Your collection - post a photo - show us what'cha got!

Considering it's SF, that's not too bad, lol.

Yeah thank god for rent control, I've had the place for 4 years. I'm sure they could be renting it for closer to 3k a month now. It's really getting out of hand here.
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Yeah thank god for rent control, I've had the place for 4 years. I'm sure they could be renting it for closer to 3k a month now. It's really getting out of hand here.

I'm just happy to be in the East Bay, although, I do work in SF, so commuting is sort of a pain.

Luckily I can just BART...albeit, it's an hour ride each way... T______T

Still better/cheaper than living there though. :D

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So I have had a few additions and made some changes to my game related collection. The wife is still not nearly as impressed as I am but at least I am to the point she can no longer tell if I get new stuff or not.






I've got 80% of my collection set up at my new place... and seeing it all together for the first time wasn't as amazing as as I thought it would be. It's just too much stuff. I want to downsize and just have it organized better. 

I think I might legit start dumping some of my stuff but I can't bring myself to decide on what. 

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My first time posting here. While my collection is the biggest one I've ever seen with my own eyes in person it pales in comparison to a lot of people here...









Just let me know when I can bring the truck up, Vinny! :lol:
I don't plan on downsizing that much... maybe some re-organization will help.

My first time posting here. While my collection is the biggest one I've ever seen with my own eyes in person it pales in comparison to a lot of people here...
Pretty sweet collection there. Where'd you get that Uncharted poster? Brings back members of when I first played that game and it was probably the first time I said to myself graphics do matter when it comes to gameplay.

The important thing is that your collection makes you happy. :D
Yeah, I just like looking at collections regardless of size. Always fun to see other people's stuff.

Pretty sweet collection there. Where'd you get that Uncharted poster? Brings back members of when I first played that game and it was probably the first time I said to myself graphics do matter when it comes to gameplay.
Not a poster, it's a tshirt/polo in a shadowbox frame thing.

Been years since I made a collection post, but doing so again since we're moving and I have to rip everything down. I downsized some CE's recently, but replaced them with others so my collection hasn't really shrank so much as it has changed. Also, as before, many of the gaps are from games being borrowed out. Enjoy:



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I went to pack up and bring over the last bits of my collection, my strat guides and jesus. I thought my games were bad but now I gotta bring over 40 lb boxes of guides.

Been years since I made a collection post, but doing so again since we're moving and I have to rip everything down. I downsized some CE's recently, but replaced them with others so my collection hasn't really shrank so much as it has changed. Also, as before, many of the gaps are from games being borrowed out. Enjoy:

Those in wall shelves are so cool...would love something like that. Very sweet collection. And I love that Tomba plush... never saw that before.

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Damn, haven't been in here in ages. I have my collection like 80-ish percent set up at my new place. Took up a lot more room than I expected and had to get creative. 

I still have at least a few dozen boxes back at my parents place of Transformers which I have no clue what to do with.:whistle2:

I'm always baffled at large Vita collections... Vita games are fucking expensive. The only time I buy them are when there's a B2G1F sale at GS and even then, 90% of the games are incomplete so I end up passing on them. 

Yep. Its pretty expensive. While I got some on the really cheap, I got most of them at discount, near msrp, etc

The quest for complete Vita games is a hard one. I have cart only Army Corps of Hell, Dragons Crown, and Hyperdimension 2. Ita gunna be hrd to get the boxart.
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Current PS4 Collection. Plus the PS3 games I can't fit on my PS3 self. 

I do have Hyper Light Drifter. The end is completely dedicated to LRG. I don't double dip on multi-console releases and will generally buy the PS4 exclusives I find want or find interesting. (Given the choice, I would buy Vita instead of the PS4 ver) Only one I double dipped on was Darius Burst since they announced the Vita ersion right agter. smh.


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Dang, that PS4 collection looks noice. :D
Thanks. Of course, I still have a lot more I want to get. I'm surprised I don't have any JPN imports yet. Just English Imports. :lol:

Someone on Imgur thought I spent 6,000 on PS4 alone. I can't even. :shock: Bought the majority of these on the cheap. (I learned how to private my images after)

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it funny people see a shelf full of games and think the person is rich. they don't get we are cheap and been collecting for many years. think the last game i even came close to paying retail for was persona 5 everything else i wait for sales.

I've got more LRG PS4 releases than non-LRG releases- I had no interest in collecting for PS4 but then got on the LRG bandwagon. The same is true for Vita. 

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Only thing I paid full retail on were games I was hyped for and those Limited Run/Short Print Games. And Eng Imports.
Same - only games I buy full price are the few LRG and the V-blank release of Guacamelee. Last other game I paid full price for ... hmmm ... Skyward Sword LE.

Games I would buy Day 1 would be Fire Emblem and Persona. Stuff like that. Otherwise, I generally wait for a sale. I expect to spend about $100ish or so on Black Friday depending on what they'll have

I only pay full price for stuff that I buy with Gamestop credit if they don't have a used copy or for LE that I can not buy on Amazon or Best Buy.

Looks like the last time I posted was July 2016 before I had the tv up. Since then I've added a ton of games for pretty much every system. I am starting to run out of room, probably going to have to add more shelving eventually. Currently only have PS4/X1/Switch hooked up. Originally I wanted to have everything hooked up at once, but never found a good way to do it. So I keep most of my wires/controllers in the closet, pretty easy to hook whatever I want to play that day up. Sorry for the mess.





Updated Vita Collection (I need to retake pictures using a camera instead of my phone...)

218 Titles. Asdivine Hearts, Y's Origins and Volume(finally opened a ticket about this) should be shipping to me soon. 





Here's a couple of rare items for you guys:


Back story - About a year or so ago, I went to the Video Game Museum in Texas and saw the Arcade-Time watch on display.  I remembered having the GCE watch and the Frogger watch as a kid so I started doing some research on them.  After finding out they are each worth $200 or more, I went digging through my stuff to see if I still had them.  As you can see, I found them!  Now I need to buy some watch batteries to see if they still work.  If I remember correctly though, one of the Frogger's buttons stopped working so I'm going to have to do research to see how to fix it.

Question for you purveyors of display cabinets: what led strip tape would you recommend for a display case? I'd love some sexy 2700k warm lighting LEDs but Amazon is flooded with brands and local shops overcharge I feel. Ideally a mix of good quality that won't die after a month of minimal usage and low cost. Don't need a crazy amount either, six feet or less would be plenty and options for dimming would be great unless 100% luminescence already works well is a smallish space meant for displaying figures of Funko size or less.

Almost done... :D


EDIT* Yes, I need to do my laundry... 

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where you get that cabinet from and how much was it?
Which one? The two smaller black ones sitting on top of one another, I've had for years now. They are Atlantic Media ones, I got them from eBay with damaged glass windows for like $20 each. I just replaced the glass by getting two large sheets of acrylic for $30 and (poorly)cutting them to size myself. The big one is a Leslie Dame one, got it for $430-ish from Target about a year ago.

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I have mice in my house, so spent the afternoon cleaning out closets, and throwing stuff away, and after all that, all of a sudden I have a lot of free closet space.

Tempted to shove another shelf in there now...


Damn, that sucks. Hopefully they didn't crew through anything... these old Chicago condos are a death trap of bugs/critters. I found quite a few while sorting my stuff recently. I thought I was gonna be done with my setup but work has been killing me these past few weeks. 

There were actually a couple of bags of junk food that they appeared to have been snacking on for some time, so they didn't have a need to.

I also set up a bunch of stick traps, and caught those little suckers finally.

Tricky little bastards....

Also, planning to post an update on collection after a recent purchase arrives in all its glory.

bread's done