CAG Infraction System Now Active (Beta/Trial)

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[quote name='Slim Gatsby']The pigs are walking. THE PIGS ARE WALKING!!!111 :whee:[/quote]
Good reference!
One of the few posts to make me laugh here.

And I think Strummer has it just right on this one.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']Or to inverse my infraction -- Come on, THAT was disruptive and trolling? Its not like this is Battletoads or Sparta or anything. ;)[/quote]

No...that wont happen.

I was around since the beginning of the Blu-Ray vs HD DVD threads days, and I know a disruptive post when I see it. I know that in your defense you called everyone's action to purchase imports as "silly" but trust me, it was a matter of time before everyone would have retaliated and the thread would have been derailed. It was disruptive to the topic of the thread pure and simple and I have had a warning stickied at the top of the forum for months. Believe it or not, the infraction wasn't given out as an "HD DVD fanboy", it was warranted and it was given based on the facts at hand.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']No...that wont happen.

I was around since the beginning of the Blu-Ray vs HD DVD threads days, and I know a disruptive post when I see it. I know that in your defense you called everyone's action to purchase imports as "silly" but trust me, it was a matter of time before everyone would have retaliated and the thread would have been derailed. It was disruptive to the topic of the thread pure and simple and I have had a warning stickied at the top of the forum for months. Believe it or not, the infraction wasn't given out as an "HD DVD fanboy", it was warranted and it was given based on the facts at hand.[/quote]

Linkin, seriously, I cannot understand you. You always say that you take the action you do because you don't want to have format wars, but you create these 'format wars' yourself. Slim obviously wasn't going in as some sort of fanboy or trying to start an argument, and if someone retaliated to an "insult" such as "silly," they would've explained the reason for importing and he'd be on his way. It was the same situation with dallow and that sale. There was no format war, you created it. Which is terribly ironic, but true.
[quote name='strummerbs']I think a lot of the problem here is that the complaining users and mods aren't really discussing the same thing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the proposed system itself does not seem too controversial, standing alone. However, combined with some of the questionable actions of the mods both prior to and immediately following the creation of the system, everything starts looking troubling.

Basically, the mods here seem to think people are complaining about the theory of the system itself, while the users are more concerned about what the system, in the hands of the current mods, will mean in practice. What the law says and what the law does are often two wholly different things. It's one thing to say, "we're going to put more concrete rules in place", it's another thing when the people who are going to be acting as the executor of those rules are meting out punishments based on some highly questionable decisions (i.e., Linkin), or just seem disturbingly manic and joyous about having some additional power (DaPhatty). The idea behind the system is fine.

The execution of the system is troubling.[/quote]I agree with the point of your post, but I think the fact that everyone seems to think this gives the mods more power over forum users is also an issue. In the past, it was basically black and white - either you did something that was ban-worthy, or you didn't. Maybe if the same mod saw multiple things from you, smaller issues would add up to a ban. But generally not.

Now there are many gray areas, and people who previously never had issues (i.e. never went nuts and got banned for it) are finding themselves getting some infraction points (which assuming they don't act like a dick all day will not ultimately result in a ban). It might mean that some saintly members of the board will get an occasional infraction, but it also means some of the more obnoxious members of the boards might find themselves unable to post more often.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']No...that wont happen.

I was around since the beginning of the Blu-Ray vs HD DVD threads days, and I know a disruptive post when I see it. I know that in your defense you called everyone's action to purchase imports as "silly" but trust me, it was a matter of time before everyone would have retaliated and the thread would have been derailed. It was disruptive to the topic of the thread pure and simple and I have had a warning stickied at the top of the forum for months. Believe it or not, the infraction wasn't given out as an "HD DVD fanboy", it was warranted and it was given based on the facts at hand.[/quote]

That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The point of a discussion forum is to discuss things...Rocko pretty much summed it up here. And your so-called "warning" isn't applicable and refers to something completely different. :applause:
[quote name='Rocko']Linkin, seriously, I cannot understand you. You always say that you take the action you do because you don't want to have format wars, but you create these 'format wars' yourself. Slim obviously wasn't going in as some sort of fanboy or trying to start an argument, and if someone retaliated to an "insult" such as "silly," they would've explained the reason for importing and he'd be on his way. It was the same situation with dallow and that sale. There was no format war, you created it. Which is terribly ironic, but true.[/quote]

Here we go again with that thread.

I closed the thread a long time ago.
I realized it affected many users in a negative way, and I came to the conclusion that I was being irrational and and asshole. In my defense, this was within days of me becoming a mod so I wasn't aware of all the rules and regulations that I should have been following. I had this very competitive attitude in the :br: vs :hd: days and I apologize for all those that I offended.
When I became a mod, I thought I was just going to continue being my old self with the power to help more users and stop/prevent offending CAG's from causing damage. Purely put, that thread is dead, its old news, I'm over it and I learned from it.

[quote name='botticus']I agree with the point of your post, but I think the fact that everyone seems to think this gives the mods more power over forum users is also an issue. In the past, it was basically black and white - either you did something that was ban-worthy, or you didn't. Maybe if the same mod saw multiple things from you, smaller issues would add up to a ban. But generally not.

Now there are many gray areas, and people who previously never had issues (i.e. never went nuts and got banned for it) are finding themselves getting some infraction points (which assuming they don't act like a dick all day will not ultimately result in a ban). It might mean that some saintly members of the board will get an occasional infraction, but it also means some of the more obnoxious members of the boards might find themselves unable to post more often.[/quote]

Very well said :bow:
[quote name='Pookymeister']As mentioned above - this happened in the Super Secret Mod Area, where the audience only includes mods.
Since all we do in that area is make fun of peon CAGs, it doesn't offend anyone in there.[/quote]

But I got all the secret exits on Star Road...its not really secret anymore.

[quote name='Pookymeister']As mentioned above - this happened in the Super Secret Mod Area, where the audience only includes mods.
Since all we do in that area is make fun of peon CAGs, it doesn't offend anyone in there.[/QUOTE]

That's bullshit.

Just because all the users can't see the Halo 3 clan forum, doesn't give me the right to go in there and break the rules.

The mods should stop with sarcastic replies to serious questions, it looks bad upon the site.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Here we go again with that thread.

I closed the thread a long time ago.
I realized it affected many users in a negative way, and I came to the conclusion that I was being irrational and and asshole. In my defense, this was within days of me becoming a mod so I wasn't aware of all the rules and regulations that I should have been following. I had this very competitive attitude in the :br: vs :hd: days and I apologize for all those that I offended.
When I became a mod, I thought I was just going to continue being my old self with the power to help more users and stop/prevent offending CAG's from causing damage. Purely put, that thread is dead, its old news, I'm over it and I learned from it.[/quote]

Okay, that's fine, but the problem is the same issue occurred again. You took the action that you did to supposedly stop some kind of format war, but there wasn't any at all. Slim wasn't attacking the format, he wasn't starting to incite a riot, yet you punished him for starting a format war when the only instance of a format war was one that you started.

And just so you know, I thank you for discussing this instead of ignoring it.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Just because we have the title of mods doesn't mean we have to be uptight pricks. [/quote]

Then why act like one? :cool:
[quote name='Rocko']Okay, that's fine, but the problem is the same issue occurred again. You took the action that you did to supposedly stop some kind of format war, but there wasn't any at all. Slim wasn't attacking the format, he wasn't starting to incite a riot, yet you punished him for starting a format war when the only instance of a format war was one that you started.

And just so you know, I thank you for discussing this instead of ignoring it.[/quote]

From your perspective you see "thats just silly :applause:" and think that its not a big deal, but you gotta understand that its unnecessary. Regardless of how lowkey the word seem, its still an insult. Here's how it all went down:

[quote name='Slim Gatsby'] [quote name='Sporadic']
I ended up buying Saw, Silent Hill and Brothers Grimm for 44,14 EUROs shipped ($67.04) which is $1.84 cheaper than buying the American Blu-Rays from Amazon :)[/quote]

No offense, went through all that hassle and imported movies on a discontinued save less than $2 on a $70 purchase?

That's just...silly. :applause:

I mean, I'm still buying HD movies...but they're at BlockBuster and $10 each, or less if I have trade-in credit...
[quote name='gunm']No offense, but that comment was...unnecessary.

And OT.[/quote]

[quote name='Sporadic']It's a hassle to log into my US Amazon account and press order?

Anyways like I said earlier, I went through all that "hassle" to enjoy movies I wanted to see on a format I actually own.

I could have paid $2 more for the Blu-Ray but without a player to play it on...[/quote]

By the information above, no it didn't cause a big ruckus but the statement that Slim Gatsby decided to use was clearly unnecessary and meant more harm than good.

Let's not play dumb here...we all know that when one of our friends does something stupid, we sarcastically clap and say good job or something similar.

If Slim Gatsby was really curious and wanted to ask a serious question, he should have asked like he did here after he had gotten his infraction points:

[quote name='Slim Gatsby']No, seriously, I'm genuinely curious, and I fail to see how that was disruptive OR trolling, as it was not profane, insulting, or anything else of that nature. Seriously, what's the edge if the savings are effectively negligible due t the shipping and conversion rate, and tend to require one person to purchase multiples and re-ship to everyone? Are these films not available on HD at all in the US and Blu-Ray exclusive here? I'm genuinely curious and trying to understand what the "deal" is, and I think that flagging it as "trolling" is a little harsh and impinges on the ability to have straightforward discussion.[/quote]

Had he asked the first time around like he did in his second post, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Also, had his pm to me been an intellectual debate as opposed to straight up calling me names, I may have reconsidered. As it stands, I could remove the 2points for this, but I would have to give him 2points for our PM communications.

More often than not, there's more that goes on behind the scenes that you guys don't know. We don't make them public to respect each users privacy. In this case there was more than meets the eye.
[quote name='LinkinPrime'] As it stands, I could remove the 2points for this, but I would have to give him 2points for our PM communications.[/quote]

Oh, come on. Don't play that game. If you really thought his PMs were that bad you should've done whatever you wanted to do off the bat. It's rather juvenile to say "Well, I would remove the points, but then I'd be obligated to give you two more for PMing me! Should've thought about that PM earlier! :booty:"

I still don't see the deal with his post. I mean, he wasn't attacking anybody. It just doesn't deserve that kind of punishment. People call each other dumbfucks and other names over stupid shit and don't get points, yet he got points for that? It's ridiculous, and shows how spotty this system is. This is clearly influenced, if only a little bit, by your HDDVD affinity.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']How would "shut the fuck up" be filtered the same as a racial remark against someone's mom? Those two things aren't even in the same league. We are not trying to make the site as clean as a Saturday morning cartoon as Rocko stated.[/QUOTE]

I'll tell you how.. .

both comments are rude, and disrespectful. If you're going to allow "shut the fuck up" statements, then you might as well allow any other remarks. That same mean spirited thoughts that a person has to make them say something racial about someone (or someone's family) is the same thing makes them say other nasty and disrespectful remarks.

After someone says "shut the fuck up, or a racial comment.... you're going to get an irritated response from the person.

so to answer... both statements are rude, disrespectful and equally disruptive within the forums.
[quote name='zewone']Telling someone to shut up is the same as calling someone a $$$$er.

Oh, ok, I get it now.[/QUOTE]

shut up is fine...

it's shut the fuck up, that's just as bad as any racial slur. Morally one is worse, but they're both wrong and might as well treat them the same.
[quote name='mykevermin']I just wanted to pop in and say this is easily the most entertaining thread ever.[/QUOTE]
Totally agree. I just woke up, and had two whole pages of this to read through. Riveting!
[quote name='botticus']I agree with the point of your post, but I think the fact that everyone seems to think this gives the mods more power over forum users is also an issue. In the past, it was basically black and white - either you did something that was ban-worthy, or you didn't. Maybe if the same mod saw multiple things from you, smaller issues would add up to a ban. But generally not.

Now there are many gray areas, and people who previously never had issues (i.e. never went nuts and got banned for it) are finding themselves getting some infraction points (which assuming they don't act like a dick all day will not ultimately result in a ban). It might mean that some saintly members of the board will get an occasional infraction, but it also means some of the more obnoxious members of the boards might find themselves unable to post more often.[/QUOTE]


And just to add a bit to this, the way mods are behaving is no different than before - it is just more out in the open. In the past "infractions" would be kept on in informal basis in a thread in the "Super Secret" area or in PM's amongst mods, or simply in a mod's head. This just provides a more formal (and accountable) way of keeping track of all of that. It should lead to more uniform enforcement than what was happening before. But since people see the minor things they are getting infractions for (which, as Botticus says, don't usually add up to any real punishment) they think it is some harsh new system. Now, argue all you want over the enforcement of particular infractions (and you don't need my permission or encouragement to do so as this thread so cleaslry demonstrates) but this system and even the application of it is really not much of a change from before. So I don't think strummer quite got it right, but there is definitely a difference in perspective between the mods and the regular users.
[quote name='Rocko']Oh, come on. Don't play that game. If you really thought his PMs were that bad you should've done whatever you wanted to do off the bat. It's rather juvenile to say "Well, I would remove the points, but then I'd be obligated to give you two more for PMing me! Should've thought about that PM earlier! :booty:"

I still don't see the deal with his post. I mean, he wasn't attacking anybody. It just doesn't deserve that kind of punishment. People call each other dumbfucks and other names over stupid shit and don't get points, yet he got points for that? It's ridiculous, and shows how spotty this system is. This is clearly influenced, if only a little bit, by your HDDVD affinity.[/quote]

I guess everything I do is immature according to you. I've gone through and explained my actions which I didn't have to.

He didn't get punished, he got 2 points which do what? Nothing unless he plans on causing trouble again.

Enough with the HD DVD thing, yes I am a big fan of HD DVD, its dead, I've dealt with it. I currently have a PS3 being repaired by Sony, I own about 25 Blu-Ray titles. The whole HD DVD fanboy thing doesn't fly anymore, now you're being "juvenile".
[quote name='yukine']I'm a VHS fanboy myself.[/quote]

Well in that case
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Enough with the HD DVD thing, yes I am a big fan of HD DVD, its dead, I've dealt with it. I currently have a PS3 being repaired by Sony, I own about 25 Blu-Ray titles. The whole HD DVD fanboy thing doesn't fly anymore, now you're being "juvenile".[/QUOTE]

This is a forest for the trees thing, though. Sure, you might not be an HD-DVD fanboy anymore, but that doesn't erase the fact that you have, admitedly, allowed your biases regarding formats and systems to directly influence how you act as a moderator.

The fact that you have switched movie formats doesn't answer the underlying question of whether you can act as genuinely unbiased moderator of the forums, or whether you will continue to allow your personal prejudices to color your official actions.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']I guess everything I do is immature according to you. I've gone through and explained my actions which I didn't have to.

He didn't get punished, he got 2 points which do what? Nothing unless he plans on causing trouble again.

Enough with the HD DVD thing, yes I am a big fan of HD DVD, its dead, I've dealt with it. I currently have a PS3 being repaired by Sony, I own about 25 Blu-Ray titles. The whole HD DVD fanboy thing doesn't fly anymore, now you're being "juvenile".[/quote]

No, only the things that are clearly immature are what I find to be immature.

You honestly think that saying "Yeah, I'd remove his two points, but then I'd be forced to give him another two for the PMs he sent me" is a mature thing to say? C'mon.

If these points are going to lead to bans and are given out as they're given out now then it does matter, because he never caused trouble in the first place.

It still flies as long as it influences your actions. I'm glad you've found another HD format, I'm glad you own other DVDs, but it doesn't change the fact that this action was clearly influenced by your HDDVD love. I'm not just saying this randomly, it's clear from your actions. If you'll openly admit it for past cases, why not admit it now? You're not fooling anyone.
If I could be given the 2 infraction points for the asshole comment, then I'd take them and go on with my day. I don't plan to be accused of being above the rules. However, when I check my profile, it's not listed as an option. I check all of the other mods' profiles, and it's not listed as an option for their profiles either. Mods appear to be removed from the infraction system in that way.

So, as I stated, if the points are due me, I'd take them and that would be that. As the infraction system removes mods from the ability to receive infractions, then they can't be awarded to me. Any of the other mods can do the same thing and verify what I'm saying. I'm sure the system was designed to be for non-mod users, as forum guides can be given infraction points, as they're not mods, just super-users.

If the populace thinks I'm due the same points for the same offense, then I'd take them. In this situation, I can't, and for that, I'm sorry that's the case.
[quote name='strummerbs']This is a forest for the trees thing, though. Sure, you might not be an HD-DVD fanboy anymore, but that doesn't erase the fact that you have, admitedly, allowed your biases regarding formats and systems to directly influence how you act as a moderator.

The fact that you have switched movie formats doesn't answer the underlying question of whether you can act as genuinely unbiased moderator of the forums, or whether you will continue to allow your personal prejudices to color your official actions.[/quote] this to catch up:
[quote name='LinkinPrime']Here we go again with that thread.

I closed the thread a long time ago.
I realized it affected many users in a negative way, and I came to the conclusion that I was being irrational and and asshole. In my defense, this was within days of me becoming a mod so I wasn't aware of all the rules and regulations that I should have been following. I had this very competitive attitude in the :br: vs :hd: days and I apologize for all those that I offended.
When I became a mod, I thought I was just going to continue being my old self with the power to help more users and stop/prevent offending CAG's from causing damage. Purely put, that thread is dead, its old news, I'm over it and I learned from it. [/quote]

It was a thread, people....a thead to discuss HD DVD deals. Did my action in creating that thread follow up to me banning dallow or anyone else for that matter for mentioning Blu-Ray...NO!

Again, I understand that I have "I hate LinkinPrime", "demod LinkinPrime" followers, but seriously, I can't believe this is the one thing that you guys keep bringing up. This does not reflect me as a mod. I did not take any actions againts anyone, this was just me as a competitive son of a bitch trying to help out the HD DVD community at the time. If I had gone as far as crossing the line for closing down all the Blu-Ray threads, or banned anyone for mentioning Blu-Ray it would be another thing.

Thread was created, thread was closed, I apologized. Get over it. This has nothing to do with how I mod. I can't for the life of me grasp why so many of you are so negative....look at some of the positive changes that have occurred within the site already. Is the site perfect? No by all means its not, but we all as mods are taking our job seriously and are doing our best to use our judgment to avoid or stop situations that may get out of hand.
[quote name='LinkinPrime'] this to catch up:

It was a thread, people....a thead to discuss HD DVD deals. Did my action in creating that thread follow up to me banning dallow or anyone else for that matter for mentioning Blu-Ray...NO!

Again, I understand that I have "I hate LinkinPrime", "demod LinkinPrime" followers, but seriously, I can't believe this is the one thing that you guys keep bringing up. This does not reflect me as a mod. I did not take any actions againts anyone, this was just me as a competitive son of a bitch trying to help out the HD DVD community at the time. If I had gone as far as crossing the line for closing down all the Blu-Ray threads, or banned anyone for mentioning Blu-Ray it would be another thing.

Thread was created, thread was closed, I apologized. Get over it. This has nothing to do with how I mod. I can't for the life of me grasp why so many of you are so negative....look at some of the positive changes that have occurred within the site already. Is the site perfect? No by all means its not, but we all as mods are taking our job seriously and are doing our best to use our judgment to avoid or stop situations that may get out of hand.[/QUOTE]

What you're not getting is that they bring up that thread as it sets precedence that you allow your bias to affect your moderating (which you have admitted to).

You say that was in the past and it's behind you, but the situation with Slim Gatsby shows otherwise.

Maybe in the future, you will see it as everyone else and be apologizing for it just like the other HD-DVD deal thread.
[quote name='zewone']What you're not getting is that they bring up that thread as it sets precedence that you allow your bias to affect your moderating (which you have admitted to).

You say that was in the past and it's behind you, but the situation with Slim Gatsby shows otherwise.

Maybe in the future, you will see it as everyone else and be apologizing for it just like the other HD-DVD deal thread.[/quote]

Ok...that can be said for anything then. I could just go back and look at everyone's posting history since they started here and start throwing up infractions left and right. You obviously missed my point.
[quote name='zewone']Maybe in the future, you will see it as everyone else and be apologizing for it just like the other HD-DVD deal thread.[/quote]

Once it's no longer a hot topic and admitting you were wrong has no real affect, of course. Can't stand to lose ground now.
[quote name='LinkinPrime'] this to catch up:

It was a thread, people....a thead to discuss HD DVD deals. Did my action in creating that thread follow up to me banning dallow or anyone else for that matter for mentioning Blu-Ray...NO!

Again, I understand that I have "I hate LinkinPrime", "demod LinkinPrime" followers, but seriously, I can't believe this is the one thing that you guys keep bringing up. This does not reflect me as a mod. I did not take any actions againts anyone, this was just me as a competitive son of a bitch trying to help out the HD DVD community at the time. If I had gone as far as crossing the line for closing down all the Blu-Ray threads, or banned anyone for mentioning Blu-Ray it would be another thing.

Thread was created, thread was closed, I apologized. Get over it. This has nothing to do with how I mod. I can't for the life of me grasp why so many of you are so negative....look at some of the positive changes that have occurred within the site already. Is the site perfect? No by all means its not, but we all as mods are taking our job seriously and are doing our best to use our judgment to avoid or stop situations that may get out of hand.[/QUOTE]

I read the quote you posted before I wrote my post. It doesn't alter my assessment. I want to be clear that I am not accusing you of anything. I was simply trying to articulate why a good number of CAGs in this thread continue to question your abilities as a moderator.

The mere fact that you abused your authority to promote a fanboy preference leaves a blemish on your credibility that survives mere apologies and the mere end of that particular fanboy crush. In short, you do have a long road to hoe to establish your credibility in light of that. Continuing to insist that it is a non-issue and insulting CAGs who continue to question it does not give support to your cause, and instead makes you look even less credible as a supposedly impartial moderator.

Personally, I want you, and all of the mods here, to do well by the community. I just believe that you need to reassess your tactics of dealing with questions to your credibility and credentials.
[quote name='strummerbs']I read the quote you posted before I wrote my post. It doesn't alter my assessment. I want to be clear that I am not accusing you of anything. I was simply trying to articulate why a good number of CAGs in this thread continue to question your abilities as a moderator.[/quote]

Good number of CAG's? We have a few thousand members...5+ members (i didn't officially count) accusing me of being "power hungry" does not represent most of CAG. Remember, most people will speak up when they have a complaint as opposed to compliments. I can honestly say that I've gotten more compliments than complains, either through the forums or via PM.

[quote name='strummerbs'] The mere fact that you abused your authority to promote a fanboy preference leaves a blemish on your credibility that survives mere apologies and the mere end of that particular fanboy crush. In short, you do have a long road to hoe to establish your credibility in light of that. Continuing to insist that it is a non-issue and insulting CAGs who continue to question it does not give support to your cause, and instead makes you look even less credible as a supposedly impartial moderator. [/quote]

Again...creating a thread was abusing my power how? I could have created the thread even if I wasn't a mod. That does not identify "abuse of authority", and I personally closed the thread in question within hours.

Who have I insulted?

[quote name='strummerbs'] Personally, I want you, and all of the mods here, to do well by the community. I just believe that you need to reassess your tactics of dealing with questions to your credibility and credentials.[/quote]

Thank you for your comments and I'll try my best to do so.
I also got an Infraction because I bumped a thread about the NFL Superbowl from years past, was nailed with Multiple Tradelist/Excessive thread bumping (I have zero tradelist/ and I only bump a thread once) how did I get nailed with EXCESSIVE bumping, Excessive means alot or at least more then once.
[quote name='zewone']It's his site. He makes the rules.

yukine, you think it's ok for the mods to call us users "assholes"?[/quote]

Yup. If Cheapy wants to take disciplinary action against his mods for breaking a site rule, then he will. I don't think the mods are "above the rules" at all, not to say that mods are not granted some form of leniency but they are not immune.

No, I don't. But Cheapy saw the post and didn't act on it. It's probably a regular occurrence, but that's how the tone is set in the private staff forums and both you and I can't change that, only the "Head Cheap Ass" can.
[quote name='LinkinPrime']From your perspective you see "thats just silly :applause:" and think that its not a big deal, but you gotta understand that its unnecessary. Regardless of how lowkey the word seem, its still an insult. Here's how it all went down:

By the information above, no it didn't cause a big ruckus but the statement that Slim Gatsby decided to use was clearly unnecessary and meant more harm than good.

Let's not play dumb here...we all know that when one of our friends does something stupid, we sarcastically clap and say good job or something similar.

If Slim Gatsby was really curious and wanted to ask a serious question, he should have asked like he did here after he had gotten his infraction points:

Had he asked the first time around like he did in his second post, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Also, had his pm to me been an intellectual debate as opposed to straight up calling me names, I may have reconsidered. As it stands, I could remove the 2points for this, but I would have to give him 2points for our PM communications.

More often than not, there's more that goes on behind the scenes that you guys don't know. We don't make them public to respect each users privacy. In this case there was more than meets the eye.[/quote]

lol, you can't disrupt a private conversation. From my point of view, your actions presently are more disruptive than mine were at the time and may easily be perceived of consistent with the stereotype of "just being a wanker."
I'm all for harsher punishments on large sigs, if your sig takes up over 25% of my screen at 1280 x 1024 resolution your sig is tooooooooooo big. Three, and maybe a forth offenders are on just the first page of this thread.
Let's stop being so juvenile. I'm guilty of it too -- we've spent the past few pages whining about infractions that we feel were unwarranted, and the moderators (and Cheapy) have spent the past few pages on the defense. We've all been a little childish, and it's going nowhere. Let's put our egos aside so that some productive discussion may actually take place.

Many of us feel as though moderation has gotten a bit out of control lately -- both unequal, in the manner of equal punishment for all members, and also unjust, in that it is much more severe than what should be required. This is a very serious issue for a site whose purpose and paycheck are both derived from a strong community. CAG's becoming NeoGAF, a site where nearly every member (with very few exceptions, the GAF elite) have to censor themselves for fear of being banned. Many of us common CAGs have expressed our concern for this direction. It's gotten a bit lost in all the personal complaints/defenses, but it's there.

It would probably be best to discuss moderation, as a whole, rather than specific moderators, to avoid the mud-flinging.

Can we agree that CAG's guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable (or, perhaps just the enforcement of existing rules) has gotten much more strict recently (the past year or so)? I expect we should all be able to agree on that. The question, then, is whether or not it's an improvement. Quite a few members, both offenders and not, have spoken out against the moderating standards. I think it'd be good for us to hear the opinion of those in charge now -- trying not to bring anything personal into it, which may just divert this conversation into the juvenile accusations/defense that it's been for the past few pages.
[quote name='Koggit']CAG's becoming NeoGAF, a site where nearly every member (with very few exceptions, the GAF elite) have to censor themselves for fear of being banned. Many of us common CAGs have expressed our concern for this direction. It's gotten a bit lost in all the personal complaints/defenses, but it's there.[/quote]

Although every situation is different , if you really feel that you have to self censor something you were going to say for fear you would get banned for saying it , maybe thers a reason for that and maybe you SHOULDN'T say it?

It would probably be best to discuss moderation, as a whole, rather than specific moderators, to avoid the mud-flinging.

I can agree with this.

Can we agree that CAG's guidelines for what is and isn't acceptable (or, perhaps just the enforcement of existing rules) has gotten much more strict recently (the past year or so)? I expect we should all be able to agree on that. The question, then, is whether or not it's an improvement. Quite a few members, both offenders and not, have spoken out against the moderating standards. I think it'd be good for us to hear the opinion of those in charge now -- trying not to bring anything personal into it, which may just divert this conversation into the juvenile accusations/defense that it's been for the past few pages.

From my personal experience , I would say no , it hasn't gotten stricter , but maybe that's simply because I don't post in the OTT or the GGT , where things get more wild , or simply because I try to avoid posting something that would upset someone or cause a problem in the first place.

That's not to say that I've NEVER gone down that road before (there was one time that I admit I flew off the handle a bit , if anyone cares to find the thread in my posting history) but generally I just try to control myself.

In several of the cases here of arguements of a infraction being fair or not , I can agree with both sides of the argument. To further dredge up the LinkinPrime / Slim Gatsby debate:
Slim is right in the sense that maybe the situation was taken too seriously.
Linkin is right in the sense that the "silly" comment could've been taken out of context by some people and was unneccesary. Also that if slim had just asked his "whats the point" question from the get-go the issue probably could have been avoided.
Rocko is right in the sense that the format wars issue may have been blown out of proportion for acutally being a problem BUT whos to say that things may have gone sour from that comment further down the thread.

In any case , regarding LinkinPrime's mod qualifications , he apoligized , and I say let's let him try to make good on his word of being past that before assuming he will further allow POTENTIAL bias get in the way. If it happens again , then we can discuss wether he may really be fit to be a mod.
[quote name='StarKnightX']
In any case , regarding LinkinPrime's mod qualifications , he apoligized , and I say let's let him try to make good on his word of being past that before assuming he will further allow POTENTIAL bias get in the way. If it happens again , then we can discuss wether he may really be fit to be a mod.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure he didn't, because I still have an infraction and he took a holier than thou attitude about it.
This isn't about LinkinPrime. The point was that this isn't about any one person, it's not just one mod, it's not just one disruptive user, it's no one conflict. It's CAG moderation in general.

[quote name='StarKnightX']Although every situation is different , if you really feel that you have to self censor something you were going to say for fear you would get banned for saying it , maybe thers a reason for that and maybe you SHOULDN'T say it?[/QUOTE]

That's rarely the case. Do we really want a forum where users are afraid of speaking their mind? For example, if I went in the Smash Bros. Brawl discussion thread, should I be afraid of saying anything critical about the game? What if I didn't like the Subspace Emissary in comparison to GCN's adventure mode? For an interesting forum where interesting discussions take place, users should be free to speak their mind. On GAF, users (rightly) fear speaking their mind, and CAG is heading in that direction (not reached, but reaching, over the past year).

[quote name='StarKnightX']
From my personal experience , I would say no , it hasn't gotten stricter[/QUOTE]

Fair enough. I honestly did expect universal agreement on that point. I expected the disagreement to arise from whether or not it's a good thing. Interesting that you honesty don't believe it's gotten stricter. Maybe my opinion of the board's direction isn't as widespread as I thought -- I'd like to hear other opinions still.
[quote name='Poor2More']I also got an Infraction because I bumped a thread about the NFL Superbowl from years past, was nailed with Multiple Tradelist/Excessive thread bumping (I have zero tradelist/ and I only bump a thread once) how did I get nailed with EXCESSIVE bumping, Excessive means alot or at least more then once.[/quote]
Now that is just silly.

Is there a limit on how old a thread can be and be bumped without fear of an infraction? If so that needs to be publicly announced and perhaps, if possible, autolock threads that are older.

And :rofl: @ the Animal Farm reference.
[quote name='Slim Gatsby']I'm pretty sure he didn't, because I still have an infraction and he took a holier than thou attitude about it.[/QUOTE]

I don't see any peace occuring between you two over this situation. You both see things your own way , not much that can be done about that.

[quote name='Koggit']This isn't about LinkinPrime. The point was that this isn't about any one person, it's not just one mod, it's not just one disruptive user, it's no one conflict. It's CAG moderation in general.[/quote]

I'm not saying it is , I was just using that situation as an example since it was the most recently discussed one in this thread. I will agree that its the moderation in general.

That's rarely the case. Do we really want a forum where users are afraid of speaking their mind? For example, if I went in the Smash Bros. Brawl discussion thread, should I be afraid of saying anything critical about the game? What if I didn't like the Subspace Emissary in comparison to GCN's adventure mode?

Who says you can't speak your mind? If you want to go into the SSBB thread and say you dont like this , this and this about the game , as long as you can back up your points with valid logical claims then who's stoping you? Don't like Subspace but liked Adventure mode , tell us why? If you were to just go into the thread though and say "SSBB sucks , why do you all like this game?" then I see no reason to not get an infraction for that since your not adding anything to the conversation and honestly , if you don't like SSBB then why the hell were you in a thread about it anyway? Maybe I think the PS3 sucks , maybe I'll go into the PS3 forums and tell everyone that I think the PS3 sucks.

Nobody's saying you can't speak your mind , it's just nobody wants to hear stupid pointless comments that don't help anybody.

Fair enough. I honestly did expect universal agreement on that point. I expected the disagreement to arise from whether or not it's a good thing. Interesting that you honesty don't believe it's gotten stricter. Maybe my opinion of the board's direction isn't as widespread as I thought -- I'd like to hear other opinions still.

I say not stricter , just stronger enforcement of the rules. Like the djkunia insident. They want to keep trading talk out of non-trading threads. He was warned about this and instead of just taking it in stride , he complained. The situation was explained and it makes sense. I admit to doing what he had done in the past , but now I won't do it anymore.

Whether it's a good thing or not , I can't say at this time , but I think it's still mostly been just a few incidents that have been blown WAY out of proportion.
[quote name='StarKnightX']Who says you can't speak your mind? If you want to go into the SSBB thread and say you dont like this , this and this about the game , as long as you can back up your points with valid logical claims then who's stoping you? Don't like Subspace but liked Adventure mode , tell us why? If you were to just go into the thread though and say "SSBB sucks , why do you all like this game?" then I see no reason to not get an infraction for that since your not adding anything to the conversation and honestly , if you don't like SSBB then why the hell were you in a thread about it anyway? Maybe I think the PS3 sucks , maybe I'll go into the PS3 forums and tell everyone that I think the PS3 sucks.

Exactly... As a guide for that area (Nintendo) I'm certainly not going to infract or even mess with posts where people are critical of a Nintendo game, the Wii, or the company itself. I may argue against such things as a regular user but no way am I going to use my "power" against those I don't agree with. I wouldn't even go so far as to infract for a "SSBB sucks , why do you all like this game?" post. I'd either let other users handle it (as long as they keep it civil) or at worst I'd simply delete that post to prevent anything from getting out of hand. Now, if someone goes in and swears up a storm and calls everyone in the thread lame-asses for playing that Kidtendo system - stuff like that, use your imagination ;) - then an infraction will be given.
[quote name='io']Exactly... As a guide for that area (Nintendo) I'm certainly not going to infract or even mess with posts where people are critical of a Nintendo game, the Wii, or the company itself. I may argue against such things as a regular user but no way am I going to use my "power" against those I don't agree with. I wouldn't even go so far as to infract for a "SSBB sucks , why do you all like this game?" post. I'd either let other users handle it (as long as they keep it civil) or at worst I'd simply delete that post to prevent anything from getting out of hand. Now, if someone goes in and swears up a storm and calls everyone in the thread lame-asses for playing that Kidtendo system - stuff like that, use your imagination ;) - then an infraction will be given.[/QUOTE]

Your Mom sucks like my Wii.....

I'm not sure what the means ;) It could mean she sucks every man she sees or she has never sucked in her life.

I know bad example but the great thing about CAG is that cheapyd (back when he was an American ;) used to go as far as call other users "gay") but now he has a family is he going the way of cjayc on us?

I'm just kidding I know if you (cheapyd) got an offer like cjayc for $2.2 million you would sell too.... but I would like it if you said no just for my sake (not Saké but sake ;).)

EDIT: That is a lot of winks. Say no more, say no more, nudge nudge wink wink. Your wife is she interested in photography? .... A CANDID photographer? A nudge as good as wink to a blind bat.

EDIT, EDIT: I have had a few drinks tonight because I have the day off tomorrow so I may be/am speaking gibberish.
It's not so much the language itself as the flamebaiting and derailing of threads that warrants the infraction. If someone wants to read about SSBB and the last 2 pages are this type of flamebait followed by reactions to it they will find the site useless - THAT is the kind of thing we are trying to stop.
[quote name='io']It's not so much the language itself as the flamebaiting and derailing of threads that warrants the infraction. If someone wants to read about SSBB and the last 2 pages are this type of flamebait followed by reactions to it they will find the site useless - THAT is the kind of thing we are trying to stop.[/quote]

So, "this deal makes no sense" is flamebait? When anytime anyone ever posts something that is at MSRP (but a price drop, rare item, reprint, etc) there's a million "omg tahts not a deal u tard" replies are kosher?
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