash for exclusive sequel would be plenty of incentive.
In the previous generation a lot of their "exclusives" were actually "timed exclusives". I don't remember the exact games off hand but there were several that were "exclusive" and the company didn't say a single word about the PS release. Then exactly one year later they showed up on PS3.

Many of the MS "exclusives" are also available on PC currently. I don't see that changing much when the architecture is going to be so similar now. Porting a game will be easy.

Some of the announced PS4 titles have a PC version announced as well.

There's no confirmation it isn't. Mirror's Edge didn't sell. EA would probably need good financial incentive to make a sequel. MS paying a load of cash for exclusive sequel would be plenty of incentive.
Exactly. I can see one of the consoles ponying up for at least a timed exclusive.

Kinect always on, the clamp on used games and just overall sounding like a lackluster console? Sounds like this generation I'll be heading back to Sony's side.
so having kinect connected to your Xbox would make you switch consoles? lol seems kind of silly. I have my kinect on always doesn't make affect me playing games. And the "clamp on used games" will be on PS4 too its not an MS thing its a developer/publisher thing. I really have not heard 1 thing that would make me think about not getting the Xbox One or even consider switching to PS4 only, the only bad thing is no backward comparability but thats same with PS4
As someone with a projector, I'm not running a 30' cable just to satisfy a requirement for the console to run. If I can plug it in and dump it behind the entertainment rack with the power brick, then we'll see. The fact that you can turn everything about the Kinect off, but can't unplug it is quite simply, horseshit. If a user can turn it off, let them unplug it. It has nothing to do with "some games might have features" and everything to do with spying on your gaming habits because they know most people won't turn those features off.

Batten Down the Hatches, we're in for a bumpy ass ride.

- MS's paying devs to not mention the PS4 version of games. If they don't mention exclusivity for Xbone, assume it's on PS4

- Stage 2 of DRM talk to be at Gamescom, no rental strategy (that's a lie), stage 1 was Thursday, and a clusterfuck

- Cloud processing is just for DRM. MS approached third parties, EA/Ubi really behind it, Activision not so much (and he doesn't get why)

- DRM is going to be much worse than it is now, but no one's saying how

- Mirror's Edge 2, remake Prince of Persia, Word of Tanks (exclusive) to be at MS Conference

- Paywall for XBL confirmed, even for F2P

- Dead Rising 3 to be at MS conference + one other Capcom game, both get exclusive Xbone DLC

- No online paywall for Sony

- Sony isn't talking DRM, hasn't leaked
Tried the link, but thank you for formatting in English, I couldn't make heads or tails of the original post. :lol:

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- Cloud processing is just for DRM. MS approached third parties, EA/Ubi really behind it, Activision not so much (and he doesn't get why)
Am I misunderstanding this? According to the OP on that thread, instead of third parties coming to Microsoft and Sony for DRM, Microsoft went to third parties with this plan?
Yep that's what he says. If anyone else didn't read it, he also says MS has no plans for game renting and that the DRM is worse than what we currently know about. Good stuff.

BTW he types like that so he isn't quoted and so it's harder to find by searching google and such.

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- Cloud processing is just for DRM. MS approached third parties, EA/Ubi really behind it, Activision not so much (and he doesn't get why)
Am I misunderstanding this? According to the OP on that thread, instead of third parties coming to Microsoft and Sony for DRM, Microsoft went to third parties with this plan?
Yep that's what he says. If anyone else didn't read it, he also says MS has no plans for game renting and that the DRM is worse than what we currently know about. Good stuff.

BTW he types like that so he isn't quoted and so it's harder to find by searching google and such.
And if the cloud processing is purely for DRM, like the OP suggests, would that mean the cloud making up for processing (or whatever it's supposed to do exactly) would be a lie?

I'm really hoping these rumors are false, even though people on these sites where these rumors are coming from seem to find these posters highly reliable.

Guess we *might* find out more before the week is over...

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The guy apparently has a track record dating back before GTA: San I'd say he's as legit as they come, with an awesome screen name.  Someone translated on Post 23 of that thread, but I knew some people wouldn't go that far, so I made my own synopsis.

- Cloud processing is just for DRM. MS approached third parties, EA/Ubi really behind it, Activision not so much (and he doesn't get why)
Am I misunderstanding this? According to the OP on that thread, instead of third parties coming to Microsoft and Sony for DRM, Microsoft went to third parties with this plan?
Yep that's what he says. If anyone else didn't read it, he also says MS has no plans for game renting and that the DRM is worse than what we currently know about. Good stuff.

BTW he types like that so he isn't quoted and so it's harder to find by searching google and such.
And if the cloud processing is purely for DRM, like the OP suggests, would that mean the cloud making up for processing (or whatever it's supposed to do exactly) would be a lie?

I'm really hoping these rumors are false, even though people on these sites where these rumors are coming from seem to find these posters highly reliable.

Guess we *might* find out more before the week is over...

Personally I dont have a clue. I'd imagine there would actually be some benefit to the infinite power of the clouds, but nothing like MS is going to try and sell it off as. I think the poster was saying it was designed as a form of DRM. that doesn't necessarily mean there would be zero benefit gaming wise.

edit: god I hate these new quotes. I dont even know how to edit it properly so its just going to stay like this.
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Game console worth buying or not, MS has certainly given us an entertaining pre-launch that makes the PS3 pre-launch blunders look like a fun diversion.

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Very interested to see if this Fable 3 for free thing was intentional or not. If they are actually going to match what PSN+ does and give free games once in a while, great. MS has been so awful lately I'm not entirely convinced yet that it really wasn't a mistake.

Regardless, even if it is a new thing they're doing, it ain't gonna change my mind on this upcoming console. Nice gesture, but it's gonna take a lot more than that. Also makes me wonder if this is just something they only recently decided to do as a reaction to the negativity.

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It's still going to be hanging over Xbone's head until well after it releases.  The more it comes up, the worse it seemingly gets.  And I don't give a shit if it's pro-industry, the industry is broken, both creatively and structurally to let something like this happen.

And if the cloud processing is purely for DRM, like the OP suggests, would that mean the cloud making up for processing (or whatever it's supposed to do exactly) would be a lie?

I'm really hoping these rumors are false, even though people on these sites where these rumors are coming from seem to find these posters highly reliable.

Guess we *might* find out more before the week is over...

Personally I dont have a clue. I'd imagine there would actually be some benefit to the infinite power of the clouds, but nothing like MS is going to try and sell it off as. I think the poster was saying it was designed as a form of DRM. that doesn't necessarily mean there would be zero benefit gaming wise.

edit: god I hate these new quotes. I dont even know how to edit it properly so its just going to stay like this.
"We offload a significant amount of the calculations to our servers so that the computations are off the local PCs and are moved into the cloud," she said. "It wouldn't be possible to make the game offline without a significant amount of engineering work by our team." - Maxis (Sim City)

^Explanation from Maxis on why Sim City requires the cloud.

Now, players have uncovered the code that governs this, proving that Maxis set a 20 minute time limit of offline play after which the game kicks the player out.

The code for this shutdown time is below, posted to NeoGAF by EmCeeGramr. For modders, removing this always-online code is a simple job. EA, Maxis and Bradshaw will be holding their breath as they wonder how their city simulation will be tweaked next.

  • kNoRepeatNetworkAlertSeconds : 15,
  • kNetDownForceQuitAfterMinutes : 20,
GI: "What XBox One lacks in RAM, it potentially makes up for in cloud computing." Talks about how the game will have unlimited dedicated servers for the game, offloading "a few dozen AI" and physics, says the game would be impossible without the cloud and wouldn't have attempted it. Still dealing with unfinished hardware and software, so it's "still a little rough going at times." - Gamerinformer interview with Respawn Studios

^Explanation from Respawn on why Titanfall requires the cloud.

Just look at SimCity from EA and it doesn't take much to answer your question. Only a few more hours to go before this thread blows up.

Another Twist:

Keep reading. He gives a vague hint at what he heard it might be on the next page. Sounds. ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE.
Basically implying that if your Gold sub runs out, all games tied to your account (so basically all your games) stop working.

They can't possibly be stupid enough to do that...right?
It's Microsoft... So it wouldn't surprise me.

Uh...if you watch the stream on right now, it's just playing the Nine Inch Nails Beside You In Time concert.

Although this may wind up being the best thing streamed on today. The hell?

Basically implying that if your Gold sub runs out, all games tied to your account (so basically all your games) stop working.

They can't possibly be stupid enough to do that...right?

It seemed very fishy that there were so many sales on points. This doesn't surprise me at all.

This is also why I kept my copy of Alan Wake even though I have the digital version that went on sale a week or two ago.

As it stands with Xbox One, the only thing I hate about it is the "offline play for an hour" rule. And I am creeped out by what might happen if Microsoft gets hacked by someone.

Unless something drastic is said today, I'm going to wait for Xbox Two.

It seemed very fishy that there were so many sales on points. This doesn't surprise me at all.
I don't think one has anything to do with the other. Points still work on the 360. They're probably moving to an all currency model for Xbone and are trying to squeeze every last drop out of gamers before it launches between sales on points and sales on the marketplace (that we now know will never work on the xbone).

- Cloud processing is just for DRM. MS approached third parties, EA/Ubi really behind it, Activision not so much (and he doesn't get why)
Am I misunderstanding this? According to the OP on that thread, instead of third parties coming to Microsoft and Sony for DRM, Microsoft went to third parties with this plan?
Truth be told it's got the ring of truth of it...

First, I have serious doubts about Sony's ability to do a PSN/networked based DRM structure... Their network is free for a reason. Its still not what XBL is.

Second, Sony already tried a digital/DRM before... It was the PSPgo.

I think you will see exclusives from both EA and Ubisoft as a means to paying for the XBone's DRM.. Yes, MS likely gave so money too but not as much as everyone seems to think they did.

It looks like GameStop will be taking pre-orders today. [Off of Xbox's Facebook]
I'll likely look at Amazon before GS... Trust Amazon more and I know I can cancel later.

Honestly, I'm not sure if the gaming community would be better of as a whole not preordering the system at all or preordering and then cancelling the preorder a week before release. (I honestly would like to be able to send the strongest message possible.)

I'll likely look at Amazon before GS... Trust Amazon more and I know I can cancel later.

Honestly, I'm not sure if the gaming community would be better of as a whole not preordering the system at all or preordering and then cancelling the preorder a week before release. (I honestly would like to be able to send the strongest message possible.)
Well, not preordering would send a bigger message and give them a chance to change their ways. Preordering and then cancelling would just be a big " fuck you", and send Microsoft spiraling. Of those two options, I think option two is more likely to happen...but we'll see if people actually follow through with cancelling. One thing gamers do very well is bitch and complain. What they don't do well is resist temptation. We'll see if people still have the same "principles" in November.

EDIT - And, Jesus, do I hate these "nested quotes". Ugh, this post looks so bad. Let me try to clean this crap up.

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Uh...if you watch the stream on right now, it's just playing the Nine Inch Nails Beside You In Time concert.

Although this may wind up being the best thing streamed on today. The hell?
I don't see that, I just see the placeholder message. Although I would rather some pre NiN.

according to that guy the cloud will save your profile and player which can be used by other people to challenge you any time that is kind of cool

this is the only time of year i will miss g4 all their e3 coverage was awsome was thinking spike tv would take over doing it but according to my tv guide they are not 

Spike has the MS conference coming up and the EA conference at 4.  Some E3 total access stuff in between.

Not covering the Sony conference tonight.  They partner with MS.

EDIT - And, Jesus, do I hate these "nested quotes". Ugh, this post looks so bad. Let me try to clean this crap up.
Yeah, I'm still trying to get use to it... Then again I'm so use to typing on the code myself that is really, really, hard not to do it...

As for themptation. Yeah, the community as a whole isn't good at it. (I'm stubron, almost too much for my own good, so I don't see one in my futrue... Though missing Forza 5 is going to be rough. No real replacement in my eyes on PS4.)

not talking about kinect :eek: i doudt it

rare making  a fps exlusive for x1 and 360 and pc

the question i have how will ms sell x1's if these exlusive games keep coming out for x1,360 and pc ? the look of games are not that dif like it was from say xbox to 360 to make people want it just for looks of games.

Rare isn't Rare 2005 everyone who was there is gone, so it's just a name. Not too excited by anything they announce.
the group under rare making the new fps is some of the people that left IW once that team broke up and they made mw1 and mw2 two of the best fps on this current gen im kind of hyped for that

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Spike has the MS conference coming up and the EA conference at 4. Some E3 total access stuff in between.

Not covering the Sony conference tonight. They partner with MS.
Yeah, I cannot find the Sony Conference on anywhere on my cable box... Guess I'll try to have to do a stream of it.
Yep. It's not on TV.
who is everyone going to go through for their stream?
watching it on my ps3

I have it on Gamespot.  Taping on spike on my DVR at home in well in case it craps out (internet is sucky at my girlfriend's place).

Spike has the MS conference coming up and the EA conference at 4. Some E3 total access stuff in between.

Not covering the Sony conference tonight. They partner with MS.
Yeah, I cannot find the Sony Conference on anywhere on my cable box... Guess I'll try to have to do a stream of it.
Yep. It's not on TV.
who is everyone going to go through for their stream?
Here's one found through twitter.

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