Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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That's the key. It's not anti-ms trolls. It's that they've pissed off even a huge chunk of gamers who mostly played on the 360this gen with the DRM, online checks every 24hrs, Kinect required etc.

If Sony has similar DRM, they'll get a similar reaction
Exactly. They've pissed off their entire fanbase, people who have spent thousands of dollars on them over the last decade. People have a right* to voice their displeasure if they think something is a little ka-ka.

*one of the few rights as a gamer left in an Xbone world.

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people have to remember unlike ms sony has yet alked about their system it self so i relaly thing unlike ms sony conf will be alot of what xbox one system first look was

ea press conf is at 4 edt and ubi is after at 5 sony is at 730

conf only has ten or so mins left and yet to see a halo or gears i was hoping for a gears of war game

Fist of the Master Chief: John's  Rage.

Halo Reach is my favorite Halo game as Halo 4 left me very bored. I wish it was like the Halo Legend short, The Package. THEN I will be impressed. much is the Xbox ONE? 420 POUNDS?

Ok I will honestly say I thought it was overall a good show with a couple really good titles. Still not buying one thanks to their BS.

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Times like this are when I'm glad my cousin is such a Microsoft junkie. I'll just play his console lol, hell he's done promo work with Microsoft before so maybe we'll luck out and get free consoles. Thats literally the only way I see myself getting the One in the near future

Looks like I won't be buying the Xbox one at launch. Will probably wait until it hits the $200 mark like I did with the 360. All of the games I'm interested in will be on the 360 so I'm not going to miss out on much in my opinion.

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