Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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Just a thought about the PS4 and the issues with DRM and "always online." During the announcement, Tretton specifically stated disc-based games can be played offline, but nothing about digital games. I assume this is because all digital games will be streamed/stored from Gaikai. If that is the case, what would stop publishers from moving to digital only releases since this is supposedly the future for gaming.

Is it possible that:

Microsoft approached this issue straightforwardly while Sony approached it subtlely-- leaving it open to a future transition to digital games only.

If so, the PS4 would, in a way, be always online and have DRM in order to access your games from Gaikai minus the few disc-based games from launch and early years of its life.
Just a thought about the PS4 and the issues with DRM and "always online." During the announcement, Tretton specifically stated disc-based games can be played offline, but nothing about digital games. I assume this is because all digital games will be streamed/stored from Gaikai. If that is the case, what would stop publishers from moving to digital only releases since this is supposedly the future for gaming.
Is it possible that:
Microsoft approached this issue straightforwardly while Sony approached it subtlely-- leaving it open to a future transition to digital games only.
If so, the PS4 would, in a way, be always online and have DRM in order to access your games from Gaikai minus the few disc-based games from launch and early years of its life.
Bunch of crazy you just posted.
Everything is status quo. You download a digital game, and that's it.
Just a thought about the PS4 and the issues with DRM and "always online." During the announcement, Tretton specifically stated disc-based games can be played offline, but nothing about digital games. I assume this is because all digital games will be streamed/stored from Gaikai. If that is the case, what would stop publishers from moving to digital only releases since this is supposedly the future for gaming.
I think you are reading too much into his words... No one has ever really had the expectation of selling used digital games so it simply wasn't addressed...

That and Gaikai is still a long ways away... 2014 before it starts rolling out in some manner.

Edit: Wow, not sure why the forum gave me such an old copy of the thread... Wouldn't have posted if those last two posts had been there. :lol:

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Yeah, I mean eventually all games are going to be distributed digitally.  Whether that is later in this generation or 15-20 years from now I don't know.  But in the short and medium-term, nothing changes with the PS4 from what we are used to.


Is MS serious?  There are times when I go weeks without playing games, do they seriously want me to turn on my system once a day for the heck of it?

Do I need to hire a maid or butler when I go on vacation, just so someone turn the system on for MS to know....

Its like buying something that really don't belong to you since you need to check in all the time.... Hey that just like probabtion or parole..

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Does anyone know when this Xbox live gold + membership thing starts? Does it start now on 360 or when one launches?
From what I just read it starts July 1st and will last till the Xbone comes out. The first two free games will be Assassin's Creed 2 and Halo 3. Two games that 90% of 360 owners have already.

EDIT: Also just read that Fable III is/will be up for June for free to download and as long as you keep the + membership you can keep the game.

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I was excited for Titanfall and then found out I can also get it on PC or 360, and then the other game that really had me hyped was Killer Instinct but it is free-to-play digital title and you have to buy each character after Jago.

They had a good conference, but at that price point and with the DRM, Kinect, and requiring an internet connection there is no way I'll be buying this any time soon, if ever.

I was excited for Titanfall and then found out I can also get it on PC or 360, and then the other game that really had me hyped was Killer Instinct but it is free-to-play digital title and you have to buy each character after Jago.
Honestly, rather or not thats a good thing depends upon the price of the characters and the size of the roster... Which, if I remember correctly was never huge in KI. If they are only 2 dollars a character it would take 30 character to match the price of the typical figthter, 3 dollars 20 characters, $4 15 characters, $5 characters 12. (And, honestly, how many characters do you really want to learn and use.)

The real problem will be if no one buys anything and everyone is stuck using the same character...

I'm listening to a new Gamesradar podcast right now, they are saying Ryse and Crimson Dragon are shit.
Listening to it now... Not a site I normally go to so I thank you for it...

I do wonder if the problems they talk about in Ryse are because its still just a demo and/or is the diffcultiy just turned really down... (Just speaking in generalites here... Not really trying to defend the game. I just wonder if something more is going on. Its a really odd/horrible design choice otherwise.)

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Ha, I thought my phone was having issues but apparently there's a bug with the podcast where it's cutting off after about 10 mins

I was excited for Titanfall and then found out I can also get it on PC or 360, and then the other game that really had me hyped was Killer Instinct but it is free-to-play digital title and you have to buy each character after Jago.
Honestly, rather or not thats a good thing depends upon the price of the characters and the size of the roster... Which, if I remember correctly was never huge in KI. If they are only 2 dollars a character it would take 30 character to match the price of the typical figthter, 3 dollars 20 characters, $4 15 characters, $5 characters 12. (And, honestly, how many characters do you really want to learn and use.)

The real problem will be if no one buys anything and everyone is stuck using the same character...
If they include both KI and KI2 with all new characters for this version they may have a good size roster, but you are correct the rosters shouldn't be that large, and the issue will be too many Jagos.

My other real issue with KI is that it is being developed by Double Helix Games and not Rare seemingly. Which causes some concern considering they brought us such gems as Battleship and Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters. As long as they take their time, and are not rushed they might be able to pull it off, but I'll be waiting to at least Winter 2014 before I even venture an Xbox One purchase, and hopefully that game will be bundled with it as a downloadable full version of the game, not holding my breathe though.

I wonder what happens if you break your Kinect camera. is it going to be like the Wii U gamepad. I don't think many will break it but some will. I highly doubt they will sell them.
It really is a shame that MS is so stuck on this asinine DRM/online check-in crap.  Games-wise I feel like both platforms showed some good stuff (And with PS4 you know the Uncharted, Infamous etc will be hitting in 2014 even if they werent announced yet), but I think its hard for any savvy gamer to choose MS when Sony's system is $100 cheaper and has much better DRM policies.  I'll miss Halo 5 though.

After primarily gaming on the Xbox since the first one Ill be moving to ps4. fuck this anti consumer shit.
After primarily gaming on the Xbox since the first one Ill be moving to ps4. fuck this anti consumer shit.
It really is a shame that MS is so stuck on this asinine DRM/online check-in crap. Games-wise I feel like both platforms showed some good stuff (And with PS4 you know the Uncharted, Infamous etc will be hitting in 2014 even if they werent announced yet), but I think its hard for any savvy gamer to choose MS when Sony's system is $100 cheaper and has much better DRM policies. I'll miss Halo 5 though.
well as a gamer its hard to give up the great exclusives over $100 and a DRM policy that won't even affect me 99% of the time (1% being the slight chance of a 1-2 hour internet outage but even then if console has checked in within last 24 hours it wont be a problem)

It really is a shame that MS is so stuck on this asinine DRM/online check-in crap. Games-wise I feel like both platforms showed some good stuff (And with PS4 you know the Uncharted, Infamous etc will be hitting in 2014 even if they werent announced yet), but I think its hard for any savvy gamer to choose MS when Sony's system is $100 cheaper and has much better DRM policies. I'll miss Halo 5 though.
well as a gamer its hard to give up the great exclusives over $100 and a DRM policy that won't even affect me 99% of the time (1% being the slight chance of a 1-2 hour internet outage but even then if console has checked in within last 24 hours it wont be a problem)
See though with mandatory installs I really think another hard drive is virtually mandatory therefore adding more to the cost. 500gb will be eaten up very quickly by the next gen games.

I preordered both consoles through Amazon. I have 5 months to make my decision. No need to decide today. Still plenty of time for things to change and learn more about each console.

My takeaways from yesterday

- Better Exclusives
- Better Entertainment Features

- Cheaper
- No Restrictions

Still a tough decision for me. Time will tell.
It really is a shame that MS is so stuck on this asinine DRM/online check-in crap. Games-wise I feel like both platforms showed some good stuff (And with PS4 you know the Uncharted, Infamous etc will be hitting in 2014 even if they werent announced yet), but I think its hard for any savvy gamer to choose MS when Sony's system is $100 cheaper and has much better DRM policies. I'll miss Halo 5 though.
well as a gamer its hard to give up the great exclusives over $100 and a DRM policy that won't even affect me 99% of the time (1% being the slight chance of a 1-2 hour internet outage but even then if console has checked in within last 24 hours it wont be a problem)
See though with mandatory installs I really think another hard drive is virtually mandatory therefore adding more to the cost. 500gb will be eaten up very quickly by the next gen games.
You do realize you can uninstall stuff...? 500 GB isn't horribly small. Just slightly on the small side.

Xbox one is going to flop so bad I wouldn't be surprised to see them go the SEGA route and this be their last console.

Ignorant truly ignorant
It really is a shame that MS is so stuck on this asinine DRM/online check-in crap. Games-wise I feel like both platforms showed some good stuff (And with PS4 you know the Uncharted, Infamous etc will be hitting in 2014 even if they werent announced yet), but I think its hard for any savvy gamer to choose MS when Sony's system is $100 cheaper and has much better DRM policies. I'll miss Halo 5 though.

well as a gamer its hard to give up the great exclusives over $100 and a DRM policy that won't even affect me 99% of the time (1% being the slight chance of a 1-2 hour internet outage but even then if console has checked in within last 24 hours it wont be a problem)

See though with mandatory installs I really think another hard drive is virtually mandatory therefore adding more to the cost. 500gb will be eaten up very quickly by the next gen games.

You do realize you can uninstall stuff...? 500 GB isn't horribly small. Just slightly on the small side.

We don't know the size of the PS4 HDD yet either...
Yeah but next gen titles are on 50gb blu-ray discs. Some of that 500gb will be taken up by the OS, probably a significant chunk. Add in some downloadable games (like say LocoCycle, which looks amazing) and some movies and you are CONSTANTLY having to uninstall stuff which seems ridiculous.

We don't know the size of the PS4 HDD yet either...
It's 500gb as well but guess what? I don't have to install anything.

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Yeah but next gen titles are on 50gb blu-ray discs. Some of that 500gb will be taken up by the OS, probably a significant chunk. Add in some downloadable games (like say LocoCycle, which looks amazing) and some movies and you are CONSTANTLY having to uninstall stuff which seems ridiculous.

I have this problem constantly with my 160 PS3.

PS3 Blu games run from 6gb to 26 FB (Last of Us).
Only time I ever had a get a bigger HD for anything was I upgraded to a 60gb for my Xbox because after a few years my 20gb filled up. Never had to do it on anything else.

Sony: mic drop
Microsoft: gamertag drop

I read a user comment somewhere that questioned is ms gearing the network for 12 year olds? It sure seems like they are leaving the older single player who could give a shit about online gaming out to dry. A shame too as xbox's quality control has been the best.

I would advise parents and non parents to take a hard look at the hardware they are paying to have in their home that must have a camera & microphone, transmits radio and internet and has to be online. The beauty of Nintendo and Sony consoles has always been, toss it in a room with a tv and you've got something.

It is so ironic that Steve Jobs' 1984 commercial keeps popping up as windows was his vision originally. I wish people would seriously take their privacy back and it begins at home.

This is all deja-vu from the last console generation transition for me.  I had a PS2, but did not own an original Xbox and had no interest in it, so I was Sony's customer to lose coming into this gen.  So what did they do?  Brought out a $600 console with the attitude "Hey, if you can't afford it, fuck you", and I promptly became an Xbox 360 owner.  I eventually got a PS3 as well (birthday gift from my wife years later and hundreds of dollars cheaper), but for this generation, I've done about 90% of my gaming on the 360.  I'm Microsoft's customer to lose.

Looks like they've managed to lose me, too.

I have no plans to get either console on launch day at this point, but unless things change dramatically, the PS4 will be where my money will be spent next gen.

This is all deja-vu from the last console generation transition for me. I had a PS2, but did not own an original Xbox and had no interest in it, so I was Sony's customer to lose coming into this gen. So what did they do? Brought out a $600 console with the attitude "Hey, if you can't afford it, fuck you", and I promptly became an Xbox 360 owner. I eventually got a PS3 as well (birthday gift from my wife years later and hundreds of dollars cheaper), but for this generation, I've done about 90% of my gaming on the 360. I'm Microsoft's customer to lose.

Looks like they've managed to lose me, too.

I have no plans to get either console on launch day at this point, but unless things change dramatically, the PS4 will be where my money will be spent next gen.
I am in the exact same situation.

This is all deja-vu from the last console generation transition for me. I had a PS2, but did not own an original Xbox and had no interest in it, so I was Sony's customer to lose coming into this gen. So what did they do? Brought out a $600 console with the attitude "Hey, if you can't afford it, fuck you", and I promptly became an Xbox 360 owner. I eventually got a PS3 as well (birthday gift from my wife years later and hundreds of dollars cheaper), but for this generation, I've done about 90% of my gaming on the 360. I'm Microsoft's customer to lose.

Looks like they've managed to lose me, too.

I have no plans to get either console on launch day at this point, but unless things change dramatically, the PS4 will be where my money will be spent next gen.
I am in the exact same situation.
Me too.

Was Nintendo only for 8 bit and 16 bit gens. Then had N64 and PS1--mainly N64 early on, mainly PS1 second half of that gen. PS2 was most played last gen, 360 this gen as no way I was buying a PS3 for a few years with the launch price and Sony's Attitude. PS4 is preordered next gen, and doubt I'll get an Xbone unless they scrap their DRM stuff. Even then I probably won't as I really don't game enough to justify multiple consoles.

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I'm not sure how anyone can justify buying the One at this point. You are figuratively bending over and let MS have their way with your rights and your wallet. And over what? Halo and Gears of War? I just can't understand supporting someone who is trouncing all over your rights as a consumer.

I preordered both consoles through Amazon. I have 5 months to make my decision. No need to decide today. Still plenty of time for things to change and learn more about each console.

My takeaways from yesterday

- Better Exclusives
- Better Entertainment Features

- Cheaper
- No Restrictions

Still a tough decision for me. Time will tell.
LOL Better Exclusives?

I preordered both consoles through Amazon. I have 5 months to make my decision. No need to decide today. Still plenty of time for things to change and learn more about each console.

My takeaways from yesterday

- Better Exclusives
- Better Entertainment Features

- Cheaper
- No Restrictions

Still a tough decision for me. Time will tell.
LOL Better Exclusives?
LOL someone has a different opinion than me? LOL!!! LOL!!

Sony: mic drop
Microsoft: gamertag drop

I read a user comment somewhere that questioned is ms gearing the network for 12 year olds? It sure seems like they are leaving the older single player who could give a shit about online gaming out to dry. A shame too as xbox's quality control has been the best.

I would advise parents and non parents to take a hard look at the hardware they are paying to have in their home that must have a camera & microphone, transmits radio and internet and has to be online. The beauty of Nintendo and Sony consoles has always been, toss it in a room with a tv and you've got something.

It is so ironic that Steve Jobs' 1984 commercial keeps popping up as windows was his vision originally. I wish people would seriously take their privacy back and it begins at home.
You can turn it off. How many times does that need to be explained?
Yeah but next gen titles are on 50gb blu-ray discs. Some of that 500gb will be taken up by the OS, probably a significant chunk. Add in some downloadable games (like say LocoCycle, which looks amazing) and some movies and you are CONSTANTLY having to uninstall stuff which seems ridiculous.

We don't know the size of the PS4 HDD yet either...
It's 500gb as well but guess what? I don't have to install anything.
That you know about... There could be mandatory installs. (Its not really a bad thing IMHO)

PS3 Blu games run from 6gb to 26 FB (Last of Us).
Games will get bigger no doubt about it... but I really don't see us filling up the whole 50 GB disc on 99% of games.

I really don't think will be looking at deleted games (from either system if the PS4 has requred installed) for quite sometime.... and when it does happen I suspect that it will be real easy to chose what to remove as its stuff just laying around untouched/unplayed on your system anyways.

500 GB HD is more than enough space for me with mandatory installs or not.  Haven't came close to filling the 250GB hard on my 360 and I install everything.  I don't play a ton of games, and uninstall when I'm done and sell the disc.

Doesn't sound like Sony is doing Mandatory installs, but I'll install everything (assuming that's an option) to speed up load times.

I preordered both consoles through Amazon. I have 5 months to make my decision. No need to decide today. Still plenty of time for things to change and learn more about each console.

My takeaways from yesterday

- Better Exclusives
- Better Entertainment Features

- Cheaper
- No Restrictions

Still a tough decision for me. Time will tell.
LOL Better Exclusives?
LOL someone has a different opinion than me? LOL!!! LOL!!
You know what you are right a lot of people like Halo.

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I preordered both consoles through Amazon. I have 5 months to make my decision. No need to decide today. Still plenty of time for things to change and learn more about each console.

My takeaways from yesterday

- Better Exclusives
- Better Entertainment Features

- Cheaper
- No Restrictions

Still a tough decision for me. Time will tell.
LOL Better Exclusives?
LOL someone has a different opinion than me? LOL!!! LOL!!
Is there a list of the 361 vs PS4 exclusives somewhere?

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I'm leaning towards the PS4 first this time around, but the whole Xbox One "family account" with up to 10 members might actually end up being a better deal for me.  However, there are a lot of unanswered questions with that.  Can my daughter play all my discs *and* my XBLA titles?  Can we play them at the same time?  Is this going to somehow be tied to a family Gold subscription?  I really need Microsoft to give us more details about this whole family thing.

I could see that if we could share all of the discs *and* XBLA games, play them at the same time or even co-op, and get some type of shared Gold account so that I don't have to pay for 2 separate memberships all of the time, then I could actually benefit from the Xbox One.

I also play regularly with a friend, so we ultimately have to come to some agreement on which console we start with so that we can play together.

Then there's all that MS is doing that I think is bad for gaming.  Do I buy a console based upon what benefits me most, even if it is ultimately a bad move for gaming as a whole?

I've preordered both consoles and I've got a lot of thinking to do.

I understood and could accept the lack of backwards compatibility. I was willing to give MS the benefit of the doubt on the DRM-thing, and tbh, as a collector, the used-game thing was a non-issue for me. The $500 price tag, though? Sorry, that's the straw that broke the camel's back... Given that most of the TV-based features won't be available in Canada, given that it doesn't sound like I'll be missing out on many exclusive games (do I REALLY want to a Teh Haloz 5? i only moderately enjoyed Teh Haloz 4), and given that I could really give a shaq-fu about Kinect, I think I'm out for this gen. Sorry, MS. I could have dealt with a $400 XBone, but $500? I'm out.

Xbox One games are going to huge, the installs are mandatory and complete, and apparently the OS takes up a "significant" portion of the internal drive, but we don't yet know how much that will be. I think you'll be good for a while, but eventually you'll have to buy an external drive. We shall see, though.

I understood and could accept the lack of backwards compatibility. I was willing to give MS the benefit of the doubt on the DRM-thing, and tbh, as a collector, the used-game thing was a non-issue for me. The $500 price tag, though? Sorry, that's the straw that broke the camel's back... Given that most of the TV-based features won't be available in Canada, given that it doesn't sound like I'll be missing out on many exclusive games (do I REALLY want to a Teh Haloz 5? i only moderately enjoyed Teh Haloz 4), and given that I could really give a shaq-fu about Kinect, I think I'm out for this gen. Sorry, MS. I could have dealt with a $400 XBone, but $500? I'm out.
The price won't be $500 forever.
I understood and could accept the lack of backwards compatibility. I was willing to give MS the benefit of the doubt on the DRM-thing, and tbh, as a collector, the used-game thing was a non-issue for me. The $500 price tag, though? Sorry, that's the straw that broke the camel's back... Given that most of the TV-based features won't be available in Canada, given that it doesn't sound like I'll be missing out on many exclusive games (do I REALLY want to a Teh Haloz 5? i only moderately enjoyed Teh Haloz 4), and given that I could really give a shaq-fu about Kinect, I think I'm out for this gen. Sorry, MS. I could have dealt with a $400 XBone, but $500? I'm out.
The price won't be $500 forever.
For sure. I guess my point was that I would have picked one up sometime in the first year after launch, but with things being what they are now, I'll probably wait until the XBone hits the $299 pricepoint before picking one up. If it's $500 at launch, I have a feeling we won't see a $299 XBone until holiday 2016.
Or maybe I won't pick one up at all, who knows? I ain't getting any younger! Once you have a family, it gets tougher and tougher to find time to game at all, much less game on two different consoles haha

Has R* made any announcements yet? I'm hoping that GTAV comes to XBOX One as well.

My secret hope was that the next-gen consoles would offer up a GTA5 bundle of some kind...

Not trying to troll, but how many exclusives did Sony show in comparison to the XBox conference?   It seemed like there was quite a lot going on there.

Xbox One is still going to sell. People are going to want this for bragging rights and to show off new technology. The media stuff is going to sell this, especially for sports fans.

I don't see the $500 price tag going anywhere, but I do see Microsoft adding additional software/subscriptions/accessories to the console to compete.

I preordered both consoles through Amazon. I have 5 months to make my decision. No need to decide today. Still plenty of time for things to change and learn more about each console.

My takeaways from yesterday

- Better Exclusives
- Better Entertainment Features

- Cheaper
- No Restrictions

Still a tough decision for me. Time will tell.
LOL Better Exclusives?
LOL someone has a different opinion than me? LOL!!! LOL!!
You know what you are right a lot of people like Halo.
Halo, Dead Rising, Forza, Crimson Dragons, Sunset Drive, Project Spark, Killer Instinct just to name a few would like to have a word with you.

Meanwhile, Killzone, Infamous, The Order, Knack, Driveclub, and Deep Down on the otherside. Remember, FF15 and KH3 are not PS3 exclusives, nor is Madmax.

Xbox clearly had the better exclusives. The only way you could think otherwise was if you were under the assumption that FF15 and KH3 were PS4 only, which they never said. They simply said "in development for".

Crimson Dragon was originally a Kinect arcade game for 360. Ryse was also originally a Kinect game for 360.

Not surprised impressions are poor.

Exclusives on both sides are low. But I trust Sony's first party devs more than MS.

Can't wait to see what ND, QD and the rest of SCEJ studios do for it.

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