Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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If only Microsoft could've released a document that contained many facts about the Xbox One that could clearly state what it will do and won't do. That they have to respond to everything through PR just makes it worse because different are talking about it in different ways that just causes more confusion than understanding.

I'll just wait for E3 to really put more time into understanding everything that wasn't talked about at the show itself or in the Fact Sheet.
Holy fucking shit, FULL PRICE for another console to use the preowned disc? Ugh.

So glad I got a Wii U last fall since it will be my only current gen console for a looooooooooong time if all of this bullshit is true. I don't care what fancy cloud-based bullshit is on the XO/PS4; the ability to just pop the game into my system, play it, and then trade it in if need be trumps any type of "rocket science stuff" they'll do.

For everyone mewling about how they already do this on Steam: I buy and play console games specifically because I don't fucking want my games tied to a Steam-esque DRM system. I want to buy a disc, put it into my system, and then plop my fatass down on the couch for some gaming, and be able to do that for years to come. I don't want to rely on Microsoft's authentication servers every time I want to play campaign.

This is such a weird half step to going completely digital. They want to sell directly to consumers to cut out the secondary market middle men, but they also can't piss off major retailers or they won't be able to move the hardware itself. The whole point of physical media is longevity and resell value at the cost of having to physically obtain the media and higher prices, while the whole point of digital distribution is flexible pricing/instant gratification...this solution offers NONE of those benefits and all of their drawbacks. Makes. No. Sense.
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Honest questions:

1. What questions didn't they answer that have been hounding it?
2. Which questions did Sony answer that Microsoft did not?

I felt like I learned way more about the Xbox One than I did about the PS4 during its reveal.[/QUOTE]

Same here, for the CONSOLE REVEAL Microsoft actually gave info on the console, while Sony just said they will have very good looking games and the controller is cooler.
Yea on this other forum I go to which Im embarassed to disclose


Everyone there is complaining about the lack of games during the reveal. But from my understanding, its a console reveal. Games will come at E3
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']Same here, for the CONSOE REVEAL Microsoft actually gave info on the console, while Sony just said they will have very good looking games and the controller is cooler.[/QUOTE]

what info didn't sony give? They laid out all the specs right at the start, showed Killzone, Driveclub, and Knack all running. The only thing they didn't do was show the box really, and my gosh, who freaking cares? I just want to play games, I'm not looking for a piece of art:drool:
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Honest questions:

1. What questions didn't they answer that have been hounding it?
2. Which questions did Sony answer that Microsoft did not?

I felt like I learned way more about the Xbox One than I did about the PS4 during its reveal.[/QUOTE]

agree with this 100 percent
[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']Honest questions:

1. What questions didn't they answer that have been hounding it?
2. Which questions did Sony answer that Microsoft did not?

I felt like I learned way more about the Xbox One than I did about the PS4 during its reveal.[/QUOTE]
1. The always online component, backwards compatibility and the used game problem (possibly more, but those are the ones off the top of my head). Neither of which have had a real solid answer with alot of back and forth and no damage control from Microsoft or any other "official" statements after it was over.
2. For now as far as Sony has stated (though let's be honest, E3 is subject to change): PS4 doesn't need to be always online, BC isn't going to happen per say as it'll instead somehow be directly streamed to your PS4 to play (and still lacks solid info as to if you have to rebuy or what) and used games apparently can be played on PS4 with no strings attached. Though right now it's still day one so maybe Microsoft can answer questions in the next few days like what Sony did, but that presentation left alot to be desired.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Well there's definitely still the handhelds, Wii U, and (possibly) PS4. Really, if it ends up being just Xbox One that does this, it'll likely only hurt Microsoft with consumer adoption and those gaming dollars will still go to the other systems. If PS4 does follow suit though, then we're potentially looking at the end of Gamefly and Gamestop.[/QUOTE]

I think Sony will follow suit outside of their first party titles and go the anti-used route. If that's want developers want then I don't see why Sony wouldn't follow if they want to be on their good side. I wonder if the EA/Nintendo relationship fallout has to do with not only Origin and bad Wii U sales, but also the anti-used route EA is most likely wanting to take.

Handhelds for sure, but after the 3DS? Who knows. It's not like the Vita is selling either.

Either way if people are so against this: Don't buy a XBox One and (maybe) PS4. If the XBox one leads the PS4 and Wii U again in the US sales market like the 360 has dominated these past years then you can kiss used games goodbye.

I'm not again the whole used game thing either. Companies will drop prices of their new games once they no longer sell so we will get deals. I just don't think they will be as good as Steam.
Also this makes PC gaming look even better: Steam has been around for 10 years yet those games bought day one can still be played. Not so much here, eh 360/PS3 fans?
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Also this makes PC gaming look even better: Steam has been around for 10 years yet those games bought day one can still be played. Not so much here, eh 360/PS3 fans?[/QUOTE]

I find it funny that after all of the shit people give Nintendo for their online, their store, the lack of proper accounts, etc. that they're still the only ones who allow you to play/transfer from their last gen console to their current one. It's mind-boggling how it's come to that. They still deserve shit for the account stuff, but is such a thing even possible?
My top reasons why this console is already a failure.

  • Used games are blocked. You have to pay a fee in order to play used games but the fee is the same cost as buying the game new.
  • In order to play a game, you need to be connected to the internet in order to activate the game.
  • They announced 15 new titles, 8 of which are new IPs. But they only showed us Forza 5 and Quantum Break. Yeah, that isn't going to save this console.
  • The focus is slowly but surely being taken away from games and more towards watching TV. We saw this with the 360 and now it is being realized with the X1.
  • Games can offset the power via the cloud. This means some single player only games would only work with an internet connection.
  • You can trade games online. This is great but based on other information told, it looks like you have to still pay a fee in order to trade or you can only trade games that are in a certain price group.
  • Kinect must always be on in order for the console to even start up.
  • Not backwards compatible, at all. Not with Xbox or Xbox 360 games.
  • Games are tied to a live account. This is what blocks trading, renting, borrowing games.
  • Looks like XBL is here to stay. As in $60 a year is here to watch.
I know, its too early to judge the console but based on what we saw, this console is just pure trash. And to think I was excited for it.
[quote name='dallow']Xbox support starts to back peddle:[/QUOTE]

They really need to get their shit together... They should have been prepared for these questions after the Adam Orth debacle and yet they just didn't get it.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']I think Sony will follow suit outside of their first party titles and go the anti-used route. If that's want developers want then I don't see why Sony wouldn't follow if they want to be on their good side. I wonder if the EA/Nintendo relationship fallout has to do with not only Origin and bad Wii U sales, but also the anti-used route EA is most likely wanting to take.

Handhelds for sure, but after the 3DS? Who knows. It's not like the Vita is selling either.

Either way if people are so against this: Don't buy a XBox One and (maybe) PS4. If the XBox one leads the PS4 and Wii U again in the US sales market like the 360 has dominated these past years then you can kiss used games goodbye.[/QUOTE]
Just because the developers want it doesn't mean the consumers will want it. Sony might not need to be on the developers "good side" if no one ends up buying the Xbox One because of this DRM crap. Personally, I'm not likely to buy any console this fall but if I did buy one it would undoubtedly be a PS4 because of the DRM issue alone.

Also, considering this new "strategic partnership" (or whatever PR buzzword they used) between Microsoft and EA was likely strongly based on this anti-used games approach. I don't think it's a stretch to say EA possibly got pissed at Nintendo because they had no intention of limiting the free transferability of ownership with Wii U games. EA likely loves this DRM approach that Microsoft is taking. They probably want Sony to do the same but it'll be interesting to see what happens.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']gamestop has been pulling away from used game sales for while by selling ipads and what not they will be fine with system and new game sales[/QUOTE]

Gamestop sells used iPads. I have yet to go inside their store and see a brand new tablet or phone there.
Since you will be able to resell your CD Keys, I bet the Xbox forums will be flooded with kids and parents complaining about getting "hacked" and their Keys stolen.
(obviously the kid will have given it away in a CoD boost room)

[quote name='KingBroly']I find it funny that after all of the shit people give Nintendo for their online, their store, the lack of proper accounts, etc. that they're still the only ones who allow you to play/transfer from their last gen console to their current one. It's mind-boggling how it's come to that. They still deserve shit for the account stuff, but is such a thing even possible?[/QUOTE]

Not just physical games but downloaded games as well, both of which are out the window with PS4 and Xbox One. The PS4 I can understand because of the wildly different architecture but did Microsoft not even bother to try emulation or some type of answer to the downloaded titles at the very least?
Xbox one requires "once a day" online, two step drm authentication (authentic disc and online key), and blocks used game sales. WooHoo.
[quote name='tokyostomp']

Confirmed ALWAYS ON

daily auth check

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?
Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.
Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.
Harrison: Correct.

I wonder how Timbo will justify this[/QUOTE]
So they fired adam orth for no reason.
[quote name='KrizB']Already heard about the differences in architecture a few weeks ago but when they mentioned "300k" servers, was hoping that the next talking point would be an Onlive type service for backwards compatibility of retail and arcade games.


Sony has the best bet at this when they bought out the Gaikai project.
[quote name='tokyostomp']

Confirmed ALWAYS ON

daily auth check

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?
Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.
Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.
Harrison: Correct.
I really don't know how people can support this system. I'm as loyal as they come, and I can say "I'm out."

[quote name='tokyostomp']

Confirmed ALWAYS ON

daily auth check

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?
Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.
Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.
Harrison: Correct.

I wonder how Timbo will justify this[/QUOTE]


As a Sony fangirl I'm going to be extremely biased and say this system is fucking dumb. I travel and cannot always connect once a day...what happens then??
I think we should all just wait until E3 where we'll most likely get all of the info directly from Microsoft. Then we can make assumptions.
[quote name='VIDEOGAME IGODI']I really don't know how people can support this system. I'm as loyal as they come, and I can say "I'm out."


I have an internet connection. I typically don't buy used games. I like TV and sports.

And I don't necessarily think I'm in the minority on any of those.
[quote name='tokyostomp']

Confirmed ALWAYS ON

daily auth check

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?
Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.
Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.
Harrison: Correct.

I wonder how Timbo will justify this[/QUOTE]
How is it Always On if it doesn't require you to always be online? Sim City had Always On DRM that made it impossible to play the game without an active online connection, right? Seems more like a completely different type of DRM, which I believe some PC games have used in the past.
[quote name='tokyostomp']

Confirmed ALWAYS ON

daily auth check

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?
Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.
Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.
Harrison: Correct.

I wonder how Timbo will justify this[/QUOTE]

Oh's all coming true, isn't it?
Also, everyone on here obviously has some sort of Internet connection, plus you aren't always playing your console, so while you're on here complaining your console could connect to the Internet quickly and be done with the authentication check or whatever.

Plus with the ability to update achievements whenever developers feel like it, and everything being able to connect to real world stats and such, this makes sense so your game could stay up to date.
[quote name='Whirly']I have an internet connection. I typically don't buy used games. I like TV and sports.

And I don't necessarily think I'm in the minority on any of those.[/QUOTE]
I have/like all of the above just like you, but why should I support it?

I get the feeling that if you have the disc it won't matter. It will probably require that check only if you don't have the disc in the console. If you have the disc in, it will check it and you'll be able to play. I'm betting that is how it will work. I have no issue with that
[quote name='htz']So they fired adam orth for no reason.[/QUOTE]

being a douche still got him fired. he also probably in a roundabout way broke NDA by dropping those tweets
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']I think we should all just wait until E3 where we'll most likely get all of the info directly from Microsoft. Then we can make assumptions.[/QUOTE]

All this information is direct quotes from Microsoft. They themselves have revealed this information.
[quote name='VIDEOGAME IGODI']I have/like all of the above just like you, but why should I support it?


Because from a hardware and software standpoint, it's a clear step in the right direction.
[quote name='tokyostomp']

Confirmed ALWAYS ON

daily auth check

Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?
Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.
Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.
Harrison: Correct.

I wonder how Timbo will justify this[/QUOTE]

Here's how you can easily live with this:
1. wake up
2. Turn on Xbox
3. Go do whatever you need to do to get ready for your day while the Xbox connects to the Internet and gets checked out or whatever
4. Turn it off before you leave.
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']Here's how you can easily live with this:
1. wake up
2. Turn on Xbox
3. Go do whatever you need to do to get ready for your day while the Xbox connects to the Internet and gets checked out or whatever
4. Turn it off before you leave.[/QUOTE]
Interesting that you find this acceptable.

[quote name='WolfmanASTN']Here's how you can easily live with this:
1. wake up
2. Turn on Xbox
3. Go do whatever you need to do to get ready for your day while the Xbox connects to the Internet and gets checked out or whatever
4. Turn it off before you leave.[/QUOTE]

LOL, sounds simple enough. Good one.
[quote name='VIDEOGAME IGODI']Interesting that you find this acceptable.


It takes 1 second to push a button
How would this have a dire impact on my life? Just pushing 1 button won't make my entire life fall apart.
Is anyone else worried about problems like not being able to activate a new game on day 1 due to servers being overloaded as 50,000+ other users are hammering xbox live trying to do the same thing?

Doesnt Steam have issues with this on release days?
All of this speculation is extremely overblown and we really won't know any final concrete decisions until the console is released or at the very least until e3.

If the console really ends up as bad as these articles are saying (I really have no respect for Kotaku) then MS is shooting themselves in the foot and will lose out to a massive audience of gamers.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']How is it Always On if it doesn't require you to always be online? Sim City had Always On DRM that made it impossible to play the game without an active online connection, right? Seems more like a completely different type of DRM, which I believe some PC games have used in the past.[/QUOTE]
It's not exactly always online but it is a slick way of denying the always online rumor. :cool:
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']Here's how you can easily live with this:
1. wake up
2. Turn on Xbox
3. Go do whatever you need to do to get ready for your day while the Xbox connects to the Internet and gets checked out or whatever
4. Turn it off before you leave.[/QUOTE]

Why would I do that?
It would just authenticate itself when I wanted to actually use it.

You don't literally have to make it go online once a day even if you don't plan to use it.
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']It takes 1 second to push a button
How would this have a dire impact on my life? Just pushing 1 button won't make my entire life fall apart.[/QUOTE]
I didn't say it wasn't simple, I simply said that it's unacceptable. Every time you turn on the system by doing such an easy step, you're decreasing your XboxOne's lifespan. Again, I find it interesting that you find that acceptable.

[quote name='slickkill77']I get the feeling that if you have the disc it won't matter. It will probably require that check only if you don't have the disc in the console. If you have the disc in, it will check it and you'll be able to play. I'm betting that is how it will work. I have no issue with that[/QUOTE]

Also, just like the Always On rumors that people were freaking out over before this reveal, nothing has been set in stone. If it turns out to be really bad like you guys think then you can freak out but hold off until the facts are set straight at least.
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']Here's how you can easily live with this:
1. wake up
2. Turn on Xbox
3. Go do whatever you need to do to get ready for your day while the Xbox connects to the Internet and gets checked out or whatever
4. Turn it off before you leave.[/QUOTE]

And if there's a problem requiring Xbox live to be taken down for a week? No using your Xbox? What about 10 years from now when the new Xbox comes out and they want to shut down the servers for Xbox One, hello paperweight.
[quote name='dallow']Why would I do that?
It would just authenticate itself when I wanted to actually use it.[/QUOTE]

I'm just saying that for anyone who has Internet (almost everyone in this thread) having the console do a quick authentication by just signing you in to Xbox Live isn't a crazy thing to deal with. You have to do it with Steam, and even with Steam you have to manually change it to offline mode. And Steam won't always let you access your games if you weren't able to connect and update everything.
Major Nelson Blog

Xbox One and Used Games

We know there is some confusion around used games on Xbox One and wanted to provide a bit of clarification on exactly what we’ve confirmed today. While there have been many potential scenarios discussed, today we have only confirmed that we designed Xbox One to enable our customers to trade in and resell games at retail.

Beyond that, we have not confirmed any specific scenarios.

Another piece of clarification around playing games at a friend’s house – should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile.
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