Xbox One on the way. DRM removed, more details to come.

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first party games were running on xbox one systems i was at e3 3rd party games were not
How would you really know unless you opened up the cabinets?
1st party games had the systems on top of the counter in a glass box forza,quantom break the 3rd party games in x1 area had those cabinets

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either demand is higher then they were thinking or production numbers are going to be higher
Probably upped production. Reports had MS with production delays, eDram was probably the cause IMO. If AMD has that under control now they can push units higher.

The DRM checks don't just affect people with spotty or no internet. People in the military on deployment are also impacted by this stupid decision. Microsoft also told them to deal with it and get an xbox 360 when asked by the press about it.
Seems to me that a kinect equipped Xbone on a military base would be a holy grail for Chinese hackers.
Would the military even allow a "always on camera and microphone" device in to barracks and such?

One would think even if you can turn it off, it wouldn't make them very comfortable about it.

first party games were running on xbox one systems i was at e3 3rd party games were not
How would you really know unless you opened up the cabinets?
1st party games had the systems on top of the counter in a glass box forza,quantom break the 3rd party games in x1 area had those cabinets
Apparently, at some events, PC's were used for first party games too.

I Got Thrown In Microsoft ‘Jail’ For Taking Pictures Of Nothing

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We just need to trust MS, if we give them control over everything games will become cheaper........maybe.........probably........eventually.......

Hopefully this will cut down on the douchebaggery. I don't see a problem with this at all honestly. If you are banned by mistake then I am sure they will resolve the issue. If you're a tumor to the community then screw ya!
This has been common knowledge for a while.

Hopefully this will cut down on the douchebaggery. I don't see a problem with this at all honestly. If you are banned by mistake then I am sure they will resolve the issue. If you're a tumor to the community then screw ya!
Yes, but bannings are non-negotiable and Xbox customer service...


This has been common knowledge for a while.

Hopefully this will cut down on the douchebaggery. I don't see a problem with this at all honestly. If you are banned by mistake then I am sure they will resolve the issue. If you're a tumor to the community then screw ya!
Yes, but bannings are non-negotiable and Xbox customer service...

Not to mention the fact that they can ban people and their consoles now and that doesn't do shit. They can always just create a new account or console. This won't change anything other than in theory forcing them to buy another copy of a game.

God I'm sick of the Microsoft shills that pop up in these threads.

How in the blue fuck does this help anything? If someone's banned from XBL, you're not going to game with them anyway since that's the entire goddamn point of a ban. What purpose does making every single game unplayable serve?

I'd support MS if some typical Live asshole starts yelling racist, homophobic, etc type shit during a game it suddenly- using the power of Kinect: ) put up a pic of the offender and their address. That would be great.
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If he really works for Microsoft it would explain a lot if that's how they all feel.  You can't tell the market how they are supposed to think or react to a product, you're supposed to develop a product that people want.  It looks like they are knowingly creating a product that nobody likes because they feel they are bringing the industry forward into the future and that we'll all see it someday and we're just blind right now. This tends to work in situations where a company has a near monopoly on the market, like for example cable companies and bundling stations, because I literally have no other option but to stick with Comcast in my area or not have internet/tv.  There's not a competitor offering anything different.  In this particular case there is competition in the PS4 and that poses a huge threat to Microsoft because now they are betting that people will buy a system with all of this stuff attached to it, when there is an alternative system that's not only cheaper, but better for gaming.

They also assume they can buy exclusives and force people to their system through the games despite the DRM, but that's only going to hold true if the console sales are there to back it up.  Why would a publisher bring a game exclusively to the Xbox if they end up in a situation with a far lower market share?  It would be a very tough sell, and if history is any indication, a nearly impossible one.  The current sales data on the PS4 and Xbox One has the PS4 more then doubling the sales.  Even the standard edition of the PS4, which is not guaranteed on launch, is outselling the launch day one edition of the Xbox One.   All of the data is pointing to a landslide in favor of the PS4, a likely 3-4 to one sales advantage for the PS4.   Why would a publisher ever give an exclusive to the Xbox in the future if they only hold 25-30% of the market.  Even with them losing money on used games, the selling potential of their game on the PS4 would far exceed anything Microsoft can offer. 

Microsoft's gamble on this with publishers only works if they can keep sales close and that looks extremely unlikely at this point.  Even Microsoft has to know that now, but the next question is what can they do about it?  It looks like nothing.  The DRM looks designed into the system, as is the mandatory Kinect.  Even watching their sales plummet, I don't even think they can undo this if they wanted to.  It just looks like Microsoft seriously misjudged the vitriol and reaction this would cause to their product and obviously thought people would just get over it and buy an Xbox anyway.   It just looks like they seriously, seriously misjudged the market on this one and this guy's comments explain why.  You can't force anyone to think about something the way you do.  It's not going to happen.  I am NEVER going to change my mind on the Xbox One's DRM, I will never purchase the system ever.  Period.  The reason for that is that it is my principle on consumer rights.  I'm a budget gamer, and I normally buy consoles late in the cycle to get everything on the cheap.  I *just* purchased a PS3 this past Black Friday, and bought all my games on clearance sales.  I was actually about to do the same this year with the Xbox 360.  Because of what they did with the Xbox One, not only have I changed my mind in regards to purchasing an Xbox 360, but I also pre-ordered a PS4 (my first launch console since SNES) just to support the fact that Sony is standing up for the consumer.  I also just bought another year of PS Plus with the current Best Buy Sale.  Microsoft's stance got such a strong reaction out of me that it literally pushed me into buying a launch console of their competitor just because.  I'm not going to change my mind on this in a year or two, or down the road.  The Xbox is dead to me, permanently, and I will also start avoiding Microsoft products when I can.  Operating Systems, phones etc.

Also, I am voicing my opinion to all my friends as well because that is my principle on consumer rights and I want to see the Xbox One fail because of what it stands for.  It's not enough that I'm not a customer, I want the system and console to fail and will do everything in my power to prevent any of my friends from ever buying one.  I don't think this vitriol is going to die down, nor do I think you will have the same uninformed purchasing base of year's past, even less likely due to the high selling price of the system.  This will hold true simply because of how strongly people like myself feel about it the issue of consumer rights.  It's one thing for a company to do it to their games, and I just avoid buying those games.  But to try to push it into the entire console and circumvent the right to re-sell law and consumer rights on a massive scale?  Yeah, I'm not ok with that.  Microsoft made a huge power-grab here, and I will thoroughly enjoy watching this fail and a few comments by a Microsoft developer telling me how I should think, is definitely not going to change my opinion on it.  It just makes me dislike Microsoft that much more for being so arrogant and presuming to pretend to know what's in my best interest. 

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We just need to trust MS, if we give them control over everything games will become cheaper........maybe.........probably........eventually.......
Yeah remember how at the beginning first party 360 titles were$50? That didn't even last all that long. Though to be fair if prices do go up they'll be the same price on PS4 I'm sure. One thing that really bothers me about this is that I'm sure a group of complete douchebags could conspire to complain against someone who hasn't broken any rules but they don't like(or hell just has a higher gamerscore) and get them banned. I'm sure it'll happen at least a few times.

amazon has day one x1's back in stock looks like alot of people has canceled pre orders or ms gave them more
Larry Hryb@majornelson14h
Just released: more #XboxOne Day One Editions are available for pre-order: MS Store or Amazon

View summary
That's a pretty funny tweet considering it wasn't even sold out to begin with. It sold out the day of the conference, and then immediately became available again after everyone canceled their pre-orders and it's been available ever since. They were available long before this tweet of "making more available" because it's never been sold out so what's the point of even making more available?

If you look at Amazon's sales page, the standard edition of the PS4 is outselling the Xbox Day One edition. Basically, the PS4 backlog is outselling the Xbox Launch edition.

Haha maybe this will be like the PS3 at launch. It was selling so poorly at that point I was able to get one off ebay for $250 when it was still $600. If I can do that with the Xbox One, maybe I'll get one, might be worth it for exclusives then...

Yeah, but it also does a better job than many top selling stand alone players. After my 60gb launch PS3 died I tried out several different players of different brands, and they all had issues. Some struggled to play certain brand new discs and would glitch during playback. Others couldn't load discs because of BD-Live issues. And others were terrible at streaming. Paying a little more for a PS3 was a blessing after dealing with that mess. If you care about having a headache free, reliable player, you won't do much better than the PS3.
I've just stuck with Sony stand alone players and never had any issues. Had an S-350 and upgraded to an S-590 a while back to get a 3D player and one with streaming apps as the 360/PS3 noise was bugging me when streaming stuff.

Have had no issues--though I do turn of the BD-Live stuff as the ads annoy me and I pretty much never watch extra features anyway. So I can't speak to any issues with that.

Which reminds me, one thing that always seemed dumb as shit to me is that Sony pushed Bluray super hard with the PS3 and yet didn't put in an IR sensor so you could use a regular remote with it. Not being able to use my Harmony remote without buying an adapter was the reason I just upgraded to another stand alone player for 3D and apps (along with being a lot quieter) rather than just using my PS3.

Have they said if the PS4 will work with regular remotes without an adapter?

One thing that really bothers me about this is that I'm sure a group of complete douchebags could conspire to complain against someone who hasn't broken any rules but they don't like(or hell just has a higher gamerscore) and get them banned. I'm sure it'll happen at least a few times.
Yeah that's a good point, then you have to deal with MS support :(

Hell I think they were bragging back in Feb that you could control it with your phone so I'll bet it do standard remotes now as well.

It depends. I think the more late arrivals to the system are more likely to change. I know a lot of people who were on the 360 since day one (some even on Live from day one back on the o.g. Xbox) and they aren't going anywhere. They have too many friends in the friends list, prepaid Live cards for years in the future, and probably most importantly are addicted to those ridiculous achievements and their precious gamerscore. Not going anywhere.

I've had a 360 since early 2006 and I love it, but likely switch to PS4 as I'm not putting up with MS Xbone crap.

TBH I'll be glad to be free of achievements as I got way to into them and as nothing I have for 360 is going to work, and the PS4 is cheaper, it's made it real easy to switch.

I wouldn't overestimate anyone's loyalty to the machine, particularly as MS has zero loyalty to us.

Yeah, but it also does a better job than many top selling stand alone players. After my 60gb launch PS3 died I tried out several different players of different brands, and they all had issues. Some struggled to play certain brand new discs and would glitch during playback. Others couldn't load discs because of BD-Live issues. And others were terrible at streaming. Paying a little more for a PS3 was a blessing after dealing with that mess. If you care about having a headache free, reliable player, you won't do much better than the PS3.
I've just stuck with Sony stand alone players and never had any issues. Had an S-350 and upgraded to an S-590 a while back to get a 3D player and one with streaming apps as the 360/PS3 noise was bugging me when streaming stuff.

Have had no issues--though I do turn of the BD-Live stuff as the ads annoy me and I pretty much never watch extra features anyway. So I can't speak to any issues with that.

Which reminds me, one thing that always seemed dumb as shit to me is that Sony pushed Bluray super hard with the PS3 and yet didn't put in an IR sensor so you could use a regular remote with it. Not being able to use my Harmony remote without buying an adapter was the reason I just upgraded to another stand alone player for 3D and apps (along with being a lot quieter) rather than just using my PS3.

Have they said if the PS4 will work with regular remotes without an adapter?
You could buy a stand alone BR player you know? It would save wear and tear.

Don't act like a jackass and get banned. ;)
Or, better yet, buy a PS4 and forgo all of this pointless bullshit.
Sorry but I fail to see how people getting punished for being a jackass a bad thing. I've never been banned from xbox live because I know how to act like a normal human being. I'd like to think people are capable of that.
But that's not the issue here. There's been cases of people being unjustly banned, they usually get sorted out eventually, but in the meantime their Xbox One would be useless except as a movie player. And again I can just see a bunch of douchebags conspiring to get someone banned even though they haven't broken any rules. I mean douchebags do Swatting over stuff done on Xbox live now, this would be less of a stretch frankly.

So....if the 10 member sharing is true. Can we have a subforum dedicated to virtual family management?

Hypothetically, I start a thread, form a family of established CAGs, and "family members" vote on which games to purchase, and I will do a round robin prioritization for play time allocation. People can also reserve playtimes by replying to the thread. Everybody in the family enjoys games at 90% off, profit????

Yeah, but it also does a better job than many top selling stand alone players. After my 60gb launch PS3 died I tried out several different players of different brands, and they all had issues. Some struggled to play certain brand new discs and would glitch during playback. Others couldn't load discs because of BD-Live issues. And others were terrible at streaming. Paying a little more for a PS3 was a blessing after dealing with that mess. If you care about having a headache free, reliable player, you won't do much better than the PS3.
I've just stuck with Sony stand alone players and never had any issues. Had an S-350 and upgraded to an S-590 a while back to get a 3D player and one with streaming apps as the 360/PS3 noise was bugging me when streaming stuff.

Have had no issues--though I do turn of the BD-Live stuff as the ads annoy me and I pretty much never watch extra features anyway. So I can't speak to any issues with that.

Which reminds me, one thing that always seemed dumb as shit to me is that Sony pushed Bluray super hard with the PS3 and yet didn't put in an IR sensor so you could use a regular remote with it. Not being able to use my Harmony remote without buying an adapter was the reason I just upgraded to another stand alone player for 3D and apps (along with being a lot quieter) rather than just using my PS3.

Have they said if the PS4 will work with regular remotes without an adapter?
You could buy a stand alone BR player you know? It would save wear and tear.
LMAO...what do you think we're talking about? That's basically the entire conversation.

But yeah, I would wager that Sony stand alones are on par with the PS3 for playing blus. But the ones I looked at were pretty similar in cost too. I got my 160gb slim for $130...which seemed like a better deal than a stand alone player for $100+.
I wish more people were law trained so there would be a greater public awareness of how much of affront to the principles of equity these license agreements are. These are basically equating to completely unilateral contracts where Microsoft is retaining the ability to revoke your ownership interest in games (or more appropriately, game licenses) you purchased, at their discretion with no compensation or chance for an appeal. That's not even something the god damn federal government can do...
I wish more people were law trained so there would be a greater public awareness of how much of affront to the principles of equity these license agreements are. These are basically equating to completely unilateral contracts where Microsoft is retaining the ability to revoke your ownership interest in games (or more appropriately, game licenses) you purchased, at their discretion with no compensation or chance for an appeal. That's not even something the god damn federal government can do...
Which has already been proved to be false. MajorNelson said it in his interview, MS Support Twitter later clarified the issue, etc.

I have a preorder at Amazon but I am still on the fence if I will actually go through with it. I just wished that the Kinect was not forced on us since it would probably have brought down the system to $399. Wish it was an optional thing since there is not any good must own Kinect games at E3 or even during the 360 era. It seems the Kinect main use is just for the TV and side social things. Might pick up the Xbox one later but right now it is hard to justify it just to play Halo, Quantum Break, and Crimson Dragon at $499. Also so much unclear messages about what the consumer can do with their game purchases and DRM alone is really making this confusing and hard to go through with.

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New video answering questions:

Side-note ....I love skydart....damn you chris hardwick.
Oh, that is the worst-looking hat I've ever seen. When he bought that hat I bet he got a free bowl of soup.

What a douche. If you listen carefully, he side-steps and dances around every question without really answering it.

Q1 Will XBone servers be shut down at the end of the next gen?

A1 We haven't even started the next generation. It's kinda early to talk about the end of it. It's certainly something we would not do (notice he didn't say will not do, and yes they have done it before with Xbox servers). ....[t]he system is designed for flexibility (exactly whose flexibility? Why Microsoft's flexibility of course). Let's get the system out the first. (Translation, give us your money first and we'll worry about that later).

Q2 If you are banned will you lose access to the games you purchase?

A2 Absolutely not....(but he says something that sounds like you will not be able to play multiplayer. Not sure on that, but it doesn't seem so absolute after all).

Q3 Why can't physical disks be played offline so long as I have the disk inserted.

A3 Blah Blah Blah Flexibility. (He then goes onto the "family plan" but never defines "family" or who can be in your family, but notice he uses the word "check out" like a library, which probably means no one else can play the game while someone else is playing it). Upside to being connected is having access to your games everywhere you are. Come with us on our journey. Blah blah blah Flexible. (He never answers the question or explain why you can't have the option of either the disk or the online library).

Q4 Why are you making us have to be online once every 24 hours

A4 It keeps you library up to date. (Seriously, that's it? Why not just let us check into XBL like we've been doing on the 360?).

Q5 Sony kicked your ass at E3. Are you gonna take your heads out of your ass now and possibly reconcile with your user base?

A5 No they can fuck off. Did you see our games by the way? (look over here [switching the topic on the interviewer]; it's called the Kansas City Shuffle, aka misdirection).

Q6 What is your target audience with the XBone, and why would anyone buy this POS?

A6 People with lots of money who are misinformed with low information who don't give a shit, and fanboys. Everyone else doesn't matter. The XBone is designed for the future, well at least Microsoft's future.

Q7 Does the XBone have the ability for HDMI input?

A7 Yes. Plug everything into the XBone so we can monitor what you are watching, what you are playing, who you are playing with, etc., and then give all that information to the NSA when they subpoena us secretly without you knowing.

(By the way, if the XBone is not a DVR, what is the point of this all? So I can be interrupted watching TV by some douche who is inviting me to a COD deathmatch? Also, if Don Mattrick's solution for gamers that have no internet is stick with the 360, what's the point of plugging in the 360 to the XBone? Now you have to stay connected to play your 360 as well because it is running through the XBone).

Q8 What is the one question you wished you had been asked about the XBone?

A8 The family package and what it means. (This is Microsoft's own fault for not bringing it up earlier; my guess is they never intended it to be what they are now proposing it will be, and the only reason they are mentioning it is due to the backlash on trading, selling and lending games. Also, he still doesn't really explain how it works - who can be in a family, how a game is lent and for how long, etc.).

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Don't act like a jackass and get banned. ;)
Or, better yet, buy a PS4 and forgo all of this pointless bullshit.
Sorry but I fail to see how people getting punished for being a jackass a bad thing. I've never been banned from xbox live because I know how to act like a normal human being. I'd like to think people are capable of that.
But that's not the issue here. There's been cases of people being unjustly banned, they usually get sorted out eventually, but in the meantime their Xbox One would be useless except as a movie player. And again I can just see a bunch of douchebags conspiring to get someone banned even though they haven't broken any rules. I mean douchebags do Swatting over stuff done on Xbox live now, this would be less of a stretch frankly.
People who are "unjustly" banned most likely put themselves in that situation. I don't know anyone who has been banned, but obviously people have been. There is always going to be exceptions to every rule. There's nothing you can do about that.

what a tool. I'm am voicing my opinion to all my friends that you are a tool because it is my right accorded by the freedom of speech.

defending principles for principles' sake is ridiculous. just make your stand and don't buy it. that's how you protect your principles. teaching your children your beliefs is how you protect your principles.

going from one rooftop to another shouting how people need to be educated is not the way to do it. are you going to stop eating meat because animals are being cruelly treated? are you going to stop buying personal goods because there are people starving and destitute in the world? are you going to stop using cars because of the pollution they create?

trying to ram your opinion down everyone's throat and trying to "educate" us on why it's so bad is just poor behavior and taste.

Also, I am voicing my opinion to all my friends as well because that is my principle on consumer rights and I want to see the Xbox One fail because of what it stands for. It's not enough that I'm not a customer, I want the system and console to fail and will do everything in my power to prevent any of my friends from ever buying one.
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Thread should be labeled as "False Information".

I think 'Absolutely not' should be a strong enough answer, eh? ;)

It's also funny to note, that Sony canceled their interview with Reddit once they saw the questions. Apparently didnt want to answer them. ( )
Good to hear that you can still access your games even if you're banned. As for Sony cancelling, I read that they didn't have someone knowledgeable enough to answer the questions correclty. These are the questions below. Also has MS released an official spec sheet for the XBone yet?

  • Will there be PS4 and Vita bundle?
  • Will the PS4 support mouse and keyboard?
  • With the PS4 functioning as a powerful Media Hub (besides pure gaming), which video formats does it support, and will we be able to plug in any Data device or will it only accept a FAT32 format?
  • I'd love to hear more about how Sony plan to use Gaikai. Will backwards compatibility to PS1/2/3 be possible through streaming?
  • Will you be able to change your PSN name?
  • Is the PS4 likely to have support for the Oculus Rift?
  • With the new Livestreaming feature, will the stream output only contain the Gameplay or will it be customizable to make it more personal.
  • -Will PS4 to Vita remote play functionality work while playing online multiplayer on the PS4? -Will the PS4 still require double the memory of a game to install it like it does on the PS3? -Will trophies instantly sync on PS4 like achievements do on Xbox 360? -What will be the new friends list limit (if any)?
  • With the PS4 moving towards a more PC based infrastructure and the possibility for Indie developers to self publish, what are the odds of Sony and Developers allowing User generated content, or Modding, on the platform?
  • How will drive club PS+ edition be different from the full retail edition.
  • What is the maximum number of people you can have in a cross-game chat?
  • Will the ownership of games you own digitally on PS3 transfer to PS4 if they are made backwards compatible later in the circle?
  • How is PS+ going to change on Playstation 4 other than adding the ability to play multiplayer? As in, will we still get 4-5 games on the instant game collection a month? Ask about any details for the new playstation app. Do they have any more details about how streaming PS3 games will work? Will we have to pay for any games we already own on PS3 again?
  • How many people can you have in a cross-game chat at one time? Can we get more details on how the PS4's game recording technology works? We know the Xbox One has built in TwitchTV functionality; is the PS4's implementation similar to that?
  • Can you guarantee that PS+ will still retain all current benefits once it becomes necessary have a subscription to play online multiplayer?
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Sony fanboys don't want to admit that the family plan is a huge benefit.
It is a huge benefit but I don't understand the whole reasoning why they would do it in the first place considering their stance with trading and renting games. It seem this will definitely make the game developers lose more money than the use and renting game model.

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Sony fanboys don't want to admit that the family plan is a huge benefit.
Nobody's saying it can't be a good thing (and for the love of god lay off the 'fanboy' thing), we're simply saying it doesn't outweigh the Xbone's negatives, and if this was their plan all along why wait until now to bring it up? Shouldn't it have featured prominently at one of their announcements? Feels like a last minute thing to try and quell some of the hate.
Sony fanboys don't want to admit that the family plan is a huge benefit.

Nobody's saying it can't be a good thing (and for the love of god lay off the 'fanboy' thing), we're simply saying it doesn't outweigh the Xbone's negatives, and if this was their plan all along why wait until now to bring it up? Shouldn't it have featured prominently at one of their announcements? Feels like a last minute thing to try and quell some of the hate.

Layoff the XBone thing. Makes you sound the same way.

And they talked about family sharing in May
Sony fanboys don't want to admit that the family plan is a huge benefit.
It is a huge benefit but I don't understand the whole reasoning why they would do it in the first place considering their stance with trading and renting games. It seem this will definitely make the game developers lose more money than the use and renting game model.
That's what I'm thinking as well, I mean MS wants to limit the revenue loss the used game market creates but then turns around an offers a feature where up to 10 people can share games with each other. That doesn't make sense to me, imagine all the forums that will be created just to take advantage of that. It has the potential to do more damage then allowing the sale of used games IMO.

Sony fanboys don't want to admit that the family plan is a huge benefit.
It remains to be seen. Even if it does allow unlimited sharing with 10 people (which I highly doubt since as others have said that is way worse than used game sales and rentals) it still doesn't outweigh some of the other stuff (like not being able to resell games on your own). It might be great if you have a large group of friends who like the same games, or can get into the CAG gamesharing thing. I'm a little hesitant to share info with a bunch of random Internet douches though (no offense to any CAGs ;)).

And they talked about family sharing in May
Yeah, but without nearly enough details. There is no way anyone thought it would be 10 people with unlimited sharing.

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Sony fanboys don't want to admit that the family plan is a huge benefit.
It is a huge benefit but I don't understand the whole reasoning why they would do it in the first place considering their stance with trading and renting games. It seem this will definitely make the game developers lose more money than the use and renting game model.
That's what I'm thinking as well, I mean MS wants to limit the revenue loss the used game market creates but then turns around an offers a feature where up to 10 people can share games with each other. That doesn't make sense to me, imagine all the forums that will be created just to take advantage of that. It has the potential to do more damage then allowing the sale of used games IMO.
I completely agree. But ultimately, people are going to hear what they want to hear. It's amusing to me that some of the people who continuously ask for open-mindedness in here are the ones who are completely closed off to the idea that Microsoft might ever do something that goes against their best interests. Either that, or they just don't care, and have a loyalty to Microsoft that reaches some deep personal level. I have no more loyalty to them than I do to a gas station or a grocery store. Provide me with the best service and prices and you'll get my business. Nothing more than that needs to be considered. That's what being open-minded actually means.
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