You guys want the truth about GS? Ask me.

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[quote name='Ramman77']I have a question about gutted copies:

When I went to my local EB today, I saw multiple gutted copies of the same game on the "New" sheft.

Now, I can understand gutting one copy as display, but why would they need to gut 4 copies of one game? Why the hell not keep one game as display and keep all the other ones nicely sealed - without stickers on the boxes and hundreds of people fondling the boxes?


This has been explained 500 times already.
EB/GS does NOT get any 'fake' artwork for a released game. If they have a hit game, like lets say the new Hitman, they want to advertise it. Why put only 1 copy out on the floor when they can put an eye-catching 4? It would cost WAY too much money for EB/GS to get the game makers send them extra copys of artwork. So instead they open up copys. Remember, most people do not care if they buy a new game and its opened. Its a game. They will play it and most likley sell it/trade-it back in. If it works, who cares? This is true for 4/5 people who shop at gamestores.

To answer you're N64 question, its been answered in this thread. EB/GS did/do allow employees to 'borrow' games. It all depends on the store manager, district manager, etc. Sometimes its cool, sometimes its not. If you don't like it, return it and never shop there EVER again.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Exactly. If the case has been opened and an employee's grubby hands have taken the game out of the case then its a USED product no matter how you try to justify it. That means it should be sold as USED not "new" or however you few EB/GS defends will like to call it.

Don't get me wrong GS doesn't bother me that much as I like doing business there. But if I were to ever try to get a USED game being handed off to me as "new" then I'll call them on it and ask politely either if I can get a few dollars off. If not then I won't buy it on the principal of being charged the new price for a USED product.

If more of us would take an approach like this then they might even stop this crap. But as is it won't happen especially when a good chunk of the customers at GS/EB don't know better. Trust me I've seen idiots get talked into preordering Madden 07 because "it will be hard to find." :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Did you know Best Buy DOES resell 'returned DVDs/Games/CDs? Yes, its TRUE. Several friends of mine who worked for the BB have themselves resealed the above items and sold them as new. Did you also know they still open up copys of new games to put 'security stickers' on the inside of the cases? Sometimes removing the dsic itself? Yep, its true.
[quote name='Kayden']Do we want the truth? Do we want the truth?


Has that been done yet? :lol:[/QUOTE]

I was thinking of putting that as the OP, but I didn't.
[quote name='gizmogc']I put the customer first when I worked at gamestores. However, people HERE are not *really* customers. For the most part, CAGs won't go into a GameStop unless A. They are having a sale. B. They are looking for rare games to sell. C. Looking to make a thread here bitching about 'shiitty' service.

I had many customers who came to the store just to purchase things from me since I was very knowledgeable on not only current gen, but things dating back to Atari. I treated every customer with respect, until they made themselves feel 'superior', and then I get nasty. When someone comes into my store and bitches about trade-in prices, I told them to goto GR or EB. We gave the best prices, and would even pricematch a competitors price with proof.

I'm not gonna go on a huge rant, like I can, but you assume just because I defend employees of GS/EB etc. that I was a total ass. Very wrong. Its the select people here on CAG who think they are the top shit and if they don't like EB/GS, then no one should.

CAGgers are NOT what EB/GS etc. want. Its the Moms and Dads. THEY spend money, CAGs don't. What CAG is going to go buy a new release at EB/GS etc. when Best Buy has it on sale for $42.99? What about when its on-sale AND they can use there $5 off GGC coupons? You think there gonna go and pay $15 more for a copy at EB/GS etc.? Nope. Not unless they have store credit for trading in games they bought cheaper at CC/TRU. You think they are gonna take a *gasp* opened display copy? Nope. I instead, they will come here, start another thread, and bitch.

So, just so I have this straight, its OK to take advantage of deals and loopholes (Trading in JamPacks in conjuction with a 'Get XX amount of additional store credit'), but its a big no-no for EB to sell a display copy of a new game that may have never even left the store (People always assume *every* EB/GS allows their employees to borrow games, not true)?[/QUOTE]

okay, i'm just gonna pass over the brash generalizations, as you make them every other post anyway. do you know what website you are on? its the wrong place to demonize people for being cheap...

but yeah, it's okay for us to trade in games and take advantage of deals and loopholes. We can still expect the sealed copy too. you see, we are following the rules while manipulating them. EB/GS break them altogether by selling opened, used items as new. that's the bottom line on that.
[quote name='Apossum']okay, i'm just gonna pass over the brash generalizations, as you make them every other post anyway. do you know what website you are on? its the wrong place to demonize people for being cheap...

but yeah, it's okay for us to trade in games and take advantage of deals and loopholes. We can still expect the sealed copy too. you see, we are following the rules while manipulating them. EB/GS break them altogether by selling opened, used items as new. that's the bottom line on that.[/QUOTE]

Brand New

Considering that the store has two choices, NEW & USED, and that the game most likely has never been USED OR PLAYED, I'd say shut up.
[quote name='Apossum']okay, i'm just gonna pass over the brash generalizations, as you make them every other post anyway. do you know what website you are on? its the wrong place to demonize people for being cheap...

but yeah, it's okay for us to trade in games and take advantage of deals and loopholes. We can still expect the sealed copy too. you see, we are following the rules while manipulating them. EB/GS break them altogether by selling opened, used items as new. that's the bottom line on that.[/QUOTE]

So because they sell 'opened but never played games' its OK to discuss ways to take advantage of them? I'm not just talking about giving trade-in prices, but Ive seen enough friends where people are clearly finding a way around somethng to get more store credit. Whatever. Most people who have actually worked retail can see why posting 'X store sucks' theads are clearly posted by people who have never held a real job, or any job in their life.
[quote name='gizmogc']Most people who have actually worked retail can see why posting 'X store sucks' theads are clearly posted by people who have never held a real job, or any job in their life.[/QUOTE]
I don't recall if I've posted such a thread, but I've certainly posted in such a thread and... a lot of us have held jobs that are more "real" than retail, so you should ease up there.

I deal with plenty of customers who I think "suck" because they're ignorant and annoying, but amazingly, I can still hold an opinion that certain corporate establishments also "suck."
I have a question (in three parts):

Why is it that everytime I ordered (past tense) form they:

a) NEVER included my Pre-order bonus and forced me jump through many hoops to get it?

b) Do NOT guarantee a complete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 copy, when EBGames used to.

c) When I receive said incomplete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 game, it looks like it was sodomized with a 12 foot pole.
Its because is a vapid shithole of missery and distress errected to punish us for our cheap ways.

[quote name='Number83']I have a question (in three parts):

Why is it that everytime I ordered (past tense) form they:

a) NEVER included my Pre-order bonus and forced me jump through many hoops to get it?

b) Do NOT guarantee a complete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 copy, when EBGames used to.

c) When I receive said incomplete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 game, it looks like it was sodomized with a 12 foot pole.[/quote]
[quote name='gizmogc']This has been explained 500 times already.
EB/GS does NOT get any 'fake' artwork for a released game. If they have a hit game, like lets say the new Hitman, they want to advertise it. Why put only 1 copy out on the floor when they can put an eye-catching 4? It would cost WAY too much money for EB/GS to get the game makers send them extra copys of artwork. So instead they open up copys. Remember, most people do not care if they buy a new game and its opened. Its a game. They will play it and most likley sell it/trade-it back in. If it works, who cares? This is true for 4/5 people who shop at gamestores.

To answer you're N64 question, its been answered in this thread. EB/GS did/do allow employees to 'borrow' games. It all depends on the store manager, district manager, etc. Sometimes its cool, sometimes its not. If you don't like it, return it and never shop there EVER again.[/quote]

No fake artwork? What about the artwork for not yet released titles? Those use empty cases and seem to be just as effective compared to the real thing.
[quote name='Kain Vincent']No fake artwork? What about the artwork for not yet released titles? Those use empty cases and seem to be just as effective compared to the real thing.[/quote]

TRU has the right idea - they put out display cases and have the TRUe New games back behind the glass.
[quote name='gizmogc']I put the customer first when I worked at gamestores. However, people HERE are not *really* customers. For the most part, CAGs won't go into a GameStop unless A. They are having a sale. B. They are looking for rare games to sell. C. Looking to make a thread here bitching about 'shiitty' service. [/quote]

Oh, come on.

I can't be the only CAG who periodically goes to browse or look for stuff they might have. I do this less now, since I'm far less inclined to buy used games from them at all. I'm still hoping to catch a used Rub Rabbits, or some DVDs.

I have never been rude to a GS/EB employee. I have received both great and terrible service, been harassed by employees going through the corporate motions, and left alone by employees who don't feel like going through the spiel.

I have bought a ton of stuff from GS/EB over the years. Yeah, I'm cheap. Yeah, I generally don't buy the stuff that's most profitable for them. So I'll never be their most desirable, most lucrative customer.

But here's the thing: I am a customer. I buy their stuff, which helps their bottom line. There are a lot of people like me.

I trade. I buy used items. I even buy opened items on occasion. These things add to their profit. Or at least they did.

Other companies recognize that bottom-feeders, like me, are good for business. Target, with their clearances. Wherehouse and Gamefly. Even Best Buy, who demonizes us, throws us bones like the GGC.

All GS has given me lately is grief.

("Then don't shop there!" someone shouts. Well, I have store credit. And despite shifting nearly all my purchases to other stores, there are still things that aren't easy to find. It's a sad state of affairs when I have store credit that I've had for months, but can't seem to use it.)

I didn't start out hating them or wanting to screw them over. All I wanted was a place to buy games at a decent price. Now? I'd still rather change them, but it looks hopeless. Why shouldn't I want to take advantage of them? Their policies clearly want to take advantage of me.

What I've gotten lately is crap condition games, unfulfilled orders, and policies that favor them at the customer's expense. Even narrowing my focus -- cutting out used disc-based games and buying new items or DS/cart based games -- doesn't work. Unlike virtually every other retailer on the planet, their instock/backorder system is thoroughly broken and favors only them.

I'm not alone. I don't think I'm being a knee-jerk GS hater, either. I never thought I'd see the day that I'd prefer shopping at Best Buy over EB.

Complaining here may not seem like much, but companies change when the volume of complaints gets too big to ignore. Every little bit helps, and the more complaints in the widest number of places is what gets attention in the long run.
Why is it that everytime I ordered (past tense) form they:

a) NEVER included my Pre-order bonus and forced me jump through many hoops to get it?

When I pre-order a game online for the one and only time I didn't get my free bonus either. It was a poster so it wasn't a big deal.

b) Do NOT guarantee a complete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 copy, when EBGames used to. is not Its unfortunatley as simple as that.

c) When I receive said incomplete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 game, it looks like it was sodomized with a 12 foot pole.

Which is why I would never order a used game from a company. A person, sure, atleast if they are honest they can tell me the condition of the disc. EB/ has dozens, hundreds, thousands of a used game and simply can't. Too bad they can't put a 'standard' in place where they only sell game with minor scratches, not one that looks like it was drugged across the highway.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']TRU has the right idea - they put out display cases and have the TRUe New games back behind the glass.[/quote]

I agree, however, several times I brought up a display case only to find out they don't have the actual product. It looks like its too much work to do this effectively.

I would like to see a system simular to what CC uses, put one display in a plastic security box and the rest behind the counter. That way you wouldn't have to consern yourself with gutted copies. I know GS probably won't spring for it because of its expense.
[quote name='gizmogc']Why is it that everytime I ordered (past tense) form they:

a) NEVER included my Pre-order bonus and forced me jump through many hoops to get it?

When I pre-order a game online for the one and only time I didn't get my free bonus either. It was a poster so it wasn't a big deal.

b) Do NOT guarantee a complete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 copy, when EBGames used to. is not Its unfortunatley as simple as that.

c) When I receive said incomplete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 game, it looks like it was sodomized with a 12 foot pole.

Which is why I would never order a used game from a company. A person, sure, atleast if they are honest they can tell me the condition of the disc. EB/ has dozens, hundreds, thousands of a used game and simply can't. Too bad they can't put a 'standard' in place where they only sell game with minor scratches, not one that looks like it was drugged across the highway.[/quote]

It was nice when listed if a used game was complete, or may or may not be. Hopefully they will bring this back in the future, but they may have found it too cumbersome to implement effectively.

Hopefully if you are unsatisfied with used purchases on you can return it to a B&M store.

IMO, GS's 7 day return policy on used games is the best feature of the store. EB's (pre-merger) wacky (and ugly) "security seals" drove me crazy! :bomb:
[quote name='Logical Dolphin']I agree, however, several times I brought up a display case only to find out they don't have the actual product. It looks like its too much work to do this effectively.

I would like to see a system simular to what CC uses, put one display in a plastic security box and the rest behind the counter. That way you wouldn't have to consern yourself with gutted copies. I know GS probably won't spring for it because of its expense.[/quote]

Yeah. I brought a Tekken 5 (right after it dropped to $10) case to the counter at TRU, and found out they were OOS. That rubbed me the wrong way.

My CC isn't like yours. There aren't any games behind the counter. They're all in those big clunky plastic cases on display. It varies by store.
Actually, I don't have a question about Gamestop, I have a huge rant about EB/Gamestop right now, and I'm reallly upset.

I'll be perfectly honest, that I don't purchase many used games or trade in many used games. But as of late, I've been extremely low on money, and need to save up every little bit I can, for I can get an Xbox 360.

First off, I went to EB/Gamestop to trade in four games, because they have a deal going on where you trade in four games, and get an extra $10. I decided to get rid of games I didn't care for much, that I bought extremely cheap new (I have a lot of games, and I kind of want to get rid of some junk). The deal says you can trade in PS2, Xbox, DS, and PSP games. I bring in three PS2 games and one DS game. They tell me, every game I trade in has to be on the same platform. I've read many other forums, and I didn't hear one person who had to do that. Luckily, I had an extra PS2 game with me, so I did it. I actually got decent credit, from getting rid of horrible games. One thing I noticed is, they no longer check the disc, to assure they are in decent condition. All they do is see if the game is in the case, and scan it. Also, they didn't ask to see my I.D., to record the information, they told me to just flat out give them the info, where there is a chance they may not have spelled my name right.

Okay, I use the trade in credit to get Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team and Forza Motorsport used. Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team was fine, which was good. My Xbox wasn't with me, but I finally had the chance to try the game out, when I got home (Got Forza on Thursday). I put the game in my Xbox, and get a DRE. I try the game around 25 times, and get a DRE. I tried many of my own Xbox games, even ones I bought used (and kind of messed up), they all worked. I put Forza back in, and it still didn't work. The other two problems with Forza is, the game had no instructions (It would be nice to have) and the disc was really messed up, with tons of fingerprints, some scratches, etc. So, I called EB to see if they have another copy in, and they said no. They told me their other location may have it, and I can take it back there. The good news is that the other location has plenty of it, but the bad news is that the other location is 25 minutes further. So, they're basically telling me, if I want another copy of the game, I'll have to go a further distance just to get it, when they seemed to have accepted a game they should have checked, before allowing it to be traded in. The last problem is, I forgot to bring my receipt to my hometown, so I cannot return the game until Monday, when I return to my apartment around my college. I was definitely looking forward to playing Forza this weekend, and now I have to deal with this. I'm probably blowing this way out of proportion, but when the majority of games you buy work from a store for all these years, then you suddenly have a problem, kind of changes my outlook.

Well, as of right now, I want to shoot myself for buying Forza. I'm very tempted to just buy the game for $15 new, and let my screw up rest (I really only lost $4.38 and got rid of games I should have). I'm just going to say, unless I'm getting a game that will probably only be carried at a few stores, like an NIS or Atlus game, I'm not going to be doing business with them again, EB/Gamestop that is. The merger has really been a downfall. Also, no more of me buying used games there, for a very long time, even if it is cheaper.

It's not just because of this one incident making me angry, they fired the entire staff not too long ago, for a stupid thing. They happened to be a great staff, that was very helpful and friendly, making me want to buy more games at EB. Now, the staff is lazy, barely knows what they are doing, and makes me feel uncomfortable shopping there.

Anyway, can any of you understand my point of just getting a new copy of Forza? At least I'll have the instructions and I'll have a working copy. Along with that, I'm paying some due (not much) to MS for making a terrific game (I rented it before and liked it).
Yeah. I brought a Tekken 5 (right after it dropped to $10) case to the counter at TRU, and found out they were OOS. That rubbed me the wrong way.
Happened all the time. Most people don't bother bringing up the clamshells, and just ask for the game. We get lazy, and don't remember to go retrieve the clamshell afterwards.
Ask if they'll call the EB that's 25 minutes away, and have it sent to the one near you. Or since it's OOS, maybe they could give you your money/credit back.
[quote name='toldawg128']Ask if they'll call the EB that's 25 minutes away, and have it sent to the one near you. Or since it's OOS, maybe they could give you your money/credit back.[/QUOTE]That's what I'm going to do, because I really don't have all the extra time to mess with it. I'm going to try to get another game out of the deal, that's the same price. Then, I'll just get a new Forza.

The reason I'm knocking the EB/Gamestop merger so much is, Forza only had the new Gamestop sticker on it (no older EB sticker under it). It was the only copy they had for a bit, so I'm assuming the disc really did come from the same case I got. And because they haven't checked disc anymore, when games are traded in, I'm thinking the disc wasn't even checked in the first place.
[quote name='toldawg128']My CC isn't like yours. There aren't any games behind the counter. They're all in those big clunky plastic cases on display. It varies by store.[/quote]

Sorry, I was unclear. My CCs don't have games behind the counter either.

What I ment to say is GS should use a system that is sort of a hybrid of CC & TRU: keep one display copy in a security case and have the rest behind a counter.
[quote name='Logical Dolphin']I agree, however, several times I brought up a display case only to find out they don't have the actual product. It looks like its too much work to do this effectively.

It takes discipline to make any system work, but thats what employees are for.
But yea, I've brought up Nocturne cases before thinking I struck gold, only to find out that they were OOS :cool:
I've never had a problem with GameStop or EB. Shoot, I traded in Oblivion, GRAW, and a buttload of garbage PS2 games yesterday, and came away with a cool $234 in credit, can't beat that for a bunch of 1st and 2nd gen PS2 games I would never play again. Never once have I dealt with an asshole employee, but that's probably because everyone here in Minnesota is decent to one another, unlike most places in this country.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']but that's probably because everyone here in Minnesota is decent to one another, unlike most places in this country.[/quote]


"Cat Beaten To Death, Teenage Boys Accused

(WCCO) Minneapolis A Twin Cities couple is struggling to understand how anyone could attack and kill their helpless cat."

Family Says Girls Made Up Sex Slaves Story

(AP) St. Paul A woman accused of holding two 16-year-old girls against their will and using them as sex slaves says she, her husband and her sons are innocent and the girls made up the story. "

"Toddler's Death Rocks Small Town

"(AP) Fergus Falls, Minn. Two-year-old Emily Lynn Johnson was remembered for her joy and enthusiasm at her funeral Friday, days after this town was shocked by the news that a local teen had been charged with killing her at a daycare."
[quote name='Samurai T'] One thing I noticed is, they no longer check the disc, to assure they are in decent condition. All they do is see if the game is in the case, and scan it. Also, they didn't ask to see my I.D., to record the information, they told me to just flat out give them the info, where there is a chance they may not have spelled my name right.


This isn't a company policy. Like I said one post up, I traded in about 25 games yesterday, and the girl working there check every single one of them, even worthless crap like Half Life and Strike Force Bowling. She also asked for my license. So my guess is that you just got an extremely lazy employee.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']This isn't a company policy. Like I said one post up, I traded in about 25 games yesterday, and the girl working there check every single one of them, even worthless crap like Half Life and Strike Force Bowling. She also asked for my license. So my guess is that you just got an extremely lazy employee.[/QUOTE]

And now they charge $2 to have a game refurbished if it has any scratches. that's what they are doing in my area. it's bullshit-- they just put them right out with everything else. they don't even have refurbishing machines at GS (except one by me uses a gamedoctor...blech)
[quote name='gizmogc']Which is why I would never order a used game from a company. A person, sure, atleast if they are honest they can tell me the condition of the disc. Too bad they can't put a 'standard' in place where they only sell game with minor scratches, not one that looks like it was drugged across the highway.[/quote]

A person can TELL you what condition a game is in?? Cmon now, I've heard a fair share of Ebay tales about people buying games that looked no better than an EB/GS one.

You think people don't LIE about condition? You're sadly mistaken, to say the least.

And, you know how EB/GS can STOP selling games with tons of scratches??? STOP TAKING THEM IN!!!!! The local shop I go to alot has a standard, if he can see light coming through the disc from the label side, he doesn't take it in.

I just wish they would adopt that policy or at least invest in a resurfacing machine and USE it.

This is why, even though I don't like their prices(or the speed or lack thereof of their rebates), I applaud FYE for only taking in COMPLETE and MINT condition games. If only EB/GS did the same, then we might not have people constantly complaining about the condition of their used games so much.
[quote name='Apossum']And now they charge $2 to have a game refurbished if it has any scratches. that's what they are doing in my area. it's bullshit-- they just put them right out with everything else. they don't even have refurbishing machines at GS (except one by me uses a gamedoctor...blech)[/QUOTE]

That's some high quality crap there.

An employee who does his job charges the fee, then puts the game in the defective bin, where it's sent to corporate to be refurbished.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']The local shop I go to alot has a standard, if he can see light coming through the disc from the label side, he doesn't take it in.[/quote]

Thats not the best standard there. That doesn't have anything to do with scratches really , moreso about a chunk missing- if light can come thru then the laser reading the game will go through instead of reflecting back thus the game definitely won't work. :)
True, it may not be the best standard, but it does keep the truly defective discs from his shop.

Although, I just wish EB/GS would do the same like FYE does, mint and complete, none of this 'disc only' crap, like they shove off on some poor suckers.
[quote name='Kuros']That's some high quality crap there.

An employee who does his job charges the fee, then puts the game in the defective bin, where it's sent to corporate to be refurbished.[/QUOTE]

it's crap--but from the way these employees were acting, it was like they were told to get as many refurbs as possible...the guy was charging for games that were barely marked and wouldn't even test them on the systems in the store.
[quote name='Logical Dolphin']Sorry, I was unclear. My CCs don't have games behind the counter either.

What I ment to say is GS should use a system that is sort of a hybrid of CC & TRU: keep one display copy in a security case and have the rest behind a counter.[/quote]

It will be a cold day in hell before we use that policy. Oh God, imagine all the shop lifting, grab n' runs and other crap we would have to deal with. You think were jerks now, imagine if we have to assume everyones a theif. Which a good retail employee does.
[quote name='Apossum']it's crap--but from the way these employees were acting, it was like they were told to get as many refurbs as possible...the guy was charging for games that were barely marked and wouldn't even test them on the systems in the store.[/quote]

well, we get letters from the genius's at Gamestop HQ if we do not get too many. Gamestop corp are profoundly stupid people who have no idea what is going on. They expect a mall store who gets 88 trades in A WEEK! to get as many refurb fees as one that get 400, like mine. Stupid stuff.
[quote name='nosuchsoul']It will be a cold day in hell before we use that policy. Oh God, imagine all the shop lifting, grab n' runs and other crap we would have to deal with. You think were jerks now, imagine if we have to assume everyones a theif. Which a good retail employee does.[/quote]

So if someone runs off with a plastic case - big deal? They can run off with a plastic case as it stands now....
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']So if someone runs off with a plastic case - big deal? They can run off with a plastic case as it stands now....[/quote]

The difference is there is nothing in thsoe plastic cases right now. Some chump may still a case to replace his since he lost it. (This does happen) Or some profound moron steals it without checking to see if it is in there. This happens very rarely.

If there was live product on the floor there would MUCH MORE stuff stolen, most likely every day.
Two questions:

1) Maybe this isn't a question a store-level employee can answer, but why does GS/EB still insist that it wouldn't be possible to list trade-in values online?

2) Can trade-in values for a particular game or DVD vary by location, or is it the same value across all locations? I've heard both from GS employees, so which is it?

That is all, thank you :)
[quote name='bjork73']Two questions:

1) Maybe this isn't a question a store-level employee can answer, but why does GS/EB still insist that it wouldn't be possible to list trade-in values online?

2) Can trade-in values for a particular game or DVD vary by location, or is it the same value across all locations? I've heard both from GS employees, so which is it?

That is all, thank you :)[/QUOTE]

1. They want people in the store with the games, that's why they don't post it online.

2. I'm not sure myself, I'd think it would be the same across stores, but I have no sure answer.
At EB, what is the point of buying the year long extended plan for the DS Lite, since, according to the back of my receipt, they directly honor the manufacturer's warranty for a console (in this case, Nintendo's warranty is also a year)?

[quote name='nosuchsoul']The difference is there is nothing in thsoe plastic cases right now. Some chump may still a case to replace his since he lost it. (This does happen) Or some profound moron steals it without checking to see if it is in there. This happens very rarely.

If there was live product on the floor there would MUCH MORE stuff stolen, most likely every day.[/QUOTE]

:lol: :lol: I remember the day when some kid ran in and took a Zelda - Wind Waker case thinking it was the real game. As he walked towards the door he said 'Im stealing a game!!! You can't stop me! Hahahahhaha'. I walked out and screamed 'Its empty dumbass'. He stopped, opened it up, threw it down and scream 'fuck!' so damn loud. Good times.
Do you think gamestop workers would care if i just stoled some boxes to complete some of my disk only games
[quote name='PINKO']Do you think gamestop workers would care if i just stoled some boxes to complete some of my disk only games[/QUOTE]
I've actually asked before, and they've let me have boxes.
[quote name='nosuchsoul']It will be a cold day in hell before we use that policy. Oh God, imagine all the shop lifting, grab n' runs and other crap we would have to deal with. You think were jerks now, imagine if we have to assume everyones a theif. Which a good retail employee does.[/quote]

If you put a security sensor by the door (like most music and video stores), that should cut down on theft. Anyway, it was just a suggestion since a portion of GS customers wouldn't want to buy an opened product at full price.

I won't even address the assumption "everyone's a thief" remark. Vigilance is the key here, not pessimism.

Lighten up.
[quote name='Logical Dolphin']If you put a security sensor by the door (like most music and video stores), that should cut down on theft. Anyway, it was just a suggestion since a portion of GS customers wouldn't want to buy an opened product at full price.

I won't even address the assumption "everyone's a thief" remark. Vigilance is the key here, not pessimism.

Lighten up.[/quote]

Yes, of course you would put a sensor-matic by the door.........what would be the point of it otherwise? Anyway, how do you keep someone from running out the door? How does an employee have to deal with the added stress of live product on the floor and kepping an eye on the kid in the back with the bookbag? A person having the key for the case, or someone managing to open the case.

Why shouldn't you assume everyone's a theif? "Trust, but verify." I am very good at sensing someone is a theif. I could profile, though right? Profiling is good, and it works wonders when you are trying to catch thieves. And if you say "Vigilance is key", how do I go about that without assuming someone is a theif.

Assuming someone is a theif does not mean I make them aware that I am. I keep an eye on them, I do not blindly trust them, let them hold on to the PSP. I watch them if they toake some games to the back. Let them hold the 360 box since he asked to. And I sure as hell do not put live product on the floor to appease a trivial portion of my customer base. Yes, I consider them trivial, the vast majority of people do not care. Since those who do not ming also buy used, our most profitable category.
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']^ I was wondering OP if anything like this has ever happened at your store?[/QUOTE]

Nope, although it would be amusing.

PINKO: Depends on the worker, I would mind myself. The fact that you stole some boxes would deny someone else to have a complete game.
And again, Kuros, I ask:

WHY doesn't EB/GS actually initiate a companywide policy like FYE does and only take in COMPLETE and mint games to begin with?

Then, maybe some of those people 'stealing cases' wouldn't have to, if EB/GS actually sold them complete to begin with.

And yes, I understand they could be buying them from another source and only stealing the cases from your store.

Mind you though, alot of the other stores I go to for my used games anymore have some pride in their product and don't just slap a bajillion stickers on the cases and toss un repaired discs out there on the shelf.

Here's an idea though:

Blockbuster tosses OUT all the cases from the PS2 and Xbox games they put into rental cases. How do I know this? I used to know a manager of a local BB who gave me a buttload of the new and undamaged cases for FREE.

Why couldn't EB/GS and the monolith known as Blockbuster come to an agreement about buying up those 'disposable' cases.

In this way, EB/GS could use those cases to make display copies and not have to 'gut' actual copies of the games and/or make another profitable side venture for their company by selling bundles of replacement PS2/Xbox cases.

Think about it, EB/GS could make a small fortune, as I'm sure they could negotiate with BB corporate to have all stores ship back their empty cases to a central location. Then, bundle them for say $10 for 10 cases. Hell, I'd pay a buck a case, if I didn't have spares to go around already.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And again, Kuros, I ask:

WHY doesn't EB/GS actually initiate a companywide policy like FYE does and only take in COMPLETE and mint games to begin with?

Then, maybe some of those people 'stealing cases' wouldn't have to, if EB/GS actually sold them complete to begin with.

And yes, I understand they could be buying them from another source and only stealing the cases from your store.

Mind you though, alot of the other stores I go to for my used games anymore have some pride in their product and don't just slap a bajillion stickers on the cases and toss un repaired discs out there on the shelf.

Here's an idea though:

Blockbuster tosses OUT all the cases from the PS2 and Xbox games they put into rental cases. How do I know this? I used to know a manager of a local BB who gave me a buttload of the new and undamaged cases for FREE.

Why couldn't EB/GS and the monolith known as Blockbuster come to an agreement about buying up those 'disposable' cases.

In this way, EB/GS could use those cases to make display copies and not have to 'gut' actual copies of the games and/or make another profitable side venture for their company by selling bundles of replacement PS2/Xbox cases.

Think about it, EB/GS could make a small fortune, as I'm sure they could negotiate with BB corporate to have all stores ship back their empty cases to a central location. Then, bundle them for say $10 for 10 cases. Hell, I'd pay a buck a case, if I didn't have spares to go around already.[/quote]

Very simple reason. Discs can take a lot more abuse than you would think. A nasty looking disc will probably play fine. I twill not look good, and I would not buy it myslef, but chances are, it would play fine. Gamestop made a business decision to take all game and assume the risk.

Remember we sell a lot of games to kids and adults who do not know better, and we veryt rarely get them back. At my store I sell on avergae seven thousand (7,000) worth of used product a week, and we very rarely get anything back defective.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']And again, Kuros, I ask:

WHY doesn't EB/GS actually initiate a companywide policy like FYE does and only take in COMPLETE and mint games to begin with?

Then, maybe some of those people 'stealing cases' wouldn't have to, if EB/GS actually sold them complete to begin with.

And yes, I understand they could be buying them from another source and only stealing the cases from your store.

Mind you though, alot of the other stores I go to for my used games anymore have some pride in their product and don't just slap a bajillion stickers on the cases and toss un repaired discs out there on the shelf.

Here's an idea though:

Blockbuster tosses OUT all the cases from the PS2 and Xbox games they put into rental cases. How do I know this? I used to know a manager of a local BB who gave me a buttload of the new and undamaged cases for FREE.

Why couldn't EB/GS and the monolith known as Blockbuster come to an agreement about buying up those 'disposable' cases.

In this way, EB/GS could use those cases to make display copies and not have to 'gut' actual copies of the games and/or make another profitable side venture for their company by selling bundles of replacement PS2/Xbox cases.

Think about it, EB/GS could make a small fortune, as I'm sure they could negotiate with BB corporate to have all stores ship back their empty cases to a central location. Then, bundle them for say $10 for 10 cases. Hell, I'd pay a buck a case, if I didn't have spares to go around already.[/quote]

The easiest answer to this all is...because these complaints don't come from our core customer base.

The last time someone complained to me about our gutting policy? 3 months ago or more.

About being disc only games? I can't remember.

I follow the refurbish policy so my used games I sell look pretty good. But yes, I will sell a semi-scratched copy of some random mega cheap game.

In a year I see maybe 10 stolen cases. Generally it is by morons who don't know we gut since it seems I find the cases outside after the crook figures it out the hard way.

So, the answer is, GS is not going to spend millions, which is what you are suggesting would equate to for almost 5000 stores, to appease a very small fraction of it's clientele.
[quote name='gizmogc']Why is it that everytime I ordered (past tense) form they:

a) NEVER included my Pre-order bonus and forced me jump through many hoops to get it?

When I pre-order a game online for the one and only time I didn't get my free bonus either. It was a poster so it wasn't a big deal.

b) Do NOT guarantee a complete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 copy, when EBGames used to. is not Its unfortunatley as simple as that.

c) When I receive said incomplete XBOX, 360, Gamecube, PS2 game, it looks like it was sodomized with a 12 foot pole.

Which is why I would never order a used game from a company. A person, sure, atleast if they are honest they can tell me the condition of the disc. EB/ has dozens, hundreds, thousands of a used game and simply can't. Too bad they can't put a 'standard' in place where they only sell game with minor scratches, not one that looks like it was drugged across the highway.[/quote]

I must say that you suffer from split personallity as I see you post as an employee of GS from time to time.
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