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    Oh, sorry, I guess I haven't met my unfunny image quota. Here, let me post like a true CAGer: Just another 2900 of those and we're even, right? Anyway, looks like the topic was moved, so if the OP's going to flaunt the rules at least someone will follow them around with a plastic bag to...
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    Lol, rules enforcement on this is so weak that people openly flaunt them with worthless crap like this. As if the image memes that saturate this place weren't bad enough...
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    Should we allow Kickstarters in the VGD forum?

    "Being asked for a handout is not a deal." There you go, Spock.
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    Should we allow Kickstarters in the VGD forum?

    So given the ~80% consensus over the course of the week not to allow Kickstarters in the deals forum, why isn't this a rule yet? I don't think mbrown3 is going to find enough backers to fund a turnaround here.
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    Should we allow Kickstarters in the VGD forum?

    Who's being funny? That's what Kickstarter is: e-begging. Putting a trendy name on it doesn't change what it is, especially when Kickstarter itself goes out of its way to point out that it's not a purchase, investment or donation. Most sites had to make rules forbidding Kickstarter spam because...
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    Should we allow Kickstarters in the VGD forum?

    I agree, there's not, but I think there's something wrong with the initial response of "because I said so" when people asked why someone was posting their e-begging thread in the deals forum. It's nice that he's backpedaling now, but it's questionable why this was even an issue in the first place.
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    Should we allow Kickstarters in the VGD forum?

    I'm not really sure why there can't be a separate forum for e-begging? That would make the most sense. Also, I like how there's now a thread requesting people's opinions on the matter even though the first response was, in so many words, "anything that goes against what I say is trolling and...
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    New Indie Gala June Bundle

    I'd rather see posting restrictions for CAGs who are unnecessarily catty toward new users trying to be helpful.
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    The Bitcoin Bundle: PWYW for Eufloria, Spirits, World Of Goo, And Yet It Moves

    Bahaha. I don't want the games that badly. No thanks.
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    Groupees: [NEW] Build a Greenlight Bundle 33 + Oktoberfest + MiniBundle 7

    Can't see the icons for the new ones? Do I have to sign in first?
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    Record of Agarest War Zero - Limited Edition: $19.41 Amazon Prime

    Pretty good deal. Not even interested in the game so much as the neat-looking bonuses, so I bit. Thanks, OP!
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    Metroid: Other M, $4.99 'New', $3.99 Used @ Gamestop

    Gamestop games are rarely actually "new" by most people's definition of the term. Employees are allowed to "rent" the games, take them home and play them, and then return them to stock and sell them as "new" when they're actually most definitely used. They also have a tendency to open games and...
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    $5 WoW Battle Chest RE: this deal - it's not too bad for new players. Game's fun and definitely worth a shot; it wouldn't sell so much or inspire so many clones if it weren't decent, after all.
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    Green Man Gaming (Steam) Deals: 25% Off Hitman

    The number of hoops you have to jump through to get the free copy of Ninja Blade is hilarious. You have try to purchase Ninja Blade, whereupon you are forced to sign up for yet another useless social network, link your new useless social network account to your GMG account, get kicked back to...
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    Funcom’s MMO The Secret World No Longer Requires Subscriptions

    This is a really good game. It has one of the most interesting character development systems I've seen in an MMO, a storyline and quests that would fit into a single-player RPG without any issues and some really great instance/dungeon gameplay. It deserves a look from anyone who even remotely...
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    Dungeon Siege III (PS3/360) $9.99 @ Newegg

    My only problem with this game was that it's a little shallow. You don't really have a great amount of freedom when it comes to customizing your character, which can be a little jarring if you prefer RPGs that are more open. It's also fairly linear, as mentioned, though I wouldn't say that's...
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    Indie Royale - The Mixer 18 Bundle - The Debut 25 Bundle

    Yeah, I mention those two because they're what I've played from this set. Didn't care for them at all - Greed Corp is, well, you already know, and Bit Trip struck me as something you'd have gotten for free on Newgrounds before indie gaming became trendy.
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    Indie Royale - The Mixer 18 Bundle - The Debut 25 Bundle

    Meh, this bundle's a miss. Not really interested in any of it, and at least a couple of the games (Greed Corp and Bit Trip) are actually pretty terrible. Hopefully the next one's better. Also lollin' at the terrible-looking Cafepress rewards for the top purchaser. Makes me think they knew this...
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    >IndieFort Countdown Bundle< 27 games, 6 OSTs and an add on for $10 (96% discount)

    Well, SWiE isn't a Steam game at all, as it turns out. Just Greenlight. I do wonder why it's noted when games are on Greenlight though, as it's largely irrelevant since you don't get a key and it's not exactly an accolade regarding the game's quality or anything like that.
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    >IndieFort Countdown Bundle< 27 games, 6 OSTs and an add on for $10 (96% discount)

    Note that you do NOT get a Steam key for Caster in the current bundle, contrary to the OP. You only get a key for Hegemony Gold. You do get a key for Strategic War in Europe, but it does not appear to be a valid Steam key.
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