2009-10 NHL Thread- Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup Champions

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Flyers lost Game 1, but considering they lost by 1 goal, I'm not too concerned at this point. Next game will be low-scoring, but the Flyers need a win there.
^ I can watch the Celtics until the draft starts.

Plus Chicago is going to win this thing and have to give away 2 good players to stay under the cap.
They are not getting rid of Hossa thats crazy talk. Anyways slowest 3rd period of my life, just glad the Hawks were able to hold on for the win. The Flyers are playing way better than i thought they were capable of.
Not happy about this loss. The Flyers once against lost due to a bad goal. Niemi was insane tonight, hopefully the Flyers can turn it around in the next few games. I'm still hoping, considering how well they played thus far in previous rounds and they've come back from much worse.
Philly could easily have won that game in the 3rd period, were it not for Niemi. The Hawks played like shit the last 8 minutes of the game, and for Sharp to miss an empty-netter? Unexcusable.
It appears Nicklas Lidstrom will return for another year with the Red Wings. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=323258 Great news for Wings fans.

Niemi did play fantastic in game two. Michael Leighton wasn't bad most of the night, but the second goal by the Hawks should have never gone in. By the way Pronger is hilarious. Sure everyone hates on him, but its no coincidence he's been to the finals with so many different teams.
[quote name='TC']It appears Nicklas Lidstrom will return for another year with the Red Wings. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=323258 Great news for Wings fans.


not surprising hes coming back. the wings have a great team and a legit shot at winning the cup next year. and its not like lindstrom has been playing poorly in his 40s.
[quote name='Jimbo Slice']Did you watch any of the playoffs?[/QUOTE]

Yeah but not a lot of Flyers games. The way they beat the Devils was very impressive but falling behind 3-0 to a below average Bruins team was terrible. Props to them for coming back and winning the series, although I think it was more a Bruins choke than a Flyers comeback. The Hawks are easily the best team they have played this postseason and I'm surprised at their ability to outplay the Hawks for long stretches. They are vastly overachieving right now, props to them for that.
overnight ratings show that (in the states) this was the highest rated game 2 on record. in response the NHL will be moving the next two games to VS.
Even if this series goes the distance, we've got another 7 to 9 days? If the Hawks win it all, how long do I keep the playoff beard? Day after a rally celebration?
Ecstatic over the Flyers first playoff victory in 23 years. Hopefully the momentum of this win carries over into Game 4 and beyond.
[quote name='Nifty_Shark']Did Pronger pick up the puck in all the commotion? Probably gave it to himself as "player of the game"[/QUOTE]

Powe picked it up and gave it to Giroux.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Aww, one asshole giving a game puck to another asshole. How cute.[/QUOTE]

Tomas Holmstrom resigns with the Red Wings 2 Years 1.875Mil per year. Quite a bargin for a guy who scored 25G 20A in 68 games this past season.
[quote name='TC']Tomas Holmstrom resigns with the Red Wings 2 Years 1.875Mil per year. Quite a bargin for a guy who scored 25G 20A in 68 games this past season.[/QUOTE]

red wings are the kings of hometown discounts. he could get more than that on about 29 other NHL teams.
[quote name='shieryda']Were you surprised at the money or the length of contract?[/QUOTE]

I'm surprised at the money. Homer made $2.25 last season and I figured he would be getting a slight raise. He's probably taken more physical abuse than any other player in the league over his career. Especially pre-lockout. It's nice to see he and Nick trimming salaries a bit to help the team bring in more talent.
I think Seabrook is a bigger curse right now. His game is flat and he's becoming the Flyers' whipping boy whenever he's on the ice.
Philly really needs a gameplan to prevent all those pucks from going off their own players into their own net. What is that, 5 now, WTF?!?
The last 2 games have been really tough for me to watch. Terrible defense, turnovers galore and a few bad penalties. Niemi is getting hardly any support down low.
[quote name='shieryda']The last 2 games have been really tough for me to watch. Terrible defense, turnovers galore and a few bad penalties. Niemi is getting hardly any support down low.[/QUOTE]

I second this. The Hawks have played like shit for great stretches of this series. They had better get their shit together for Sunday.
I can't even talk to my co-worker about the Hawks anymore. She defends them to the death, even when they play like crap. This is one of my favorite threads on CAG.
It's ok, I told my friend they'd choke in 6 now that they lost the forth game at the time it was 1-4 Flyers and he said it was too soon. After the game when they lost 3-5 I asked him if it was still too soon?
Not a good night for the Flyers as the Hawks dominated the play. I really hope they get back into the game and can win 6 and figure out how to win in Chicago in 7.
[quote name='VipFREAK']This game is showing how the Flyers goalies really are.[/QUOTE]

Bouche was pretty rusty, he's been sitting for a while. Leighton could have played better, but another own goal by Philly and some bizarre bounces off the Chicago boards hardly make it all his fault.
Hawks need to worry about the new Philly tactic: cross-crease passes to a waiting man on the other side. Where was the Hawk D on about 2 of those Flyer goals?
I'm hoping Seabrook continues to misplay things as he has so far. Philly will need every lucky break to take it back to Chicago.

No game til Wednesday! :bomb:
[quote name='VipFREAK']This game is showing how the Flyers goalies really are.[/QUOTE]

I guess that all of the playoff games beforehand and Michael Leighton's playoff best GAA weren't good indicators?

I'm not saying that Leighton is the next Marty, but he had a rough outing. It happens.

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