Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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Bottom line is Sony said the PS4 was going to launch at $499 then this is all different. I value the kinect so the $100 price difference is ok with me.

Pack in the kinect like PS Eye and the PS4 clocks in at $458.
Which is the exact same price as the Xbox Day One, because it comes with a year free of Xbox Live. ($499-$50=$449)

Shocking that, eh? :p

Both come with limited games (DriveClub PS+ edition, and Killer Instinct).
The Day One system is not coming with a year of live.
Yes it is.


Read the bottom. It's limited in quantities, but it's there.

/Edit/ Could be taken a few ways as well I guess depending upon how you read that ;P
Doesn't say anything about it being free. I can almost guarantee that it will not. Otherwise, it would, ya know, say so.
Agreed, it dosent. Thus why PR firms suck again. It's a debatable term.

It could be, for all we know, a limited edition year of xbox live card that includes a KI character.

The problem with that approach is that if its not bundled with the console, developers have no use to develop for it.

The example would be that neat video PS4 put up using the eye, and the controller. But guess what? No Developer is going to do that, because the sell-through rate of the Eye camera isnt going to be that great.

Compare that to a device that's with the console, and every developer knows... my consumer has this, I can add in some things for it.

That my friend is a huge difference. You can say you dont like the eye, fine. Those that do are getting screwed because you dont like it, thus its not bundled, thus reducing developer willingness to add it to games.

Of course. This is one of those cases where you just have to root for/support what you prefer to happen/win out.

For people that like camera stuff, motion controls etc. then the Xbox One is a great thing as it's packed in and will be better supported etc. And buying one helps support that type of gaming.

For people like me who loathe gaming to the point I'd quit if motion controls were shoehorned into every game, the PS4 model is superior as it won't be as supported (and thus not shoehorned into games) and buy buying I'm supporting that type of model.

It's games. We should all just be spending money on what we enjoy/prefer and not worrying about what others want.. And hoping that our preferences win out so we can keep enjoying games.

How is the new Kinect anyway? Any of you guys got to try it out?

I haven't heard much at all from E3 about Kinect 2.0. Really hope everything works as advertised (1.0 obviously didn't, but all previews from the reveal seemed positive), and MS works with developers to push some amazing games.

I saw someone say in an article or maybe it was the engineer from Reddit that it makes the first Kinect look like a kids toy!
I don't read that as the Live Subscription is coming with the console, I understand it to be a separately available SKU that is a special "Day One" edition of the Live membership card.  The Day One edition meaning that it comes with a Killer Instinct character.  I don't see anything about it being bundled with the console itself.

I don't read that as the Live Subscription is coming with the console, I understand it to be a separately available SKU that is a special "Day One" edition of the Live membership card. The Day One edition meaning that it comes with a Killer Instinct character. I don't see anything about it being bundled with the console itself.
That was my understanding as well.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.
Let me count the ways that DRM offends me and affects everyone:

10 Things I Hate About the Microsoft Xbone's DRM

1. If I don't like the game, or if I've played a game to its conclusion, or if there is any other reason I am not going to want to play it anymore, I can't sell, trade or gift it to get something back in value - money, another game or the appreciation of a friend or family member not in the same household.

2. The likelihood that this DRM will actually result in the pricing of games decreasing is next to nothing. Despite all the hubaloo from developers and publishers over the years that resales of used games hurt their bottom line, I highly doubt that this restrictive DRM will result in them lowering prices.

3. Years from now when the Xbone is no longer produced and MS has moved on to XBVista, XBNext or whatever other non-sequential dumb name they will give their next gen console after the XBone, it is highly unlikely that the XBone cloud servers will stay online and functioning, resulting in consumers having a dead obsolete piece of technology that is no longer playable.

4. From MS server outages to ISP shutdowns to just plain laggy connections, there will be a moment, no matter how brief or how long, each and every one of us will experience that will prevent us from gaming on the console at one point or another. This will not just affect military personnel or people in rural areas.

5. Release day fiascos. Any PC user that has bought a DL game off Steam has experienced this. Heavy traffic resulting in hours long DL and install times.

6. Since we can't resell, trade or gift away crappy games, there is little to no incentive for developers and publishers to release non-buggy or non-crappy games. The customer gets stuck with them with no recourse. Using Blizzard as an example is not a sample. They are the exception. They will take years to develop a game and only release it "when it's done". Naturally, Blizzard consumers will take whatever the developer gives them DRM wise because it is an exceptional product.

7. I can no longer buy used games. Right or wrong, I prefer to buy certain games used at used prices. What MS and game developers/publishers fail to realize is that used game pricing is part of market pricing. People are willing to buy a used most of the time because it costs less than the retail price. When the option to buy used games is removed, it will not automatically result in those same people buying the game new instead. Those consumers will either be removed from the market altogether due to financial reasons, or they will simply wait until the game drops down in price to an affordable level. A good example of this for me are sports games. I don't feel the need to get this year's iteration of Madden right away, nor do I feel it supports a value of $60, when I can play basically the same game, albeit a few years older, at a significant lesser value.

8. I can no longer benefit from Gamestop's return policy for used games. Buy a new game, and it sucks, you eat it. Previously, buy a used game and it sucks, return it in 7 days for a full refund.

9. Gamefly will not be able to rent us games. I don't rent games, but any pro-consumer person would want the consumer to have as many options as possible, whether its to buy new games, buy used games or rent games. More options for the consumer make it better for all of us. Also, no rentals from Gamefly means no buying previously viewed games off Gamefly.

10. The Cloud. So games aren't tied to the machine this time but rather the cloud. Great. What happens when accounts gets hacked or hijacked? This will happen. Steam accounts get hacked and hijacked. What makes MS think they are different. Also, as we see with Steam, accounts get suspended, sometimes rightfully and sometimes wrongfully. I would guess that this will likewise happen with the Cloud. If that happens you can't play the games you paid for because you can't access the Cloud.

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I found this interesting and think it's relevant to the discussion.

EA Labels boss Frank Gibeau on Online Passes:"The amount of money that we made, it didn't replace the amount of frustration we put on our customers and it didn't offset the reputation damage it caused the company. So we said 'it's not worth it,' and so the idea was, look, 'don't do stuff like that anymore."


Old Chaps, I don't rent games or buy games that have been touched by other humans, especially the poor, so these "DRM" issues are none of my concern, and shouldn't be yours if you are a True Gentleman. It makes no sense. If it doesn't concern one of the Land Holding Aristocracy, then it doesn't matter.

We don't "borrow" games, thats something that the 47% do. The poors and their swapping and mixing and *retch*

We don't Rent games. I would never be caught dead sending my Valet to the Shopping Centre to pull a disc from one of those filthy machines.  Red Box? More like Black List! AMIRITE Chaps!?!? Ho ho Good Show Good Show

We don't buy used games on this "Amazon", I mean, it could have been owned by a Foreigner! Perish the thought! I would never have Manfried sell one of my games on there either. The proles, touching something of mine? OUTRAGE!

Internet? Who doesn't have internet. They turn it off sometimes?!?!? By accident even? PISTOLS AT DAWN is what they would hear from ME~

Microsoft has been gracious enough to publish a list of the countries "allowed" to have this machine. And if you aren't on it, you can't use it. BRAVO. The last thing we need is those darn Argentinians mucking up the place.

And the voice activation. I already use that. I'm not even typing this, my Gardener is. Im shouting it to him from my Hot Tub Time machine.

So any of you who are complaining about "ownership" or whatever need to just lay off. Get excited about this. Microsoft is taking you into their vision of the future whether you like it or not. So stiff upper lip. Close your eyes, and think of England. They said it at their little Electronics show. "Just let it happen. It will all be over soon."

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How is the new Kinect anyway? Any of you guys got to try it out?

I haven't heard much at all from E3 about Kinect 2.0. Really hope everything works as advertised (1.0 obviously didn't, but all previews from the reveal seemed positive), and MS works with developers to push some amazing games.
I have a feeling we'll be hearing a lot more about the Kinect after the smoke has settled. All the early previews have basically said it's really impressive tech, being able to detect motion down to separating finger actions. Supposedly the action delay is practically non-existent, too. To be honest, there's an awful lot of potential if people are willing to give motion controls/gestures another chance. I know it's not something that everyone is interested in, but implemented properly people might be more open to it. Or, at very least, be more open to playing motion control games with groups of people.

As sensitive as it's reported to be, I could see you being able to do something as cool as making a gun shape with your hand and shooting away at zombies in the next House of the Dead just by pulling your finger.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.
Let me count the ways that DRM offends me and affects everyone:

10 Things I Hate About the Microsoft Xbone's DRM

1. If I don't like the game, or if I've played a game to its conclusion, or if there is any other reason I am not going to want to play it anymore, I can't sell, trade or gift it to get something back in value - money, another game or the appreciation of a friend or family member not in the same household.

2. The likelihood that this DRM will actually result in the pricing of games decreasing is next to nothing. Despite all the hubaloo from developers and publishers over the years that resales of used games hurt their bottom line, I highly doubt that this restrictive DRM will result in them lowering prices.

3. Years from now when the Xbone is no longer produced and MS has moved on to XBVista, XBNext or whatever other non-sequential dumb name they will give their next gen console after the XBone, it is highly unlikely that the XBone cloud servers will stay online and functioning, resulting in consumers having a dead obsolete piece of technology that is no longer playable.

4. From MS server outages to ISP shutdowns to just plain laggy connections, there will be a moment, no matter how brief or how long, each and every one of us will experience that will prevent us from gaming on the console at one point or another. This will not just affect military personnel or people in rural areas.

5. Release day fiascos. Any PC user that has bought a DL game off Steam has experienced this. Heavy traffic resulting in hours long DL and install times.

6. Since we can't resell, trade or gift away crappy games, there is little to no incentive for developers and publishers to release non-buggy or non-crappy games. The customer gets stuck with them with no recourse. Using Blizzard as an example is not a sample. They are the exception. They will take years to develop a game and only release it "when it's done". Naturally, Blizzard consumers will take whatever the developer gives them DRM wise because it is an exceptional product.

7. I can no longer buy used games. Right or wrong, I prefer to buy certain games used at used prices. What MS and game developers/publishers fail to realize is that used game pricing is part of market pricing. People are willing to buy a used most of the time because it costs less than the retail price. When the option to buy used games is removed, it will not automatically result in those same people buying the game new instead. Those consumers will either be removed from the market altogether due to financial reasons, or they will simply wait until the game drops down in price to an affordable level. A good example of this for me are sports games. I don't feel the need to get this year's iteration of Madden right away, nor do I feel it supports a value of $60, when I can play basically the same game, albeit a few years older, at a significant lesser value.

8. I can no longer benefit from Gamestop's return policy for used games. Buy a new game, and it sucks, you eat it. Previously, buy a used game and it sucks, return it in 7 days for a full refund.

9. Gamefly will not be able to rent us games. I don't rent games, but any pro-consumer person would want the consumer to have as many options as possible, whether its to buy new games, buy used games or rent games. More options for the consumer make it better for all of us. Also, no rentals from Gamefly means no buying previously viewed games off Gamefly.

10. The Cloud. So games aren't tied to the machine this time but rather the cloud. Great. What happens when my account gets hacked or hijacked? This will happen. Steam accounts get hacked and hijacked. What makes MS think they are different. also, as we see with Steam, accounts get suspended, rightfully or sometimes wrongfully. more than likely this will happen with the Cloud. Guess what, now you cant play the games you paid for because you cannot go online or access the Cloud.
As much as it's obvious to me that we both have the same views toward MS new policies some of the things on your list are just unfair/distortions of the truth.

1. Most games will probably still be able to be traded, it will just be severely limited where you can trade them, although I'm sure some will be blocked completely.

2. Complete agreement. People saying cutting out used games will result in lower prices are delusional. Cutting out competition does the exact opposite, that is how markets work competition=lower prices, no competition=higher prices. Sales will be fewer and farther between on the XBone, you can just about guarantee that and that's saying something with the horrible state of "sales" on the 360.

3. I guarantee they will change the policies at the end of the cycle and it will be able to function without the check ins.

4. Agreed

5. Agreed

6. Again most games will still be able to be sold just to limited amounts of places.

7. Most games will still be able to be purchased used, their prices will almost certainly be artificially high though due to most companies wanting a cut that they are in no way entitled to.

8. I personally see that as an abuse of the policy anyways (I know many CAGs don't).

9. We don't know this yet, we just know at launch they won't. I tend to think that they will eventually say no rentals but at this point we don't know.

10. Agreed but this is not a problem unique to the XBone. People accounts get hijacked on the current gen as well. I lost access to my account for over a week once when MS noticed fishy activity so they locked everyone out completely.

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Old Chaps, I don't rent games or buy games that have been touched by other humans, especially the poor, so these "DRM" issues are none of my concern, and shouldn't be yours if you are a True Gentleman. It makes no sense. If it doesn't concern one of the Land Holding Aristocracy, then it doesn't matter.

We don't "borrow" games, thats something that the 47% do. The poors and their swapping and mixing and *retch*

We don't Rent games. I would never be caught dead sending my Valet to the Shopping Centre to pull a disc from one of those filthy machines. Red Box? More like Black List! AMIRITE Chaps!?!? Ho ho Good Show Good Show

We don't buy used games on this "Amazon", I mean, it could have been owned by a Foreigner! Perish the thought! I would never have Manfried sell one of my games on there either. The proles, touching something of mine? OUTRAGE!

Internet? Who doesn't have internet. They turn it off sometimes?!?!? By accident even? PISTOLS AT DAWN is what they would hear from ME~

Microsoft has been gracious enough to publish a list of the countries "allowed" to have this machine. And if you aren't on it, you can't use it. BRAVO. The last thing we need is those darn Argentinians mucking up the place.

And the voice activation. I already use that. I'm not even typing this, my Gardener is. Im shouting it to him from my Hot Tub Time machine.

So any of you who are complaining about "ownership" or whatever need to just lay off. Get excited about this. Microsoft is taking you into their vision of the future whether you like it or not. So stiff upper lip. Close your eyes, and think of England. They said it at their little Electronics show. "Just let it happen. It will all be over soon."
lol, thanks for the chuckle.

I'm curious, what EXACTLY about the DRM offends you guys? I feel like people these days are just jumping on the "Hate on XBOX1 DRM" bandwagon just because it's the cool thing to do.

Do I like the DRM? No. Does it affect me? Not really. Does it affect a good portion of the community? No. Really the only people I've seen who can complain about it are military personnel who take xbox overseas for entertainment. My interest is somewhat peaked to get games 50% off. One reason I'm not much into single player games right now is I can't justify 60$ for a game with no replay value that I might not even like - but now with the ability to share games once with a friend for free it is only 30$. They are doing no different than PC games these days - and I don't remember Blizzard coming under fire like MS is today.
Let me count the ways that DRM offends me and affects everyone:

10 Things I Hate About the Microsoft Xbone's DRM

To be fair you're a little off on the used game stuff.

You can trade in games, and buy used games, from "participating retailers."

So Gamestop will likely work the same as now--offer crappy values, sell at big mark up, 7 day return policy etc. etc.

It just sucks for people who sell on on Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist etc. as we can't do that anymore to get decent value for our games.

Maybe it's just me but making a gun shape with my hand and pulling my finger seems incredibly lame.

It's not this...not at all.

It's ordering Spartans in Ryse. It's switching between TV and a game or pausing a movie in Netflix or calling an audible in Madden. So much more man.
To be fair you're a little off on the used game stuff.

You can trade in games, and buy used games, from "participating retailers."

So Gamestop will likely work the same as now--offer crappy values, sell at big mark up, 7 day return policy etc. etc.

It just sucks for people who sell on on Amazon, Ebay, Craigslist etc. as we can't do that anymore to get decent value for our games.
Remember, the publisher has complete control of whether you can lend or trade your games to begin with.

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Maybe it's just me but making a gun shape with my hand and pulling my finger seems incredibly lame.
It's not this...not at all.

It's ordering Spartans in Ryse. It's switching between TV and a game or pausing a movie in Netflix or calling an audible in Madden. So much more man.
I can do that all with a button press and depending on how the voice recognition is (I'll bet terrible) it might be way more efficient. They've talked about better motion sensing(and better motion sensing doesn't make most motion based games any less lame), but have said very little about voice recognition. Probably because like all voice recognition, it's fucking terrible

Maybe it's just me but making a gun shape with my hand and pulling my finger seems incredibly lame.

Playing Dead Rising 3 on the other hand, and the Zombies being able to hear noise around me and react to it? That sir, is cool.

Btw.. they've also said Kinect 2.0 will be able to recognize your voice vs someone else's. So it's obviously been tuned as well.

I can do that all with a button press and depending on how the voice recognition is (I'll bet terrible) it might be way more efficient. They've talked about better motion sensing(and better motion sensing doesn't make most motion based games any less lame), but have said very little about voice recognition. Probably because like all voice recognition, it's fucking terrible
For me, I don't care how well it works or if it's more efficient. I'm just not into it. I don't want to make gestures or use voice commands. I want to veg on the couch and play with traditional controls. When/if gaming moves completely/mostly away from that is the day I quit gaming.

As much as it's obvious to me that we both have the same views toward MS new policies some of the things on your list are just unfair/distortions of the truth.

1. Most games will still be able to be traded, it will just be severely limited, although I'm sure some will be blocked completely.

2. Complete agreement. People saying cutting out used games will result in lower prices are delusional. Cutting out competition does the exact opposite, that is how markets work competition=lower prices, no competition=higher prices. Sales will be fewer and farther between on the XBone, you can guarantee that and that's saying something with the horrible state of "sales" on the 360.

3. I guarantee they will change the policies at the end of the cycle and it will be able to function without the check ins.

4. Agreed

5. Agreed

6. Again most games will still be able to be sold just to limited amounts of places.

7. Most games will still be able to be purchased used, their prices will almost certainly be artificially high though due to most companies wanting a cut that they are in no way entitled to.

8. I personally see that as an abuse of the policy anyways (I know many CAGs don't).

9. We don't know this yet, we just know at launch they won't. I tend to think that they will eventually say no rentals but at this point we don't know.

10. Agreed but this is not a problem unique to the XBone. People accounts get hijacked on the current gen as well. I lost access to my account for over a week once when MS noticed fishy activity so they locked everyone out completely.
#1, #6 and #7 - Even if they are available, they will only be at authorized stores, most likely with prices dictated by MS or the publishers. I prefer an open market and not a restricted. As I said, the more options a consumer has the better.

#3 - We can only hope, but I am not willing to take the risk of purchasing hundreds if not a thousand dollars of games that I am gambling on will still be available in 10 years.

#8 - My local Gamestops have always told me that when I buy a used game I can return the game for any reason. I never knew of any other policy than that, but I guess that is going off-topic.

#9 - I believe there is a way to still do rentals. My idea is to have temporary activation codes where game is only accessible for a certain period of time. However, this would probably still eliminate rentals through Gamefly as devs/pubs could handle this themselves through the XBone Marketplace.

#10 - Yes it does happen on XBL and PSN, but it does not stop us from playing offline and single player games. If game data is stored in the cloud and not the XBone's HD, the hacked/hijacked account user can't play anything.

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Maybe it's just me but making a gun shape with my hand and pulling my finger seems incredibly lame.

Playing Dead Rising 3 on the other hand, and the Zombies being able to hear noise around me and react to it? That sir, is cool.

Btw.. they've also said Kinect 2.0 will be able to recognize your voice vs someone else's. So it's obviously been tuned as well.
They also said quite a bit about the first Kinect, and most of it turned out way off the mark in terms of accuracy, despite being accurate when Microsoft was showing it off.

They said plenty about voice in May

Xbox on
Xbox live TV
Etc etc
And how well it worked:

#1, #6 and #7 - Even if they are available, they will only be at authorized stores, most likely with prices dictated by MS or the publishers. I prefer an open market and not a restricted. As I said, the more options a consumer has the better.

#10 - Yes it does happen on XBL and PSN, but it does not stop us from playing offline and single player games. If game data is stored in the cloud and not the XBone's HD, the hacked/hijacked account user can't play anything.
I not only prefer an open market but demand it in a console, which is why I will not be purchasing the XBone unless those policies change (we can still hope). I was just trying to point out that your original post made it seem like all games would be blocked from being sold used, which is not the case.

#10 is a very good poiint. I never even thought of that.

You mean there wasn't a basketball game going on at 10 in the morning?
To be fair, wasn't it just NBA TV--which shows game replays? So that alone wasn't enough of a red flag to indicate it was faked as it could have still been live tv technically.

How fast and seemless it was changing channels and stuff was the red flag for me as I've never seen a cable/satellite box that fast. So once they announced the X1 just controls your existing cable/sat box I knew it had to be fake.

You are supposed to be able to plug your box right into it apparently
That's how it works--has an HDMI in.

My point was that means I knew it couldn't be fast like they showed as it would have the same delays changing channels, pulling up the guide etc. that my DirecTV DVR does (and pretty much all do--with some being faster than others) since it's just controlling it.

If it had a built in tuner/cable card slot etc. then maybe it could be faster since it would have a lot more processing power, ram etc. than a cable/sat box. But since they didn't go that route, it's just another way to interact with your existing box and thus won't be any faster--and just up to the individual if they like the voice commands etc. enough to even bother using it.

That stuff is coming to existing boxes anyway. The new DirecTV app for iPhone (and I assume Android) added in voice control options. If this stuff catches on I'm sure the cable/sat set top box makers (or Tivo etc.) will start putting mics in their DVR boxes.

Old Chaps, I don't rent games or buy games that have been touched by other humans, especially the poor, so these "DRM" issues are none of my concern, and shouldn't be yours if you are a True Gentleman. It makes no sense. If it doesn't concern one of the Land Holding Aristocracy, then it doesn't matter.

We don't "borrow" games, thats something that the 47% do. The poors and their swapping and mixing and *retch*

We don't Rent games. I would never be caught dead sending my Valet to the Shopping Centre to pull a disc from one of those filthy machines. Red Box? More like Black List! AMIRITE Chaps!?!? Ho ho Good Show Good Show

We don't buy used games on this "Amazon", I mean, it could have been owned by a Foreigner! Perish the thought! I would never have Manfried sell one of my games on there either. The proles, touching something of mine? OUTRAGE!

Internet? Who doesn't have internet. They turn it off sometimes?!?!? By accident even? PISTOLS AT DAWN is what they would hear from ME~

Microsoft has been gracious enough to publish a list of the countries "allowed" to have this machine. And if you aren't on it, you can't use it. BRAVO. The last thing we need is those darn Argentinians mucking up the place.

And the voice activation. I already use that. I'm not even typing this, my Gardener is. Im shouting it to him from my Hot Tub Time machine.

So any of you who are complaining about "ownership" or whatever need to just lay off. Get excited about this. Microsoft is taking you into their vision of the future whether you like it or not. So stiff upper lip. Close your eyes, and think of England. They said it at their little Electronics show. "Just let it happen. It will all be over soon."

I mean, they really could have just called it the RomneyBox couldn't they? lol

Maybe it's just me but making a gun shape with my hand and pulling my finger seems incredibly lame.
Not if you yell "pew! pew!" it doesn't...

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Kotomine said:
Oh man I don't want to think about next Gen right now. By the time I get through my backlog a couple Gens will have come and gone. :(
I've given up on backlog and just learned to buy less games. Only way I'll ever finish my backlog is to become disabled and/or totally retired from work at a early age rather then the old age of 65.
Pretty much this. I sold dozens of games unopened. I only buy AAA games of games that especially appeal to me. Too many games come out and I don't have time to play every single game that's 5 bucks so why bother buying it?
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I mean let's take Kinect Star Wars or Steel Battalion. If those had actually worked as advertised, they'd still be awful.

Kotomine said:
Oh man I don't want to think about next Gen right now. By the time I get through my backlog a couple Gens will have come and gone. :(
I've given up on backlog and just learned to buy less games. Only way I'll ever finish my backlog is to become disabled and/or totally retired from work at a early age rather then the old age of 65.
Pretty much this. I sold dozens of games u opened. I only buy AAA games of games that especially appeal to me. Too many games come out and I don't have time to play every single game that's 5 bucks so why bother buying it?
I did the same at the start of this gen. Got a bit of a backlog now from getting a PS3 late in the game (winter 2012) and PS+ downloads.

But I think I'll get through most of it the rest of this year and next year as the first year of new consoles tends to be slow.

Next gen I'll stick with just PS4 and 3DS and not let my self build a backlog--not counting PS+ freebies as who cares if I don't get to those. Best to grab the ones that interest me in case I ever get time to play them.

It has an IR blaster in the back to work with DVRs that it can't control thru the HDMI input, which would be almost every DVR out there right now.

If you think switching channels will be any faster than your current DVR can do right now then you're fooling yourself.

Thankfully MS dedicated 3GB of ram for these features.

If you think switching channels will be any faster than your current DVR can do right now then you're fooling yourself.

Or rather fooled by MS's show since that was faked and didn't say anything about needing your current DVR etc.....

So I think a lot of average joe consumers who saw that will be disappointed when they get one and find out it doesn't work like that. But there own fault since it's so easy to read up on how things work before buyign anythign these days.

i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.

i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.
Giftcards it is illegal to have them expire or lose value after so long, but with MS points the card isn't a GC.

It's something with a code to redeem for the actual product. So it is very legal for them to do this.

if that pastban link that was linked here today is really legit ms employee i really now understand what ms is doing what they are doing. pretty much they are sick and tired of stores like gamestop giving people awful used price when they trade them in and no money going to game makers. If this thing makes a place like gamestop give you the money you should get im all for it. Seems like the are trying to get to the point where ms can do prices like steam that is freaking awsome.

i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.
Where you live maybe but in many states it is illegal. It of course varies wildly state by state. Some have no restriction, some allow fees over time, some outright ban any expiration date and fees. Many of those rights may be waived somewhere in the MS EULA however at least 1 state (California) maybe more specifically spell out in their law that those rights cannot be waived.

i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.
Giftcards it is illegal to have them expire or lose value after so long, but with MS points the card isn't a GC.

It's something with a code to redeem for the actual product. So it is very legal for them to do this.
so your saying bestbuy and walmart is doing illegal things? i had a best buy card and after two years it was starting to lose value. seeing gc are nothing more then instore credit it's a product for store it's 100 percent legal what those stores do and what ms is doing

i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.
Where you live maybe but in many states it is illegal. It of course varies wildly state by state. Some have no restriction, some allow fees over time, some outright ban any expiration date and fees. Many of those rights may be waived somewhere in the MS EULA however at least 1 state (California) maybe more specifically spell out in their law that those rights cannot be waived.
when you buy ms points cards it's a product not a typical gc

ms points is a product sold from ms seeing they run xbox live

i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.
Where you live maybe but in many states it is illegal. It of course varies wildly state by state. Some have no restriction, some allow fees over time, some outright ban any expiration date and fees. Many of those rights may be waived somewhere in the MS EULA however at least 1 state (California) maybe more specifically spell out in their law that those rights cannot be waived.
IIRC the credit card laws passed by congress a couple years ago forbid gift cards from expiring. I'm not a lawyer but I'm pretty sure they can't do this on a federal level.
i was readin some comments just now from today and seen that someone said what ms is doing with expiring pionts after a year is illegal just so you know it's not illegal. Retail store's alot of times will have their gift cards start losing value over time and some have expire dates on them.
Where you live maybe but in many states it is illegal. It of course varies wildly state by state. Some have no restriction, some allow fees over time, some outright ban any expiration date and fees. Many of those rights may be waived somewhere in the MS EULA however at least 1 state (California) maybe more specifically spell out in their law that those rights cannot be waived.
when you buy ms points cards it's a product not a typical gc

ms points is a product sold from ms seeing they run xbox live
I'm sure there is some kind of loophole that MS is relying on to claim they aren't giftcards, they wouldn't make this decision without tons of lawyers telling them it's legal. I'm sure someone will sue and it will be tested in court. Same with the used game fees and blocking. Most of us can still hope (although unlikely) that courts may force MS to give us some of our rights back.

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