Your Biggest Gaming Secrets Revealed

I use to keep a list of all the systems I wanted to own (My family only let me have one system at a time until the N64 & Dreamcast days) and I got about a 1/3 through it then I had to stop cause I didn't have the space for them.
I have played every Final Fantasy game up to XIII and I have not beat any of them (I got very far in them but never completed them).

I love Zelda games but have only beaten two the original and A Link to the Past.

Never completed a Metroid game.

Bought an Atari Jaguar shortly after launch.

Have never completed Half Life, I just can't stand the Zen levels at the end.

The only Castlevania games I beat were 1 and 2.

Only Mega Man completed was 3.

I used to own Battletoads.

I still have not beat God of War.

Never beat a Resident Evil game even though I have played them all.

I currently have a pair of Zelda boxer shorts.

I hate GTA San Andreas and Saints Row.

I loved Dead Rising.

After playing the third one, I absolutely despise the Halo franchise.

Never beat Doom 2 with no clipping code.

I don't really like RTS games.
-When I was younger, I had a crush on the pink hedgehog girl from Sonic CD. I'm not sure why, it's a little strange especially when you consider that she's in the game for like 5 seconds.

-Speaking of which, when playing as Chun Li in Street Fighter II I would pause the game when she did her upside down spin kick thing so I could stare at her butt.

-I do not like Demon's Souls

-I DO like GTA IV

-I can never give a nasty response in a game with multiple dialogue options... it makes me feel like a dick.

-My mom not only played, but COMPLETED D2

-I prefer toon Link over regular Link hands down

-I've owned (and read) Resident evil novels

-When I first got a Gamecube in 2002, out of all the potential games available I bought Turok Evolution.

-I've been playing Oblivion for four years, but never completed the main quest until two months ago.

-I fell for an EGM April Fool's day prank (they said if you preordered Twilight Princess you would get a copy of Windwaker with upgraded TP-esque graphics, of course the gamestop guy had no idea what I was talking about)

-Although I wasn't able to get a combo above 15 hits throughout the entire campaign of Batman: AA, at the very end of the game (when they're clapping at you in the hallway) I managed to KO every single guard in one continuous combo... it ended up being 40+ hits. It was probably my greatest accomplishment in gaming.

-I used to go to school with a guy who later tried to set a world record for the longest time spent playing Dance Dance Revolution(he may have actually set the record, I don't remember). I was reading EGM on the crapper one day when I noticed a mention about him and had a good laugh.

- I can't stand the CAG "mascot", same with the Right Stuf guy I occasionally see in the ads. The former looks like a hustling Charlie Brown and the latter looks like that fat dude from Aint it Cool... and they both piss me off.
I recall playing K.C. Munchkin on the Odyssey (it was so awesome to design a level!!)

I remember when gamestop was funcoland --> back then they gave you twice the amount of your trade if you used the money towards a purchase in store versus getting cash

I do not get the big draw of Metroid, Half-Life, GTA, or Halo

I have owned every system except for Colecovision, Atari Jaguar, and The NeoGeo

I am a recovering WoW addict (3 years clean)

I liked Final Fantasy 7 more when it first came it seems like it gets WAY too much credit

Max Payne is the only game I ever stopped playing because it was revolting....the "dream" sequence of blood dripping and baby crying was too much for me (I ahd just become a aprent when that game came out and that is more than likely why)
[quote name='musha666']I really enjoyed playing Jaws Unleashed on the PS2.[/QUOTE]

:lol: Me too. I bought it brand new on launch day. Even had it on reserve.
Some more secrets just popped into my head...

10. Before playing Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars at Best Buy earlier this year, the last time I spent a half an hour or more playing a store's video game display unit was back in 2001 with Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II - Rogue Leader on the Gamecube.

11. I played the Star Fox 64 demo in Wal*Mart until my neck would hurt from looking up for so long.

12. A Nintendo representative once gave me a free copy of the Nintendo Power issue with Star Fox 64 on the cover. I had already bought the issue earlier in the month.

13. I once had my Mom ask the guy who worked at Funcoland how much they wanted for the cardboard Star Fox 64 Arwing display plane they had hanging from the ceiling. They didn't sell it to me.

14. My friends and I would call the fat guy in yellow from the multiplayer mode of Winback on the Nintendo 64, "Chubby Legs". This would become the nickname of one of my friends.

15. I am an almost exact real-world look-a-like of Shuji Ikutsuki from Persona 3. So much so, that I use him as my profile picture here on CAG.
[quote name='eastshore4']
-Speaking of which, when playing as Chun Li in Street Fighter II I would pause the game when she did her upside down spin kick thing so I could stare at her butt.

-I've owned (and read) Resident evil novels[/QUOTE]

Just her butt, no high kicks???

The Resident Evil novels are great, I got them right next to my Doom #1 Knee Deep in the Dead and complete Robotech novelization. Stay away from Doom #2 though, I mean it. Unless you really want to be sickened by dude authors pretending to be girls oozing over controlling Mormon men. Wtf? Why couldn't they have the hots for kickass nameless marine guy?
[quote name='eastshore4']-I fell for an EGM April Fool's day prank (they said if you preordered Twilight Princess you would get a copy of Windwaker with upgraded TP-esque graphics, of course the gamestop guy had no idea what I was talking about)


Happened to me too. I fell for the combo Genesis/32X thing. It was originally planned for release and had a prototype and everything, but was scrapped. The joke was that Sega had found a warehouse full of them, and were selling their limited stock via a special website. I ran to the library (didn't have the internet at home in 2000), went to the site, clicked buy now, and was treated to a splash page announcing I was tricked by EGM. Embarrassing :lol:

Reading through these posts, it's become clear. This thread should be re-titled to "Our moms are great at video games." :lol:
Another shameful secret...

I Waited/camped out in line for the PS3 with intents to sell it. I Got $1850 from it and one of the first things I bought was a Wii. I Don't know if I should be proud or disgusted. Hell even the Wii itself was a splurge buy because my friend at work told me "Hey, I saved you a Wii. You want to get it?" And so I did without thinking much into it.

I Bought a 360 specifically just for and because of Rock Band.

I Consider Typing of the Dead and Power Stone 2 to be one of the greatest Dreamcast games EVER made. Hell, Typing of the Dead I attribute to my good words per minute.

50 Cent Blood in the Sand is easily my most quoted game ever. DJ Woo Kid shall forever have some weird place in my heart.

I Liked the Gamecube controller for fighters, specifically Soul Calibur II.

I Enjoyed Hey You Pikachu despite the hours of me yelling "PICK UP THAT APPLE! NO! DON'T DANCE! THE APPLE! THE fuckING APPLE!"

Only Pokemon game I've ever beaten is Pokemon Snap and even then I got shitty shots of Mew.

I Love forcing my friends to play Gamecube WWE games. Nothing screams friendship like a never ending ladder match.

I Consider Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door to be the best RPG I've ever played.

Chili dog's are forever synonymous with Sonic the Hedgehog for me.

I Killed every Little Sister in the first Bioshock after seeing how goddamn creepy they looked from saving them. Bioshock 2 they looked human so they lived.
As a self proclaimed "Konami-Maniac" I have some very embarrassing secrets.

The only MGS games I ever finished was MGS1 and MGS4

I played the original Metal Gear Online for 20 hours a day for a week straight to maintain my ranking as the #1 rated Capture the Frog player. (I was in a bad car accident and had an endless supply of Vicodin and Gatorade) And yep, I peed in the empty Gatorade bottles so I didn't miss anything. :shock:

I have faked illnesses to get off work for the launch days of Silent Hill 2 and 3

I received an eviction warning from my landlord because I would scream a lot at 3 or 4 in the morning while playing the challenge missions in Contra 4.

I have touched myself while looking at pics of Lucia's buttcheeks from Contra Shattered Soldier.

I made out with my best friend's girlfriend while he was busy playing Zone of the Enders.

I cannot beat any Gradius game

I was able to play Castlevania Aria of Sorrow 40 hours in one week while clocked in when I was a nurses aid at the hospital I used to work at.

The first Castlevania game I ever played was Symphony of the Night.
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[quote name='BlueSwim']8. The only systems I've ever played online multiplayer games on are Nintendo-made. I refuse to buy the ultra-overpriced WiFi adapter for the Xbox 360 and I don't have the means to make a wireless bridge.
Really? I'm pretty sure all 360's come with an ethernet cord.
Just follow these instructions

Also make sure you enable all sharing on the ICS and it should work just fine
I just remembered another one.

I chilled outside a Best Buy talked to people, played touch football in the parking lot, and played some Tekken and Madden on a psone someone had hooked up to a generator from around 11pm to 8am for ps2 launch. Even though I had pre-ordered mine from a buddy at Gamestop about four years prior, I was bored and wanted the experience. After waiting all that time, I ended up giving my voucher to someone in line, drove home, passed out and woke up around 2pm and went to the mall to get my ps2 from Gamestop.
1. I once wrote a Street fighter Strategy guide for my character Chun Li

2. Me and my cousin used to try decipher codes for Metal Gear(nes)

3. I cried when all the villagers died in Crystalis (RPG for the NES)

4. Me and my cousin beat the first Dragon Warrior together while on the phone going through the game at the same time.

5. Bayonetta turned me on. (what can I say... that ass was nicely rendered)


6. my mom bought me a gameboy (org) after my father passed away.. her way of trying to make me feel better.

alright that's enough.
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[quote name='VideoGamesIzFun']Really? I'm pretty sure all 360's come with an ethernet cord.
Just follow these instructions

Also make sure you enable all sharing on the ICS and it should work just fine[/QUOTE]
Actually, I do get on Xbox Live, but never for online play. Just to buy XBLA games and DLC and to download demos. My router is on one side of the house and my Xbox 360 is on the other. To get on Live, I have to drag my 360 to the other side of the house and hook it up to a TV/VCR combo set with a screen barely larger than my hand.:whistle2:?:lol::whistle2:?

But thanks anyways for the link. I'm sure you had to go out of your way to find it. PROPS!:applause::applause::applause:
My first console was an Odyssey 2 (or rather a Philips Videopac G7000); I loved the snot out the thing, especially KC Munchkin with its invisible mazes and the gunfighter game.

The machine I loved the most was my Commodore Amiga; in the early nineties a perfect weekend for me would have been reading Edge while listening to Use Your Illusion with my windows wide open, then playing APB and Cyberball ports on my Amiga, maybe with some Cannon Fodder or Gods or Speedball 2 for afters.

I'm completely horrible at FPS games, and if honest would say that my gaming skills have got worse as I have aged - I used to stroll through Mario and Battletoads and now I routinely get smashed by kids half my age.

I played Banjo-Kazooie so much a few years ago, my slightly autistic daughter became a little obsessed by the game, dressing up like Banjo for Halloween. The lovely people at Rare sent her a Nuts & Bolts mousepad after seeing the pictures. For that (and the ensuing look on her face upon receiving it), they could ship beer coasters in green DVD cases forever more and I'd still buy them at release.
1. I don't like Valve's games. I don't like their brand of storytelling and I don't like the engine they make their games with (floaty and hollow feeling).

2. Back in early 1996 I was playing Final Fantasy VI; Cyan's family's parting words as he chased after them in vain very nearly brought me to tears. I still get lump in my throat thinking about it, as I myself have lost those dear to me. That being said, Cyan is my favorite character in all of gaming.
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I don't like endlessly respawning enemies and health stats you can't see.

I enjoy well-executed turn-based games.

I've never played a sports videogame for more then five minutes.

I really wanted to like Valkyria Chronicles, but 1/4 the way in I realized how much of a chore it was for me to play.
I owned an intelevition, atari, sega master system, sega genesis, sega cd, sega dreamcast, sega game gear, nes, game boy advance sp, game cube, wii, psp, ps2, xbox and xbox 360.

First the only one i still don't own is the intelevision.

my big secret is i own literary thousands of games across all the systems and it wasn't untill the xbox and the xbox360 that actually beat a single game i own.
When I first tried Duck Hunt I held the gun against the TV screen, and for awhile after that.

I wanted and eventually got the PS2 solely because I had played a NHL 01(I think) demo in a Comp Usa. That was the only NHL game I ever played/owned ever and honestly knew very little about the sport at the time.

The first videogame I played online was Need for Speed Underground on the Ps2, I lost everytime.

The first game I played on xbox live was Halo 2, it was a head to head match, I lost 10-0. I didn't know how I could have been so bad at the game, I could beat everyone I knew in real life.
1. Literally everything I know about football I learned from Joe Montana II: Sports Talk Football (Genesis).

2. The first thing that appealed to me about the original Tony Hawk's Pro Skater was the fact that you could fall off of your skateboard as often as in real life.

3. I returned Kid Icarus to Crazy Eddie's for a refund telling them the game didn't work after my paragraph-long save code didn't work for me. I must have written down a letter/number wrong. Never beat it; didn't even know there was a flying level until decades later.

4. I returned Gun.Smoke (NES) to Kay-Bee Toys after getting bored of it, shortly before the "no opened video games can be returned for a refund" nationwide policy went into effect. (or if memory doesn't serve me correctly, I may have actually re-shrinkwrapped this one in order to return it due to the policy going into effect right after I bought it).

5. After beating Metroid, I took a picture of Samus with my score to send in to Nintendo for something (don't remember what), but my crappy 110 camera developed nothing but a black & blurry screen.

6. Not video game related, but I have to include it: I bought a bootlegged cassette of Motley Crue: Dr. Feelgood from a street corner "vendor" (guy with a folding table) in downtown Philly for $5, then (after realizing I still didn't like them) re-shrinkwrapped it using new shrinkwrap and my gas stove and returned it to Sam Goody's. I used the money/credit they gave me to buy the 2 Live Crew: As Nasty As They Wanna Be cassette.
16. I once exchanged The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past for the SNES for something else at Blockbuster the same day I rented it because I didn't like it.

17. I consider The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time's fishing mini-game to be my favorite mini-game/side quest/time-waster ever.
[quote name='Vinny']I didn't care when Aeris died. She was kinda annoying...

Tifa was hotter and nicer.[/QUOTE]

You know, while I think the Aeris scene was well done and all (for what followed and how it affected Cloud) -- I'd really have to agree.

She was just that very dumb, smiles and sunshine girl. I guess I was supposed to be sad because she was a nice person...?
I consider myself a serious sony and square-enix fan (please don't hate me) but I just got a PS3 and FFXIII last week.

I've never beaten any of the Zelda games, dating all the way back to the nes era.

When I first played FFVI (didn't know what RPG was) I hated it and did not play past the first battle.

I seriously considered buying XBOX because of DOA XBV.
1. When i worked at a game store, i would always give the wrong trade in quote to customers so i can buy their games off of them. I got the entire Square Soft and Enix SNES collection w/ box and manual in exchange for a copy of Final Fantasy X-2 and 10 dollars.

2. I never let anyone borrow games. If someone wants to borrow a game, i usually say Friend X has the game right now.

3. I've used my massive game collection to pull gamer girls before. (Sadly, it actually works)

4. My code word to my friends when i was about to hook up w/ some girl at my place while we're all hanging out was "We're going to play some xbox right now."
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