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This has probably been answered before, but do you guys have recommendations on good bookshelves? I'm overflowing with strategy guides and I need something relatively inexpensive to show them on that won't buckle under the weight.

Also, I'm no handyman, so building them from scratch is out of the question.

This has probably been answered before, but do you guys have recommendations on good bookshelves? I'm overflowing with strategy guides and I need something relatively inexpensive to show them on that won't buckle under the weight.

Also, I'm no handyman, so building them from scratch is out of the question.
Most people here are partial to Sauder shelves, you can find discussion about them on almost any page of the thread :lol:

At one point there was a Shelving Discussion Thread. I think it's still there, just buried underneath a bunch of posts in the Shopping Discussion Section. :lol:

This has probably been answered before, but do you guys have recommendations on good bookshelves? I'm overflowing with strategy guides and I need something relatively inexpensive to show them on that won't buckle under the weight.

Also, I'm no handyman, so building them from scratch is out of the question.
Most people here are partial to Sauder shelves, you can find discussion about them on almost any page of the thread :lol:
This one happens to be on sale at Amazon.

Make sure if you go with Sauder shelves you go with their actual bookshelves, and not the media shelves as they are not deep enough to hold the strategy guides, or at least not the majority of them that are magazine sized. Even the Sayder bookshelves are cheaper than most regular bookshelves too, and are made rather sturdy for the price, although they may also be tagged under the Mainstay tag, which is also a name Sauder uses for their products, and that will be the main brand you find in actual Walmart stores, and when you look at the instructions on most of them they even say Sauder on them, so same company, same product.

I'd go into more detail but about to board my flight to go back home to the US.
What's nice about Sauder is if you get a cosmetically damaged shelf, you can call them and get it replaced free. Some of their bookshelves do sag from guide weight though.

I'm probably going to get some IKEA Expedit's for guides, since i already have the big 5x5 one for figures.

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Didn't realize he was asking about shelves for guides. Check Target clearance online. I got two really nice shelves for about $50 a piece, and each shelf was rated to hold about 75+ lbs. No signs of warping after I think 2 years.

As far as sauders and books go, I buy the bookshelves and use a 1x4 behind my collection so my games aren't way in back. That keeps my cases flush and I still can use other shelves for books.

It's really easy to reinforce shelves in order to prevent sagging too. Don't worry about it too much. All you really need is a drill and screwdriver to fix the problem :)
I just tried drilling a screwdriver into my shelves, but it didn't turn out as well as I had hoped


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I never worry about game shelves sagging.. but my guide shelf is another story. I've had one of them for almost 4 years though and none of the shelves are are showing signs of breaking. 

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Here are a few pictures of my collection as it was a few weeks ago, before I packed it and moved. I don't have half the space all of this took up in my new place, so expect a lowball soon, if I can somehow convince myself to let go.  :wall:

And this is basically my set up right now:

Things should change as soon as I pick up some smaller shelves to work around the space limitations.

I have a question for Square (or anyone else who knows.) I'm sure this has been brought up before, but where do you get those plastic rack thingies, as seen on top of the shelf in this picture:

I tried googling it but I couldn't really find anything relevant. :lol: I'm pretty much out of space, but if I could put some of these on top of every unit I have it would make a big difference. Thanks.

For some reason, I seem to remember him sawing something in half, like a shelf.

Or try googling acrylic media rack?

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I have a question for Square (or anyone else who knows.) I'm sure this has been brought up before, but where do you get those plastic rack thingies, as seen on top of the shelf in this picture:

I tried googling it but I couldn't really find anything relevant. :lol: I'm pretty much out of space, but if I could put some of these on top of every unit I have it would make a big difference. Thanks.
They were actually purchased from BBY awhile back, and they were on clearance for $5 back then.

They are the BBY Init brand ones, and they were the larger versions of these,

but since then they have been long discontinued at that size, which is quite sadface since I would have got back for more if they still had them, especially if they were still on clearance for that price, but if you want something like that now you will have to settle for the smaller ones in the link above which are $5 each as well, but only holds about half of 3/5 of the larger ones in my pics.

For some reason, I seem to remember him sawing something in half, like a shelf.

Or try googling acrylic media rack?
I do that on occasion with leftover pieces of wood from shelving units.

Gotta make use of all the extra parts for full value! XD

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Thanks for the reply. Too bad the bigger ones are no longer available, the small ones don't strike me as a great deal. But surely somebody else must make something like this. I'll keep looking.

Anyone here familiar with TimeWalkGames? Just found out they're shutting down. I only discovered them a roughly a year ago and wanted to pick up some SNES repros but they were just out of my price range. I literally bought a game from them a month ago since it was on sale. They recently shut down and I don't know of any other reputable sites that sell CiB (as in, with an original cardboard style box and not a plastic case) repros.

Quality stuff. I need to slim my collection down.
I've thought about that so many times that it's ridiculous, but it's easier said then done. You get the most value out of eBay but that's time consuming, heavy with fees, and a huge risk due to scammers. Selling on sites like CAG aren't much better, outside of less risk.

What I do know is I wanna get rid of most of my guide collection but guides have lost so much value over the last 1-2 years. And no, it's not just because of free online FAQs since these same guides used to sell for above MSRP just a few years back.

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What I do know is I wanna get rid of most of my guide collection but guides have lost so much value over the last 1-2 years. And no, it's not just because of free online FAQs since these same guides used to sell for above MSRP just a few years back.
I haven't checked my personal collection, but i've noticed a few of my trade fodder guides that i considered junk have shot up a bit.

Recently I noticed that my estimate was way off for my collection. I thought I had about 1000 games...I actually have closer to 4,000. I dont know how many guides I have, but they will 3 book cases and about 10 boxes.

I haven't checked my personal collection, but i've noticed a few of my trade fodder guides that i considered junk have shot up a bit.
Same. I had a bunch of Nier guides no on CAG wanted, now they're like $40.
Newer guides (PS3/360 era and newer) are a completely different thing as their market fluctuates so much. As soon as the guide goes OOS, re-sellers jack up the price and when the game's OOS as well, they jack up the price even more. I'd sell the rare ones now if you can. I remember Dragon Age CE and Vesperia, which was going for $80-100 but now go for substantially less.

I was talking about guides before that era, which held their value pretty well until a few years ago.

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Well its been a little bit of time since I last posted my stuff. In that time my camera decided it doesn't want to take good pictures anymore so I had to settle with my GS4's camera. I also purged most of my 360 stuff out, I just did not feel the attachment to that console anymore and wanted to get decent money for everything before it plummets. I have been building up my Nintendo stuff a little bit buy my true desires still sit with my blu-ray collection for some reason. Getting close to breaking 300 movies.

Here's my main setup. Hasn't really changed.


I have reorganized my shelves a bit which can now be seen.






Blu-Ray shelve:






I'm hoping to keep build my retro stuff up but just haven't had as much to spend on that stuff lately. Trying to focus on finding it locally at thrift stores and yard sales rather then dishing out full price on ebay. Anyways, happy collecting.

[quote name="wiggyx" post="11496386" timestamp="1391404155"]I would put tape over all that bullshit blue LED lighting too. God I hope that fad dies before much longer. Sooooo annoying.


Cool collection though :D[/quote]

If you look in the background of the first pic I did have to cover all the lights on my WiFi router. Bright blue and annoying as anything I've ever seen.
Decorated one wall tonight, not too shabby if i say so myself


Also, TV looks better with the extra 2 pieces instead of the one, just gotta figure out the wiring situation now with everything I want to put in there.


This is your basement right? Looks good so far, did you have the option of running lines for speakers or were they already walled up? I plan to run some lines in my media room but that is probably no time soon. I have some plans this year too, we'll see how they go, I plan on buying a Samsung F9000, I hope the prices go down a little more before I do.

Yea, my basement. I ran the speaker wires before the drywall was put up, so that worked out well. Tested them the other night and they all worked - would have sucked if they didn't =]

bread's done