ZACK & WIKI! 300k Sold! BUY!!! $29.99 Now! IGN: 9.0! 1UP: 9.0! NP: 9.0! GS: 8.5!

[quote name='VioletArrows']I'm trying to figure out how to ask this without coming off as a troll.

How in god's name can anyone like this godawful game where you can't even look at anything without being killed (as soon as I went into the goblin stage, they came and killed me), and are expected to know how every puzzle is solved the second you enter the stage? First stage after dying trying to look around the treasure room had me afraid to walk around, the collossi stage had me afraid to touch anything. I had to get it out of the house before I became tempted to ship it back with a bomb in it to whoever made the goddamn thing.

And it's not the puzzle/adventuring thing that pisses me off. I loved the Oddworld series. Hell, I don't even know how many times I died in Abe's Oddysey, but this game... the way it handles... everything. fuck it.[/QUOTE]lol... soomebody get this guy 50 CC's of skillz... STAT!
[quote name='VioletArrows']Yeah, I did that smart ass. And the first thing I decided to touch on any given level was instant death.[/quote]And you still walked over the pit of spikes on the first level?

EDIT:[quote name='VioletArrows']Why does everyone keep assuming I'm a guy. :/

It was established about this time last year that all the women on this site are actually just fake accounts created by Chacrana. Duh.
Perhaps girls just don't like Zack & Wiki and hate point and click adventure puzzles. I believe Dead of Knight hated Zack & Wiki as well.
The game sounds fun. Thinking about picking it up since it's $29.99 now. I also like the colors in the game for some reason >_>...... That's probably why I like the game.
[quote name='VioletArrows']How in god's name can anyone like this godawful game where you can't even look at anything without being killed (as soon as I went into the goblin stage, they came and killed me), and are expected to know how every puzzle is solved the second you enter the stage?[/quote]
"He possesses two out of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. He has the power of observation and that of deduction. He is only wanting in knowledge; and that may come in time."
--Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), "The Sign of the Four"


Oh yeah, this is merely are curiousity. In the first world, why was the point of turning the worm into a straw? I don't see the use of it.
there was no point... u can just do it becoz u can.

becoz u have the power... u understand?? the POWER!!

it's like what's the point of me punching you in the face??

there's no point at all, but I can still do it jus becoz.
[quote name='rjung']"He possesses two out of the three qualities necessary for the ideal detective. He has the power of observation and that of deduction. He is only wanting in knowledge; and that may come in time."
--Sherlock Holmes (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle), "The Sign of the Four"



Hooray for English Literature!
We finally got to the airship stage, me and my son are having fun figuring it out.
We had not played the game for a month.

edit : We passed it. I think the game is so hard but fun.
Ok, I "beat" the game but I'm guessing there's more to it as each stage only shows 70%. How do I go about getting the remaining 30% for each stage? And what's the reward for getting 100% on each stage?

It was great game but I'm surprised that it took me only 15 hours to beat (including times I died). I could've sworn I read somewhere it was a 30+ hour adventure or something.
Review times are pretty arbitrary. Most 40-50 hour rpgs can be beaten by a lot of people in less than half the time if they are interested in just beating the game for the story.

I wish I hadn't bought this when I did...could've bought it for only 5$ had i coupled it with the 25$ gc from galaxy...only reason I say this is because I still haven't opened my copy, but it has been over a month...*sigh*
[quote name='Vinny']Ok, I "beat" the game but I'm guessing there's more to it as each stage only shows 70%. How do I go about getting the remaining 30% for each stage? And what's the reward for getting 100% on each stage?

It was great game but I'm surprised that it took me only 15 hours to beat (including times I died). I could've sworn I read somewhere it was a 30+ hour adventure or something.[/QUOTE]to get the remaining percentiles u will have to replay each stage, hence the extra 15 hours.

every stage has a set of tricks n shyt u can do to unlock new treasures, I highly recommend u use a faq for them coz a lot of them are very obscure and random.

and there's no reward other than a new icon on your save file... and the feeling of accomplishment
On the other hand, some of them are blindingly obvious. In fact, you've probably done a few of the things already, but they don't let you get them on the first play-through.

So any time you've done something that seemed totally pointless (Mad Science is a big offender here), it probably has to do with a hidden treasure.
Yeah I picked up Zack & Wiki on the TRU deal for 50% off plus my fiancee's employee discount! Still haven't played it yet tho as I have been going back & forth between SMG & SSBB. It will probably get played b4 I play my copies of No More Heroes & Opoona tho.
wish i had time for this game... picked it up during the TRU sale and haven't got around to even opening it yet.

sometime soon! : )
My wife and I picked up Z&W over the weekend after realizing her parents were never going to finish it - yet refuse to let us borrow it. Got it for $10 after GS credit. We sat down and played it together for 2.5 hours straight. This is a great game to play with other people since you can bounce ideas off each other.
Finally borrowed this game from a friend today and played the first 3 levels. Fantastic!

Although the opening scenes have caused me to develop an intense hatred for Wiki. Does anyone else feel this way?
Nope, the opening made me like the game. Just the puzzles are fustrating at times. I should use that free roaming cam more often.

[quote name='BlueLobstah']Finally borrowed this game from a friend today and played the first 3 levels. Fantastic!

Although the opening scenes have caused me to develop an intense hatred for Wiki. Does anyone else feel this way?[/quote]
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Finally borrowed this game from a friend today and played the first 3 levels. Fantastic!

Although the opening scenes have caused me to develop an intense hatred for Wiki. Does anyone else feel this way?[/quote]
It caused me to develop an intense hatred for the game in general, and I couldn't seem to skip it. Luckily, it finally ended and I got to start playing, which made me love the game.
[quote name='BlueLobstah']Finally borrowed this game from a friend today and played the first 3 levels. Fantastic!

Although the opening scenes have caused me to develop an intense hatred for Wiki. Does anyone else feel this way?[/quote]

I didn't hate Wiki until about the game's halfway point when I realized that not only did this little cretin have almost a sociopathic disregard for his friend's well-being, but also whined like a little bitch whenever he got his ass captured. He is a worse parasite than half of video games' princesses, offering nothing to the duo but a drain on energy to rescue.
this game scares me.
I bought it on the release day, and played it for a long time and haven't touched it since. What the hell is wrong with me.
I only played this twice. That second music skull is getting on my nerves (the one in that dam). I guess I keep getting distracted by other games and anime.

[quote name='gareman']this game scares me.
I bought it on the release day, and played it for a long time and haven't touched it since. What the hell is wrong with me.[/quote]
I know Crotch said everything changes on the Squid level, but my wife and I beat that one pretty quickly. It is this last damn level that is giving us fits. We haven't used any hints, revives, or outside FAQs as of yet, but this level is starting to piss me off. I know we are probably missing something extremely obvious.

No spoilers please, I'm not going to read them anyway.
[quote name='snowmint']So apparently Zack and Wiki is 20 bucks new at GS/EB. So CAG is it really worth it. Im interested in it.[/quote]

It was worth it at $40 so yes, very much worth it at $20 even if you only have the smallest interest in it.
[quote name='snowmint']So apparently Zack and Wiki is 20 bucks new at GS/EB. So CAG is it really worth it. Im interested in it.[/quote]

I don't recall seeing 65 pages of posts on quality titles like Escape From Bug Island. Im going to go out on a limb and quess most people that would post in this thread will tell you yes.
[quote name='lilboo']So when is this sequel coming?![/quote]

As soon as TellTale causes a new revolution with that whole "Sam / Max / Bad / Strong / PIMPNESS" royal flush that they're about to unleash.

I really hope I'm right, despite the fact that I generally know better.

We need to point. We need to click. And we can do both on a Wii.

I bought it used for $17.99 at Gamestop. It's a pretty good game aside from the random deaths.

I push a button to see what it does and I die :(
Hi, guys we are up to the final boss stage finally.
My son is so excited

We finished. We were so happy, this game was hard and so much fun. My son is going to try and find all the treasures now.
Ugh, I can't count how many times I've backed myself into a corner in this game. Launch myself across the stage, whoops I didn't bring over the item I needed. Guess I have to restart :(

I also don't like playing for 40 minutes then having 3 seconds to solve a puzzle or I die and have to do everything over again.

And I really don't like how unresponsive some of these motions are. On the frosty breath stage I had to contort my arm at some ungodly angle just to get those parts in place. There was no way it was turning normally.
[quote name='Overbite']
And I really don't like how unresponsive some of these motions are. On the frosty breath stage I had to contort my arm at some ungodly angle just to get those parts in place. There was no way it was turning normally.[/quote]First off - frosty breath stage? You're gonna have to get more specific. There are, like, 5 levels with that stuff.

Second, some motions just don't work. They are in the extreme minority, but they're there. I can't for the life of me figure out how to aim the laser on the ice boss level. But I find that a lot of the time, the problem comes from me starting with the remote in the wrong place. You want to make sure that your hand is in the exact same position has the "demonstration" hand that pops up on screen every time you do something new, regardless of whether it feels natural at first or not.
tried to buy this for cheap on got an e-mail a week after i bought it, saying that they ran out and refunded my money. good customer practice.. but i want the freakin game.
Definetly Worth $20. IF you don't have it now, I have one message. GET IT! If i didn't have other games to be playing(SMG, Viewtiful, OOT) i'd be playing it right now.
I picked this game up along with Elebits and Pinball Hall of Fame - The Williams Collection for my bro during the B2G1 used sale.

I started off loving the game, but my brain no longer works the way it did back in Lucasarts' golden era of point & click, so my love has turned to bitter frustration and lack of patience. Having to start levels over for nitpicky reasons is a near deal breaker for me, though I understand being able to save anywhere could be almost as bad. As for controls, things were great until the second music mini-game -- I swear it was designed by Capcom to give me a conniption!

I'm almost defeated enough to where I'm contemplating returning it. Almost.
[quote name='The Crotch']The music games have absolutely brutal learning curves, but after you get a couple down, you can do the rest first try.[/quote]

I second that...
I can confirm its $20 at Blockbuster as well. I picked up a copy and got to the 2nd map. I like a good puzzle game where you figure out what needs to be done little by little.
The only thing thats really aggravating me is the rhythm game. I've tried the first one about 7 times and its still saying I'm not getting the rhythm right. I skipped the first one and just completed the level, but I guess I can always go back and try it again.

For $20, I'd say its a no-brainer compared to some of the other crap-in-a-box budget titles that are out there.
bread's done