Employees of all stores--post your stupid customer stories-- Numero Quatro!

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That happens all the time at Office Depot. I will order a clearance item for in store pickup (if you have it shipped, it's full price) and it shows as being available. About half of the time, I am told they don't have the item and I am basically told tough luck.
[quote name='allyourblood']i think most people would side with me in thinking that the customer that has the item in their hands is going home with it. the other one may have ordered and paid, but they've snoozed. and lost.[/quote]
You just pointed out why the online order should get the product. Thanks.;)
[quote name='neocisco']You just pointed out why the online order should get the product. Thanks.;)[/quote]
you make it sound like i typed that on accident. and that's not why the online order should get the product. having paid for the item doesn't complete the transaction, as much as we'd all like. as i've stated before, whether or not someone "deserves" the item has nothing to do with how things should be done. if you have ever worked in retail, you'd know why i leaned my opinion the way i did.
[quote name='allyourblood']you make it sound like i typed that on accident. and that's not why the online order should get the product. having paid for the item doesn't complete the transaction, as much as we'd all like. as i've stated before, whether or not someone "deserves" the item has nothing to do with how things should be done. if you have ever worked in retail, you'd know why i leaned my opinion the way i did.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Deserving has nothing to do with it. The item belongs to the customer who's already paid for it. For example, let's say I ring out a customer and they forget to take one of their items with them. For the sake of argument, let's also say that this item is the last of its kind in our stock. Because that customer has already paid for it, I have to set it aside and wait to see if they'll come back. If another customer sees it and decides they want said item, that's just too bad. If another employee grabs it and hands it to a customer, they still can't take it home with them, because I've already sold it to someone else. I don't care what kind of fits they want to throw, I have an obligation to make sure the item goes home with the person who paid for it. It doesn't matter who deserves it.

Trillian (retail monkey)
allyourblood I'll just say this much - internet orders are still customers rather if you would like to admit that or not. Its no different than if say a customer calls the store and asks for said product to be set aside for them until they come in to purchase it. I'm assuming being you "worked in retail" have done THAT before?

Oh and for the record you might want to do a little research before you insinuate that another forum member has never worked in retail as neocisco does in fact work in retail.
Allyourblood: As another retail employee speaking up here, since the online order has already paid for the item, they are entitled to it. It's pretty much the same concept as a reservation on a game, or slipping the maitre de a 20 so he will get you a really nice table. ;)
[quote name='Kuros']Allyourblood: As another retail employee speaking up here, since the online order has already paid for the item, they are entitled to it. It's pretty much the same concept as a reservation on a game, or slipping the maitre de a 20 so he will get you a really nice table. ;)[/quote]

i'm not really arguing who should get it, at least from each customers' point of view, but rather what should take place at the store in that situation. i'm siding with the average employee, and why he'll have an easier time giving the sale to the instore customer versus the online customer.

put it this way, Kuros: you're at a yard sale: you and another customer see a video game tagged $5, and you both want it, but approach it in two different ways: you pick up the game and mosey around the yard, looking at other items before you complete the sale: the other customer walks up to the seller, hands them a five and asks for the game. it's literally in your hands: do you point out to the seller that you were already holding the game and preparing to purchase it, or do you relinquish it to the other buyer? anyone who claims the latter is just lying to themselves. it's in your hands, it's as good as yours.

my point being, we don't know from the story how long the customer in the store had the items, or how long ago the person online paid for them. the person in store may have had them in-hand half an hour prior to the online purchase. just because the item is paid for, doesn't mean the online customer automatically deserves to go home with it. i don't know where everyone here lives, but in general, in America, people just don't "put up" with that kind of logic. not because they're dicks, but because it's unreasonable and that way of thinking is far too absolute.

possession isn't really nine tenths of the law, but the adage definitely applies here, and in real life, it tends to dictate the outcome in these types of situations.
[quote name='Demolition Man']
Oh and for the record you might want to do a little research before you insinuate that another forum member has never worked in retail as neocisco does in fact work in retail.[/quote]

no thank you. i think that my "insinuation" was apt. my intention was to imply that anyone who had worked in retail would not automatically make the decision that neocisco did. i wasn't seriously suggesting that neocisco had never worked in retail -- in fact, i was assuming he/she had.
[quote name='allyourblood']
put it this way, Kuros: you're at a yard sale: you and another customer see a video game tagged $5, and you both want it, but approach it in two different ways: you pick up the game and mosey around the yard, looking at other items before you complete the sale: the other customer walks up to the seller, hands them a five and asks for the game. it's literally in your hands: do you point out to the seller that you were already holding the game and preparing to purchase it, or do you relinquish it to the other buyer? anyone who claims the latter is just lying to themselves. it's in your hands, it's as good as yours.

I dunno, I think that's a bit different. On an in-store pickup, the items are supposed to be held in back, off the sales floor. The items were never supposed to be out where other customers could get them, and it was just Black Friday suckiness that someone left them out where the B&M customers could buy them. (Don'cha just love coworkers sometimes?)

I do agree that management should have offered something else to try to mollify the lady, but I wouldn't have let her leave with the items either, especially if the computer system WILL NOT let them sell. At least, that's the way it works in my store, and it sounds like a few of the other posters have had similar experiences. I wouldn't have been happy about doing it that way, but that's how it goes sometimes.

Anyway, sorry if my earlier post sounded grumpy allyourblood, I posted while tired and cranky.
[quote name='allyourblood']i'm not really arguing who should get it, at least from each customers' point of view, but rather what should take place at the store in that situation. i'm siding with the average employee, and why he'll have an easier time giving the sale to the instore customer versus the online customer.

put it this way, Kuros: you're at a yard sale: you and another customer see a video game tagged $5, and you both want it, but approach it in two different ways: you pick up the game and mosey around the yard, looking at other items before you complete the sale: the other customer walks up to the seller, hands them a five and asks for the game. it's literally in your hands: do you point out to the seller that you were already holding the game and preparing to purchase it, or do you relinquish it to the other buyer? anyone who claims the latter is just lying to themselves. it's in your hands, it's as good as yours.

my point being, we don't know from the story how long the customer in the store had the items, or how long ago the person online paid for them. the person in store may have had them in-hand half an hour prior to the online purchase. just because the item is paid for, doesn't mean the online customer automatically deserves to go home with it. i don't know where everyone here lives, but in general, in America, people just don't "put up" with that kind of logic. not because they're dicks, but because it's unreasonable and that way of thinking is far too absolute.

possession isn't really nine tenths of the law, but the adage definitely applies here, and in real life, it tends to dictate the outcome in these types of situations.[/QUOTE]

You can't really compare a yardsale to a retail establishment. It's apples and oranges.
[quote name='Kuros']You can't really compare a yardsale to a retail establishment. It's apples and oranges.[/quote]

can't i? it's merely an example of the principle behind the thing.
[quote name='allyourblood']you make it sound like i typed that on accident. and that's not why the online order should get the product. having paid for the item doesn't complete the transaction, as much as we'd all like. as i've stated before, whether or not someone "deserves" the item has nothing to do with how things should be done. if you have ever worked in retail, you'd know why i leaned my opinion the way i did.[/quote]
Actually, that's exactly what it does. Once someone has paid for an item it belongs to them, regardless of whether the item is in their physical possession at that time. Paying for an item includes getting a receipt (including online orders) and a receipt is proof of ownership.
[quote name='allyourblood']can't i? it's merely an example of the principle behind the thing.[/QUOTE]

Maybe if the person at a yardsale and a retail establishment had the same obligations, but they don't.

A person at a yardsale can set prices anyway they want. They can even refuse to sell to someone if they just don't like the look of the person. Despite the person is holding the game, the person in charge can sell the game to someone else although they risk pissing off the person holding the game.

A retail establishment promises the person who buys the item online that they can come and pick it up after paying for it. The only way I believe that the retail store can sell the item that was already paid for is if they give the person who bought the item online a minimum of 24 hours to pick up the item and give them a refund if the item isn't picked up.

Like I said before, it's the same concept as reserving at a store. If I pay for a game in advance and it's promised to me on the release day, I'll be really pissed off if I walk in to find that they sold out due to the fact that they didn't hold onto the game for me and sold it to a guy who walked in and whined about it.
[quote name='neocisco']Actually, that's exactly what it does. Once someone has paid for an item it belongs to them, regardless of whether the item is in their physical possession at that time. Paying for an item includes getting a receipt (including online orders) and a receipt is proof of ownership.[/quote]

the receipt is merely proof of purchase, not ownership. you don't own it until it has left the store's possession, and come into yours.
[quote name='Kuros']
Like I said before, it's the same concept as reserving at a store. If I pay for a game in advance and it's promised to me on the release day, I'll be really pissed off if I walk in to find that they sold out due to the fact that they didn't hold onto the game for me and sold it to a guy who walked in and whined about it.[/quote]
yeah, but you'd also be pissed if you were the guy with the game in your hands and i walked up and said, "hand it over, you should've bought it sooner".

obviously, none of us are going to be won over, so we probably shouldn't try. we'll just have to settle for a difference in opinion, i suppose.
[quote name='allyourblood']yeah, but you'd also be pissed if you were the guy with the game in your hands and i walked up and said, "hand it over, you should've bought it sooner".

obviously, none of us are going to be won over, so we probably shouldn't try. we'll just have to settle for a difference in opinion, i suppose.[/QUOTE]

I'd say then it's the employee's fault for being a dumbass.
The last two pages were neither stupid nor funny. And I read every single word. Makes for a good debate though. Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.
This is a stupid boss story, but I feel the need to vent...
I used to work at the world's worst ice-cream parlor/coffee shop (which is now out of business, Whoo!). A few of my better moments:

- Waiting outside the store for 45 minutes because the boss had "overslept." Not only that, but she hadn't finished the previous nights ice-cream, and the store was a complete mess. All of this wouldn't have been a big deal, except that weekend was a big all-county regatta, so our competitor up the road ended up making a killing, while we open an hour and a half late.

- Boss asks me to stay a few minutes late, as her son (who usually worked after me) was running late. When he does arrive and I walk out the door, I see the rest of the family eating dinner in a restaurant NEXT TO THE FREAKING PARLOR. Apparently it was worth wasting my time so they could finish eating.

-Boss reprimands me for replacing ice-cream for kid when his falls on the floor (because looking like a dick really brings in the customers)

- Coming in to find assistant-manager doing homework at one of the tables, having to take care of their clean-up duties, and then being reprimanded for not doing a good enough job.

- Boss installs take-out window which is convenient height for customers, but because of our store location is below crotch level for employess, forcing us to kneel and take orders (then run back to the single register and try and squeeze in amongst in-store customers)

- After failing to turn an intial profit selling 8 flavors of crappy ice-cream, investing in a snow-cone machine, popcorn maker, hot-dog machine, fries, corn-dogs and gourmet chocolates (so we can loss money by not selling multiple items)

- Getting reprimanded for a.) Using my employee discount to buy corn-dogs (Total corn-dogs sold in all my shifts = 3, to me) b.) Wasting my time eating when I should be tending the store (total average customers during a five hour shift = 3 to 4)

- Turning our sole bathroom into a storage closet, much to the delight of both employee and customer

- Instituting an employee dress code (Ballcap, golf shirt, black pants), which apparently applied only to me

- Claiming that I was being fired because A.) There had been numerous customer complaints (None to me, and none which she could actually name at the time) and B.) Because money was being taken from the cash register, and apparently I opened it more than was necessary. I learned later that she had ended up installing security cameras because, amazingly, money continued to dissapear from the register even after my termination. GASP!

Whew, I feel better.

On the plus side, some lady once came in with three kids, and they each tipped me a dollar, which is pretty nice considering this was a minimum wage job. Oh, and the corndogs were pretty good considering they were the cheap, store-bought freezer brand.
[quote name='Splatoon']
- Boss installs take-out window which is convenient height for customers, but because of our store location is below crotch level for employess, forcing us to kneel and take orders (then run back to the single register and try and squeeze in amongst in-store customers)[/quote]

oh man! that's funny. and classic. sorry to hear you had a hard time there, but at least they're out of biz now.
a few years ago when I worked at EB I had a customer buy 2 PS2 games then leave. He came back a few hours later and said his games were stolen, and then said something like "I lost my reciept too, can I still get a refund?" Me and the guy I was working with were like, "we don't give refunds for lost or stolen games, even if you had your reciept."
Okay here's a funny one for you folks....

I had an asian guy come in today. He came up to me...

AG = Asian Guy
Me = Well... duh.

AG: Where are WWE DVDs?
Me: Right over there.
AG: I look for one.
Me: Which one sir?
Me: Oooohhhhhkay... which one are you looking for?
Me: (getting tired of this) Which.... one....
AG: W.. W.. E..... DVD.
Me: Which..... one.... are...
AG: (cutting me off) The 2007 Royal Rumble.
Me: (thinking wtf) Sir... its not even taken place yet.
AG: I saw poster for it.
Me: And... you still want me to hand you something that doesn't even take place for another month and most likely won't be out on DVD for at least another two to three months.... how?
AG: Ddddduuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... (walks away)
[quote name='Demolition Man']Okay here's a funny one for you folks....

I had an asian guy come in today. He came up to me...

AG = Asian Guy
Me = Well... duh.

AG: Where are WWE DVDs?
Me: Right over there.
AG: I look for one.
Me: Which one sir?
Me: Oooohhhhhkay... which one are you looking for?
Me: (getting tired of this) Which.... one....
AG: W.. W.. E..... DVD.
Me: Which..... one.... are...
AG: (cutting me off) The 2007 Royal Rumble.
Me: (thinking wtf) Sir... its not even taken place yet.
AG: I saw poster for it.
Me: And... you still want me to hand you something that doesn't even take place for another month and most likely won't be out on DVD for at least another two to three months.... how?
AG: Ddddduuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... (walks away)[/quote]HA
[quote name='Demolition Man']Yeah I don't get what this Confederate Flag thing is about either neocisco....[/quote]

My guess is Moses144 is trying to imply since the guy was looking for wrestling DVD's he must be a Confederate flag-wavin', KKK card-carryin' hillbilly. That's just my guess, though. We both know how accurate that is.:roll:
As a manager of one of our lovley game retailers, it appalls me to see the lack of respect paid to your guests. Not only do these folks pay your paychecks, but they ensure that your store stays open so that your have a job. If you don't like customer service, and can't pay the people shopping you stores a modicum of respect, get the hell out of the industry and stop giving the rest of us a bad rep. Your local Wal-Mart is always hiring.
[quote name='voodoo78664']As a manager of one of our lovley game retailers, it appalls me to see the lack of respect paid to your guests. Not only do these folks pay your paychecks, but they ensure that your store stays open so that your have a job. If you don't like customer service, and can't pay the people shopping you stores a modicum of respect, get the hell out of the industry and stop giving the rest of us a bad rep. Your local Wal-Mart is always hiring.[/QUOTE]

Having dabbled in most every aspect of customer service over the years I would say that it doesn't matter weather you like the industry or not. If some one acts like a ass in public guess what you are going to tell a friend, just because they are in a store they are not some god like figure that automatically deserve our respect and the benefit of the doubt. Guess what if some one acts like a ass I am going to portray him as such for all the world to see, it doesn't matter if I am on the clock or not. So you can drop the corporate line and lay off these posts are on peoples down time, names are removed to protect the stupid and its all in good, stupid customer, fun.
[quote name='voodoo78664']As a manager of one of our lovley game retailers, it appalls me to see the lack of respect paid to your guests. Not only do these folks pay your paychecks, but they ensure that your store stays open so that your have a job. If you don't like customer service, and can't pay the people shopping you stores a modicum of respect, get the hell out of the industry and stop giving the rest of us a bad rep. Your local Wal-Mart is always hiring.[/QUOTE]

Sometimes, speaking normally is too much for some customers.
[quote name='voodoo78664']As a manager of one of our lovley game retailers, it appalls me to see the lack of respect paid to your guests. Not only do these folks pay your paychecks, but they ensure that your store stays open so that your have a job. If you don't like customer service, and can't pay the people shopping you stores a modicum of respect, get the hell out of the industry and stop giving the rest of us a bad rep. Your local Wal-Mart is always hiring.[/QUOTE]

I think I speak for everyone in this thread, and basically everyone who has ever worked retail or service, when I say get off you high horse and leave this thread ASAP. It's not like we disrespect every customer who enters a store, if people act rationally and with some regard to the manner of normal person in society you won't see a bad word spoken about that person. Just because you work retail or service doesn't make you a doormat for assholes/idiots and with that being your apparent outlook I feel deeply sorry for the employees that work under you. They must take alot of unnecessary abuse at the hand of problematic customers if you just let them get stepped on, that's something that you as a leader are supposed to protect them from. Plus, you're totally harshing our buzz man...
Great, we just put an end to that "in-store pickup" debate and now someone has to come in and make things all serious again. How dare we not kiss a horrible customer's ass!

I'd just be repeating what the previous posters have said, so let's get back to the stories of the people who return stuff that isn't sold to Hallmark there because it was wrapped in Hallmark wrapping paper, the smelly hicks who try to talk clerks into a free game and after stinking up the store for 30 minutes, buy a $2 copy of Madden released a long time ago for PS2 and think they're getting a killer deal, and so on. Thank you.
Oh, Moses, to be so ambiguous! Live like common people! Do whatever common people do! Jenn Sterger, Aria Giovannia, Mercedes Terrell, Eva Longoria, & Casey Riley all lust for thee! Wee-wii-woo!
[quote name='marie']Oh, Moses, to be so ambiguous! Live like common people! Do whatever common people do! Jenn Sterger, Aria Giovannia, Mercedes Terrell, Eva Longoria, & Casey Riley all lust for thee! Wee-wii-woo![/quote]

Let's see if I can think of anything to contribute... okay, here we go:

It annoys me when people who leave the auditorium during a movie to answer their phone stand RIGHT IN FRONT of the doorway, especially when the trailers are still running and people are still trying to get in. I also don't get the people who stare at the sign outside the auditorium that shows the number of the auditorium and the showtimes and still have to check their ticket five times, and then walk out of the auditorium one more time ten seconds later to check the sign again. :roll:
[quote name='voodoo78664']As a manager of one of our lovley game retailers, it appalls me to see the lack of respect paid to your guests. Not only do these folks pay your paychecks, but they ensure that your store stays open so that your have a job. If you don't like customer service, and can't pay the people shopping you stores a modicum of respect, get the hell out of the industry and stop giving the rest of us a bad rep. Your local Wal-Mart is always hiring.[/QUOTE]

I have no problem with respecting customers but I don't respect ANYONE who doesn't respect me back. If a customer is being an ass to me, I have no reason to respect him/her. Just because he/she supposedly pays me my paycheck doesn't mean that he/she is above me in any way.

Well, I don't work retail anymore so...
When I was in college I worked for EB as a part time job. This happened when the N 64 was the toy to get that holiday season.
15min before we were closing our store on night a "man" and his wife came in asking if we had any N 64's left?
We told him no, they were selling out as soon as we got new shipments in. The guy hearing this news asked us to take his name and number so we could let him know when more came in.
The reason for this was because his son was had cancer and he told us this could be his last x-mas.
The entire time he is telling us this story his wife looked horrified. Once the song and dance was done the man started walking out of the store. His wife (most def. his better half) told us "Our son is fine, he is not dying."
So neither my Boss or I liked being lied to.
Fast forward to the next night. Just before we closed the store my Boss had the guys number in his hand and asked me "You feeling Limber?".
I picked up the phone and called the guys house. He picked up the phone, and I said the following (in my best Mario Voice)
"ah Hello, its a me Mario!"
"You-a looking for an N 64 yes?"
"I must ask you, Is-a the Boy dead yet?"
[quote name='Gadgetron']Fast forward to the next night. Just before we closed the store my Boss had the guys number in his hand and asked me "You feeling Limber?".
I picked up the phone and called the guys house. He picked up the phone, and I said the following (in my best Mario Voice)
"ah Hello, its a me Mario!"
"You-a looking for an N 64 yes?"
"I must ask you, Is-a the Boy dead yet?"[/QUOTE]


Also, Deer Park != Poland Spring. Why do so many people not get that?
I work at Blockbuster. Come closing time I lock all the doors and shimmy our last guest out. I start counting down the tills and suddenly I hear banging on the doors. I look over and some dipshit is banging on the glass pointing at his watch. I let him know we are closed and the following conversation ensues:

Me: I'm sorry, we're closed.
Guest: You can't be closed yet, it's not midnight.
Me: Actually, it's 12:04.
Guest: Bullshit. My clock says it's 11:58 and my watch is like a bullet.
Me: *:whistle2:s wtf? A bullet? Your watch kills people? I don't get it* Umm, I don't care what your watch says, we're closed.
Guest: Open the door fucker. I'm gonna kick your ass. My wife is in the hospital, and I need to switch out these movies for her.
Me: I've been patient enough with you. You can drop those movies in the slot and come back tomorrow morning when we open. If you don't like it then tough shit.

As I turn around and walk away he punches the door pretty damn hard and his ring makes a really loud sound on the glass. Hope he hurt himself. But wait, the story only gets better. Dipshit pulls his car up to the door, turns on his high beams and then gets out of his car and starts talking to someone on his cell (police, wife, psychiatrist... who knows). I finish doing all my closing stuff and sure as shit, he's still out there. I'm not leaving while he's out there so I go to the office to call the cops and ask for an escort to our cars. Once I get out of the office, dipshit had finally left. Had to call the cops back and cancel the request.

Oh yeah, one other thing. He in fact did drop the movies in the slot. We looked up the account and it turns out he was the husband of one of our favorite customers. He didn't come back the next morning, but when she came back in a couple of weeks later, we had a very long talk with her about her husband. He never did come in to apologize or anything, but she still comes in all the time.
[quote name='voodoo78664']As a manager of one of our lovley game retailers, it appalls me to see the lack of respect paid to your guests. Not only do these folks pay your paychecks, but they ensure that your store stays open so that your have a job. If you don't like customer service, and can't pay the people shopping you stores a modicum of respect, get the hell out of the industry and stop giving the rest of us a bad rep. Your local Wal-Mart is always hiring.[/QUOTE]

So you don't have any customers that suck and you need to vent about after dealing with them.... yeesh......

Its not that I don't have respect for customers. I do. But that doesn't mean that myself (or you) have never been around or dealt with ones who are... shall I be PC about it.... "very awkward" to deal with. So if you don't like the fact that some of us vent off about it so deal with it.

Anyways moving on to one I had today over the phone.

*phone rings*
Me: Thank you for calling blah blah blah...
Her: Yes I see in your ad this week that you have "Happy Feet" out.
Me: Yes its out for the Playstation 2.
Her: That's not the movie?
Me: No it is not.
Her: When it is coming?
Me: Its out in theaters right now. We have no date on when it is coming.
Her: Well is there anything that can show my grandkids how to do the dance?
Me: Not that I am aware of.
Her: Well I got this book for my grandkids and it shows the penquins.... *goes on for what feels like an HOUR about some book and teaching them some dance from the movie. I sorta doze on and off since her voice is very... shall I say..... monotone, flat, and boring. Finally...* ..... so the main reason why I'm calling.
Me: (finally awaking thinking "You mean to tell me all this was a SECONDARY reason why she called.... oh brother) Yes ma'am.
Her: Do you believe in Christ?
Me: Uuuhhhhh..... *customer comes up with stackfull of DVDs* I got to go now. Bye. *hangs up phone*

I instantly thanked the customer for coming up and saving me. :lol:
That's alright, Demoman. That woman wasn't there and didn't see why you had to go.. but Jesus did.

Scrubs quote FTW!
[quote name='Demolition Man']

Her: Well I got this book for my grandkids and it shows the penquins.... *goes on for what feels like an HOUR about some book and teaching them some dance from the movie. I sorta doze on and off since her voice is very... shall I say..... monotone, flat, and boring. Finally...* ..... so the main reason why I'm calling.
Me: (finally awaking thinking "You mean to tell me all this was a SECONDARY reason why she called.... oh brother) Yes ma'am.
Her: Do you believe in Christ?
Me: Uuuhhhhh..... *customer comes up with stackfull of DVDs* I got to go now. Bye. *hangs up phone*


I worked [briefly] as an outbound telemarketer, trying to raise money for some scam charity [didn't know it was a scam at the time]. I'm not real aggressive, if they say "no thanks" I say "Okay bye".
Anyway, I called this old guy once who started saying he didnt' have much money to donate...because he just got home....from prison....where he served five years....because 'they' thought they caught him doing something he shouldn't have been doing....with a little eight year old girl.....but he would never do that....he's not like that.....
Needless to say, he didn't donate any money, and my talk time sucked that time, because he said all that in dependent-old-man speak where you hate to interrupt them. Even more ironically, the alleged charity I was working for was to raise money for families of cops.
[quote name='dtcarson']I worked [briefly] as an outbound telemarketer, trying to raise money for some scam charity [didn't know it was a scam at the time]. I'm not real aggressive, if they say "no thanks" I say "Okay bye".
Anyway, I called this old guy once who started saying he didnt' have much money to donate...because he just got home....from prison....where he served five years....because 'they' thought they caught him doing something he shouldn't have been doing....with a little eight year old girl.....but he would never do that....he's not like that.....
Needless to say, he didn't donate any money, and my talk time sucked that time, because he said all that in dependent-old-man speak where you hate to interrupt them. Even more ironically, the alleged charity I was working for was to raise money for families of cops.[/QUOTE]

Random post... This is from a local radio show so the laughing gets a bit annoying and I could've done without the gay joke at the end, but it gives a good example of how you can deal with other telemarketers:

[quote name='Scorch']That's alright, Demoman. That woman wasn't there and didn't see why you had to go.. but Jesus did.

Scrubs quote FTW!


I swear Scorchy you must have a chip inside your head that monitors whenever I post here on CAG. ;)
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Random post... This is from a local radio show so the laughing gets a bit annoying and I could've done without the gay joke at the end, but it gives a good example of you to deal with telemarketers:


Personally I babble on about the walking trees outside when telemarketers call. They hang up real fast. ;)
Aside from someone getting into a yelling match with my manager over a miscommunication over the PS3 (don't want to get into it, although it wasn't my fault I didn't know we had sold it before I even got there), most of the customers I've helped have been very nice. Well except that lady who called me a dickhead, but in my defense it really did look like she just had a tube of M&M's sitting in her cart. How was I to know it was just someone else's litter? And no, I didn't accuse her of stealing. Hell, I didn't accuse the person I literally caught stealing (lego Mindstorm robot stuffed in a clearance spirograph box) of stealing. So, yeah, 9.5 times out of 10 people have been just fine to work with! Which makes for an easy work day, but then this post is rather boring I suppose.

Although one lady today who in the course of conversation at checkout thought it would be hilarious to mock the Wii's name by apparently doing an impression of a pig, well, huh. I didn't quite know what to make of that.

As for this thread as a whole, I'm pretty sure it's not a fair representation of the retail envrionment, and that people who post in here probably are very polite and are only posting what one would hope are rare encounters with somewhat difficult customers.
[quote name='neocisco']Meaning...what?[/quote]

Jimmy Wang Yang wanted to watch next year's Royal Rumble to see how he'll do?
[quote name='Iskander']Jimmy Wang Yang wanted to watch next year's Royal Rumble to see how he'll do?[/QUOTE]

Oh don't worry. He won't make it far since Triple H will throw him into the crowd. The crowd will then just move out of the way so Jimmy Wang Yang can fall face first to the ground.
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