Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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^^Being signed into your own profile... that makes sense.
I guess I still can't lend out games anymore though as I won't be sharing my account info.

That's the only thing I don't like about the DRM check.
Way in the future.... no guarantee it'll work.

In the short term, it wouldn't affect me.
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']I'm just saying that for anyone who has Internet (almost everyone in this thread) having the console do a quick authentication by just signing you in to Xbox Live isn't a crazy thing to deal with. You have to do it with Steam, and even with Steam you have to manually change it to offline mode. And Steam won't always let you access your games if you weren't able to connect and update everything.[/QUOTE]

I've also probably spent a grand total of about $100 on Steam and never more than $10 on a single game...
[quote name='htz']It's not exactly always online but it is a slick way of denying the always online rumor. :cool:[/QUOTE]
They can deny it because they're not actually doing Always On DRM. That doesn't mean that they're not using another type of authentication DRM.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']And if there's a problem requiring Xbox live to be taken down for a week? No using your Xbox? What about 10 years from now when the new Xbox comes out and they want to shut down the servers for Xbox One, hello paperweight.[/QUOTE]

They have probably thought that through and have plans in place if that ever happens.
My PS3 turns on around midnight to download updates then turns itself off. The Xbox One should do the same thing. Keyword is should. Then again, it should be backwards compatible too.

Didn't Nintendo have a problem where people had to rebuy stuff on the Wii U? IIRC, they fixed that with a $1 fee. Why can't Microsoft do that?
[quote name='VIDEOGAME IGODI']I didn't say it wasn't simple, I simply said that it's unacceptable. Every time you turn on the system by doing such an easy step, you're decreasing your XboxOne's lifespan. Again, I find it interesting that you find that acceptable.


You have to flip a light switch when you walk into a room, every time you do you decrease the lifespan of your light bulbs. You have to turn your faucets on every time you want to use theme and they have to be constantly connected to a water service that you most likely pay for in someway, same with your electricity. Do you find these things acceptable?
I watched the whole thing and was really stoked about it. The TV features are cool, the NFL partnership (as long as it works with all major fantasy leagues and not just theirs) will be awesome, the whole way the interface works, it was all just great.

Then you start reading about all this background bullshit. Still way too much speculation, E3 needs to get here soon.

I dont get how these idiots dont see how the used market HELPS new game purchases. I can wait on some games to get cheaper, but some I want to play right away and only buy them day 1 because I know I can offset some of the price when i trade it in to whoever. Lots of gamers wait till they can buy a game used for cheaper and dont buy games new. If the prices for new titles are lowered because of this deal, then it might not be that bad. Wont hold my breath for that though...
[quote name='Cage017']

Didn't Nintendo have a problem where people had to rebuy stuff on the Wii U? IIRC, they fixed that with a $1 fee. Why can't Microsoft do that?[/QUOTE]
"Happy Birthday! Here's your $.25!" - Microsoft

I Think that kinda explains it enough...
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']You have to flip a light switch when you walk into a room, every time you do you decrease the lifespan of your light bulbs. You have to turn your faucets on every time you want to use theme and they have to be constantly connected to a water service that you most likely pay for in someway, same with your electricity. Do you find these things acceptable?[/QUOTE]
Yes, because those are all 'needs' and not 'wants.'

[quote name='bardockkun']Show off the console...make shit up as you go. Sounds about right.[/QUOTE]

This is what I don't understand. If it was to showcase the console then shouldn't we have more answers rather than questions? Especially with the all these rumors flying around before today.
XboxOne looking worse and worse as time moves on for me from the news. It will be the price point, and the exclusives that I'll need to focus on when deciding when to pick the console up. If they are must haves then I'll get it at launch if not, well....Xmas 2015 bundle it will be.
[quote name='VIDEOGAME IGODI']Yes, because those are all 'needs' and not 'wants.'


They weren't needs when they were first implemented, they were wants as well. The technology has just been around for long enough that it is seen as a necessity since we can't imagine our lives without it.

Before lights we used fire and the sun, before plumbing we used rivers and lakes, before video games we used our imagination. Video games are just now starting to be accepted as a part of life in a first world country, the same way lights and plumbing are, it makes else for them to be integrated in such a way as well.
[quote name='Blaster man']Well that didnt say shit. Considering its not an outright denial they might as well confirm it. Maybe there's still a chance they'll back down.[/QUOTE]
"should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile."
Retail disc games don't require you to be signed in to play them right now. This just further confirms the disc is one time use only, attached to your xbox live account. At least that is what I'm seeing from reading that statement.
Sounds like for a disc to work, you need to have at least one profile that's signed in, that has activated the game. I'm not entirely sure how this works if two people share the same console though, as likely only one registered the game.

Maybe for your profile, and game, you designate a "home console"?

Let me try some scenarios. In this scenario, you and your significant other both share a console at home, and have purchased a game. Both of your profiles, and the game are registered to your console.

  • Your significant other takes the game to play at a friends house. As he/she/it's profile and the game are verified to the same console, the game unlocks when he/she/it signs in to the friend's console to play.
  • Your brother, who has a console comes to visit you, and wants to play the game while you and your significant other are at work. As the game is registered to the console, he can play the game on that specific console, even though his profile has a different "home console".
  • Your friend wants to borrow the game to play at home on his profile. This is not possible because while he is playing on his "home console", the game is registered to a different "home console". He is sad.
  • You and your significant other are done with the game. You de-register the game from your console, and sell it to the friend, who then registers the game to his own console. He can now play the game. I assume there is some sort of waiting period between when you de-register a game from your console and when you can re-register it to a different console to prevent you from simply de-registering the game and lending to your friend for the weekend

Just some ideas.
[quote name='htz']Retail disc games don't require you to be signed in to play them right now. This just further confirms the disc is one time use only, attached to your xbox live account. At least that is what I'm seeing from reading that statement.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. I missed the last paragraph at first. This basically confirms the worst fears with the exception of required always online that we knew wouldnt happen.

You can't loan your game to friends
[quote name='Whirly']Sounds like for a disc to work, you need to have at least one profile that's signed in, that has activated the game. I'm not entirely sure how this works if two people share the same console though, as likely only one registered the game.

Maybe for your profile, and game, you designate a "home console"?

Let me try some scenarios. In this scenario, you and your significant other both share a console at home, and have purchased a game. Both of your profiles, and the game are registered to your console.

  • Your significant other takes the game to play at a friends house. As he/she/it's profile and the game are verified to the same console, the game unlocks when he/she/it signs in to the friend's console to play.
  • Your brother, who has a console comes to visit you, and wants to play the game while you and your significant other are at work. As the game is registered to the console, he can play the game on that specific console, even though his profile has a different "home console".
  • Your friend wants to borrow the game to play at home on his profile. This is not possible because while he is playing on his "home console", the game is registered to a different "home console". He is sad.
  • You and your significant other are done with the game. You de-register the game from your console, and sell it to the friend, who then registers the game to his own console. He can now play the game. I assume there is some sort of waiting period between when you de-register a game from your console and when you can re-register it to a different console to prevent you from simply de-registering the game and lending to your friend for the weekend

Just some ideas.[/QUOTE]

It will probably be like how XBLA games work, they're licensed to the first console they're downloaded on and the gamertag. While on that first console anyone can play it, but if you put that game on a second console, it can only be accessed by the profile that downloaded it until the license is transferred.
Basically, as of right now:

You can't buy random used games and expect to them to just work.
You can't loan or borrow games unless you start sharing account info. (which will not allow them/you to sign in elsewhere)
You can't rent games.
[quote name='Blaster man']Agreed. I missed the last paragraph at first. This basically confirms the worst fears with the exception of required always online that we knew wouldnt happen.

You can't loan your game to friends[/QUOTE]

...Unless you loan your profile to them ;)
[quote name='Blaster man']Agreed. I missed the last paragraph at first. This basically confirms the worst fears with the exception of required always online that we knew wouldnt happen.

You can't loan your game to friends[/QUOTE]

So it's like PC gaming?
[quote name='Whirly']...Unless you loan your profile to them ;)[/QUOTE]
If sharing games with your friend is this complicated. Just imagine selling the game... Well I guess that is the point to make selling used games more complicated than buying new.
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']So it's like PC gaming?[/QUOTE]
Yup, it sucks as it's one of the reasons I don't really game on PC and why I've always enjoyed consoles and handhelds more.
If they want to be like steam, fine, but why bother having discs? Just use codes or let users download from the shop. I think its a waste to use so much plastic for a game just to download it once. I can see TIV plummeting and games not worth fucking anything anymore. We all thought gamestop gave us nothing before, you'll probably be lucky to get a dollar now.
IGN has the Major Nelson bit, as well as input from Phil Harrison. That "fee" is full MSRP, apparently:
In a blog post, Major Nelson has some good news. "Should you choose to play your game at your friend’s house, there is no fee to play that game while you are signed in to your profile," Nelson wrote. The blog post also mentioned that customers will be able to trade and sell their used games at retail outlets.

However, Microsoft executive Phil Harrison, in an interview with Kotaku, has some potentially bad news. The aforementioned 'fee' to play games on a second account? Full MSRP. So unless you want to use your account for your entire family, you'll be dishing out an extra $40, $50, $60 for siblings or friends to try out new games. Harrison did tell Kotaku that his company plans to allow gamers to 'trade' their used games online somehow - though declined to get into further details.
So apparently region free games are out, according to the official Xbox One FAQ:

Your games and entertainment are stored and saved in the cloud, so you can access them anytime, from any Xbox One.*
* Subject to content geographical restrictions.

EDIT: Link
Why is that?
Phil said you'd have to pay to play on a friends' account.

Didn't mention playing while on the owner's account.
Overall, they got this message across badly.

And the truth is still bad.
[quote name='dallow']Basically, as of right now:

You can't buy random used games and expect to them to just work.
You can't loan or borrow games unless you start sharing account info. (which will not allow them/you to sign in elsewhere)
You can't rent games.[/QUOTE]

This is just god awful for all gamers.
How the hell do they expect to get away with limiting how owners can use and/or sell there own games??
Just because they made it "possible" to limit and restrict things doesnt mean that it should be done.

I was kind of sold for this X1 but this used game/borrow game/ sell my game restrictions??? wtf is this?

Looks like I will be getting a P4 instead. hopefully that isnt locking down things like X1 is

You cant even GIVE your used games to people. They won't be able to play it without paying a "fee" to MS.. and the "fee" is full retail??? wtf?? I already bought the game... and they want more more more for the same sale?? amazing.
[quote name='dallow']Why is that?
Phil said you'd have to pay to play on a friends' account.

Didn't mention playing while on the owner's account.
Overall, they got this message across badly.

And the truth is still bad.[/QUOTE]

Although they did say that family members who have accounts on your Xbox can play the game as well, this issue just come sup when playing the game on a different console, so if a friend comes to my house to play my game everything would be fine.
[quote name='dallow']Yup, it sucks as it's one of the reasons I don't really game on PC and why I've always enjoyed consoles and handhelds more.[/QUOTE]
That's why Steam is so popular, as you ignore the issues of physical media and can get most of those games on the cheap anyway so that the issues don't matter as much anymore. Plus, there are trading cards and hats.

It seems like announcing the system so close to E3 and launch has sort of left Microsoft in a weird place where they're too close to launch to ignore the important questions, but are far enough out that they want to keep things close to the vest for future events.
Also, the console is supposed to support cloud computing in the future. Since you can't upgrade it like a PC it would be possible to connect to Microsoft's servers and have those partially run the game you're playing, so this could potentially extend the life of the console if they figure things out now and can get it off the ground.
[quote name='WolfmanASTN']Although they did say that family members who have accounts on your Xbox can play the game as well, this issue just come sup when playing the game on a different console, so if a friend comes to my house to play my game everything would be fine.[/QUOTE]

Yes, you're repeating things.
The issue is with the things you can't do that I described above.

fuck, I can't even donate my games anymore.*

*need to hear more about MS trade in service that probably isn't consumer friendly
I liked what I saw in today's presentation. I am not freaking out about games since those will be shown at E3. The problem is that the press conference was so short and there is a lot of information and/or disinformation floating around. All of this "More info on a later date" comments are just making people more curious and nervous about what the console can and can't do and how/where you can and can't play games. I am not freaking out over anything since I am hopeful things will get sorted out by E3 or launch. The only thing/rumor that I have heard about games that has me excited is the ability to play installed disc games without having to have the disk in the console but no one is sure how that will work yet.
[quote name='Blaster man']Holy mother fucking shit! So basically he's saying your only choice will be to trade into a store like GameStop that will get a sweetheart deal for bulk license purchases.[/QUOTE]

yeah thats what it sounds like.
Sure, full retail is ofcourse just INSANE but Even if the "fee" was 1 dollar. That would be 1 dollar too much.
The game has already been bought once and MS made there money off of that sale.
Didn't get a chance to watch the presentation today but read a few articles and watched clips of it and I have to say that I'm very unimpressed. I'll probably just keep my 360/ps3 for a couple of more years at least and then maybe move to a ps4. However, the two consoles lack anything special in my opinion.
Wow, more whining than expected.

They played it safe. Why would they show their entire hand when we're 3 weeks away from E3?

Calm down.
Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

so he THNKS it's 24 hours lol if you guys follow microsoft like i have to for my job you would know what kind of idiot harrison is before windows 8 came out he said alot of stuff about windows 8 that was never true and he almost got fired for saying stuff that was not true and that website source has made awful articles like that.
until a high end xbox guy not microsoft guy comes out and says all this garbage harrison is saying i will know it's true. you guys really think microsoft would do this stupid junk. the internet in the u.s prety much sucks and people in areas can't even get internet you know how much this would kill xbox
[quote name='Doomtime']Wow, more whining than expected.

They played it safe. Why would they show their entire hand when we're 3 weeks away from E3?

Calm down.[/QUOTE]

Dude your reppin' Doom and you can't say the XBox One is doomed?

Son, I am disappoint.

Looks like I'm gonna be the only one buying a XBox One out of my friends unless PS4 shows a killer lineup at E3.
[quote name='bigsick']If they want to be like steam, fine, but why bother having discs? Just use codes or let users download from the shop. I think its a waste to use so much plastic for a game just to download it once. I can see TIV plummeting and games not worth fucking anything anymore. We all thought gamestop gave us nothing before, you'll probably be lucky to get a dollar now.[/QUOTE]

The discs are still included so their DRM scheme isn't as obvious as a DRM scheme. It's purely in place to deceive customers.
[quote name='Monsta Mack']Dude your reppin' Doom and you can't say the XBox One is doomed?

Son, I am disappoint.

Looks like I'm gonna be the only one buying a XBox One out of my friends unless PS4 shows a killer lineup at E3.[/QUOTE]

if xbox one does do this online and code stuff for every single game im pretty sure ps4 will do the same. I know for a fact if this happens it's the game companys wanting this to happen thanks to them losing money in 2nd hand game sales. what will people do if ps4 does same thing just stay with old systems?
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']until a high end xbox guy not microsoft guy comes out and says all this garbage harrison is saying i will know it's true. you guys really think microsoft would do this stupid junk. the internet in the u.s prety much sucks and people in areas can't even get internet you know how much this would kill xbox[/QUOTE]

I'm more worried about not being able to lend and borrow games.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']until a high end xbox guy not microsoft guy comes out and says all this garbage harrison is saying i will know it's true. you guys really think microsoft would do this stupid junk. the internet in the u.s prety much sucks and people in areas can't even get internet you know how much this would kill xbox[/QUOTE]

Yeah I'm in the same boat, sounds like media spinning things like always....MS is providing too much Q&A which is being interpreted incorrectly, they should have either stayed quiet after the event, and/or presented an official FAQ online.
lol. If they eliminated discs everyone would be complaining that people with poor internet connections couldn't download\play games. People are hilarious!
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']Kotaku: If I’m playing a single player game, do I have to be online at least once per hour or something like that? Or can I go weeks and weeks?

Harrison: I believe it’s 24 hours.

Kotaku: I’d have to connect online once every day.

Harrison: Correct.

so he THNKS it's 24 hours lol if you guys follow microsoft like i have to for my job you would know what kind of idiot harrison is before windows 8 came out he said alot of stuff about windows 8 that was never true and he almost got fired for saying stuff that was not true and that website source has made awful articles like that.[/QUOTE]
Link? I've never heard of this before. Google searches aren't bringing anything up.
[quote name='TimboSliceGB']until a high end xbox guy not microsoft guy comes out and says all this garbage harrison is saying i will know it's true. you guys really think microsoft would do this stupid junk. the internet in the u.s prety much sucks and people in areas can't even get internet you know how much this would kill xbox[/QUOTE]

Phil is an executive who should have specific knowledge of this sort and understand its implications (he worked on the PS3 before). There is ample reason to believe he knew what he was saying, and thus, meant it.
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